Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 548: Adventures in the Nether Wind

And said that Xiao Hua mixed did not care about Kun's non-smoke move, but also did not expect that Kun non-smoke would suddenly count him, the glamorous red light flashed through his body, it seems to fall into the ice cave, not only the whole body is Frozen, that is, all the meridians are condensed into ice!

Xiao Hua’s incredible look at Kun’s non-smoke, Deng’s non-smoker’s previous moves, and the presence of shocks are linked!

"唉" Xiao Hua’s heart is too late to sigh, and the vigorous King Kong body and the dragon scorpion are running in the body, and the whole body is faintly emitting golden brilliance!

"Hey, this yellow character...Is it feared that the foundation monk is refining it?" The vigorous King Kong body and the dragon are running fast. In a short time, they can't break the glamorous red ban, Xiao Hua feels stunned. At this time his body shape has been oscillating with the rotation of the vortex, Xiao Hua knows that he will soon fall into the whirlpool, and will soon be uncontrollable like a piece of fallen leaves into the water!

Watching, Di Diheng's horror, sorrowful grief, and Kun Fei's loss of consciousness, Xiao Hua's heart is also born with despair, the mind immediately enters the space ≥ * book * ()

Xiao Hua’s original intention is just to let Xiao Huang escape from the space. Don’t fall with the nine secluded ones. It is the reason that he ordered Xiao Huang to kill Kun! I don't know, Xiao Hua will not call Xiaoyin, Xiao Huang has actually returned to his side, and there is no doubt that it will fall into the whirlpool! ! Xiao Hua had no choice but to let Xiao Huang get into the space. Of course, Xiao Hua at this time is at the root of the Nether Lotus. The Nymph Lotus is also very easy to be taken away by Xiao Hua!

Xiao Huagang put away the roots of Xiao Huang and Nether Lotus, and his whole body immediately turned, like a wind wheel. Moreover, the unrivalled attraction of the self-whirlpool center, Xiaohua, was pulled into the ground. Xiaohua only saw the corpse of Kun, and the whole world began to rotate!

Xiao Hua did not dare to blink, and to fight for fate to transform Long Hao and vigorously King Kong body, to break free of the ban, want to escape from the wind column before falling into the depths of the wind pillar!

The sound of "啪" sounded softly, and Xiao Hua was relaxed for a while. Xiao Hua’s entire meridians moved, and the mana instantly surged around, while at the same time. The vigorous King Kong body also emerged from the flesh!

"Big good!" Xiao Hua secretly hid, it is precisely to break the shackles of the law, a new one hundred times stronger than the previous strong self-born, can not allow Xiaohua to have any struggle, has been torn down hundreds of feet ...

This suction is so big, just like a million hands to tear the body down Xiaohua! Even though Xiaohua has already been tempered by the phoenix body, even though it has already released the powerful King Kong body, it can still resist the power of the world of the Nether! ! !

For a moment, Xiao Hua’s brilliance flashed off ≥-Book _ (all the defenses were torn! And the body was broken, and the blood in the inside would be out!

"Bad" Xiao Hua was shocked, endured the pain of this heartbreaking heart, and thought of a sharp turn, and turned fate into a powerful method of King Kong's body, trying to turn this pain into a driving force for cultivation!

At the same time, the 13,200 small dots in Xiao Hua's body were also slightly faintly red and black, and the body of Xiao Hua's tears healed very quickly.

but. The blood that had flowed out before was blown by the wind of the Nether. Little by little in the wind, in the blood, except for some golden filaments falling down, the others are fleeting! Under the wind column, I don't know how many distances there are. There is a big worm with a fist. There is a golden silk... Maybe it can fall, maybe it will be blown away. But if it can fall, this world is afraid that there is another great variable!

And said that Xiao Hua urged the King Kong method. Reluctantly resisting the wind of the Nether that can tear the ordinary monk directly, and then, when the suction force is stronger than the power of rotation, the force breaks away from the state of rotation and stands up! And the eyes of the broken law are also opened!

The eyes of the eyes are the same as what you see in the metamagnetic space. The difference is that you are in the wind column at this time. The blood is thick and thick, and your body is extremely fast. come down!

"No, you can't fall any more, you must be Ting, escape from the wind column!" Xiao Hua immediately had an idea, but how can we slow down or even stop the speed of falling? Xiao Hua is surrounded by Guanghua, and wakes up and spreads! However, with the emergence of Xiao Hua's mana, waking up the thunder and only weakening the speed of a little, it is not enough to reverse the current situation!

With a little thought, Xiao Hua took a handful of it and took out the two pieces of the dust and the micro-wares from the space. Under the force of the force, the two pieces of the instrument were successively under the feet of Xiao Hua. Burst, the power of a powerful explosion really reduced the speed of Xiao Hua by 30%!

