Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 525: Auspicious charm

"That's not easy?" Gan Diheng smiled and said: "I just don't know if I want to find something. If it doesn't, then if there is... Grandma, Xiao Shidi, you... you can just wait for me." Know the auspicious charms"

“Auspicious spirits?” Xiao Hua’s aunt, Qi Dao: “And these charms?”

"Ha ha" is also in a good mood, snoring: "Don't listen to the teacher to ridicule where you have any auspicious charms?"

"Ha ha ha" Xiao Hua wakes up, is also the size, a punch in the shoulders of the dry Di Heng

But next to Kun’s face, he smiled and laughed. When he was doing a slap in the face, he smiled and said: “You’re wrong, you’re wrong, this world is really auspicious.”

"How?" He slammed his face and said: "Auspicious charms...isn't it a kind of jade?" ...the charm?"

“Why can you know the five great beasts?” Kun asked if he was not smiling.

"This..." 巽纾 obviously does not know, some face red, whispered: "The poor road only knows the four great beasts"

"Oh, there is nothing to be inferior to Yan Shizhen. Although the younger brother can be in the dry thunder palace, he only knows that Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu are the four great beasts." Di Diheng does not think that: "As for the five great beasts, the younger brother does not know. ”

“Qinglong?” Xiao Hua’s heart moved. It’s natural to think of Xiaobai, his eyes turned and smiled: “The three brothers are playing dumb puzzles? The younger brother is a disciple of Zhen Lei Palace. These gods and beasts are all I don't know, there is no such record in the bookstore of the Thunder Palace?"

"Oh, these are all circulated in the ancient times. Who knows the true and the false? Naturally, there is no such thing as a thunder palace in the bookstore. It is also the same as the dry thunder palace."

"Yeah, it is old-fashioned. As early as in ancient times, there were four continents in this world, each occupying the four corners of the world. On each continent, there are beasts of the defending continents. According to the position of the four continents, the four spirits, that is, The four beasts, namely Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu, explained with a smile: "However, these four are really true beasts, or the collective name of a kind of beasts. Now no one knows. ”

Afterwards, I glanced at Kun’s non-smoke and said: “As for the five great beasts that Kun Shi’s said, the poor road is unheard of.”

Kun is not a cold smile: "Unheard of does not necessarily mean that there are no four beasts nowadays is not a legend? Why do many people believe it?"

"That is because some places can still find clues." Dry Di Heng argued: "Isn't the Qing Dynasty's spirit beast dragon?"

"Hey, what kind of dragon can it be?" Kun is not a cold smile: "Dragon **** is arrogant, dragon species have long been impure, so the so-called dragons and sons are different. Who knows that the dragons of the Qing dynasty have a few dragons? Qinglong is a pure dragon vein. Other than the five-clawed golden dragon is the legacy of Tianlong Tianlong. Others are miscellaneous..."

Having said that, Kun’s face is reddish, no longer saying more.

"Silk" heard the dragon pulse in advance, and Xiao Hua’s heart was a glimpse. Just ask, listen to the dry Di Heng interface: "Kun Shiyi will not show off or first say the five major beasts and auspicious charms"

"Well," Kun is not satisfied with the smoke. He said: "The five great beasts are scorpions, unicorns, peacocks, golden dragonflies and turtles."

“Ah?” Xiaohua’s three people were surprised and wondered: “Where is the reason?”

"貔貅 is a fierce beast, the male name '貔' female name is ‘貅’, fierce and mighty, specializing in the inspection work in the fairy world, preventing the demon ghosts, plague disease disruption...

"The unicorns are male and female, and the female unicorns are strange in appearance. They have faucets, antlers, horseshoes, oxtails, wolves, and the place where the unicorns are worn by the legends of the colorful scales will bring good luck to the people there. Therefore, it is the name of "Kirin auspicious", which is a symbol of auspiciousness. Similarly, Kirin is as fierce as the scorpion to solve the disaster and expel the evil spirits... It is also a savage beast!"

"Peacock is a descendant of the phoenix. It is blue in color. It has a chicken head, a swallow jaw, a snake neck, and a fish tail. The sound is bright and the peacock is like a phoenix. It is not a land of treasure... It is called a beast!"

"Golden enamel is the image of a wealthy man. There are only three legs. The place where it is located has always had a very rare spiritual treasure... It is called a sacred beast."

"The tortoise is a descendant of Xuanwu. It is famous for its longevity... It is a beast."

Kun Feiyan’s eyebrows danced a lot. He heard that Xiaohua’s eyes were colorful, especially when it came to peacocks. Xiaohua immediately thought of the Phoenix illusion in the space. The phoenix illusion is blue, only when the mana is urging. Out of multicolored, it is very similar to the peacock in Kun

"得得.....得......" and other non-smokers finished, dry Di Hengbai white eyes said: "What are you peacocks, what are the turtles, are descendants of phoenix and basaltic, then what is the golden 蟾 is three What is the foot of the cockroach, what can be called the beast? It is the cockroach and the unicorn, fierce anomaly, can become a beast"

Kun Feiyan ignored the confession of Di Diheng and smiled: "There is there, there is no, there is no, the poor road will not say no reason, and according to the poor road, with the fur and blood of the five great beasts The refinery's charm, often worn on the monk's body, can reverse the monk's fortune, and it will be a good time.

"Ah? This way" Xiao Hua stunned, the magical character is made with the skin and flesh of the spirit beast. Although the five great beasts are powerful, they are also beasts. Who can really use their fur and blood to make a charm, afraid It’s true that it’s always with luck.

Xiao Hua’s eyes turned and smiled: “Can you only refine the spirits? Isn’t it true that there is no auspicious jade?”

"Oh, Xiao Shidi is smart, the poor road is exactly what to say." Kun is not a smoke smile; "The real auspicious charm can only be the refinement of the fur of these five great beasts, and the jade is certainly better than the spirit. In terms of auspicious body protection, it is still a lot less, and it falls into the best."

"Hey? Is there really a jade like the five great beasts?" Xiao Hua’s heart beats up.

"Yes," Kun said, "I don't know how to have a unicorn-shaped jade. It usually looks ordinary, but it can bring good luck. Of course, as a jade, use a special technique. It can be used as a magic weapon."

"Special tactics?" Xiao Hua hurriedly said: "What special techniques?"

"This poor road does not know." Kun Feiyan shook his head, and then he said: "Is it difficult for Xiao Shidi to have such a rare auspicious jade?" (To be continued)

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