Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 572: Dry Thunder Palace

"Right, Xiao Hua, after my Royal Leizong disciple builds a foundation, there will be a simple celebration. Master will set the date after ten days. At that time, the uncle or the ancestors who will be handed over to my master will bring the disciples. Come over, one congratulation, the second will exchange the cultivation after the foundation. (.._) You... will you come over? Well, if it is coming, remember to send a message, I... I went with Xue Shimei. Pick you up at the Thunder Palace!"

Dry Diheng’s message can be exaggerated, and he listened to Di Heng’s laughter: “Xiao Shidi, Grandma’s, Laozi finally built the foundation. After Laozi sent you a message, he immediately gave Wang Yunqi and Yuan. Bo and Ge Ge, a grandmother, actually filled the predecessors in front of Laozi! Right, the brother was originally going to the Dongling Pharmacy in person, not to mention, for the brother to build the foundation, all thanks to the younger brother, thank you Thanks to anyone? However, the brother has never received your message, knowing that you have not built a foundation, if the brother is gone? Do you have any thoughts in your heart? So, it’s good to be a brother! After the day, I will have a small celebration in the dry thunder palace. Grandma’s, congratulations for the brothers to really step into the comprehension, if you come, then come, if it feels uncomfortable, don’t come! Anyway, Laozi will show蛰雷遁, let Wang Yunqi look at these dog things, to see who is the real Yu Leizong to build a base disciple! Shuang ah!!! Xiao Shidi, you also hurry to practice....... Hey, I will not say, It’s so bad to say it! Right, the magic weapon in the storage bag is If the brother left himself, it is sent to you. If it is discovered by other teachers, you will say that I sent it. Well, let me say the last sentence. You can rest assured that you can cultivate well, even if you can’t build a foundation, you are the younger brother of Laozi. Forever, as long as Laozi is in Yu Leizong, it will definitely not let you bully you! Oh, you will definitely find a way to make you and Xue Xue accomplish good things! This is Laozi’s commitment to you!!!”

"Grandma's!" Xiaohua's warmth in his heart, smiled and said: "But it is an early stage of building a foundation, actually claiming Laozi in front of Laozi! Waiting for time to clean up this! Even the mid-term monks in the building base are still being cleaned up by Laozi! ”

Say, take out the other two communication symbols. Say two identical words in the inside, and wave your hand, the communication symbols fly to different places.

Xiao Hua himself has not built a foundation, and did not come to participate in other people's foundation celebrations? Moreover, the experience of building a foundation for others is not used by themselves. Going is to be the laughing stock of others! Even if you don't care, can you swear or do Diheng? There is no need for them to find themselves uncomfortable. (..)

"Oh, I don't know, if I practice the refining of 18 layers, can I find a trace of memory!" Xiao Hua is somewhat confused, no longer practicing, and slowly walks out of Dongfu. At this time, it is Qingtian Day, Dongling Medicine. The garden is hot and stands on the top of the mountain. Xiao Hua stared at the clear sky for a long time: "I haven't found any clues about my life for so many years. I have tried all kinds of means. I have nothing to do except for the occasional exercises. I am doing 18 layers of refining and refining. The painstaking heart... can be seen by God, can give me some clues to my life when I am refining the 18th floor! God, not too much, just a trace of it!"

Can God hear Xiao Hua’s wish? No one knows that there is only a long white cloud in the sky. There is only a hot atmosphere on the ground, and Xiao Hua who is struggling to find his own life on the East Ridge...

Feelings for a moment, Xiao Hua turned his eyes to perseverance, and glanced around and smiled and said: "If you come, you will not be able to make the 18th floor of the refining. If you build a foundation and build a foundation, then Jin Dan, left and right... Xiaoye will be consumed with his life! Xiaoye will not believe it, and he will cultivate to ... to rob, to practice in Mahayana, can the young man still find his life?"

It’s a pity that this is just Xiaohua’s wishful thinking. In his heart, Mahayana is already the end of cultivation. It is already a powerful person. But he didn't know, his memory... The traceback in his space is what the monk can speculate? Also, is the Mahayana repair able to control? ?

With the goal, Xiao Hua is full of confidence, will take a shot, take out the last piece of fire crystal from the space, the hot, contains a lot of fire and earth, a small piece of aura in his hands, Immediately gather the flaming aura that is surrounded by it!

Xiao Hua's figure is floating, flying toward the inside of the cave. At the same time, the rabbit array and the dry fire array are also excited!

Under the Dongling, a fist-sized lava is also formed. The lava is still divided into several layers. The outermost part is a magma like water. Then it gradually hardens into the inside and becomes crystallized. Then it is empty and empty inside. In the middle, there is a hint of darkness, that is, the last time that the heat is so hot that the space will burn down! The darkness of the fall, with the appearance of the crystal of the fire, immediately has a movement, seems to be like a creepy bug, and it is beginning to slowly rise! This rise is so unstoppable, it is easy to get through the crystallization, over the middle of those hard, when the water is over the magma, the magma is like a water transpiration! !

