Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 550: Yin and yang, meridians

Chapter 550

Yin and yang, meridians

The original ** is like the tide of the shore, waves and waves, the waves are connected constantly, Xiao Hua and Hongxia Fairy, Xiao Hua’s phoenix body and the phoenix law of Hongxia Fairy are under the most primitive **, endless Impulsive! Hit! The momentum of the two monks is unpredictable. Although it is tumbling in the air, it is nothing more than the spring glory, singing and dancing! The movement of the two phoenix bodies can be big! .

I saw the aura of the heavens and the earth in the entire ice valley. With each impact, the two bodies gradually violently fluttered with their wings, and the phoenix body above the female phoenix body, the hot and flaming breath. The secondary fan is injected into the female body, and the cold cold current of the female phoenix also flows back to the body of the male phoenix! The yin and yang reconciliation and the phoenix Chengxiang actually let the ice valley rise in the spring!

Waiting for Xiao Hua to be a little awake, accompanied by the joy of being unable to speak in the flesh, Xiao Hua also perceives the rapid flow of the infuriating body with the red Xia fairy. At the same time, Xiao Hua also perceives that the cultivation of Hongxia fairy is not proper. The so-called yin and yin are not born, and the yang is not long. The ice-phoenix method is to use the solitary yin in the blood of the blood phoenix to enhance the cultivation. It is also a lonely yin and a lonely yin. This is the key to the ice-phoenix heart. The monk who has the blood of the phoenix and the blood, does not know how many people have lost their lives in this lonely yin and yang. !

Although the red miracle fairy is excellent in talent, but in the ice valley, it also falls into the bureau of the sky! Xiao Hua's blood... Don't say it, it is the ancient phoenix phoenix body shaping, its yin and yang properties are subtle, but its **** bone is the fire attribute! Its condensed phoenix body is just as positive! Even more, the phoenix body is ruined, and the phoenix body is born with nirvana. It is also a masculine material in the gloom of the Nether. It is also a perfect masculine. It is the perfection of the pure yin of the red radish fairy, and the thunder slams the fire. It makes sense!

This reason is no longer elaborated, and said that Xiao Hua felt that the true yang in the body and the yin and yang of the Hongxia fairy were slowly reconciled, and that it was the thought of the double secret method that he had obtained very early. He was going to do this. I gave it to the couple in Yangyang. I have seen it in my spare time. Now is the time to check my secrets, and... Xiaohua’s body is infuriating, and the body of Hongxia Fairy is real, true and Although the blending of Zhenyang has nothing to do with mana, it is infuriating. Xiao Hua is of course inferior to Hongxia Fairy in this respect!

Xiao Hua secretly displayed the secret method of double repair. Just after being displayed, she was noticed by Hongxia Fairy. The red glow fairy closed her eyes, the long eyelashes flashed slightly, and the face was shy and shy.

However, after a long while, Xiao Hua discovered that even if it is a double-education, it can be in the most primitive blend of his true Yang and Hongxia fairy, and everything is fine, everything is beautiful. Not really useful!

"Xiao Lang..." Hongxia fairy was shy and abnormal, and the trembling voice whispered: "Do not do too much useless work!"

"Hey, for the husband to understand!" Xiao Hua smiled, no words, and the red Xia fairy greeted, only the "ah ah ..." low voice.

I don't know how long it has been, or a few hours, or a few days, or even a dozen days. The number of "嘎嘎" is Fengming, among them, the joy of the male and the phoenix, and the unwillingness of the female phoenix!

Xiao Hua under the law is also a little frown!

Hongxia Fairy is now one with Xiao Hua. How do you not know what Xiao Hua thinks? I saw the red Xia fairy *** such as the snow of the body sticking to Xiao Hua's body, the delicate flowery face stuck on Xiao Hua's chest, whispered: "Xiao Lang... I thought I would be different from Xiao Lang." Farewell, I can only be alone in this place! Nowadays, I am kind to you and me, and I can gather here with Xiao Lang! It’s already satisfied with this gathering. How do you know what the meaning of the monarch is? Poor! I won't complain about it!!"

During the talk, the red-eyed fairy will pull out Xiao Hua from the lotus arm!

"Ha ha ha ~ Hong Xia a wife, don't take a break for the husband!" Xiao Hua laughed happily, holding the red-eyed fairy's body in his arms, and the other hand smashed, a hot scorpion crystal When I came out, I hit my hand in my waist, and a red flame came out from Xiao Hua in his body! And the infinite heat inside the meridians and even the connection between the two, such as the constant source of Lingquan, poured into the body of Hongxia Fairy!

"Ah?" perceives Xiaohua's changes, surprises, and under the more fierce attack of Xiao Hua, he simply lost the power of parry...

And the mana of the two also gradually improved in the most primitive combination between heaven and earth.......

"Ah..." I don't know at some point, the red xia fairy is like a tearing heart, Xiao Hua is also follow-up, the two people's brilliance flashes, Xiao Hua is red, Hongxia fairy It is the blue light, among the red and green that are lingering in each other, the two people have a mask like the yin and yang fish around the body. Within the mask, the meridians of the whole body are completely revealed!

