Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 526: Strange debris

Chapter 526 Strange Fragments

"Oh, the younger brother is a one-off, there will be such a chance!" Xiao Hua smiled: "Just before on an easy set, I saw a jade like the peacock that Kun Shih said, when it is people. Said that it is a good thing, several Chinese spirits, but the younger brother likes, but there are not so many Lingshi, had to go! Now Kun Shiyi said, the younger brother thought about it, I don’t feel sorry, I want to know that What is the special method? If the younger brother can of course know, even if you sell the iron in the shabu-shabu, you must exchange the jade!"

"Hey!" Kun said with a smile: "If it is really a few Chinese spirits, as Xiao Shidi said, Xiao Shidi will not have to regret it. This kind of auspicious charm is not a spiritual stone to be exchanged!" Moreover, the special method should be refining within the jade, and Xiao Shidi does not take the jade back, how can it be obtained? This thing can not be determined in person!"

Although Kun said that this is not the case, Xiao Hua is dubious, but at the moment it is in the meditation. He still has no time to take Xiao Xianrui’s phoenix illusion for him to take a closer look and think about it. Xiao Hua does not I felt dumb and laughed. I just talked about the invisible space cracks. So suddenly I pulled the auspicious charm, and I got the five great beasts, and the jade, so I smiled at the corner of my mouth and said: "Kun Shi, dry. Brother, don't you want to see if there is danger here? Let's go far?"

"Oh, I don't see that the teacher is too tired. Let's talk for a while, let her rest for a moment!" Gan Diheng smiled and took a look and took out a piece of Lingshi: "For the brother." Try it!"

I watched the dry Diheng throw the Lingshi, and smiled: "Thank you for your help!"

Xiao Hua is also awkward, looking up, the snail is still in the hands of the scorpion, the phantom also stops at the top of the cockroach, and the sly face is red, obviously the spirit is good.

Gan Diheng drove the Lingshi in the range of Xiao Hua’s body, and there was no danger. He said with a smile: “Xiao Shidi, I’m afraid you are more than heart!”

"Well, I have a little more heart!" I quickly said the interface: "If you encounter it, it would be wonderful!"

"Oh, there is no best!" The invisible space crack is very narrow and not long after all. How can a piece of Lingshi happen to happen? Xiao Hua did not break, touched his nose and said.

"Ha ha ~ Xiao Da auspicious charm can not do it!" Dry Di Heng will wave his hand, Lingshi will fly back to his hand, but at this time, "啪" a soft sound, the whole piece of Lingshi is very The strange one is divided into two from the middle!

"Ah!!!" Dry Diheng laughed and laughed at his mouth. He looked very big and looked at two neatly separated Lingshi.

"Space crack!" 巽纾 suddenly changed color, is the position of Lingshi not just where she flew? Isn’t Xiao Hua holding her position in the waist and leap?

On time, cold sweat emerged from the forehead of the donkey.

"Also... there are really invisible space cracks!" Xiao Hua was also "shocked", staring at the eyes and staring at the place to look at it. The same shot was also an empty jade bottle, and it was thrown into the Lingshi. Next to it.

The sound of "Peng" was crisp, and the jade bottle was cut by the invisible space crack, such as the sharp edge of the same pole!

"***! It's incredible!" Gan Diheng waved Lingshi with his hand, and looked at Xiaohua with a reverence: "Xiao Shidi, you...you lead the way! For the brothers, with you, one step is not Deviation!"

Kun Feiyan also had a complicated look and his body shape shrank back.

"But..." He glanced at the snail, why not: "The poor road can not fly behind Xiao Shidi!"

"Ha ha ~" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "The younger brother will accompany the teacher, and be the auspicious charm of the teacher!"

"Okay~" I have some fever on my face, but my heart is sweet and silky. The fascination of the snails flies again, and her figure also flies up, and the look is actually very uncomfortable for Xiaohua. Trust, not afraid of any danger ahead!

Going forward, I flew a fragrant time. Xiao Hua didn’t feel that he was sweating. This is not his tired, but... There are many invisible spatial cracks. Once again, Xiao Hua still squints. It’s a feeling, but three times, four times, it’s impossible to feel it anyway! Seeing that there are four cracks in front of the road that will block the road ahead, Xiao Hua is in a hurry, can't make a detour again?

But at this time, the phantom of the snail actually stopped, flapping its wings, falling from the air, it is falling on the snail! Disappeared!

"Hey, hey!" Xiaohua was shocked and turned to look at him. Fortunately, he didn't have the injury he imagined, but his face was a little white, his eyes were full of surprises, and obviously he stopped. It is also unexpected to her!

"Hey? What happened?" Kun Feiyan and Gan Diheng couldn't help but fly up, very strangely watching.

"This..." frowned, thinking for a moment, shaking his head slightly; "The poor road... I don't know, after all, the poor road has not used the snail several times!"

