Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 577: Killing the late base

~ Date: ~November 06~

Seeing that the magic hammer danced to himself, the rest of Yu Hua’s heart was not scared. This magic hammer is of course very heavy. Xiao Hua is also infinitely powerful, but under his mana defense, he can’t break through!

Sure enough, the sound of "啪" sounded, and the brilliance of Gan Yuhua’s body flashed, and Yu Yuhua only consumed some mana, and the giant hand in midair had already chased down, and Xiao Hua’s figure obviously could not move!

At this time, I saw Xiao Hua’s mouth slightly, and a red-green sword light spit out from Xiao Hua’s mouth!

Seeing that it is the same sword light, Gan Yuhua is slightly relieved. Although this sword light is directed at the direction of the hammer, it is exactly where his heart is. He does not doubt that the magic weapon of his body will be This thing is blocked! Therefore, Gan Yuhua is very assured to fall on the purple giant hand! Put the mana completely into the giant hand ≥* book* ()

This is his last resort, and he is also a means of protecting his life. He will never come out at the last moment. If Xiaohua is too embarrassed today, he will not consume the blood. For his monks who are not far from the limit of life, the blood is precious more than the mana!

Seeing that the giant hand fell on the back of Xiao Hua, which was almost impossible to move, Gan Yuhua’s body was also a brilliance of the body, but at the moment when Guanghua flashed, the blue-red flyover was beyond the expectation of dry Yuhua. The child bursts with an unusually bright flaming color, and the original insignificant flying sword momentum instantly rose ten times more than just! Gan Yuhua’s body defense is only slightly resisted, and it is completely destroyed because of lack of mana!

"Not good!" It is impossible for Gan Yuhua's thoughts to be natural. It is impossible to follow the flying sword's glimpse. This flying sword appears abnormal, and it prompts God to read the secret law. He does not hesitate to use all the mana, and wants to make up for it. It’s a pity that Xiaohua’s consumable artifacts, which are hidden for one day and one night, are the refining of the Jindan period. The power of the monks is too overbearing. The gods of Gan Yuhua have just touched the implements and even His right hand also abandoned the resistance to the phoenix body, and changed hands to seize the instrument, all this is in vain! The moment when the instrument creaked, it disappeared into the body of Gan Yuhua. "Peng"'s muffled sound, a big blood hole is blooming in the heart of Qian Yuhua! Not only is the magic weapon of his body bombing a big hole, the whole heart has long been pierced! ! !

"Ah!!!" Gan Yuhua's eyes with absolute disbelief, staring straight at Xiao Hua's face with joy, slightly lifted, still some are not willing to fall from the air!

At the same time, the joy of Xiao Hua’s face also disappeared, and the whole figure suddenly fell down. He used his own investment in the net to kill Yu Yuhua, and this "ronet" has fallen on his back!

A loud bang of "Boom", the giant hand hit Xiaohua's back very quickly, only to see Xiaohua's back, flashed a flash of light, the defense of the bodyguard vest was effective! However, the power of this giant hand is too powerful, followed by the sound of "stabbing". All the arcs were crushed by the giant hand, Xiao Hua screamed, a blood spouted out, and the body shape was more quickly than the dry Yuhua's corpse into the mountains and rocks of Dongling!

After the giant hand hit Xiaohua, the golden light flashed, and then it turned into a worn-out charm, fluttering from the air!

Coincidentally, the origin of the fire is also catching up with Xiao Hua. The blood of Xiao Hua is sprayed into the darkness of the darkness, and the red blood is burned away by the heat. The gold wire hidden in the blood is also immersed in the origin of the fire, disappearing! And the origin of the fire is to turn the direction toward Xiaohua!

The whole body of Xiao Hua was broken into the rock. He only felt that he was black in front of him, and he was stunned by the danger, and he could not wait for him to make a sound. The activities of the hands and feet, a hot and falling from the sky. Pounce on his vest!

"Grandma's, there is no end!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, barely picked up the infuriating, mobilized the mana, and squatted down the rock...

I know, the source of the fire got the gold wire in Xiao Hua’s blood. The speed of the movement actually speeded up. With Xiao Hua, it was flying down. The rocks that were encountered were not instantly turned into magma, and there were so many Also are gasification!

"Hey, the origin of this fire... How powerful is it!" Xiao Hua grasped the speed of the origin of the fire, while stealing his eyes and looking back at the front, his heart was shocked!

"How do you temper the fierce things between the heavens and the earth?" Xiao Hua thought about the practice of the light, and it seems that he only talked about the five elements, but also said that he was quenching the bones. Just talk about using the five elements of the original bone quenching bone, but how to quench the bones specifically, how to use the five elements of the source, it is not mentioned, it seems that this is extremely easy, extremely simple things, it is not worth mentioning! The only way to give a skill is to give you a direction of practice! As for how to practice, it is a little detail!

"Grandma's, this is the way to do it!" Xiao Hua seems to have the feeling of being a thief boat. This is the source of the fire that the late monks in the building base are helpless. He wants to quench it into the bones. What is it... ridiculous! ! !

"Right, since the monk who built the foundation has collected the origin of the fire, I must have done a lot of preparations. The young master does not understand, you can look for his jade slip!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized, immediately flew dry Next to Yu Hua’s corpse, the giant hand charm and his storage bag were taken out. There are so many things in Yu Hua’s storage bag. Xiao Hua only has a general look at it, and he first took out Yu Jian and waited for it. After watching it for a long time, he finally found what he wanted to know in one of the mottled jade.

However, when he finished reading the contents, his face showed a look of laughter and laughter.

"Hey, this is... it’s really dead and white!" Xiao Hua slammed his mouth and looked at the corpse of Yu Yuhua. A fireball threw it over and shook his head. "No wonder this sees the origin of the fire." Called the fire essence! It turns out that this thing is like a blast of fire! This method of using the source of fire, with the method of Xiao Ye, um, and the method of Zhong Kui milk are not much different! This method of meditation... it is impossible to temper the crystal of the fire!"

"Hey, if the little master let him take away the source of the fire, his final ending must be burned into coke by the origin of the fire!" Xiao Hua thought without any malicious thought, but then he himself was guilty again. The origin of this fire is with a small tail that cannot be smashed, from the ground to the ground, and from the ground to the air, how can not get rid of it, and Xiao Hua also tried it, using Ming Lei 飞 flew in a short time Another place in Dongling Medicine Park, although the source of the fire is slow, the direction of flight is uncomfortable, Xiaohua can't get rid of it! (To be continued.


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