Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 578: Unexpected quenching method

"This is good!" Xiao Hua helpless, if he does not take the problem of the origin of the fire, he is afraid that it is not allowed anywhere, can only fly in the Dongling Pharmaceutical Park with the origin of the fire!

The corpse of Gan Yuhua has been burned, and only one foot of a size is left on the ground. Xiao Hua took the time to collect the spirit, and saw that there is a baby-sized hole in the middle of the armor. It was the destruction of the consumption instrument of Xiao Hua!

"Fortunately, there is the instrument of the Golden Dan monk's sacrifice!" Xiao Hua thinks that there is still a lingering fear. If it is not the instrument, Xiao Hua will be imprisoned by the golden hand. Life and death can not be Xiao Hua can say the finale!

"It doesn't necessarily matter! Doesn't Xiaoye have a sorcerer?" Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows, and he was so convinced that he would swear by Yuhua, and then used the long swords, Ye Yang fans, and the used big hand charms. . -<>-. Then, look at the traces on the ground without any dry Yu Hua, this is how to deal with the origin of the fire.

No matter what, Xiao Hua thought about how many methods, there is no absolute grasp, this thing can not be tried, so Xiao Hua had to fly in the east of the Dongling Medicine Park, and it was a day and night. When the first sun in the East Sky shines on Xiao Hua’s body, Xiao Hua took a breath of the sun and his eyes fell on the shadow of his flight. A thought suddenly flashed into his mind: ......"

Immediately, the scene when he saw the gongs and gongs in the retrospective was in his mind. It was a shadow of inhumanity. He was sitting on his feet and Xiaohua could not understand. action……

"Do you have a big fight?" Xiao Hua has some understanding.

"Well... I am self-study of the Beidou Shenquan, the origin of the fire... How to temper?" Xiao Hua is confused.

But he can't help but do it. The idea now should be what he thinks is the closest to reality. And the practice of the light is somewhat similar! In the mid-air, he followed the source of the fire for a long while, and Xiao Hua landed on the ground, eyes watching the origin of the fire. Breathing and concentrating, waiting until about a foot or so, Xiao Hua will open his arms and his feet will be on the ground, which is the starting style of Beidou Shenquan!

With the hitting of the Beidou Shenquan, the same warmth was born from Xiaohua’s left foot, and began to be tempered along with his skeleton as Xiaohua’s moves slowly! Xiao Hua stared at the gradual closeness of the darkness, just waiting for it to be wrong. I will be able to get up right away!

However, the magical scene appeared. The origin of the fire was slowly flying near Xiaohua’s body. Xiaohua almost perceived the incomparable blaze of the origin of the fire. When Xiaohua wanted to give up, the origin of the fire Actually... slowed down. Finally, I finally stopped. "There is a play!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed. The starter does not dare to stop, followed by the second move, but the second move is to use the fist before the squat. If the source of the fire does not move, Xiao Hua’s second move is afraid that it cannot be played! At this time, the origin of the fire moved... It seems that there is a suction from Xiaohua’s left sole, and the origin of the fire rushed into the ground more quickly than before, and then followed the bones of Xiao Hua’s warmth. I didn't come in!

"Ah!!!" Suddenly, a pain that Xiao Hua never felt was born from his left toe. The origin of the fire seems to be one inch and one inch, melting Xiao Hua’s bones and taking the bones one inch by one inch. Xiao Hua’s ** is stripped!

Xiao Hua’s entire body is trembling. The sweat that has never appeared is all over the body. There is no Dongling’s medicine garden in front of him. The whole person seems to have fallen into a hot, torn space!

Xiao Hua’s arms and legs trembled, and Beidou’s fist could hardly continue, but his heart was like a mirror, and Beidou’s fist was a life-saving straw. At this time, unlike the weekdays, it’s impossible to sloppy and sloppy. There is a trap in the boxing, and there is a stagnation in the warmth. The source of the fire immediately turns his bones into nothing! So, strong self-restraint, the teeth bite and squeak!

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua is a refining monk after all, and his patience is limited! Seeing the arm shaking, the warm current is stagnation, and Xiao Hua’s horror suddenly reminds me of the Buddha’s vigorous King Kong body. He can’t care too much now, his body is shaking, and the Phoenix body is immediately from the flesh. Out of the room, a loud tweet, spread the wings in the air!

The phoenix is ​​in a flash, the pain in Xiao Hua’s bones seems to be reduced by half, and the warm current is moving forward!

"Big good!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed. At the same time, the Buddha’s mind was no matter whether it was running or not. The phoenix body was also in midair with the tricks of Xiao Hua’s Beidou Shenquan. Dance up!