Waiting for Xiao Hua to sit on his knees and smash the sacred crystal into his arm, the whole body is violently ignited, and the speed of the dark collapse is accelerated, just like the desire of the milk Swallow to nest. !

Nowadays, the fourth piece of temperament crystal has been used. Xiao Hua has long been familiar with the road. As the ** is torn by the blazing flame, the severe pain on the ** still makes Xiao Hua desperate to release the phoenix body. ! Although the law of the King Kong body can no longer be used at this time, it can constitute the virtual point of the phoenix body, and like the small point that constitutes the body of Xiao Hua, it absorbs the flame of the flames...

At the same time, Xiao Hua’s bones have once again become red and white, and 80% of them have been entangled in red filaments. Now, under the burning of flames, they are slowly expanding and have been moving toward the top ten. .

However, when it is close to 10%, the red silk will never spread. Even if the flame of Xiao Hua is still there, there is still a lot of absorption, and the red silk is no longer moving. That is to say, Xiao Hua uses fire. The marrow is crystallized and quenched, and it can only be tempered to ninety-nine, and there is no way to use the fire to crystallize!

At this time, Xiao Hua did not have extra thoughts. After the Hualong Dragon also absorbed the flame, he tried to absorb the excess flame by running the original heart.

The darkness under the Dongling still rises. After nearly 30 days, it finally comes to the edge of the array that wraps the entire Dongling. There is still no suspense. The darkness of the collapse swayed and moved toward the flame where Xiaohua was.

At the same time that the formation method was crossed, it was far from a large hall in the dry thunder palace. It was said that a monk in the middle of Jindan’s high seat in the temple’s head was slightly closed and said the true nature of cultivation. solution. Under the Yuntai, the group was surrounded by more than a dozen monks who built the base of the late stage of the foundation. They both opened their eyes and stared at the face of Jindan’s monk. The ears were straight and straight, as if a word could not be heard. Today, what is said is the feeling of condensing Dan, which is the long-cherished hunger of these foundations. If there is a relationship, one of the sentences may be able to make them move, it is possible to build a foundation on the spot!

But at this time, the body of a monk in the front row shook violently, and the face was full of ecstatic colors! Isn’t this monk a sneak peek at Xiaohua’s founding monk in the distance?

This tiny vibration is naturally very different among the drunken people. It is not only the monks who are surrounded by the monks, but also the sorrowful colors on the face. The Jindan monks on the gimbal also open their eyes, but the monks After reading it, I immediately frowned. After listening to the explanation, I yelled: "Yu Hua, what is this for you? Is it something to understand? Is there a sign of condensedness?"

"Disciple..." The joy of the face of the disciple of the foundation of the foundation was stunned and whispered: "The disciple listened to what Shi Bo said, as if it was a top-up, it was extremely useful. But..."

"What can be?" Jin Dan's monk is still not happy: "You were also a good show of my dry thunder palace, but now it can not be condensed for nearly a hundred years, the poor road here to explain the congestion, you still have nothing to do with of?"

The Zhuji disciple was frightened and bowed: "The disciple does not dare, the disciple concentrates on listening!"

"哼" Jindan monk snorted, still closed his eyes, and then preached, but after a day and night, the Zhuji disciple only if the ants on the hot pot, scratching their heads from time to time, where can I hear a word?

"Dry Yuhua, what is the matter?" Jin Dan monk once again angered.

"Good teacher Bo knows!" Gan Yuhua got up and gave a ceremony: "The disciple is refining the Ling Dan in the cave, and the disciple is counting on it. These days are the day of Cheng Dan, the disciple... this is anxious!"

"Well? Why didn't you say it when you preached on the day? Otherwise, you don't have to come and listen!" Jin Dan's monk heard a little, his face was a little slow, and he said: "You can get Ling Yicao, your fate is not shallow." !"

"Oh, Shi Bo said, how can the boy dare not listen?" Gan Yuhua lost the smile: "And this Ling Li can be practiced or two, the boy did not dare to listen!"

"But, go!" said Jin Dan, a gentleman.

"Thank you for your teacher!" After Yu Yuhua was in court, he was leaving. The monks next to him said: "Dear brother, how can you tell me about Ling Yicao? How many are you out? I don't know if I can wait for it?"

Gan Yuhua’s face was anxious, but he still had a smile on his face: “The younger brothers, the poor roads have been seen before. If they can become Dan, how can they be said, the poor roads leave a self-use, and others are given to the younger brothers!”

"Big good!" All the people left Yuhua to leave.

However, after Yu Yuhua came out of the palace, he first hurried into a partial temple, and then came out again. After flying to a cave in the fairyland, he flew out in a hurry and actually displayed the thunder and turned in one direction. Going, the direction is not Dongling Medicine Park.

However, after half a day, the figure of Gan Yuhua appeared outside the Dongling Medicine Park... At this time, Gan Yuhua’s hand also holds a token like Xiao Hua... (to be continued.)


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