Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 890: Bohai Overview

"Oh? Haicheng's bidding meeting?" Xiaohua's eyes turned. "Xiao Mou is also using these materials to repair the magic weapon. Those ordinary materials are also needed..."

"Oh, Xiao predecessors rest assured!" Zhong Peifu lost a smile, "This time the three brothers brought a lot of Lingshi, this is going to buy two copies, including one of my Zhongjia Xiaojing Xiao's predecessors!"

"Oh, very good!" Xiao Hua was happy, and asked, "Is Haicheng at the seaside? Why are overseas islands bidding for Haicheng? How far is the Bohai Sea from here? What is the situation?"

"Good teaches Xiao's predecessors to know that Haicheng is three hundred miles away from Bohai. It is the nearest city to the Bohai Sea. It is the foundation of the Su family!" said Zhong Peifu, "The ancestor of the Su family." It turned out to be an island overseas. After the island sank, it took the family neutrons to the shore and landed in Haicheng. It was related to the overseas islands. The Su family saw things on the land of Mongolia. It is quite different from overseas islands, and there is no special trust in overseas islands. It will make Haicheng a place for bidding, so that the various factions can trade with overseas islands in Haicheng, and they also profit from it. !"

"As for my Zhongling Mountain Villa? It is not too far from the Bohai Sea. There are about seven or eight thousand miles. She has already gone a few days earlier. Now I am afraid that it will be early to Haicheng. The bidding meeting of Haicheng is also three. Day! He will be back in a few days!"

“Well~!” Xiao Hua nodded. “Xiao may go to Erhai, what is the situation overseas?”

"This...some trouble!" Zhong Peifu shook his head slightly. "The overseas islands are quite mysterious. I don't have much contact with my monks, but the bidding meeting can come to land, and other times are at sea." !"

"Oh, Xiaomou just wants to ask about the situation in Bohai!" Xiao Hua explained, "Xiao did not intend to visit any island!"

"The younger generation understands, but the younger generation has only been to the seaside of the Bohai Sea, and has not gone deep!" Zhong Peifu stunned. I replied, "But I heard the Haicheng Sujia disciple talk about it. The sea and the winds and waves within five thousand miles of the Bohai Sea are still stable. Even if there is a big storm, it is not a bad thing for me and other monks. Maybe some The fishermen are fatal! However, after 50,000 miles, the wind and waves suddenly become powerful, and the sky is also complicated. The most bizarre thing is that the heavens and the earth are also relatively thin, and it is absolutely dangerous for me to be a monk!"

"The reason is that most of the overseas islands are distributed within a thousand miles. There are very few islands thousands of miles away. I heard that this sea area is innocent, and the farther away, the place The more the aura is thinner, the predecessors who used to be distracted tried to fly deep into the sea. However, after flying for nearly two months, they did not see the head. Except that the sea water is the sea water, it is the water beast that is increasingly scarce. Even, the aura of the day was almost impossible!! The predecessors did not dare to go any further. Hurry back, but on the way back, in the case of his exhaustion, the real consumption is extremely large, actually encountered in the water The beast, if not the predecessor, has some great powers, and barely escapes from the hands of the beast, otherwise the life is to be thrown into the sea! Since then, no monk has tried to find the edge of it!"

“Is it so dangerous?” Xiao Hua was a bit stunned and asked. “The ten-beat spirits seem to be just the late Yuan Ying? It’s the predecessor of the gods, even in the case of mana consumption. Not so...so?"

"Oh, Xiao predecessors are the monks of the Xi State, have not been to the Bohai Sea, may not know!" Zhong Peifu lost the smile, "The vast expanse of the Bohai Sea, there are many inner beasts. Oh, the older generation can think about it, The sea is the sea, it is extremely deep. There will be different sea beasts in each layer of water. The deeper the sea beast, the more powerful the sea beasts are. So many sea beasts can kill each other and survive. .... is a powerful character! The ten beasts are rarely seen on the land, but may not be in the sea! And the strength of the ten beasts is afraid of the strength of the ten beasts on land. It’s going to be amazing!”

"Moreover, in the depths of the Bohai Sea, I can't go deep into the monks. Who knows if there is a sea beast that is more powerful than the Shipinling Beast? Since it is a senior of the gods, it can't resist, the spirit of the super product. The beast... is not impossible?"

"Hey!" Xiao Hua was stunned and laughed. "So, Xiaomou is also ignorant. Xiaomou knows that I am comprehending the Three Kingdoms, Jian Xiu and Million Mengshan. I haven’t thought about it yet, in the south of Xiaoyu mainland. In this sea, there are still such powerful things!"

"Xiao's predecessors are not in Mongolia, naturally I don't know!" Zhong Peifu lost his smile. "I wait for the monks to be on the land, but also to be kings, but in the sea, the monks of the overseas islands, afraid that they can not be the masters of the sea! Moreover, Because of this, the monks of overseas islands are generally better than the monks on land on the land under the same realm!"

