Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 540: Big harvest

~ Date: ~ October 18~

Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and it was difficult to find these light spots. A probe was to smash the jade bottle, but the jade bottle had just been shot, and immediately took away the force of Yuan magnetic!

"Grandma's, how did Xiaoye forget it!" Xiao Hua took a forehead and was very remorseful. Then he waved his hand to collect the Zhonglu milk that was infiltrating from the surface of Jintuyuan. However, he was charged at Xiaohua. At the time, I encountered another problem.

The bells and whipped milk, like the raindrops, are very heavy. Every drop seems to have the weight of a thousand scorpions. Xiao Hua alone can't use the mind to collect the scorpion milk from the surface of the gold earth magnet. It can only use the mana to force it. It is extracted from the surface of the gold earth magnet, which can be absorbed into the space!

The mana cost of collecting a drop is actually very much. After Xiao Hua collected five drops, the mana in the body has already consumed 20%!

"No mistakes!" Xiao Hua was very shocked to see the infuriating body, he himself understands that his mana is far superior to the same level, and now the infuriating can be comparable to the early monks of the foundation. That is to say, the mana of the early monks in the foundation of the foundation can only collect more than twenty drops of the bell milk!

However, Xiao Hua is looking at this huge and incomparable Jin Tu Yuan magnetic, and his heart is relieved. You and the natural giants who are born with natural foods are rushing to eat. It is good to drink a few drops of soup!

According to the agreement with Mo Qingyuan, five drops of 垚 垚 萧 Xiaohua can get three and a half, anyway, Xue Xue's one has not run, but helpless and sunny, but also, oh... also Count it half a drop! Xiao Hua put his eyes on the earthen milk!

After watching it for a long time, it was really at the end of this Jinyuan magnetic, there were quite a few dark spots inside, and the distribution was not even, and it was far from the surface. Finally, Xiaohua was finally very pleased to see that there was actually a few blacks. The point is about one foot away from the surface.

"Just here!" Xiao Hua hurriedly smashed the past, and took a hand, the green bamboo's symbol is in his hand, to see where the black spots are, and the law is urging the mana, waiting for a few law to beat in Aoki Above, I saw that Aoki suddenly produced a huge attraction. Crazy to absorb the magic of Xiao Hua!

"Old man! His heart can be awkward!!!" Xiao Hua felt that the mana was absorbed by the green wood symbol, and he immediately understood it. This is the use of Mo Qingyuan, but Mo Qingyuan is the middle of the foundation. Repair it. His symbols are naturally used by the foundation monks! If one is an ordinary refining monk, afraid that it is not just urging the symbol, the mana in the body is sucked and empty? Where can I still have the opportunity to escape the gold and earth?

And Mo Qingyuan knows that this symbol is the symbol of the monk who built the foundation, but he did not remind him at all. Even the medicinal herbs that promoted the mana did not give Xiao Huaxin the heart... Do you still use it?

Fortunately, Xiao Hua is not an ordinary refining monk after all. After Aoki Fusuke absorbed the mana of Xiao Hua Qicheng, it was turned into a group of clear and aura, and stopped the extraction of mana.

At this time, Xiao Hua refused to resent Mo Qingyuan. As soon as he raised his hand, the aura was placed on the surface of the earth magnet. I saw that the aura was close to the Jintuyuan magnet and immediately began to rotate, like the whirlpool in the sea. Gradually extend to the depths of the gold soil!

The aura rotation is extremely fast. However, the extension is very slow, Xiao Huafa sees, the light green brilliance is gradually approaching a few black spots. Estimated how close to the black spot, how can you get a meal!

"Hey!" Xiao Hua took a shot, took out some medicinal herbs from the space, opened his mouth, and sat on the surface of Jintuyuan magnetic. Pick up the original spirit and restore the infuriating!

Although the golden aura is too strong here, there is not much fire aura. After all, it is also a heaven and earth aura, Xiao Hua side in the meridians to resolve the Dan liquid. On the one hand, because of the golden aura, it is not a bit slower than the cultivation in the weekdays.

After waiting for a meal, Xiao Hua’s mana has recovered 80%!

It is estimated that the time is almost over. Xiao Hua is about to open his eyes. Suddenly, a golden light of a palm-sized image appears in the place of Xiaohua in the distance of about ten feet. In this golden light, a vague white tiger is staring curiously. Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua naturally didn't know. When he opened his eyes and looked at it, the white tiger seemed to be afraid. The whole body quickly fled to the distance.

"Hey?" Xiao Hua just opened his eyes and quickly looked at the usage eyes. He only saw that a golden light disappeared!

"Quirks!" Xiao Hua Wei Wei, can be a "squeaky" like the sound of a rat's wood, from the vortex of the blue halo, so that Xiao Hua did not dare to distract, and quickly looked at the sound of the sound!

Sure enough, the blue brilliance has been bleak, it is where the black spot is, Xiao Hua is a law, and a suction is born from his hands! Not expecting Xiao Hua's expectations, the few black spots are heavier than the previous Zhong Rong milk, and Xiao Hua tried his best to extract it from the Jin Tu Yuan magnetic!