Afterwards, I frowned and thought for a moment, saying: "If you understand the poor road, the snail loses its effect. The most direct reason is that the space crack in the place where the bell is located has been annihilated. All the things in the space, including the bell They are all annihilated!"

"No!" said Di Diheng, crying and sorrowful face: "I have been so hard to get to the last step, actually become a bamboo basket to fetch water, this ... really makes the poor road unacceptable!"

There are also disappointments on the faces of Kun Feiyan and Xiao Hua.

"Of course, the poor road just said ... is not necessarily sure." He said quickly: "Maybe some instruments or magic weapons are also looking for Zhong Kui milk, or in the cracks in the space, the same can affect the 觅The role of the snail!"

In this way, the hearts of the people are mixed. If someone is looking for a bell and a breast, 10% of the achievements are the disciples of the Shanghuazong and other three factions, and the disciples of the 12th floor of the refining are all in the air. The entrance is armed, and it must be the disciple of the base period when you want to enter the inside! This is not something that Xiao Hua and others can deal with. But if there is a magic weapon that affects the snail in the space crack, then this magic weapon is also worthy of everyone's expectations, how can it not be delightful?

The four men looked at each other and asked others to look down on Xiao Hua’s face.

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said: "If I don't want to see it with my own eyes, I will not be willing to do it. And, according to the poor road, if the predecessors of the foundation period really exist, how can the Shang School and other three factions still work hard? Are you arming at the entrance to the meditation? Even if there are predecessors with foundations, aren't we still have other brothers and sisters? Let's go to the periphery to see if there is no chance... just wait for it later, or find another chance!"

He nodded: "The poor roads also feel that there is not much chance of building a predecessor. After all, what they want is the treasure of building a foundation, which is too different from Zhong Rong's milk!"

"Go or should go, but how should I go?" Kun is not whispering.

"Nature is going on!" said Dry Di Heng, who pointed his hand at the location of several invisible space cracks.

"Not right!" Xiao Hua quickly stopped, smiled and said: "Since the snail falls here, and then go forward and fight is not auspicious, according to what the younger brother saw, or walk from the side, by the way, look at what is abnormal!"

"This..." Xiao Hua's explanation is very far-fetched. He Di Heng is somewhat unhappy. He can look at Kun non-smoke and dry Diheng, and he has to say: "But listen to Xiao Shidi!"

"Go ~" Xiao Hua is also welcome, waving his hand, with the people far from the invisible space cracks around the past.

He did not take back the snail, and pointed his hand. The snail quickly rotated, and the blood-like thread turned around in a circle, suspended above her head.

After walking nearly half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua felt that he had roughly bypassed the space crack and turned the direction. When he had just flew in the direction of the snail, Kun Fei suddenly whispered: "Xiao Shidi Look... what is that?"

In the direction pointed by Kun Feiyan, everyone looked down and saw that there was a layer of yellow-black low-density plants on the ground about three feet in front of them. On the vegetation, there was a slap size, no Regular black objects.

This object is not big, mixed in the yellow and black color is not particularly conspicuous, if not non-Kun non-smoking pointed out, Xiao Hua and others can not see!

At this time, everyone was suspicious of the failure of the snail, and they were very sensitive to these things. In the eyes of the dry Di Heng, there was a eager eagerness to express a sigh: "Is it a treasure?"

But when everyone flies to the front, God has read it. Although there is spiritual fluctuation on the object, it is very weak, far from being a weapon or a magic weapon.

Xiao Hua was very cautious to look around. In the eyes of the law, I didn’t see anything special about this thing. I didn’t see any law in the surrounding area. So I took a hand and it fell into Xiaohua’s In the hands.

Things start, slightly heavy, where the fingers touch, a rough feeling. Look at the edge, the edge is very smooth, it seems to be cut off by the sharp edge, the broken section has a silk texture, can not see what material!

On the dark surface, where the spiritual fluctuations occur, there are several runes that look very strange. These runes are also cut off and do not look complete.

Xiao Hua looked at this thing a little familiar, but couldn't think of it for a while, and handed it to the 巽纾 and others. After waiting for Di Heng to finish reading, he turned to Xiao Hua's hand.

“What did the teacher see?” Xiao Hua’s eyes fell on the face of Kun Fei’s smoke. Just now, regarding the news of the auspicious charm, Xiao Hua clearly understands the secrets of these descendants of the Royal Leizong’s descendants, far from themselves. Look at a little classics can compare!

"The poor road just feels that this thing is not a tool, not a piece of magic weapon, the other can not see!" Kun is also confused in the eyes of smoke.

"Oh, Xiao Shidi, I will wait to find it again, maybe there is still!" Dry Di Heng looked up and looked away.

Ps: I can't go online on weekends. I don't know if there is any way to update them.


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