"Just, their living environment is more sinister, and there are fewer children to breed. This can't pose a threat to my monk monk!" Zhong Peifu said, "In addition, because there are so many spirits and beasts in the sea, many refiners and tune The materials used are mostly sent to the land by overseas islands. As for the monks of my country, because there is an unwritten rule, very few people can go out to sea to hunt the beasts and get these materials!"

"What is the unwritten rule?" Xiao Huaqi said.

"The sea is the sea of ​​the overseas islands. The monks of the Mongolian and even the three countries can travel to the Bohai Sea. You can't kill the sea beasts!" Zhong Peifu explained, "Even Haicheng. Sujia, after the Luogenhaicheng, can no longer kill the spirits of the Bohai Sea, can only make a living by bidding!"

“哼” Xiao Hua sneered. “What do you mean by these rules? Who will be bored to the dangerous overseas days?”

"Xiao's predecessors are wrong. As far as the younger generation is concerned, there are really some monks, especially the Mongolian country's scattered repairs. They often go to the sea to hunt the beasts!"

"Disparate repair?" Xiao Hua slightly stunned, and immediately smiled. "The repair is low-level, there is no foundation, can you kill what the beast? Not to be swallowed by the spirit beast! It is difficult to become an overseas island. What?"

"This is exactly the case!" Zhong Peifu nodded. "If Xiao’s predecessors went to the Bohai Sea, they would know that the Bohai Sea is no more than the land. There are so many fish and beasts in the sea, which is almost innumerable. Under such circumstances. Just like the monks on my land, what strengths and spirits have, even the repairs of the scattered, can find the right beast to hunt!"

"Oh, Xiaomou understands!" Xiaohua nodded, but no, Xiaoyu is just a plane. In fact, there are countless mortal people, and there are many monks, and Bohai is divided into many layers, but also So big, there are definitely a lot of beasts inside.

"In fact, the spirit beasts that can be hunted can not be considered. The overseas islands may not be able to see the eyes." Zhong Peifu said, "Just can't let the repairs break these rules, otherwise everyone will go hunting overseas." Where are there any living ways in overseas islands?"

"Cut! The overseas islands are too stingy!" Xiao Hua dismissed. "Is the Bohai Sea so big, how many people are there? Even if I am a rainy mainland monk to hunt, how many can I hunt?"

Zhong Peifu scratched his head: "The younger generation had such an idea before, but the younger generation did not go deep into the Bohai Sea. The situation inside was not known. However, if the seniors said that the overseas islands do not have to emphasize this rule? Perhaps because of overseas Deep in the world, the aura is thin?"

"Forget it, don't say this!" Xiao Hua knows that Zhong Peifu is also very little known. It is more ambiguous to ask more questions. It is better to go and say. Moreover, he and Xue Xue are going to look at the look of the Bohai Sea, and do not go deep, so much? In the future, I have to go back to Lei Zong, who lived in my own small days in the Thunder Valley of Yu Leizong. Who cares about the sea?

"Yes," Zhong Peifu nodded, thinking for a moment and saying, "Is the Xiao predecessor now continuing to learn the refining method here, or is it to my Zhongjia's refining place?"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and smiled: "Xiao has been in the underground for dozens of days, still go out, trouble Zhongdaoyou find a quiet room for the inside, Xiaomou goes to the refining place!"

"Yes, Xiao’s predecessors are here!" Zhong Peifu was very respectful. Please Xue Hua and Xue Xue, who was immediately called, stood in one of the palaces, took out the implements, and under the force of the man, the three men came to the old. Inside the temple.

"Xiao Daoyou" Xiao Huayi appeared in the ancestral hall, Zhong Tianyi's **** thoughts followed, and a very humble voice rang out from the ancestral hall. "I don't know what benefits the friends can have in them?"

"Oh, thank you Zhongdaoyou!" Xiao Hua walked out of the ancestral hall and handed the ball. "The Taoist friends are not arrogant, and the poor roads are of course harvested! Xiaomou is almost eager to try at this time. What is the law of this refiner?" ”

"Ha ha ha" Zhong Tianxiao laughed, and pulled Xiaohua's hand, "If this is the case, Xiao Daoyou please, let the old man also see the magic skills of the Taoist friends!"

Xue Xue went to the quiet room to practice with Zhong Peifu, and Xiao Hua followed Zhong Tianyi to the underground refining place of Zhongling Mountain Villa!

This place Xiaohua has been here before, but seeing this new development is not too big, but it can be quite satisfactory. It is exactly where Zhong Tianyi has been designing for a long time.

Xiao Hua came to a large room with Zhong Tianyi, and Zhong Tianyi pointed his hand to the things on the ground. I was embarrassed to say: "These things are used by the old man in these years, and the old man is still Here, I found a hidden fire! Unfortunately, the fire was banned by the ban, and the old man could not open it. Only use these things to refine!"

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