"At this moment!" Xiao Hua's heart is a joy, screaming at the moment of fleeting moments, the shape of the stunned movement is actually a step-by-step method of moving and changing, facing the difficult side! ! !

This side is the key, Xiao Hua immediately came out from the center of the whirlpool, and the whole figure began to fall on one side and began to rotate around the center of the vortex! Seeing that his body shape began to rotate, Xiao Hua tried his best to display the thunder and thunder, and the direction of the thunder and lightning was not upwards, but straight out!

Therefore, within the wind column, Xiao Hua rotates around the center of the vortex, and it is far away from each rotation, and the distance is far more and more away. However, the speed of Xiao Hua’s sinking has not diminished, and Xiao Hua has not had time to take care of this.

I don't know how long it took to fly. The more I flew, the more I was shocked. The wind column was just above the ground, but it was hundreds of feet. How did it get so wide? Just thinking, Xiao Hua’s figure suddenly became light, and the force that dragged his whereabouts suddenly disappeared! "Ha ha" Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and quickly set his body up and ready to fly up the ground!

It is precisely at this time that from the side of his body is a force that is stronger than just the downward force, and he is pulling him in the horizontal direction...

Xiao Hua’s body shape was to inspire the whole body to force the screaming thunder to fly to the side. At this time, the speed did not drop at all, so Xiao Hua did not respond at all, and was immediately pulled in. However, at this moment, Xiao Hua’s smashing eyes looked at it. This is the same hurricane vortex as before, except that... the direction is horizontal!

"Oops!" Xiaohua smiled anxiously. At this time, he would not dare to escape as before, so he would rotate horizontally. Who knows if he is going up or down when he escapes. If he is facing down, he is not dead. Faster? Moreover, not only the force of pulling in the hurricane, but also other inexplicable forces, the magic of Xiao Hua is eroded all the time, and the defense of his whole body!

At the same time, Xiao Hua also played Huang Fu, but Huang Fu was like the paper, and it was immediately broken when it was played. It did not work at all. Instead, Xiao Hua’s vigorous King Kong law was pulled under the gloom of the Nether. A faint golden light, although somewhat obscured, seems to be a solid anomaly! And in Xiaohua's insistence on cultivation, there is faint and beneficial!

"But it!" Xiao Hua temporarily sucked the struggling heart, while carrying the vigorous cultivation of the law of the King Kong body, trying to cultivate, while slightly opening the eyes of the law, carefully looking at his body.

I don't know how long it has been. Xiaohua doesn't know how many hurricanes have been captured, either up or down, or left or right. Xiao Hua is going to see it clearly. The hurricane here is simply disordered. The space is also big and incredible. The scarlet viscous in the eyes of the law is almost boundless, and the longer it stagnates, the thicker and thicker it is. The viscous thing is already felt on Xiao Hua and even on the body. !

The hurricane has gradually turned into a liquid!

"It's over!" Xiao Hua was flustered when he was in the dark. He was just a little ant in this secluded place. Can you have other fate besides the teasing of this gloom? And under such powers, it is said that Xiao Hua's refining and repairing, even Jin Dan, Zhuji, is Yuan Ying and distraction, fear that there is no means to escape!

However, fortunately, Xiao Hua still has a body, and under the temper of the Nether Wind, it is actually beneficial! However, this benefit is barely able to withstand the loss, only when the loss exceeds the benefit, it is the day of Xiao Hua's body!

Just when Xiao Hua was disheartened, suddenly his flesh seemed to have collided with something, and the brilliance of the whole body lingered, and Xiao Hua’s figure actually disappeared within the hurricane! Moreover, the strength of Xiao Hua’s side-to-side pressure suddenly disappeared. A kind of pressure from all directions is like a giant hand, kneading Xiaohua’s body! And Xiao Hua’s smashing eyes only have time to see a multicolored fluorescent color and the black and white color that immediately comes, and it is exhausted to close!

"Transmission???" This sudden pressure is so familiar, Xiao Hua couldn't help but scream, but this pressure is much greater than the pressure of the transmission system that he passed before. If it is not his own body, it is already transmitted. That moment is fainting!

The time of transmission was extremely short, and Xiao Xiao’s body was so loose that he couldn’t wait for him to open his eyes. It was also a horizontal attraction. Xiao Hua’s involuntarily flew forward... ...

"唉" At this time, Xiao Hua was completely speechless, sighing and trying to re-cast the body. The wing can stay a little longer in this bleak wind of the Nether, and it can be alive.

I don't know how long it has been. Xiaohua feels that it has been transmitted several times. He is completely ignorant of where he is at this time. What the eyes of the eye see, the scarlet of the Netherwind is also shallow and deep, not the same!

The same, only the powerful tears in the wind of the Nether!

Xiaohua’s King Kong’s body is certainly a very fast progress. Under the prestige of this world, it’s already poor, and it’s in a precarious situation. The body is thin and can’t be thinner... (to be continued).


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