And the few black spots just left the surface of the Jintuyuan magnetic, the sound of the "brush", the brilliance of the blue brilliance instantaneously turned into a little bit of fluorescence falling on the earth magnet, and then falling like a drip in the desert, infiltrating the element Magnetic disappeared!

"Big good!" Xiao Hua's eyes swept away, knowing that he had received five points of earthen crystal milk, and couldn't think of anything else. His heart was covered in it, all within the income space!

Xiao Hua has already restored 80% of the mana. The five points of earthen crystal milk are consumed by 30%. Now only 50% of the mana, and then, on the surface of Xiaohua not far away, Xiao Hua costs 20% of the mana received five drops of simmering milk, and then dare not delay, handcuffs and hurriedly rushed away from the space along the route just coming!

Just after Xiao Hua’s body was gone, Xiao Hua’s place was just Wang’s place. The white tiger that emitted the golden brilliance appeared again. Looking at the place where the soil was sucked out, the nose sniffed and sniffed. Shaking his head, then raised his head again, it seems to look at Xiaohua, it seems to look at the other end of Jin Tuyuan magnetic, and then leisurely disappeared!

Where does Xiao Hua know this? Just take the remedy to restore mana, and look for the gap of the Nether Wind that just came out, ready to leave. Just when Xiao Hua found the gap and was about to go out, he retired. In terms of usage, he looked at Jin Tuyuan magnetic another direction and thought: "Golden soil is the convergence of two attributes of gold and earth! Jin Sheng Tu, Tu Ke Jin, is the two elements of the five elements of the opposite phase! I just went to the pole of Jin Yuan magnetic, because the gold is very strong, the earthy aura can be condensed into a point-like earth crystal Milk and bell milk; that... on the other side of the earth's magnetic pole? Is there a golden aura condensation? What is the golden aura condensation?"

"Since there is a gold earth magnet, is there still a soil fire magnet, a fire water magnet, a water wood yuan magnet, and a wood gold magnet? Or, the two properties of the soil magnets should be there, or not Two kinds of attributes that are related... Are you afraid of it? However, it is not necessarily that the world is not a big one. If you don’t know it doesn’t mean it, it’s not necessarily true!”

"Ha ha ha, Xiaoye wants so much to do? Xiaoye is now just a refining monk, waiting for Yuan Ying, distracted, think about it again!"

Xiao Hua shouted, and his figure disappeared into the gap of the Nether Wind and disappeared. His whistling sound is really small, and it has not caused any movement at all, not to mention the white tiger that is close to it, not to mention the farther earth poles...

Back to the place where the cockroaches were collected, Xiao Hua did not hurry to go forward, but took some medicinal herbs and sat down to the knee to recover most of the mana. This was the face with cold cream and slowly slammed on the ground!

In front of the hurricane passage, Mo Qingyuan did not have any expression on his face. It seems that... he knew the ending in general, or understood the cruelty of reality after he was extremely eager. Just silently watching the slowly narrowing hurricane passage, I didn't care to look back at the ground that he had come out before. Now, he has no reason to believe for himself. Where can the monk with only the refining peak be able to go from here? come out! Even if... this monk can control the magic weapon, can not fear the gold and earth, the ability to enem him!

"Hey~" Mo Qingyuan sighed, as if because of Xiaohua’s fate, or his own inefficiency, or his own use! Turning around, waving a hand, three humanoid battles, and a dozen odd-sized cockroaches coming out of the soil are all collecting their own storage bags, and then, from the edge of the passage, the sixth The light green flies are all very secretive places, Mo Qingyuan will hand a little, also received!

However, before his body shape just flew to the passage, a voice said coldly: "Mo seniors, do you not want to grind the soil?"

"Ah?" This voice is like a blue sky. It will suddenly shake Mo Qingyuan on the spot. He is incredulously turning back. Even the gods forget to release it. The surprise and unbelievable eyes fall on Xiaohua. Cold face!

"You...you really got the soil crystal milk?" Mo Qingyuan's voice was a little trembling, extremely low, not like a monk building a foundation, like a mortal who suppressed his emotions.

"It doesn't seem to be the time to say this now!" Xiao Hua saw that Mo Qingyuan had already narrowed the passage of 20% in front of him, or he said very coldly.

"Yes, that is!" Mo Qingyuan immediately awakened, and even said: "The hurricane passage here has to collapse, and it will take a few years to form it, and..."

Said, Mo Qingyuan stretched his hand and smiled: "Your mana must be exhausted, and let the old man take you a ride!"

Xiao Hua waved his hand and said: "No! There is still room for the younger generation! If the seniors want to get something, then lead the way!"

"Oh, good!" Mo Qingyuan couldn't compare anything with Xiao Hua at this time, and the cockroaches on his face were fleeting!

Afterwards, the body shape floated again, and the passage to the hurricane was rushed to the past... (To be continued, vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, and.


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