Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 546: Fengyun mutation

Chapter 546

Fengyun mutation

"These...when it was the three disciples who had previously blocked the entrance to the entrance, and other disciples who attacked their defenses!" Xiao Hua Shen had swept over and saw the bodies of nearly two hundred people. Xiao Hua already understood. The eyes finally land on the vortex formed by the Nether Wind! .

Above the vortex, there are actually two monks in the middle of the foundation, each of which will be sacrificed by the magic weapon, and it is killing and killing the underworld of the Nether Lotus! And the two Zhuji monks are surrounded by dozens of helpers from time to time!

One of them does not need to be said, it is the Mo Qingyuan who just left, and the other is the monk that Xiao Hua looks familiar!

"Hey? That's the shock of your thundering palace. How is his old man here?" I don't know Mo Qingyuan, but I know another Zhuji monk who fights with Mo Qingyuan. At a glance, Xiao Hua said with horror.

"What? The monk of the Thunder Palace?" Xiao Hua's face changed slightly, whispering; "Is it a disciple of Yan Leiling?"

"Hey, shocking the uncle is still ... is really a disciple of Yan Leiling!" I seem to think of something, the tone is a bit gloomy: "Xiao Shidi, you... are you..."

"I am anxious, and look at..." Xiao Hua's face is unusually gloomy, I can think of it, how can he not think of it? How can the disciples of Yan Leiling appear here for no reason? Even if you don't intend to come over, you can make your own grievances with Yan Leiling. This unintentional encounter becomes a deliberate complex!

The shocking thunder is emitting a light curtain with a length of length between the rotations. It is like a sword light. The sword is stabbed to Mo Qingyuan, and Mo Qingyuan’s Mulongyu is also transformed into a wooden dragon. Shake the tail around the sun, and sometimes open the dragon mouth, want to cut to the Haori. However, the whirl of the whistling, the dazzling brilliance will block the wooden dragon scorpion!

"Ha ha ha ~ Mo Daoyou mana is just like this, your embarrassment is general. The poor road advises you, or go back earlier!" Shocked and laughed: "Since the old man first stepped, the destiny returned, this ghost Lotus is the old man."

"Speaking at this time, it's still too early!" Mo Qingyuan sneered, his body was shivering, his hands were shaking, and the blue light flashed through him. He was in the shocking body, and there were six cyan sword lights. It has already flashed, and immediately wandered around like a weaving net.

"Ah? Sword array..." The shock was obviously shocking. His mind was always on Mo Qingyuan’s wooden dragon, and later on, but never thought of Mo. Qingyuan also has a sword array! Moreover, this sword array has long been laid near this Nether Lotus!

Yes, this is the Qingyuan sword array! This sword array is several times more powerful than a single flying sword, but one drawback is that it must be arranged in advance! Before Mo Qingyuan wanted to use nothing, he used the sword array to leave Xiaohua, who was not afraid of Jintuyuan magnetic, in the space. He used the shackles to hold Xiaohua, and he arranged the Qingyuan sword array in front of the passage. In Xiao Hua’s bag, he was subjected to a lot of restraint! This time, Mo Qingyuan has long planned to use the wooden dragon to attack the flying sword. When he was fighting with the shock, he was quietly playing, and now it is the sword. The arrangement of the array is complete, and it is also the introduction of the shock into the Qingyuan sword array. This is the only push to kill the shock in the sword array!

The shock is obviously panic. He will take a hand and want to let Lei Lei fly to the front of the defense. But Mo Qingyuan’s Mulongyu is just between the thunder and the shock, and the Thunder will fly anyway. Dragons are blocked with dragon tails!

"Dao friends, good to go!" Mo Qingyuan snorted, his right hand swayed the sword, and the six-eyed sword light just seemed to be harmless. The fish swimed around the shock, and immediately became a stinging wasp from all around. Sting to the shocking body!

Shocked and stunned, the hand waved, and many of the yellow characters dissipated like rain. At the same time, it was shocked that the glory of the whole body was all inspired!

"哼~" Mo Qingyuan sneered, but his eyes looked at Xiao Hua in the distance, and the dry Di Heng and Kun non-smoke standing near the vortex.

The "噗噗噗" consecutive number of rings, the high-order yellow characters of a should be turned into a paper under the sharp flying sword! And shocked both hands and even wave, a palm of the thunder, a group of fireballs only hit the four flying swords around, but can not completely shoot it down!

As for the other two flying swords, the shock can only be shaken, and try to avoid using flying! It is a pity that he is now in the sword array. No matter how to avoid it, the six flying swords are followed like the skeleton of the skeleton. It is only temporary!

"Xiao...Sister!" His face was whitish and whispered: "I wait...do you want to help?"

Xiao Hua’s face was a bit gloomy. He looked at the six swords in the Mo Qingyuan sword array. He didn’t know what he was thinking. He listened with inquiries and said coldly: “If you want to help, then if you want to help, Before, the younger brother will not stop, but if the younger brother helps, sorry, the younger brother will not answer!"

"Okay!" He replied bluntly as he bit his lip.

Look at the dry Di Heng and Kun non-smoke, although some distance, but still turned to look at Xiaohua, see Xiaohua does not move, the two did not fly.

"Dry brother, you have to come over soon!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized, immediately voiced.

