Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 576: Stalemate

"Ha ha ha" quietly standing in the distance, Yu Yuhua laughed, he naturally saw the origin of the fire flying, and then stopped to want to see Xiao Hua is a trick. At this time, see Xiao Hua hiding in the past, take a shot, and take a long sword from the storage bag in his right hand!

"Organizer?" Xiao Hua is alert, but I can see that Yu Yuhua actually took out a piece of implement, and did not feel a slight glimpse!

However, Yu Yuhua did not care about Xiao Hua’s suspected huo. His figure once again flew toward Xiao Hua. He waved Ye Yang fan to resist the town’s cloud printing, and slowly waved the long sword in one hand. With the dance of the long sword, the sword of the long sword The illusion of the shadows came out of the long sword, and the mana of the dry Yuhua was gathered, and it was pressed down toward Xiaohua.

"Ah?? Isn't this a magic weapon?" Xiao Hua was shocked and blurted out!

"Haha, ignorant children!" Gan Yuhua sneered, waving a robes, a large brilliance, blocking the nightmare from the four sides, said: "With your refining mana to force the magic of the magic, What is the difference between the old man’s mana and the manipulator? Don’t think that it’s good if it’s a magic weapon!”

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, watching the sword shadow fly, knowing that Yu Yuhua said that the non-virtuality, dry Yuhua's mana is really deep, although his mana is not inferior to the mid-term foundation, but after all, the meridians are just infuriating, not true. Yuan, and even if it is a real yuan, the dry man of the family is the monk at the peak of the foundation, and it is far from being comparable in the middle of the building!

Xiao Hua quickly waved the magic hammer, trying to resist the sword shadow, "Kakakaka" sounded loudly, the sword was cut on the magic hammer, the huge force from the magic hammer uploaded, shocked Xiao Hua retreated in midair. Xiao Hua has always been breaking the law by force. Nowadays, he has also encountered the role of Qian Yuhua in mana. Before the powerful mana, Xiao Hua also had to eat! Mana and strength are average, sometimes it depends on who is better!

See the long sword and build merit. Dry Yuhua laughed, and his body shape was also spread by the thunder, and he caught up with Xiao Hua and danced again! Xiao Hua's body shape moved, wanting to display the Ming Lei, can endure the perseverance or the usual ordinary flight technique, the left and right escape, while using the magic hammer to block the long sword, while commanding the Phoenix body and so on continue to fight dry Yu Hua.

It’s time to fight half a column. Xiao Hua was a few times dangerous, and the Phoenix body was also broken by the Yu Jian’s long sword, and he himself was also caught in the fire!

"I still can't do it!" Xiao Hua tried to resist, while secretly thinking: "This mana is deeper than the younger, and there is no exhaustion at this time; and the defense of the whole body is strict. My means... fear is not necessarily It works! And although the nightmare can't hurt him, the total energy consumption can damage his body defense... Xiaoye. You have to bear it for a while!"

With his mind in mind, Xiao Hua’s eyes turned slightly, and he felt that the magic hammer was compared with the dried sword of Yu Yuhua. It doesn't take much advantage, and although the mana at this time is not as good as the dry man, there are still many flames in the meridians, why can't it accelerate the quenching?

Thinking, Xiao Hua took the hammer. Take a hand shot, but also take out Ye Yang fan!

"Ah, haha? Xiaohua, you...has Ye Yang fan?" Gan Yuhua almost smiled and said: "When you use the magic weapon used by the disciples, you dare to compare with the old man?"

"Don't try to know who is powerful?" Xiao Hua sneered, the body's dragons accelerated, and the heart of the meridians in the meridians accelerated the quenching of the flames, and the generated infuriating was turned into mana, rushing into the leaves. Yang fan!

"Hot ~", Xiao Hua and Gan Yuhua generally waved Ye Yang fan, a fire dragon not inferior to dry Yu Hua flew out from Ye Yang fan, rushing to the sword shadow of dry Yu Hua!

"Quirks!!!" Seeing the power of Ye Yang fan, Gan Yuhua was surprised. Previously, Xiao Hua spurred the town Yunyin several times. Weibao blocked his Ye Yang fan. He was already surprised. Xiao Hua actually took out a magic weapon again, that is, himself, a monk who built the base of the peak, can not use two magic weapons of attack at the same time! ! !

"This 厮..." The shock of Gan Yuhua still has not disappeared. One after another, he originally thought that Xiao Hua used the secret method to sacrifice Ye Yang fan, and he was dying, and he only insisted for a moment, and Xiao Hua himself would mana. Exhausted, not fighting!

I don’t know, Xiao Hua not only commanded the town’s Yunyin to entangle his Ye Yang fan, but also driven the nightmare’s little defense to consume his bodyguard. The last Ye Yang fan that was taken out was also successfully blocked. Sword dance in his hands!

He knew in his own heart that because he had limited minds and could not drive two magic weapons, he deliberately found a swordful sword dance. This sword dance has been with him for hundreds of years, and its power is not inferior to the ordinary magic weapon! Just fighting with Xiao Hua Magic Hammer can see the power of this thing!

