Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 549: Fun

Seeing Xiao Hua's last line of defense - Jin Gang's golden brilliance gradually annihilated, Xiao Hua felt cold and cold when he was on the road. He can now imagine that after the disappearance of King Kong's body, his body was torn into a thin piece of inch!

However, at the moment when the King Kong body disappeared, the 130,200 small dots that formed the King Kong body suddenly appeared. The rapid contraction of this 3,200 small points actually condensed into one! Then the only small spot flashed a black and red flame disappeared!

After disappearing, but the fingertips, this only small point appeared again, and then, the 13,300 small dots were separated from this only small point! However, once this small point is born, it contains a kind of desolate atmosphere, and these small points correspond to the 130,200 small points above Xiao Hua’s, but the composition of these small points It has been different from the composition of the small dots above the body of Xiao Hua! The outline formed by these small points is not the previous King Kong body, but... a phoenix look! ! !

Even, because of the changes in these small points, the 133,200 small dots above the body of Xiao Hua also flashed a black and red flame, and they had to become the phoenix's nirvana with the appearance of the phoenix body! Seeing this gradual change of Xiaohua's body, the original gray-white skeleton suddenly flashed out of golden brilliance. After the golden light, it was a piece of red and red, two white bones! The red color on the bones tightly wrapped the flesh, and the flesh struggled several times to break free. The 13300 points disappeared and the flesh returned to the previous Nirvana.

just. The outline of the phoenix body has been formed. The contours of the wings are slightly different. The viscous liquid of the scarlet in the wind of the Nether is extracted, and the outline of the phoenix body is filled in a moment! At the same time that the phoenix body is filled up, the golden light flashes outside the body of the phoenix, and Zoran is a perfect golden body!

Xiao Hua is stunned and perceives all this, and feels the shape of a phoenix body! !

However, what Xiaohua unexpectedly was, just in the moment when the phoenix body was formed, an unspeakable impulse, an extreme heat was generated from his body. The path rushes to his mind and rushes to his lower body!

"Ah~" Xiao Hua couldn't help but scream, and shouted, correspondingly. The phoenix body is also spreading its wings, and the sound of a phoenix sounds inside the wind column!

At this time, Xiao Hua’s ** was caught by a wind pillar with no direction, and it was removed in one place. However, the same sound of phoenix sound came from the side of the wind pillar. Very weak, but listening to Xiao Hua’s ears is like pouring oil on the fire, making Xiao Hua’s body heat more incomparable! even. Xiao Hua’s phoenix law body is like a kind of ingenuity, just like the eternal sense of the ages, a clear sound, a double-winged exhibition, flying toward the sound of Fengming!

Xiao Hua’s body is actually led by the body of the law, taking it out of the wind column and rushing into another wind column!

This wind column is different from the previous one. It seems to be blown out from the depths of the Nether. It is extremely cold. However, this cold is hot in Xiao Hua's heart. In the blame of the phoenix law, it is like a cool summer wind!

The sound of the soft phoenix of "嘎", the sound of Fengming is also extremely joyful, but it also exudes extreme lust!

"嘎" Xiao Hua's phoenix law is in the same body, the same joy!

A loud bang of "Boom." Xiao Hua only felt that his eyes were bright, and he did not know where he was flying. I don't know if it is out of the transmission array. In short, Xiao Hua is in the world of ice Ling Ling!

At this time, Xiao Hua has been unable to suppress the heat of **, the eyes are red, the phoenix body is even more impetuous, the whole body is flashing, and the fire is raging!

In the icy valley where Xiao Hua appeared, there was a pale green phoenix body, which was very feminine, and the languid reluctance remained in the air. Under the phoenix law, it is a woman who looks like a fairy. The woman is already in a coma at this time. The body is already with ice, slightly stiff!

This woman is not exactly the red glow fairy who can't beat the ice wind?

Xiao Hua’s flaming phoenix law body saw the phoenix law body of Hongxia Fairy. A clear singer rushed to the past, cheering on her back, and actually smashed it up! ! !

"嘎" Hongxia fairy's phoenix law body like joy, screaming, greet, the color of ice and blue gradually decline, gradually pure green!

The body of Hongxia Fairy is still blue, but there is a corresponding pink color in its skin color!

Xiao Hua saw the red xia fairy, and there was a fire of madness in his eyes. His body flew to the Hongxia fairy with his own phoenix body, and he waved his hand. The robes of Hongxia Fairy were cut off, revealing the ice-white body. ! The two little red dots trembled in the wind, and each time the vibrations made Xiaohua’s heart move!

When Xiao Hua’s eyes fell on the darkness below, everything disappeared in Xiao Hua’s eyes...

"Ah~~" Like the joy of the phoenix body, Xiao Hua felt an incomparably hot, and when he was extremely wrapped up, he couldn't help but pick it up!

This voice is so happy, it is actually Xiao Hua’s life!

Accompanied by this Xiaohua's voice, the low sorrow and the pain of eating are also emitted from the cherry lips of Hongxia Fairy. The red glow fairy is also awakened by the heat of the fire like a fire column, and can't help but instinctively cater to it! However, when the reason concealed the instinct, the red miracle suddenly awakened, and the incomparable joy in the body immediately made her understand what happened, and the red face on the red face was pale!

Hongxia Fairy is not as good as blinking, and will stretch out his hand and hit a hand on Xiao Hua’s forehead! However, this palm has not yet been played, and immediately was caught by a powerful hand!

The red xia fairy smiled, and the laughter turned into a scream. She tried to force her mana to shake her heart. But at this critical moment, Xiao Hua made her unforgettable and let her She shivered in shy voice!

"Xiao Hua?" Hongxia Fairy actually identified Xiao Hua from this original gasp, and hurriedly opened his eyes!

Sure enough, although I have never seen two sides, the face that can be engraved is revealed in front of her eyes. What makes her even more shy is that Xiao Hua’s body is holding her, and she is extremely fast in her body...

Unparalleled joy, incomparably assured that she once again stunned, but Hongxia fairy is still gasping, almost sly, almost asks: "Xiao... Xiao Lang, is... is it you?"

The voice of Hongxia Fairy called for a dozen sounds, and then Xiaohua awakened a trace, Xiao Hua vaguely responded.

However, Hongxia Fairy still does not trust, biting his ear and asking: "Well... what did you say to you at the Fairy Festival?"

"Jun...Is it already...decision, all over...and Jun...together..." Xiao Hua was really hard, and he was really worried about the hot place, while he gasped and knew the two talents. Said it!

"Xiao Lang..." Hongxia fairy was screaming, and couldn't help but feel the itch in his heart. His hands were on Xiaohua's shoulder, and the teeth were biting on Xiaohua's neck...

Ps: Will not be harmonious.......(To be continued., vote for recommendation, monthly ticket,,.


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