The mentality used by Xiao Hua is naturally wrong. It is not good for the cultivation of the phoenix body. However, it is quite effective in eliminating pain. Moreover, with the operation of the mind, the one hundred million in the body of the phoenix Thousands of small dots that were slightly gazing, actually slowly opened the distance, and the entire phoenix body gradually became huge!

Since the pain has been alleviated, Xiao Hua’s heart will be calm. Although every part of the origin of the fire, the bones seem to disappear, but Xiao Hua still stands on the east ridge, still playing the Beidou Shenquan, so Xiao Hua also I am looking forward to what it is like after the whole bone is tempered!

Xiao Hua may be able to see it with the method of breaking the law, but he is not free at this time. The darkness of the origin of the fire is in the bones of Xiao Hua. There is no place. Xiao Hua has already returned to gray. The color of the bones once again turned into a reddish color, but the red color is only ninety-nine, and the red color is not evenly distributed, and the red color is composed of thin red silk.

But seeing the dark collapse through the bones, the passing bones are all translucent, the red filaments begin to spread, and they begin to fuse with each other, just as the red color gradually spills on Xiaohua's bones!

However, the origin of the fire is still too fast, the red fusion is not completely uniform, and it does not completely fill all the white spots!

Soon after the one hundred and eight strokes of the Beidou Shenquan, Xiao Hua did not dare to stop, the hand will lead, the Beidou Shenquan from the end to the beginning and began to display, and the origin of the fire is again quenching the bones with the warm current!

After the completion of the complete Beidou Shenquan, Xiao Hua faintly felt that the pain was a little less, and felt that the bones could also perceive a trace!

"Follow!" Xiao Hua did not hesitate to decide, keep hands and feet, continue to display Beidou Shenquan.

Over and over again, every time I fight it, the pain of heartbreaking is a little less, and the bones are showing a trace. I have been playing for three hundred and sixty times. It’s the number of days in the sky, and the pain is disappearing without a trace. At the moment when Xiao Hua was in the forefront, an unparalleled comfort came out of his bones. Xiao Hua almost had a feeling of flying in the sky, and it was going to be fascinating in an instant!

At this time, Xiao Hua’s bones are completely red and almost red and transparent.

"Hey~" Xiao Hua did not hesitate to scream, accompanied by his shouting, the phoenix body that has been ten feet in size is also a long neck!

"Ha ha ha ~" Xiao Hua laughed, it is to take back the body, and again from the bones of his left foot, the pain! This pain is different from just now, it is actually... the pain of physical tear!

"***~" Xiao Hua grinned and said: "How... is it over?"

Fortunately, Xiao Hua has already experienced unparalleled pain, and this pain can be tolerated!

Knowing that the Beidou Shenquan will not work anymore, Xiao Hua is just like the tempered tempering crystal, just sitting cross-legged, still running the Buddha's heart, let the phoenix body practice in vitro!

The origin of the fire is also weird. The trajectory of the walk is very regular. It starts from one of Xiaohua’s **, one after the other, one after another, every time, the black little All of them are born with a dark flame, and this flame is then annihilated within the black point. With the annihilation of the flame, the black point turns into a red color, with the general color of Xiao Hua's bones! I don't know how long it took, the source of the fire will constitute the 13,200 small dots of Xiao Hua's body, and these small points are turned into red color!

But this is not the end, just as the last small point turns red, the origin of the fire actually flies out of Xiao Hua's body, and rushes to the phoenix body! At this time, the phoenix body has already been twenty feet in size! Waiting for the origin of the fire to enter the phoenix body, the phoenix body is also a sharp shake, almost instantly collapsed!

Xiao Hua feels the same body and is once again stunned by the whole body!

"Buddha, Buddhism..." Xiao Hua held back, and secretly screamed to try to run the Buddha's mind!

More than a few times longer than the time spent in the previous time, the origin of the fire is also to go through the imaginary imaginary of the phoenix law body! The small point of the phoenix body is imaginary. After the tempering of the temper, there is a sign of gaze. At this time, it is already gazing completely, and the red brilliance of the enchanting!

"This time is over?" Xiao Hua especially thought without confidence, because he knew that the heat of the origin of the fire is still inside the phoenix law, this heat does not disappear, the source of the fire is not used up, everything It is impossible to end!

Sure enough, the origin of the fire then rushed into Xiaohua’s meridians...

Xiao Hua is almost crying out, the pain of the bones and the pain of tearing the meat have passed, and now it is beginning to break the pain of the veins!

Helpless, Xiao Hua clenches his teeth, the Phoenix body is still not in the body, and the dragons are running!

This Hualong Long Ben is the operation of Xiao Hua’s blood shadow without any interval. At this time, under the watchful eyes of Xiao Hua, the origin of the fire is with the operation of the dragon, and it is not tearing. Xiao Hua has already been a tough meridian!

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