However, when Xiao Hua initially waved the Ye Yang fan, it was still awkward. The fire dragon in the Ye Yang fan was slightly incomplete, and the power of the flame was far less than the Ye Yang fan of the dry Yuhua, fighting with the sword shadow of the sword dance. Quite often stretched, sometimes some sword shadows burst through the flames, hitting Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua also had to use some weird body to flash the sword shadow!

However, for a long time, Gan Yuhua was aware that it was not good. The dragon that flew out of the Yeyang fan became more and more rounded. Although the fire was not comparable to his Ye Yang fan, Xiao Hua’s mana was not exhausted. !

"This mana... isn't it related to the flames of the whole body?" Gan Yuhua secretly thought about it. When he entered the Dongling Medicine Garden, he realized that the fire was too rich, and Xiao Hua was full of flames. Nature has long suspected that, why is it so, he can't ask, and naturally it will be linked together!

However, even if there is a difference, Gan Yuhua will not retreat. His mind is in line with Xiao Hua. This fire is also his must-have, and Xiao Hua is still refining, and he has no chance to escape!

Therefore, it is very strange that there is a situation, one is the monk who built the base of the peak, one is the monk at the peak of the refining, actually fighting on the fireworks of the East Ridge! What is even more bizarre is that the disciple of the refining peak actually drives two magic weapons, and there are eight swords and a body, and there is no wind! Even the magic weapon in the hands of this refining disciple looks exactly the same as the magic weapon of the Zhuji monk. The two are in the fight!

Perhaps they are fighting each other, and Xiao Hua is still avoiding the origin of the fire from time to time. The fight between the two has quickly passed one day and one night!

The mana cost of the two people on that day was quite a lot. The flames of Xiao Hua’s body were somewhat shrunk. Without the previous 70%, Gan Yuhua also took many medicinal herbs and managed to cope with the scene at this time!

After such a long fight, Gan Yuhua finally understood that Xiao Hua is not as simple as Xiao Hua, who is exploring him in many places. If he is not a monk at the top of the building, the real thing in the body can only be condensed. Dan's, he has long been defeated by Xiao Hua's endless mana!

Seeing that Xiao Hua’s mana did not show signs of weakening, and his own mana was seen to be exhausted, and the magic weapon of the body was also almost exhausted by the nightmare, and Yu Yuhua did not feel the retreat!

But at this time, the change is born again!

I saw Xiao Hua urging the mana and trying to wave the Ye Yang fan. Most of his mana was made by his own instinct, and some of them were tempered with no refining. After a long fight, Ye Yang in his hand. The fan can't bear it. Under this wave, Ye Yang fan himself gave birth to a brilliance of orange and red, and ignited himself!

"Bad!" Xiao Hua saw it, not screaming! The pickpocket threw away the Ye Yang fan and immediately took out the water blue beads from the space. However, today's Dongling is the world of fire xing aura, there is a fire source next to Xiao Hua chasing, um, not to mention the instinct of flames in Xiaohua's meridians, this water blue beads 10% of the power It can only play 20%! A blue water does not block the sword dance, and several swords are on the shoulders of Xiao Hua!

The sound of "蹭蹭", the armor of Xiao Hua also issued a fiery brilliance, blocking Jianguang!

"Hey, there are magic weapons on the body!" Gan Yuhua has been somewhat eccentric, and only a little surprised to rise.

"Just at this time!" Gan Yuhua took Xiao Hua back to take the water blue beads, took out the gap between the magic hammer, tried to throw a sword dance, turned into a lightning bolt to Xiaohua's face, and he took a hand again. A sparkling crystal charm was taken out, and with the dry blood of a squirting blood on the magical sign, the magical symbol rose up in a purple, "Go!" I saw that the dry face of the face became dark, and the mouth chanted the mantra. The mana in the body is swarming like the charm, and the magical wind is turned into a big-handed purple-red sè big hand, like a boulder pressing the general to catch Xiaohua!

"Ah?" The giant hand of the purple red sè with unparalleled power, so that Xiao Hua immediately gave birth to a feeling of being unable to resist, and under the giant hand, it seems that the whole body is imprisoned, and it is difficult to resist!

Xiao Hua wants to use the phoenix law to block the giant hand, but the giant hand flies too fast, and the body is on the other side of the dry Yuhua, the "when" bang, the sword dance hit the magic hammer that Xiao Hua rushed out, Xiao Hua’s figure was once again laid a few feet. “Okay! Success and failure again!” Seeing the hand of Gan Yuhua’s giant hand makes it impossible for him to compete, and then look at the lack of weakness after using Yu Linghua, Xiao Hua will A horizontal, the magic hammer in the hand waved, the body shape swayed, the long-lasting Ming Lei 爆发 broke out instantly, as a meteor rushed to dry Yuhua!

"Ah? Ming... Ming Lei遁???" The shock of Gan Yuhua is no longer huge. He clearly sees that his dream of Ming Lei is actually appearing on the body of a refining disciple. ! And Ming Leizhen really deserved the name, even if Yu Yuhua awakened, and quickly urged Lei Hao to escape, Xiao Hua has already arrived in front of him! Rq! .


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