Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 889: Five-row refiner

"Okay!" Xue Xue saw that Xiao Huaman was a stinky face. He was helpless. He walked slowly to the outside of the palace. He found a place to sit cross-legged and continue to practice!

"Well, let Xiaoye see... What is the content of the ancient refining secrets of the ancient rains in the mainland?" Xiaohua’s mouth is smiling, "I don’t know what else is with Xiaoye’s "The world" different!"

In the next few days, Xiao Hua looked through the dozens of stone walls of the whole instrument, and carefully remembered it, and then carefully pondered, waiting for him to combine the content of this instrument. In my own memory, I learned that there is no direct connection between the two "Essence of the World", which is basically two different things! However, although there is no direct connection between the two, they have complementary content.

Xiao Hua’s memory of "The Refined World" is a method of refining various reeds. The "The World under the Stone" on the stone wall records the general outline and technique of the refiner. This technique is collectively called the five-line refiner. The skill! It is the general rule of the five-line refiner with the help of Jin Mushui! The general outline of this refining machine is definitely a hundred times stronger than the general outline of the refiner that Xiao Hua has just remembered with "The Refined World", and even the difference between the clouds and mud!

"Big good" Xiao Hua is delighted to scratch his head and almost jumps up. He also saw a lot of refining techniques. He has the income in his heart. He even wants to rebuild his own tools and repair the town cloud printing. He did not go through any systematic study. It is inevitable that there will be any flaws. Now it is good. The five-way refiner covers all the refining techniques, or that. The vast majority of the refining tools in the Xiaoyu continent can be incorporated into the five-row refiner.

"It's no wonder that Zhong Tianyi wants to build a party!!!" Xiao Hua suddenly, with the skills of the five-line refiner, the clock family will soon be able to rise, from the self-cultivation family to the self-cultivation martial art! Of course, this premise is not to be shackled by other comprehensions, not to be perceived by other comprehensions!

"Well, Zhongjia is a human being... It is a big one. It can be worthy of Xiao’s kindness to save the old ghost!” Xiao Hua remembered the technique of the five-line refiner while thinking about it.

At the end of the dozens of stone walls, "The Refined World" is a typical example of five kinds of refining instruments using the five-row refiner. One of them is the instrument that transmits the French card! Waiting for Xiao Hua to finish reading this example, I don’t know how to laugh. Isn’t this a big move? Within his space there is a broken big move that is waiting to be repaired. He never thought about it, but now he has got a complete casting method! That is to fix the big move and move it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua is thinking about the old case many years ago: "What is the end of Fan Tong of Changbai Zong? What is the kind of good things in his storage bag! And, it is still a two-story space. This big move moves deep into the inner layer. After the Yuxian Conference, there is a monk who is higher than the sorrowful uncle, and the monk is chasing the young master. Now it has been for decades, and there is no movement! I am afraid that those people will This big move has been forgotten!"

"Unfortunately, there is only a five-line refining technique, but there is no such thing as a refining device that does not enter the five elements. There is no such thing as a refining method of the five elements of the wishfulness!" Xiao Hua has no regrets. But then he laughed again. "If the technique of the refining device other than the five elements is so common, what kind of rare trick is it? If the five elements of the wishful stick are so simple on the stone wall, it is impossible to be antiquity. A famous instrument!"

Later, Xiao Hua became acquainted with the new "Cultivating the World". Quietly waiting for Zhong Peifu's reply.

On this day, Xiao Hua waved two screams in the hands of the fire, and was trying to smash the fire, but Xue Xue came over.

"What about the girl?" Xiao Hua smiled. "Is there any doubt about the practice?"

Xue Xue smiled; "The question has been asked long ago, but now it is the thing of the clock family!"

"Yeah. I know it for the husband!" Xiao Hua said, "But is the clock family taking the list of materials?"

"You know, you are still here with a poor mouth!" Xue Xue smiled and took the jade in his hand to Xiao Hua. "This is what the predecessors brought this morning, let the body transfer to the husband!"

"Hey ~" Xiao Hua smiled. "Isn’t you thinking about it for me? Tell me a few more words!"

Then, look at the jade in the hand, but also shook his head: "I am afraid that the material of this patch is too scarce, and the old ghost does not dare to come directly, this will ask you to hand over!"

"When it is!" Xue Xue smiled and turned away. "Who will make you boast on the same day? Now it is a pain in the heart? But you must blame me!"

Looking at the back of Xue Xue’s running away, it’s a low voice: “If this is not the instrument of this family, it will stimulate the blood of the blood. If you are not afraid to build a foundation, how can you make a refining for the husband? Instrument?"

Xiao Hua’s voice is naturally very low, and Xue Xue cannot hear it.

Xiao Hua released the thoughts of God and looked at Yu Jian. His face showed a trace of weirdness. Because there are a lot of materials in the jade, the six most rare ones are in the forefront, but these six kinds of weeping stones, Yunjin juice, broken gold stone, etc., Xiao Hua is to repair the town cloud printing Collected, and the amount of instruments used by Zhong Jia is not much, Xiao Hua should take it out!

"Grandma's, if the younger brother knows the things in this space, you can't see anyone else, Xiaoye really thought you peeked at Xiaoye!" Xiaohua muttered, then look at the later ones. Material, swearing, "The thing behind this, Xiaoye said nothing, or let the disciples of Zhong Zhong find it!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua walked out from the depths of the palace. When Zhong Peifu did not leave, he was waiting in front of the palace. When he saw Xiao Hua’s smile, he’s his face first, and he said, “I don’t know the seniors’ enlightenment. How is the law entering the country?"

"Good to say!" Xiao Hua also ceremoniously said, "This ancient refining method and Xiao Mou's previous learning are complement each other, mutual reference, although it is necessary to learn to use, but Xiao Mou has already realized the almost!"

There was a hint of surprise in Zhong Peifu’s eyes. Instead, there was no such thing as a horror. He said, “So... can the seniors help me to fix the instrument?”

"Well!" Xiaohua did not like Zhong Peifu's words, and took Yu Jian out of the road. "The list in this jade slip, Xiaomou only has the six most scarce ones, and the latter are too unusual. Not carrying!"

Ecstasy! Zhong Peifu’s face can only have this look! I hurriedly shouted: "I recently had a bidding meeting in Haicheng of Mengguo. The third brother of Zhong has already set off. The bidding meeting of Haicheng has always been a family of comprehension and many of the mountains on the south side of my country. The comprehension sects will participate, and the overseas islands will come, others do not say, the ordinary refining materials should be a lot of things. Only the predecessors can put the most rare seven kinds, the other should not be!"

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