"Oh... is this all the meridians in my memory? Is it also the meridians that the dragons are completely tempered?" The extremely happy Xiaohua perceives all the meridians, and the meridians like the dragons are like the dragons and nine days!

The Hongxia fairy is even more horrifying, and the joyful trembling is far less than the inner tremor. This is the secret of the world, the mystery of the human body, but she never imagined it! The perception of this meridian opens a door that she would never have known! ! !

"Xiao Lang..." Hongxia Fairy couldn't help but smash it out from the heart or on the **...

Yan Yan teaches, the valley of ice and rain, its cold and inferior ice valley, just a place, like a huge waterfall hanging under the waterfall in the foothills, a young monk is sitting naked and sitting cross-legged in the waterfall Below, the seemingly endless stream of ice continually fell, hitting the monk's body and hitting the rock at the foot of the mountain. The rock is so smooth, there is a faint condensation of ice, and the deafening roar is the roar of the power of the waterfall!

What the monk does not say is Xiao Mao.

Just in front of this waterfall, the same mountain, Xiao Mao's master Yuan Zhiming did not have any expression on his face, faintly watching Xiao Mao's faint glory and restraint, and Xiao Mao's slightly painful expression.

At this time, Yuan Zhiming’s eyes leaped and looked up slightly. He saw the sky in the valley. I don’t know when it was covered with thick black clouds, and there was already a lightning flash in the dark clouds!

"Big good!" Yuan Zhiming couldn't help but reveal a smile. "The old man is worried that there is no external force. This kid is afraid to miss the opportunity of advancement. This thunderstorm is exactly what God wants!"

But for a moment, the thunder sounded, the lightning was mixed, and the pouring rain seemed to slam from the top of the Tianhe River, rushing down! The rain came to the valley and was frozen into ice. The waterfall was not only a few times more water, but the cold was even worse!

Xiaomao is under the waterfall, his body is already iced, his lips are also purple, and the flesh is involuntarily picked up. "The success or failure is here!" Xiaomao naturally knows his own situation, tries his best to run the dragon, stabilize the meridians, and be infuriating. At the same time of its rapid circumstance, the singularity of the singularity of the sacred geese, slowly and painstakingly all the pains and colds, according to the secret law taught by Yuan Zhiming, into the flesh, a little bit of gathering mana...

I don't know how long it took, I saw Xiao Mao's body flashing in Huaguang, an invisible mask formed in an instant, blocking the giant force of the waterfall, "吼", Xiao Mao's mana is swaying, can't help but lead the neck. Xiao, but with the disappearance of the howling, the mask is also disappearing, the waterfall is still shot down on his body, splashing countless splashes!

"Oh, Xiao Mao, you come out!" Yuan Zhiming flashed a smile in his eyes, voiced.

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Xiao Mao was already insulted at this time, slowly rising from the waterfall, seemingly effortless, then flew to the side of the cold pool, took out the robe from the storage bag and put it on.

"Master ~ disciple is fortunate not to be insulted!" Xiao Mao flew to Yuan Zhiming's side, stumbled and said.

"Well, good!" Yuan Zhiming nodded: "The old man did not expect that you really was a rare cultivation talent, actually broke into the twelve layers of refining in such a short time!"

"The disciples don't dare, they all teach Master!" Xiao Mao said very respectfully.

"Ha ha ha!" Yuan Zhiming laughed, took a hand and took out a hand and said, "This is the rainbow, you have to collect, wait for a time to take."

"Rainbow 昙?" Xiao Mao was shocked, and quickly caught, whispered: "This is the elixir that gave birth to God, Master now gives disciples...."

"Hey, Xiao Mao, is it always blaming the teacher for not letting you in the refining of the eleventh floor?" Yuan Zhiming laughed.

Xiao Mao said in horror; "Master, disciple does not dare. Although the disciple heard that the eleventh layer of refining is the best time to give birth to the gods, the disciple only heard that Master is a monk of the Jindan period, absolutely better than the disciple. More! Disciples can't complain!"

"Oh, that's good!" Yuan Zhiming licked his own goatee and smiled: "Everyone thinks that the eleventh layer of refining is the best time to give birth to God. There are even some real-life families who think of God. The more early it is, the better it is. Some families have also found eccentric methods to let their disciples refine their tenth floors. They know that these are all births. What is the seedlings? This is the seedlings, God It is natural to give birth, why bother to give birth?"

Xiao Mao was shocked, his face showed admiration, look at the rainbow in his hand, whispered: "Master, take this rainbow 昙 岂 岂 催 催 催 催 岂 ” ” ”?

"Yoko!" Yuan Zhiming blamed: "The rainbow is the nourishing of the growth of God. It is the use of the rainbow to force the self to lead the birth of the gods. Now you have 12 layers of refining, and the mind has already had seeds. The rainbow is the fertilizer that it ruined!"


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