Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 528: It turned out to be 傀儡

The fifty-eighth chapter is the original

Waiting for Di Heng, he was grateful to fly next to Xiao Hua. The ground on the ground was a pile of dark pieces, but this time the pieces were not so small, or not fragments, but A few big pieces!

"This... is this awkward?" Dry Diheng is naturally well-informed. Looking at the shapes of the big pieces, I immediately understood and shouted.

"Exactly!" Xiao Hua said with a smile: "The younger brother just felt familiar, but he never thought of it. This piece is actually awkward."

No, the large pieces of debris in front of the eyes are human-shaped. It seems to have been cut by the cracks in the space that Di Heng has just encountered. The whole is broken and scattered there. It is not difficult to identify.

"How come here?" Kun Feiyan and Yan also flew over at this time. It was very strange to ask: "The shackles of my xi country have always been scarce, and there is no sect of the refining shackles! It seems... The entire Xiaoyu mainland only has the ability to refine the shackles in the north of the Mongolian country?"

“Tricks?” Gan Diheng shook his head slightly: “I heard that there were disasters in Tuen Mun hundreds of years ago, and it was destroyed by mysterious monks.”

"Well, it’s because the tricks are gone, Xiaoyu’s mainland is getting fewer and fewer!" He nodded. "I can’t think of seeing you in this meditation!"

"I don't know when this is left!" Xiao Hua picked up a large piece of shackles and whispered, but his voice was still falling, and a thought was crossed in his mind.

"Yeah, since this is torn through the cracks in space, it must be someone who is exploring the road. Since it is exploring the road, and looking for Zhong Rong milk is a direction, then... what the person is looking for. Is it also a bell 垚 milk??"

"And, this is a few days of change, and this invisible space crack has only recently appeared. The people who have the shackles in the front... are definitely these days!"

"Maybe it was before the Shang Huazong disciple surrounded the entrance to the entrance! Or, it was this person who came in, and the disciples of the three factions, such as Shang Huazong, knew that there was a treasure in this meditation!"

Xiao Hua thought of this, suddenly raised his head, and sure enough, 巽纾, Kun non-smoke and dry Di Heng also thought, they all looked up, very shocked.

"巽师姊..." Gan Diheng couldn't help but ask: "The thing of Zhong Rong's milk... Yu Leizong, oh, no, the disciples of Tuen Mun also know?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?" I immediately replied: "I also thought that this news was only known to our Royal Lei Zong disciples..."

"Or maybe the route is the same, the things you are looking for are different!" Kun Feiyan looked at the numerous huge wind pillars in front and whispered.

"Let's go! No matter who you are, since you come, you don't have to think about it. You have to meet it!" At this time, Xiao Hua's mind has been decided. He will wave his hand and count the wreckage of the shackles. Look at the front, said coldly.

The snails of the cockroaches still could not be used, and they flew away from the back of Xiao Hua. Kun Feifei flew a little slower. He went to the side of Gan Diheng and whispered, "Did the younger brother, what happened just now? Xiao How did the younger brother suddenly hit you?"

“Nothing?” Gan Diheng looked at Kun’s non-smoke, and smiled and said: “Xiao’s brother was stunned by the wind, and flies with the headless flies, just hit me!”

"Cut ~" Kun is not a white smoke, dry Di Heng glanced, accelerated and flew up.

“嘿嘿~” Gan Diheng whispered: “How? Want to know the secret of a man? Don’t tell you the poor road!”

If you don’t have the traces, look at the robes that you cover up, and follow them.

Going forward, it is also very smooth, not only is the hurricane weakened a lot, but the space crack is no longer appearing, so Xiaohua is somewhat puzzled.

I can see the face again, but it shows a hint of joy. I saw Xiao Hua’s eyes with some doubts. He smiled and said: “Xiao’s younger brother does not know, like this kind of space is stable, there is very little in the world. But in this kind of place, although the space crack will exist, it must be stable. Only in this stable place, the space where the bell is located will last for a long time, and I will be organic!"

"This way!" Xiao Hua nodded and asked: "So, let's go in the wrong direction and place?"

"It should be right!" He nodded affirmatively.

"Good!" Xiaohua’s screams have not stopped yet, and the snails on the top of the skull are flashing again, and the phantom appears again.

"Ha ha ~" Even the last dry Di Heng is laughing, it seems that Zhong Rong milk will be available soon.

The phantom of the snail flies very fast, and the work of a meal actually finds a flat place. The hurricane here is almost stagnant. There are obviously several wind pillars in the distance, but the wind caused by the wind column has arrived. It seems that each other is offset, only the slight breeze, the strange harmony! Moreover, the ground is also somewhat different, and some of them are green, and there are also green silk lines on the low vegetation on the ground!

