Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 573: The origin of fire

And said that Xiao Hua's eyes are closed, the phoenix body has already been in the body at this time, and after the phoenix law has absorbed more than 30 days of temperament, the 13300 imaginary points within the body are actually somewhat solid. Look, there is some faint flame in the solidification, and the glory of the phoenix body has also changed. Around 130,200 virtual points, it has formed 130,200 small The small wind column, the shape of the wind column looks exactly the same as inside the meditation!

There are many remains of the fire marrow remaining in Xiaohua's meridians. After the cultivation of the dragon's meridians absorbed as much of the blast crystals as the last time, it also stopped absorption, precisely because of the meridians in the meridians. Crystal is so much, so Xiao Hua is outside the body, the flames are lingering, far from being comparable!

"Big good, it really is eighteen layers of refining!" Xiao Hua perceives the change of the whole body, and the heart is secretly happy. The murder of "Suiyuan Xinfa" will easily break through the 17-layer barrier of refining, and the burning flame will follow the infuriating flame. Flowing through the new meridians, the tempering of the flames will be tempered into Xiaohua’s own instinct!

At this time, Xiao Hua suddenly had a warning sign, and the rabbit legal system he had laid down was actually defeated in an instant, and the attack of the defeated array was from the ground beneath him.

"Who!" Xiao Hua was shocked. The Buddha did not hesitate to sweep it. That is, the Buddha swept through the ground of the ten-foot range and did not see any abnormalities!

"What is going on here?" Xiao Hua did not dare to practice again. He was about to sneak into the ground with his flames. At this time, the nearest dry fire array was once again broken!

"Not good!" Xiao Hua didn't have time to break into the ground, and immediately flew out of Dongfu and took a shot. The town Yunyin immediately flew out, and with the sound of the town's cloud-printing "嗡嗡", the hot and burning aura of the surrounding area swarmed into the town cloud printing. The brilliance of the khaki brilliance? Seeing the town's cloud-printed Guanghua will protect himself, Xiaohua's heart is slightly practical, but he is still very vigilant standing in the air, the Buddha's knowledge is still released, but also stare straight into the cave!

"Hey? This... What is this?" The naked eye saw that it was a dark little, slowly flew to himself, Xiao Hua couldn’t help but scream, and Buddha and God could not see clearly. ! Only the naked eye can see it faintly.

"Fast!" Xiao Hua did not know why he attracted this little black spot. Quickly stretched his left hand and broke his eyes. When he was on the road, he looked at the sun directly like a naked eye. A glare from the eyes of the broken method, Xiao Hua could not help but scream. Immediately close the broken eyes. However, the scene that I saw in the eyes of the smashing method was deeply imprinted on his mind!

What a strange scene. The whole space is full of flaming colors, and where the black spots are, it is like the flaming of the sun. The bright anomaly is really beyond the expectation of Xiao Hua, just as the hot sun gives off a strong brilliance!

"Fire aura ... fire marrow crystal?" Xiao Hua suddenly awakened, but at the same time he thought of the flames of the crystal, an unparalleled joy is filled with his heart. "The source of fire!!!" This thing that was seen in the sacred gongs immediately flashed in his mind!

"This... this is the origin of the fire!" Xiao Hua almost screamed again. He always thought about how to find the origin of the fire, which he had never seen in the records of the Royal Thunder. The clues, did not expect to appear so sudden in the practice of their own cultivation!

"Ha ha ha ha ... fire, really fire!!" A crazy voice suddenly sounded behind Xiao Hua!

"Who!" Xiao Hua was shocked. His heart was shocked by the origin of the fire. He was suddenly alarmed. Someone flew behind him and didn't know it! And he himself clearly remembers that the formation of Dongling Medicine Park was closed decades ago!

When he looked back at Gan Yuhua, he didn't feel a cold breath. "Building a late monk?***, this is a ... it is better than Master!"

Gan Yuhua didn't even look at Xiao Hua, his eyes just stared at his so-called fire essence, and the enthusiasm in the eyes was even hotter than the virgins who saw the ** for a long time! A ** naked desire! !

"How did the predecessors come in?" Xiao Hua's eyes turned slightly, and there was a fix in his heart.

Gan Yuhua seems to have not heard it, simply ignores Xiao Hua, his eyes are still staring at the origin of the fire, carefully watching the slow movement of the origin of the fire!

Xiao Hua waited for a moment, and saw that the origin of the fire was closer to himself. I didn’t feel the slightest shock in my heart, and quickly flew a little farther away! He knew that the crystal of the fire was just the essence of the fire. He used it a little. He almost ignited the fire for the first time. If the bones, the phoenix body and the meridians absorb most of them, they have already become gray carbon. The origin of this fire... is it easy to suffer?

However, he moved a little, the source of the fire has also changed direction, and once again flew toward Xiaohua!

At this time, Gan Yuhua seems to have just seen Xiao Hua, raised his eyes, very curious to stare at the flames of Xiao Hua's body, sneer: "Xiao Hua, how is the flame of your body? The old man seems I only heard that you are a vague fire, but I have never heard that you can still have a fire!"

Xiao Hua listened, and he was shocked. However, he still respectfully replied: "Predecessors, I don’t know how to call the seniors, how did I enter this Dongling Pharmacy!"

"Oh, the old man's name does not have to tell you! As for how the old man came in, why should the old man tell you? You don't seem to tell the old man the flames of your body?" said Yu Yuhua with interest.

"Predecessors... Is there another token for Dongling Pharmaceutical Park?" Xiao Hua asked without hesitation.

Gan Yuhua shot a hand, it was a token, a smile appeared on his face, said: "Yes, the old man has another token! However, the old man will no longer need it!"

During the speech, Gan Yuhua’s hand gave birth to a glimpse of the three real fires. The three fires that were mixed with a lot of flaming colors were only on the token. The token was turned into a few black smoke, dissipated in Missed in the air!

Xiao Hua’s heart sank, and his body shape was involuntarily moved back a few feet!

However, he still did not want to give up, looked at the source of the fire, smiled bitterly: "The purpose of the predecessors to Dongling is not something that even the gods can not see?"

"Yes, how? What do you think?" Gan Yuhua smiled, a satisfying smile, and also smiled Xiaohua.

"Yes, what is this thing, the younger generation does not know. And, who is the predecessor, the younger generation does not know, the predecessors will directly take this thing away, the younger generation has never seen the predecessors!" Xiao Hua Immediately said, at the same time, it was a few feet away from the distance!


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