"Yes!" Gan Diheng listened, turned his head and whispered with Kun. The two were preparing to fly, but at this time they only listened to the whirlpool. Mo Qingyuan shouted, Xiao Hua and others looked at it, only See the six-way flying swords surrounding the shocking Qingguang Dasheng, two of which instantly pierced the hands of the thunder and thunder, and the other four Jianguang were pierced into the shocking body, and the brilliance of the body flashed. Then it was annihilation, "Ah!!" shocked a scream, and fell from the air, the corpse also fell into the whirlpool, mixed with the refining monks who were previously killed by him!

"Ha ha ha ~" Mo Qingyuan laughed, and he took a hand, and the thunder that lost control fell into his hands. Then he pointed his hand and six flying swords flying in the air. Immediately afterwards, Mo Qingyuan did something that made everyone in the field unexpected. His six flying swords were not recovered, and the wooden dragons did not rush into the whirlpool to close the ghost lotus...

I saw Mo Qingyuan pointing his hand, and the six flying swords actually... flying outside the whirlpool...

"Old man!" Xiao Hua saw Feijian flying out, and he was shocked. He shot his hand, and the town cloud seal was whistling out of the body, and the khaki brilliance would protect himself and her!

However, Xiao Hua is still wrong. Mo Qingyuan’s Feijian is not flying to Xiaohua at all, but it will be surrounded by Di Heng and Kun non-smoke group! ! !

Xiao Hua’s face suddenly changed. He suddenly understood Mo Qingyuan’s plan!

"Hey, Xiao Daoyou!" Mo Qingyuan did not rush to pick up the Nether Lotus, but stood on the whirlpool and sneered: "I was a disciple of your door. Look at it, you should still be your uncle! If you follow He joined forces, and it should be that you are waiting for two people at this time!"

Xiao Hua looked coldly and did not answer.

Mo Qingyuan continued: "Although this Nether Lotus is a must-see for the foundation-based monks, there is nothing to do with the cultivation of your refining, but since Xiao Daoyou does not come to help, this monk must have a gap with you! This gap... ...oh, I don’t think it’s too small! The old man is killing him today, is it your heart!”

"However, since you don't come up to help out, you can't let these news leak out. All the monks on the field must be killed! Especially the three of you! They are your biggest threat!"

"The beauty of your face is repaired. When you see it, the old man knows that you are a double-educated sister. The old man doesn't care! As for the bitterness of this life! The old man looks at the trade with you before, cut it for you! Save You are guilty of killing the same door!"

When Mo Qingyuan spoke, he pointed his hand and dozens of scorpions fluttering toward the refining disciples who were still alive on the ground. The six flying swords around Kun Feiyan and Gan Diheng also flashed in the same light.

Xiao Hua's face is blue and green, and he will give his hand a finger. The town cloud prints high and flies away. The sound of "banging up" is deafening, and he screams: "The Mo seniors don't say anything to provoke the words! You mean the younger generation. What is this ghost? The younger generation of the lotus will not grab it with you! You will put down the same door of the younger generation!"

"Hey, Xiao Daoyou, in fact, the poor road also feels very regrettable. You have given a lot of benefits to the poor road. If this is the Netherland, the poor road will be given to you. Previously, the poor road in the space still wants to send this news. Tell you! However, this is the Nether Lotus, but also the old man must get something! Nothing!"

Listening to Mo Qingyuan's appearance on Xiao Hua's taboo, Kun Feifei and Gan Diheng's shock is more than frightening, and even a little more joy. After all, with the existence of Xiao Hua, their lives will be guaranteed.

"However, since Xiao Daoyou is so interested, the old man looks at the previous sentiment and spares both of them. Hey, you waited for the oath to divulge things, and the old man will let you wait!"

Speaking of this, there are a few screams in the distance, and the rest of the monks must be killed!

"Okay!" Xiao Hua was helpless, look at you, the two made a vow on the spot, Kun is not a smoke and dry Di Heng.

"Ha ha ha ~" Until this time, Mo Qingyuan only pointed his hand, the wooden dragonfly flew to the left of the Nether Lotus, cut the dragon tail into the crystal clear pink lotus lotus, then Mo Qing Yuan will take a hand, and the Nether Lotus will fall into his hand and put it into a jade, and then several symbols will be placed on the jade.

After waiting for the jade to be collected, Mo Qingyuan was in a good mood. After collecting Feijian and Yu, he looked at Xiao Huadao: "Xiao Daoyou is really a poor star. Today, the trip to the old man can be expected. The old man is still the same sentence, if there is a flaw, you can come to the old man, the old man has a better chance to you!"

"Predecessors keep it!" Xiao Hua cold and cold.

"Ha ha ha!" Mo Qingyuan laughed, his figure flew up, leaving the only four monks left by Yu Leizong!

After a long while, Ding Heng, who dared not move, tried to test: "Xiao Shidi, did the predecessor go?"

"Go, I am ready to go!" Xiao Hua said with no anger.

"Haha~" Gan Diheng laughed and immediately flew up and flew in the whirlpool: "Xiao Shidi, come help me, this Nether Lotus is a legendary thing, even if it is rooted, it must be of great use!" ”

"You... didn't make a mistake! This kind of greed!" Xiao Hua cried and laughed, and the gloomy heart had a little smile! Subsequently, the figure also flew up and flew over the sky above the Nether Lotus.

"The poor road also comes to help!" Kun Feiyan smiled and followed Xiaohua.

However, just in the moment when Kun Feiyan approached Xiaohua, Kun Feiyan suddenly took a hand and found it on Xiaohua’s shoulder...


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