Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 527: Successive fragments

~ Date: ~ October 11~

The 257th chapter of successive fragments

Within the scope of the eye, there is also a large piece of low vegetation, but there is no debris seen by Xiao Hua’s hands (steel ambition!

"Go!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and led the crowd to fly deep into the depths.

The meditation is really a big change. At this time, it has just left the outer periphery of the meditation. The wind column is much thicker. The hurricane that is ubiquitous is full of grotesque days. The so-called east and west are simply unrecognizable. Fortunately, everyone is the existence of the peak of refining, and their respective instruments are sacrificed. The brilliance of all colors will protect themselves, and they are not afraid of this hurricane.

"Look, look!" Dry Diheng has been looking at the bottom, suddenly seeing fresh toys with children, shouting his hand.

Sure enough, on the ground about four feet in front of it, on a raised floor, two equally dark pieces were inserted obliquely on the side!

Xiao Hua took the debris in his hand and compared it with the debris he just got. This is obviously the same thing (the latest chapter of the public enemy of online games. However, the texture between the three does not match, when not connected .

"Weird!" Xiao Hua gave the three together to the dry Di Heng, and he stood in the air, his eyes looking at the left front about a foot in the air, the one-foot length of the invisible space crack, if any Thinking about it.

After a while, Kun non-smoke handed over the three pieces to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua took over and turned over the three fragments again. Look carefully, and the heart said: "It turns out! But, I still don't know where the debris fell from!"

"What did Xiao Shidi find?" He saw Xiao Hua's look and said with a smile.

"Oh, dry brother, you took out the two pieces of stone that had just been torn by the crack in the space!" Xiao Hua said with a smile to Dry Diheng.

"What do you want my spirit stone to do?" Dry Diheng was awkward, but when Xiao Hua was taken over Lingshi, the face that was cut off with Lingshi was more than the debris, and immediately awakened, incredulously said: "Difficult No... This fragment is torn by a space crack?"

"Oh, look at the teachers!" Xiao Hua smiled and handed the stone and fragments to Kun.

Kun non-smoke look, slightly nodded and said: "Sure enough, it is generally smooth, although it is not certain that the space crack is torn, but the world..."

"There are more instruments that can cut this spiritual stone and fragments in the world!" said Dry Di Heng.

"But in this meditation, how many can there be?" said the sly.

At this time, the snails that have been rotating rapidly in the dome suddenly slowed down again, and the blood color of the swing was prolonged, and at the same time, the phantom of the snail was born again from the snail. On it, it swayed slightly in the hurricane.

"Big good!" When you saw it, your face showed ecstasy, and you pointed your hand and said: "Go (the latest chapter on the supreme!)"

Not waiting for Xiaohua to open, the shape of the snail with the phantom of the snail is flying in the air, but fortunately, the snail phantom is similar to the direction of the space crack, which can be a distance of about one foot from the space crack, which is safe.

Xiao Hua sighed and quickly flew up and walked beside him. He was equally surprised by Di Heng and Kun Fei, and carefully followed Xiao Hua.

It was a fragrant work, and there were several cracks in the space during the period. However, Xiao Hua did not remind him of the route outside the snail. But what made Xiao Hua uneasy was the dark debris that he had seen before. But it is getting more and more, and it is all in the vicinity of the crack in space!

At the beginning, everyone was still interested in collecting. It is much more visible. I already know that this piece is not cherished, so I don’t want to look at it any more. Xiao Hua just collects the pieces and does not look at it carefully.

"Hey!" During the line, the snail fell again from midair, and couldn't help but whisper again.

Fortunately, it has passed the last snail failure. This time, although everyone has some discoloration, they are also calm.

"Look!!" Some of the anxious dry Di Heng flew a little more forward, shouting his hand: "There... there seems to be a lot of debris!"

After that, Dry Diheng himself flew forward.

"Oops!" Xiao Hua just closed her eyes and tried to run the Baye Linglong to restore the fatigue of some Buddha relics. Seeing the direction of the dry Diheng flying is just the direction of seeing the invisible space cracks. Shocked!

Xiao Hua couldn't think too much, wake up the thunder and spread it out, his body shape was flying in the hurricane, and a lightning rushed to the dry Diheng! It’s just that Di Diheng flies too fast, and the crack is very close. Xiao Hua can’t catch him, he can only smash it from the oblique thorn!

"Hey!" Dry Diheng is also a monk with 12 layers of refining. How can he not be aware? Feeling that Xiao Hua was too late to hit the ear, he knew that Xiao Hua was not malicious, but he could not help but react, but his arm just lifted up and Xiao Hua hit it up, an unparalleled power. Will dry Di Heng suddenly hit the fly, and even the mind is confused for a while (the son of Fengshen!

Looking at Xiao Hua again, he will dry Di Heng, and then he will pose an extremely weird posture in the air, stepping on the air under his feet, and it seems to step on the ground, the swaying of the body, obviously is trying to avoid anything. When Xiao Hua’s figure was just stable, he quickly flew in the direction of the dry Di Heng flight.

Because dry Diheng is like drunken wine... The slanting falls from the air!

Fortunately, Xiao Hua reached out and helped Di Heng to hold on. Dry Di Heng immediately woke up and said: "Teacher... What are you doing?"

"Oh, huh~" Xiao Hua scratched his head and smiled. "How can you see the baby so anxious? Don't say anything to the younger brother? You have the same difficulty!"

Saying, don't wait for Di Diheng to answer, the path flies by the space crack, flying in the direction of the dry Diheng!

"You are so embarrassed!" Gan Diheng listened to Xiao Hua's mindless words, and almost jumped his foot and shouted: "I don't plan to be a brother, you don't know how to collect this piece." How many……"

"This..." The words of Di Diheng have not been finished yet, and it is silly to stand in the air!

I saw him sticking out his right hand, the robe of his right arm was broken, and the half of the Qi has been cut off!

"Ah? I... my robe is a law... magic weapon! It’s hard to be... just now there is an invisible space crack?" Dry Diheng was dumbfounded, and God read it around, the half cut off the robe It has long been smashed by the hurricane.

In an instant, the dry Diheng vest is a layer of cold sweat, and his most proud magic weapon is like a koi in front of the space crack. If there is no such thing as Xiao Hua, I myself... I am afraid that I have already become a corpse.

"Come on, dry brother!" In front, there was a cheer from Xiao Hua: "The younger brother knows what this piece is!"


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