Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 894: See also conflict

"However, with Hongxia Fairy and Xue Xue..." Xiao Hua's eyes looked like Xue Xue, a naughty child, full of tenderness. "I am a bit of a land in this rainy continent!"

In this way, Xiao Hua casually sat on the soft sea sand, one leg bent, the elbow of one hand on the knee, one hand holding the chin, the other hand grabbing a hand from the ground Fine sand, a slight tilt, the fine sand slowly slipped from the hands of Xiao Hua...

Over and over again, Xiao Hua was unintentional. However, after watching it for a long time, Xiao Hua suddenly thought about it: "This sand is buried on this beach, no one knows it, or it has been from ancient times. Or, from the bottom of the sea, if I don’t come here, the sand will be silent forever. However, I came, thinking that Xue Xue’s reason is coming, I grabbed the sand and grabbed it. Up, it... it’s slipping, it’s slipping...”

Xiao Hua’s thoughts drifted slowly, and there seemed to be a lot of thoughts, but it seemed to be very rare. The feelings seemed to be extremely deep, but it seemed to be very rare!

Xue Xue had already seen Xiao Hua sitting there. She liked this kind of freedom. She liked the violent sea breeze. Her temper was always the kind of strong love and hate. However, since I entered the Royal Leizong, in order to cultivate, to cut the foot, and later to Xiaohua, she tried hard... and has been doing it all the time, wanting to change her character and be a gentle and virtuous little girl! She is now a lot more, but she is always a little embarrassed... Now, her heart is integrated into the sea breeze, her heart is integrated into the boundless sea, she really wants this leisure, this indulgence This freedom comes more!

"Hey," the sound of noisy noise came over. Xue Xue’s thoughts were slightly disturbed, Xue Xue looked up, but in the small fishing village in the distance, a large number of women and children were weak and support each other from the inside of the hut, dozens of coveted light **** in front The children ran down and mixed, and many of them fell directly on the fine sand! but. These people have faces on their faces!

No, on the horizon of the innocent sea, two faint masts were revealed. Like the little sticks played by two children!

This mast is no longer a mast at this time, but the expectations of all fishing villagers, the joy of all fishing villagers! They are greeted. It is the man who works under the mast for their lives!

"Hehe" Xue Xue is a sweetheart, but also looks at Xiaohua, watching this gradually change in his own eyes, from a dissert that has no ability, turned into a monk with a strong mind and a powerful force! Isn't he the mast in his heart?

Ning Yu of Bohai is like this! Everything is in the sun, in the sound of the waves, the time gradually disappears, and the two masts gradually become clear. Followed by the two dilapidated sea boats!

Xue Xue jumped off the reef and did not push the mana, but slowly, step by step through the beach, and the slender footprints remained on it.逶迤 and firm!

"咦" Xue Xue went to the place of Xiaohua about ten feet, and he was aware of Xiaohua’s strangeness. The sea breeze turned his body through, and Xiao Hua’s hand was still holding the fine sand. Tilting the fine sand, the fine sand can be picked up by the sea breeze. It is through the body of Xiao Hua!

Xue Xue has been eccentric at this time, knowing that Xiao Hua is also comprehending the exercises, so he sits on the floor and smiles in his mouth. But in the eyes, there are some love, some disappointment, and even some... pain, she knows, her own The mood is now released, fearing that it will soon be able to build the foundation, and for the foundation... Xue Xue has a feeling of incomprehension!

The sea is not counted, just like the dead horses in Wangshan. Although the mast has long been seen, it can be seen that the entire sea boat is clearly visible, it is already sunset!

At this time, the seascape is different. The orange-red sunlight dyes the sky in the west, and numerous clouds form various shapes and make up the sky. The sea wave is a bit big, the broken red is accompanied by a gradual darkness, sprinkled over the sea.

Many seabirds gradually regained their temper, with a day's work, thinking that the slow-moving sea boat dragged the black shadow on one side, but also the hard work of the fishing village man!

However, even if the evening is coming, even if the storm is big, even if it is getting colder, the woman in the fishing village still holds the child's hand in her hand, and the shadow is growing longer, they are still waiting on the shore! It seems that this is not the case, can not let their concerns a little safe!

At this time, a few miles away from the front of the two sea-going vessels, a fierce sound of "banging up" suddenly began, and a large wave of water waves flew into the air with the sound! Still not waiting for the water waves to fall, dozens or even hundreds of people flying in the sea, turned out to be divided into two battles of monks! ! !

But see dozens of monks in front of the rushing out of the Bohai Sea, the blue light of the Zhou dynasty shimmering slightly, and the strange ripples in the sunset.

