Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 539: Metamagnetic space

This is how beautiful, what a spectacular, what a mysterious sight!

I saw the brown brilliance of the strips, and the golden brilliance of the strips, entangled with each other, like a thin rain line descending from the sky! The most amazing thing is that these lights are actually in the shape of an arc, which is extremely beautiful and gathers in a place under the foot of Xiao Hua! .

In the distant place, it is like an elliptical chicken. The golden and brown brilliance is intertwined and distinct, and slowly rotates. {http:


Friends upload updates} The rotating track actually has a few senses of heaven!

"The shape of this ellipse... It should be the gold earth magnet!" Xiao Hua secretly sank: "But, where is the soil crystal milk?"

Look at the left and right of Jin Tuyuan magnetic, and there are a lot of scarlet things to be firmly entangled, it should be the wind of the Nether!

"Hey, Mo said that Mo Qingyuan can't be near, even if he is the same as Xiao Ye, he is not affected by the power of Yuan magnetic. He can go here, he can't find the place where Jin Tuyuan magnetic is!" Life is arrogant.

Xiao Hua was watching for a long while, and finally saw a secret gap between the scarlet. After pondering for a long time, this was the trick, and it was very careful to break into the rock and then from the ghost. Pass through the gap of the wind and come to a huge space!

A space surrounded by the wind of the Nether! ! !

How big is this space, Xiao Hua’s broken eyes can’t be seen completely, but Xiao Hua can see that there are a few gaps between the Nether Wind and the Jin Tu Yuan Magnetic. He is standing between the gaps at this time. ! This gap is filled with a rich golden earth aura, perhaps because the aura is too rich, only to block the glory of the outside! Moreover, at this time, Xiao Hua can not use flying, only the law of the bandit can barely approach! Of course, although Xiao Hua’s body is not affected by the magnetic force of Jin Tu Yuan, an irresistible feeling has always been emitted from the Jin Jin Yuan magnetic field in front of him, which faintly attracts Xiao Hua’s storage bag. There are all magic weapons in the body!

"Understood!" Xiao Hua felt the rich aura of heaven and earth. 1(1) Some awakened, the dark passage: "The soil aura is so abundant, just like the essence. It is easy to form the bell 垚 milk on the surface of the meta-magnetic! The earthy aura is condensed for a long time in the magnetic field and can form the saplings. ?"

"But, in this case, the bell 垚 milk should be on the surface of the meta-magnetic, it should not be collected!" Then Xiao Hua was in doubt. After all, after watching it for a while, Xiao Hua did not see a browner place on the surface of the magnetic surface. On the contrary, in the interior of the Jintuyuan magnetic, Xiao Hua saw several dazzling golden broken points and brown broken points. However, these broken points are too far from the surface of the metamagnetic, far exceeding the distance of one foot. Mo Qingyuan’s Fu Wei is afraid that it will not be used at all!

"Let's see if there is any other way!" Xiao Hua thought for a while, and stretched his hand. The ruthless epee took it out and took all the strength of the whole body.

It is very similar to Xiao Hua’s expectation, and the Jin Tu Yuan magnetic wire does not move, even a trace of it is not left on its surface!

"But" Xiao Hua thought about the things in his own space, and it seems that there is nothing useful. It also dispels the unrealistic greed. The handcuffs encircle the gold and earth magnets and look for dark brown spots near the surface!

Just like a small ant looking for sesame seeds on a large watermelon, Xiao Hua opened the eyes of the scorpion, and looked for the possible presence of the scorpion milk and the saplings on the surface of the terracotta.

Because of the outer layer of the gold soil, the place around ten feet is rich in gold and brown, so. Just as the human eye sees the full sunlight, it is only glaring. It is not easy to distinguish the dark brown broken spots near the surface. Straight through a fragrant work, Xiao Hua himself did not know how much to find. Although in the Jintuyuan magnetic, occasionally you can see the golden broken points accompanied by the dark brown broken points, the distance is far more than one foot, and the surface is no special gaze point, all the heaven and earth aura are The path is inhaled from the gold earth element!

"Oh, time is not enough!" Xiao Hua calculated, he had to go back to the surface, but also through the hurricane passage, but also to withdraw from the space, do not feel a bitter smile: "巽师姊, 坤师姊, There are also brothers and brothers. The younger brother is not helping you. It is really powerless. Look at your own chances!"

Said, Xiao Hua also used the method of breaking the law to sweep the entire Jin Tu Yuan magnetic glance, and smiled: "Is this the poor road is the legendary Baoshan and empty back?"

But at this time, just at the end of Xiao Hua’s eyes, a slap-sized, extremely golden brilliance flashed away, just like a person suddenly left. And the direction of disappearing is completely different from the direction in which the heaven and earth aura enters the Jintuyuan magnet!

"Ah? What is that?" Xiao Hua was shocked and quickly took the prajna epee out of the space. He did not expect to encounter other monks in these places!

"Go and see?" Xiao Hua was hesitant. Thinking about it was to think: "There is also a return from the left and right. If you can meet other monks, it is best. You may get a message of a little bell." Take a drop on the poor road, and it won’t conflict with others?"

Thinking, Xiao Hua’s hands tightened like an epee, and the technique of bandits was cast out and went in the direction of light and shadow.

However, with a scent of incense, Xiao Hua found that it was more and more difficult, and then looked at the left, the golden brilliance became more and more brilliant, and the brown brilliance gradually decreased!

"Oh, understand, this should be the place where the gold and gold of the gold earth element is concentrated!" Xiao Hua stunned, and then went to the place where the golden light and shadow disappeared, and there is still a great distance.

"Little Master will not be Jin Hao, this is estimated to be unable to go!" Xiao Hua's heart is slightly regrettable, but also a bit fortunate.

"Go..." Xiao Hua is about to turn the direction, where the eyes see, a golden brilliance, a drop of brown light, is slowly drilling into the earth and earth magnets...

"Hey, isn't this a bell licking milk?" Xiao Hua was ecstatic, and at the same time, he also understood that here is the place where Jin Yuan magnetically flourishes, the golden aura is very much, and the aura of soil aura is inhaled. Affected, the speed must be nowhere else faster, there are conditions for the formation of the bell milk!

"Big good!" Xiao Hua quickly used his eyes to look around, and sure enough, there are some dark brown and almost black spots in the golden gas. This brown light spot is like the freckles on the mortal face... (to be continued.) )


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