Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 542: Almost torn face

"Big good!" Xiao Hua did not explain, with a smile: "The younger generation knows that the predecessors are good people who care for the younger generation!"

"Ha ha ha!" Mo Qingyuan smiled and said: "You will bring things!".

"Please also ask the seniors to give the refining skills to the younger generation!" Xiao Hua said.

Mo Qingyuan took a shot, and a jade slip took it out and waved to Xiao Hua’s eyes. Xiao Hua was very cautious to use God to read it. He felt that he had no problem before picking it up. Then he used it to immerse himself. He looked at it roughly. His face was disappointed. He whispered: "Mo seniors, this... How can this refining method only have the upper half?"

"Hey, isn't the old man saying it? It can only give you the most basic refining method. Other battles, odd-shaped and other refining methods are in the lower half. The old man can't promise you!" Mo Qingyuan laughed. .

Xiao Hua’s mouth was bitter.

"How? Is this the trick of the old man? Is it a fake?"

"Well, indeed! Really!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Then take the old man's embarrassment, as well as the soil crystal milk and the bell milk!" Mo Qingyuan said extremely uneasily: "The old man is not willing to fall down to make a big bully!"

"Well, the seniors are holding, this is Zhong Yu's milk!" Xiao Hua waved his hand, and a drop of earthy aura of brown bells flew out!

"Why don't you take a jade bottle?" Mo Qingyuan's face flashed and blamed.

When he received the bell and milk, Xiao Hua took out the dark earthen crystal milk! I don't know, this soil crystal milk appeared in the air. Immediately, it will rise rapidly. Moreover, heavy and incomparable, it is falling towards the ground!

"Ignorance!" Mo Qingyuan said: "Can this thing be done without the symbol?"

Said, but also refused to say, quickly swaying the law, a few Guanghua hit on the soil crystal milk, this can only be able to block its rise, but at this time the soil crystal milk has a fist size ! After the green light of Mo Qingyuan flashed a few times, the soil crystal milk was put into the storage bag!

Xiao Hua’s face whispered, whispered: “The younger generation... I don’t know if the soil crystal milk is so different!”

Mo Qingyuan is in a good mood and will swing his hand. Road: "You naturally don't know, and blame the old man for not reminding you! What is the old man's jealousy?"

"Predecessors wait!" Xiao Hua will take a shot, but it is not a slap, but a town cloud. The town cloud prints out, immediately screams, flies to the top of Xiao Hua's head, and scatters the khaki brilliance to cover Xiao Hua.

"Hey, you are cautious!" Mo Qingyuan looked calm: "The old man has already made a vow, what are you afraid of?"

"The younger generation dare not!" Xiaohua’s face panic, but my heart does not care, even my heart is still faintly excited, I hope Mo Qingyuan will break the contract.

Waiting for Xiao Hua to take the cockroach out of the storage bag and throw out the mask of the town cloud printing. Then I immediately stood in the air, and stood straight in the air. It was with Mo Qingyuan holding Xiao Hua in the middle.

"How? Xiao Hua, you only take the old man a slap?" Mo Qingyuan frowned.

"Hey, Mo seniors, the younger generations exchanged with you, this is the embarrassment, the other one... It seems that the name has been Xiao, and the predecessors have to change the other things!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"What do you want?" Mo Qingyuan was a cold voice.

"Of course it is the other method of refining the lower half!" Xiao Hua is also cold and cold.

"Ha ha ha!" Mo Qingyuan took a shot, and Mu Longyu flew out again: "Since you can't keep your oath, the old man naturally doesn't have to take another oath, Xiao Hua, you and..."

However, Mo Qingyuan’s words have not been finished yet, and suddenly his face has changed dramatically. Actually, it was a very happy look, exclaimed: "How can there be this thing?"

Subsequently. I ignored Xiao Hua’s horror. I took a hand and took the same cockroach and threw it into Xiao Hua’s eyes. I hurriedly said: “Forget it, the old man does not know anything about you. One of the four-phase array, the old man can't give it to you, just take this one and change it with you!"

Then, after glanced at the snarl behind Xiao Hua: "If you disagree, the old man will immediately turn over with you, the old man will not believe, the old man plus a dozen or so can not kill that!"

Xiao Hua indulged in a moment, waved his hand, and the sly look of the scorpion, and took out the battle of the battle, throwing out the brilliance of the town cloud print!

"Hey, count your acquaintance!" Mo Qingyuan sneered, waving his hand, and the two scorpions floated with his figure, flying away from the open space, and waiting for his figure to fly. Zhang, again, said: "Xiao Hua, the old man is very happy to cooperate with you. If there is a chance to come to the land of Mobei, the old man can consider giving you the lower half of the technique!"

"Thank you for your great love, the younger generation still wants to live for a few more years!" Xiaohua eyebrows screamed.

