Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 541: Negotiation

Although within the hurricane passage, Xiaohua’s mouth contained a nightmare, but whenever he saw Mo Qingyuan’s abnormalities, he immediately sacrificed the flying sword without mercy! It was unexpected, and it was also expected that Mo Qingyuan only hurriedly flew out of the hurricane's passage, and even did not even return his head, even the mind did not release. Behind Xiao Hua, the hurricane gradually narrowed down, just like squeezing Xiao Hua, and discharging Xiao Hua from the center of the relatively quiet passage!

Waiting for Xiaohua to break away from the hurricane channel, he just broke into the stone wall and only heard a torn sound behind him. The entire passage disappeared, and the gloom of the gloom was raging. .

"Lucky!" Xiao Hua vest involuntarily is a layer of cold sweat, secretly fortunate that he did not greet more than the bell on the gold soil.

The stone wall of a few feet is fleeting, Mo Qingyuan has long laughed~~



- Update the starting ~~ 吟吟 standing not far from the stone wall, eyes eagerly looking at Xiao Hua.

"Congratulations to Xiao Daoyou, He Xi Xiao Daoyou!" Mo Qingyuan said: "I can't think of Xiao Dao You Fu's deep and wide, actually... really got the soil crystal milk!"

Xiao Hua sneered: "Mo Daoyou, when the poor road said that the poor road got the soil crystal milk?"

"What? You didn't get it?" Mo Qingyuan's face was cold.

"Hey, what is the poor road? How can I use the symbol of the foundation period?" Xiao Hua’s eyes narrowed and said coldly: "Mo Daoyou is really watching the poor road.

Repair! ”

Mo Qingyuan "small face", then, a look of stunned, followed by a very fearful, even the voice: "Hey, look at the old man's head, how to forget this nephew? Redemption, atonement!"

If you can't make a sin, you can't say anything. Mo Qingyuan has a surprise on his face. He said, "Ah, let's say, Xiao Daoyou... is still using... Fu Yan? That is the crystal milk..."

Seeing that Mo Qingyuan’s face was so rich, Xiao Hua hated the teeth and tickles. He wanted to punch his fist on this sly face and smashed this sly face into a piece of dried persimmon! It is a pity that the other party is a predecessor in the mid-term of the foundation, if there is some scruples about himself. I am afraid that I have already been a hot hand, and I can only use the snake and try to get the biggest benefit!

"Mo seniors. It doesn't seem to be the place to talk here?" Xiao Hua still didn't tell the truth, just look around and say leisurely.

"Oh, it's gone!" Mo Qingyuan said with a smile: "The space is stable. There are at least three hours of time, enough for me to go out!"

"Three hours?" Xiao Hua sneered in his heart, but he said it on his mouth; "Oh, that's good!"

"Xiao Daoyou, did you get the soil crystal milk in the end?" Mo Qingyuan asked: "Since it has arrived here. Do you always agree with the Taoist friends?"

Xiao Hua glanced at Mo Qingyuan and smiled; "The younger generation said that they would get the 30-year-old Zhong Rong milk to the predecessors! However, the poor road can not say where, what time?"

"You..." Mo Qingyuan’s gloomy face flashed away, and then sneered: "Xiao Daoyou, do you think that the old man can't take you? If it is the old man, the means of building a base monk..."

"Oh, Mo seniors, you seem to think too much!" Xiao Hua eyes turn. Laughing: "The younger generation thinks it's good to make a deal after the meditation! After all, in this space crack. The younger generation is not in the heart!"

Mo Qingyuan stared at Xiao Hua’s eyes and seemed to want to know if this was the truth. He said halfway: “Well, since this is the case, the old man is also a big one, and you and I have this space crack!”

"Follow me!" Mo Qingyuan did not return. The figure floated again and crossed the gully. Flying in one direction is flying.

"Predecessors are anxious, the junior flight is not very easy to use!" Xiaohua shouted. Slowly climbed out of the gully, and slowly followed Mo Qingyuan's body, extremely alert.

Mo Qingyuan was helpless, but he couldn't stop any more. He had to fly slowly in front, but the time of a meal, Mo Qingyuan took Xiao Hua to the place where the rune was beaten.

Seeing that Mo Qingyuan was so easy to find the crack in the space in the khaki space with no direction at all, Xiao Hua was very surprised. He could not think of how Mo Qingyuan did it.

Mo Qingyuan looked at the location of the crack in the space, sneer: "Hey, there is a magical charm! Your Royal Leizong seems to be under the blood!" Then, look at the left: "Do you have other brothers? Come over together?"

"Mo senior thought?" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Oh, but they are all disciples of refining, are there any differences?" Mo Qingyuan sneered, and then, with a hand, Mu Longyu flew out in the storage bag, Mo Qingyuan shook hands. The wooden dragon scorpion was turned into a small dragon. The whole dragon tail was cut in midair. The sound of "铿锵" was clear, and a light flashed in the air. Then the light became bigger and bigger, and the half-baked tea The work is turned into a space crack that is one foot long and half a foot wide. Through this crack, the outside is a familiar meditation, and countless wind columns are in the distance and near the field of vision.

"Go!" Mo Qingyuan jumped out and stood in the middle of the air.

Xiao Hua hesitated, and saw that there was no shadow behind him, and he had to jump out. Fortunately, this space crack did not heal as quickly as the last time!

"Xiao Hua, can you trade with the old man now?" Mo Qingyuan's face has no space to see!

"Of course!" Xiao Hua nodded, but then he said: "But the conditions are changed!"

"What?" Mo Qingyuan said slightly: "You have all vowed, how can you change?"

"Oh, as long as the predecessors also modify the conditions, it is not illegal to swear!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"If the old man does not agree?" Mo Qingyuan said with a squint.

Xiao Hua has a well-established mind: "The younger generation thinks that the predecessors will definitely agree! After all, the neglect of the predecessors almost took the lives of the younger generation!"

"Oh, this way!" Mo Qingyuan naturally knew what Xiao Hua was saying, and nodded slightly: "You said, let the old man listen first!"

"Zhong Wei's younger generation can only give a drop to the predecessors!" Xiao Hua had already calculated, and soon said.

"Impossible!" Mo Qingyuan categorically refused, but then he trembled again: "You... is it... you really got the soil crystal?"

Until this time, Mo Qingyuan still believes.

"Yes, the younger generation got the soil crystal milk!" Xiao Hua nodded: "And, I am also ready to bring this drop of crystal milk to the predecessors!"

"Oh ~ So, the old man understands!" Mo Qingyuan showed a stunned face, and the color did not disappear. He even said: "If you go in, the old man can't let you get too little. Your condition husband promises! "To be continued"


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