The many monks who chased after them, dressed in weird colors, the crafts in their hands are also weird. In particular, the chasing monks are all sly, far from the monks in front!

A loud voice sounded: "Why are you so hard, why are you so hard? I am a part of the Shuhai, but I have traveled around the Bohai Sea. Some of the sea beasts I have previously captured are all readily available. Also ask Dao Ming Ming Jian!"

"Ha ha ha" is a bold female voice repairing sound, a thick hand and foot, the skin is also rough and dark in the middle of the building of the female singer, "a few small fart children, what kind of rabbit scorpion in front of the aging mother? Lao Niang but stared at you, etc. Half a year, what do you say, every day, you are strolling in the offshore of Bohai, and you don’t know how to cultivate. The sea beasts are caught by you, and the harvests these days are good?”

"Cut the road friend!" The one who is close to the left is also in the middle of the foundation. Some men who have a bronzed brilliance on their skin sneer. "What do you say to these unscrupulous monks? They dare to kill the beasts with the name of the scattered repair. It is a disciple of a certain family or martial art. This discerning person knows at a glance! Where can the scattered repairs easily build the foundation? Moreover, still wandering in this sea, do not step up cultivation?"

"It’s just right to say to the Taoist friend!" It’s a thick man, holding a big axe in his hand and raising his **** face with a beard. "The mother of Xingming Island is too weak. In spite of the sprinkling of the family, it should have been killed all the time! What is the work of his mother!"

"Hey, Kailu Island knows how to cut and kill! You can't take a little Sven? The reputation of my overseas islands has been ruined by you!" A man dressed in a rare Confucian costume is very Sven.

"呸" sturdy man spurted a sigh. "You are a Sven, and the sea beasts that are hunted by your Tiger Ridge Island every day are still less? I heard that the blood tiger heart of the Tiger Ridge Island can only be achieved by the blood of the sea beast. You can repair I don’t know how many sea beasts are needed to enter the building base! Grandma’s, dare to sprinkle the premise of Sven!!

The four monks of this overseas monk talked about it. It was Zhao Qinglian of Xingming Island, Xiang Wenqing of Haoyue Island, Bai Min of Qiqi Island and Ding Xuwen of Hujiao Island. It was the leader of the disciples around the four roads!

Look at their appearance, it should be well-informed, and there is no fear of a group of monks who claim to be scattered.

Look at the scattered repairs that have just been dealt with, but they are also looking as usual, without any worry! The dozens of monks behind him, although there are only a few early disciples of the foundation, can be the same as the scattered, even with a hint of laughter!

"Don't be yelling!" After all, Zhao Qinglian was a female practitioner. She first discovered that she was wrong. She said, "The dozens of monks have some face-to-face, and they don't seem to be disciples of the Mongolian nation! And they are too calm! Only five The monks at the beginning of the foundation were not the enemy of me. But I just had the power to escape. Why did I stop here when I fled to this place? Don’t go to the shore?”

"Hahaha aunt is too cautious!" Sven's Ding Xuwen was not at this time, licking his lips and laughing. "In the eyes of the mid-term monks I am building, these are just children. What tricks can they play? The monk family and the martial art of the Mongolian country know the rules of my sea, which one is not in the middle of the law? They... even the disciples of which family, when I kill, will kill, and what kind of prodigal son can be picked up? ”

"Good! If this is the case, kill all these monks!" Bai Min listened to this, and had long been unable to bear it. The thick arm waved, and the big axe swung, actually calling out a shadow, flashing With a trace of sharp light, a monk in the early stage of building a foundation beyond a few feet is a smash!

"Hands!" Seeing Bai Min's hands, the people are slightly stunned, according to their ideas, still want to explore the details of these monks, to see what they are planning. But Bai Min, the starter, they can't help but have to hand over the disciples under the door.

"Yes!" The disciples got the order. Whether it was a refining disciple or a disciple of the foundation, they all urged Huang Fu and the implements. The brilliance of the blue water flashed around the crowd!

Most of the overseas disciples are water-based physiques, and their instruments and yellow symbols are also water-based, but see the water-based heaven and earth around the Bohai Sea flocking with the law!

A monk does not tighten the law, and ten do not matter, but dozens, even a few of the mid- and early monks of the foundation, this absorption of the heavens and the aura can be more, with the heaven and earth reiki The flowing winds of the roads are born, and the sea breeze that is rising in the evening and the tide is gradually increasing. By the wind, the rising tides are also big!

"Go!" The disciples who had scattered a bunch of squads saw a slight tension on their faces, their eyes circling, seemingly looking for something, and then they immediately lit up and waved their hands toward the two seas drifting in the wind and waves. The boat is flying!

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