"Hey, you can live for a few more years!" Mo Qingyuan's tone is very weird: "But the crack in this space was only split after half an hour. At this time, the old man was opened with a wooden dragon, afraid. It won't be closed on time. Your brothers and sisters in the same door may not live longer! Hahahahahaha..."

"Old man!" Xiao Hua was in a hurry, and God swept through the cracks in the space. Sure enough, the crack in this space actually showed signs of collapse, not natural healing!

"I said, how can this space crack stop when it opens, it is forcibly torn!" Xiao Hua woke up, and then


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Regardless of what is not necessary, the jump will go in, open the eyes of the law, and see the space crack close to the charm of the previous Kun non-smoke! Subsequently, Xiao Hua meditation of the law, the mana was rushed out, and the road was beaten on the spirit symbol. After the spirit was turned into a group of brilliance, Xiao Hua quickly hit it on the crack of the space, temporarily breaking the crack. Suppress!

"巽师姊啊巽师姊, 坤师姊啊坤师姊, 干师兄啊干师兄, you come back soon, whether or not there is a clock, you are coming back quickly, the younger brother has a lot here, enough for you three "!" Xiao Hua mouth has a word, as if casting a spell!

"Right, send a thousand miles of notes!" Xiao Hua suddenly a spirit, a hand to shoot, three notes in the hands, mana urging, three Guanghua flew out! I know, although the three Guanghua's places are different, but they are generally flying lower and lower. Even if they are ten feet away, they have already been unable to fly by the dignified soil spirit and land on the ground!

"Hey, how can this be good!" Xiao Hua is really heartless and powerless! Anxiously, Xiao Hua thought of the green essay, the word that has infinite mana: "If you can use the green essay, it will be fine, and the teacher will hear it!"

But this thought is just a flash! Xiao Hua can only look at the cracks in the space in vain, expecting the three people to come back quickly!

And said that one of the meditations, the former Shanghuazong three disciples found the location of the glory, and this time is different from the previous.

The wind pillars that are hundreds of feet in size are now a lot shorter, just like the big nets that are thrown out from the ground. They are slowly under the ground, even if they are naked, they can see the wind pillars from a distance. top.

Of course, the speed of the wind column rotation is still the same, the huge air current is still raging around the wind column, and within the wind column, that faint blue is more dazzling, but the specific shape is still blurred! Vaguely like a bluegrass look.

The bottom of the wind column of hundreds of feet is a huge depression. It should be a huge wind tunnel leading to the bottom of the earth. At this time, the wind tunnel is not a few people before, but a full 200 people!

Yes, it is the hundreds of disciples who have been guarding the entrance to the hundreds of Shanghuazong, Yan Yan and Qi Qiaomen, and the other disciples they want to block!

Obviously, the plans of the three disciples, such as Shang Huazong, who want to introduce these disciples into the wrong path have failed. These can be cultivated to the disciples of the twelve layers of refining. Which one is not thoughtful? Which one is not deep-minded? Simple, unplanned plans can't fool them!

Moreover, this wind column has changed, can be seen within dozens of miles, who will not come over to see?

"Kill it!" Among the first disciples who came here first, the woman said coldly.

An older disciple of Qiqiaomen glanced at him and nodded slowly; "My three disciples have already listed the battle, but... there are hundreds of ranges around the wind column. It is impossible to block one of them. If it is hands-on... My three disciples don't take any advantage!"

"If this is not the case at this time, after the wind column is retracted into the wind tunnel, what should I do? What do I have to grasp?" The female dissatisfied said: "If you do not do it, the poor road may be Ordered!"

"Oh, nothing! Building a basic is a chance, perhaps a ghost, perhaps this fight of life and death!" The monk sighed and turned to look at another monk, exchanged a look, and took a hand. A slightly yellow ingenuity was taken out, and the mana was slightly motivated, and immediately turned into a bird's look. The sound of "唧唧" was a few times, and the wings flew in the air.

Then, the bird blasted openly in the wind, and the yellow brilliance condensed into a "smart" character. The seven-handed disciple sang: "Tell me the seven-handed disciple! The disciples... kill!!!"

Then, a cyan geese-like order, and a fire-like message are flying in the air, and the two sounds almost simultaneously: "Shang Huazong disciple... kill!" "浔雁 teaches disciples... kill!"

"吼~" got the command of the leader's brother, and the three disciples who had already had a good time had been forced to move, and their respective yellow characters were shot, and they attacked the disciples scattered around the wind pillars.

It is precisely as the disciple of Qi Qiaomen expected that these disciples have already suffered a big loss at the entrance to the meditation. How can they repeat the same mistakes at this time? They are already scattered when they are near the wind pillar. Now I saw three disciples attacking, but also using flying characters, far away, taking the tactics of walking!


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