"Here..." As soon as I arrived here, a slightly richer aura of heaven and earth came to me, and I actually let Xiao Hua feel a refreshing nose and mouth. How can such a strangeness not make him happy? Even if he doesn't know if this is the place where the snail is looking for, he has already determined three points in his heart!

"Haha, great good!" I saw it, and I felt that my face was full of joy.

Dry Di Heng turned a little in the air and smiled: "The poor road is really very human! It is the destiny to build the foundation, so hard to find, even if there is no snail, it will be met by the poor. No longer. How can Zhuji be worthy of love?"

"Oh," the smile on the face of Kun is not unusual.

This flat is not very big, only about ten feet, although Xiao Hua Shen thought can not be far away, can be seen immediately and completely. In addition to the slightly green vegetation and the flat terrain, there is no special place in this flat land. There is no invisible space crack in the air. If it is placed in the air, it is absolutely ordinary. It is impossible to let People take a look.

When I was happy, I didn't see any reaction from the snail. I turned to Xiao Hua and said, "Is Xiao Shidi, do you think there are some accidents?"

"Well, some!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly and looked around. He pointed his hand to the hand: "If the teacher does not say it, the younger brother will never think that there will be a bell and milk here. I will only rest here and leave immediately!"

"After rest, leave?" said Dry Diheng, who also smiled and walked over and said: "There is not much knowledge about this kind of meditation. I don't know how many sinisters there are. The land of about ten feet is like an oasis in the desert. I can't ask for it! Xiao Shidi doesn't look at me and waits for it. If there is no snail, 10,000 monks come in with us, and absolutely no monk can come here safely!"

"Really~" Xiao Hua nodded. On this road, he said nothing else. It was a space crack. If his eyes were not awake, he could see the invisible space cracks. The four of them were afraid to disappear. Where can I come here with the snail? The snail is certainly good, but you can't see the crack in the space!

“What to do next?” Xiao Hua asked.

“Without him!” He spread his hand and showed the convexity and convexity of his figure. He smiled and said: “I just have to wait for the space crack to appear!”

"Good teaching Xiao Shidi knows that the space crack that contains the bell and the milk is a slightly stable space, and the area inside is also very large. This space crack will appear irregularly. After the appearance, I can go in and look for the clock. Pick up the milk, wait until you find the bell milk, and then wait until the space crack opens, you can come out from the inside!" Kun non-smoking explained next.

"Kun Shizhen... actually knows so much?" His face was a little embarrassed, and asked: "Where... how to find the bells in the inside? The poor road only knows the crack in the space, the other does not know!"

Kun Feiyan smiled and said: "These are also obtained by the poor tracker. Her old family only knows this. However, her old man said that it is only the first step into the space crack, but there is a search for Zhong Rong milk. This is far from the clock, and no one knows where the bell is in the space."

"Would we not have the predecessors of Royal Leizong already had a bell?" Xiao Huaqi said: "Isn't it for the logo?"

"Oh, the space crack is not stable, the bell milk will not be in a fixed place, otherwise how can there be so many seniors or empty hands back?" The joy of the face of Gan Diheng gradually went, abnormally solemnly said : "The space is said to be more dangerous than the meditation. If you are a little careless, you will fall down! I have to be careful!"

"Well, the 40% of the monks are obsessed with it. The sinister danger in the space is the five-fifth monk. Only half of the monks have the chance to meet the bells!" He nodded.

Xiao Hua listened, and shook his head even more: "The younger brother now understands! Why is this news so secretive? This thing has limited efficacy and is so dangerous, and only my disciples of Yu Leizong will come to risk, others who are Will you come?"

"Oh, not necessarily!" Gan Diheng extended a finger and said, "I can't forget the master of the sly!"

"Exactly! But where is the treasure of heaven and earth, which one is easy to get?" Kun said: "Who knows what other uses of Zhongluo milk will be?"

Everyone talked for a moment, sitting cross-legged, closing their eyes and adjusting their interest, and waiting for the appearance of space cracks.

Xiao Hua squandered half a sly, secretly smashing the smashing eyes, but seeing here is filled with a khaki-colored aura of heaven and earth, and there are many cracks in the space that are as thin as a cow. Unlike other places, these cracks actually In the slow rotation, on the move, it seems to be pushed by the huge wind pillars around!

"It turns out!" Xiao Hua understands that the space crack that exists in the bell 垚 milk is afraid to move in the space like these tiny cracks, and it will appear here at a certain time!

Ps: Congratulations to Mo Yan for the Nobel Prize in Literature. As a humble network writer, the flower explorer is working hard every day and pays every day. The heart of literary pursuit of literature is as noble as others. I really hope that after 30 years, the flower can also have such honors!


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