Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 547: Sorrow

And said that Kun non-smoke is a random palm shot on Xiao Hua's shoulder, so gentle as a lover's touch! However, when Kun’s non-smoke hand touched Xiaohua’s shoulder, her jewel-like hand immediately flashed a fascinating red light!

Then, Xiao Hua’s red brilliance flashed, and the mana of the whole body instantly solidified! .

"You..." The mana solidified, and Xiaohua's flight technique immediately failed, and the whole body fell from the air! Straight down to the whirlpool of the whistling! Xiao Hua looked up at Kun Fei, and his eyes were full of unbelief!

And Kun’s eyes are also mournful, pity, and sad...

"Xiao Hua" did not fly over, just standing outside the wind tunnel, it is very clear to see what happened above the vortex, the heartbreaking, the call of Yongnian immediately shouted from her mouth Come out! The sturdy figure is also rushing into the wind tunnel at the same time!

"Xiao Shidi?" Gan Diheng heard it at this time. When he turned around, Xiao Hua had already fallen far: "Kun is not a smoke, you are crazy?" Kun Feiyan could not help but shout.

"I..." Kun was not looking at his own hands, his eyes were a bit sluggish. From the royal Leizong to the things on the road, lightning reappeared in her mind, Xiao Hua and Yan’s unusual smiles actually Condensed in her mind...

At this time, a yellow shadow suddenly appeared, like a yellow wind blowing from the whirlpool, the moment is to scrape the Kun non-smoky white as the neck of the swan!

Kun Feiyan has not escaped from the good memory of Xiao Hua, only feels that the neck is cool, the whole body's strength is drawn from her body! The mana of the body also disappeared in an instant! Kun non-smoke only felt black in front of him, with a smile on his face filled with Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua was falling into a whirlpool!

"巽师姊..." Dry Diheng stood in the sky above the whirlpool, stunned and watched everything like the electric light and flint, saw a yellow shadow in front of his eyes, and between the non-smoke necks Guanghua flashed, and then saw a black blood flowing out of her neck! At the same time that Kun’s non-smoking corpse fell, the yellow shadow flew into the whirlpool. (1_1) and stagnated for a while in the whirlpool! That is just a moment, dry Di Heng see clearly, actually a yellow little cockroach!

Subsequently. The little cockroach seems to have disappeared from Xiao Hua’s body, or he fell into the whirlpool and disappeared. He did not know, because his eyes had already been seen. I did not hesitate to rush to Xiao Hua in the whirlpool!

Dry Di Heng was shocked and shouted, and it was rushing to the past, and he would not hesitate to rescue Xiao Hua’s body!

"Xiao Hua!" The tears have been hanged on the shackles, and one hand has stretched out to the raging rag. In the whirlpool... Many corpses have long since disappeared. The place where Xiao Hua and Kun Feiyan fell is the center of the whirlpool. At this time, it has already been screwed into the depths of the wind tunnel! His fingers are white and slender, and trembling in the wind, it seems so helpless, so desperate!

Seeing that you are so sad, how can you die? He didn't dare to stay on the whirlpool, pulling the cockroach and flying outside the wind tunnel. I struggled a few times. Look at the whirlpool like a raging wave. The strength of the whole body disappeared, and Ren Diheng pulled her back outside!

However, the two just stood on the ground, "Boom!" A deafening, resounding movement of the heavens and the earth was born from the wind tunnel, and the wind column was rushed from the wind tunnel to destroy all things. It is a hundred times faster than the previous reduction. The violent rushing on, does not eliminate the time of tea. The wind column has already rushed to the nine!

"Ah" dry Di Heng and Yan once again stunned, incredulously watching the changes in the wind column. I feel that I have cultivated myself from the heart!

After a while, Gan Diheng said incomparably: "Yu Shizhen... Xiao Shidi and Kun Feiyan, I am afraid there is no hope of surviving! I wait... or go out early here!"

"No, I want to... Wait a second, Xiao Hua, he has always been mysterious, this wind column will definitely not want his life!" Resounding resolutely, the tone has already revealed compassion.

"Well, that little brother will accompany the teacher!" said Dry Diheng nodded. "However, nearly 200 disciples have died here, and there will be many monks coming. I will wait until I go out and fear that I will be attacked by others. In this case, no one knows the death of Xiao Shidi and Kun Feiyan. Moreover, why did Kun Feiyan kill Xiao Shidi, and fear that no one will pursue it!"

"Well, the younger brother does not have to persuade, the poor road knows!" In his eyes, he flashed the color of perseverance, one word at a time: "The poor road will definitely return to the Lei Lei Palace, telling Master about this matter, must ask the Master to report Lord, find out this matter!"

"Yes, even if Kun is not a disciple of Kun Leigong, she can't kill the younger brother!" said Di Diheng. "Not to mention that Xiao Shidi didn't know how many times he saved me!"

"Yes, although the strength of Wanlei Valley is weak, there is still my thunder palace, and the poor road does not believe that a small Yan Leiling can blind the whole Royal Leizong!"

"That is, there is still my dry thunder palace!" Gan Diheng said a foot: "Xin Shidi is in love with me, this hatred I will definitely report for Xiao Shidi!"

"Hey, go, throw all the corpses around into the wind column, and take all the storage bags, implements and magic weapons!" He recovered his emotions and was very calm.

"Yes," Di Diheng looked slightly loose, and looked at it and asked: "What about the brothers of the four divisions?"

"Throw it all together!" sneer: "Think about how they treated us on the day? How did they treat Xiaohua?"

Dry Di Heng’s mouth was slightly twitching, and he did not say a word. He sighed and flew around the wind pillar...

It’s cold in my heart. It seems that Xiaohua’s departure is the same as the warmth in the world. I saw that she would stand up, and slowly approached the wind pillar. The hurricane of the cockroach blew her whole body’s brilliance to the extinction. The flash of brilliance is like a sly thought, ups and downs, thinking and thinking, the bits and pieces of the past, blowing into her mind like a hurricane!

"This is why! What is the matter of Kun Feiyan?"

"Where did the yellow little cockroach come out? Even the Kun-Xian smoke that has 12 layers of refining is a catcher!"

“How did the shock appear in the world?”

"Who is the predecessor who will be shocked and killed?"

“How did Xiao Hua know with the predecessor?”

"It seems that the predecessor is very jealous of Xiao Hua. A mid-term monk in the middle of the building actually has the life of Kun and non-smoke and dry Di Heng to come to Xiaohua, lest Xiaohua compete with him for the Nether Lotus, Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua, You... Are you really the same three-layer refinement of the previous refining?"

The more you think, the more blurred your eyes are... (to be continued.)


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