Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 895: Set

"Where to go!" Bai Min and others will sneer, the instruments in their hands have already flown out, not only the water blue brilliance in the implements, but also the seawater above the Bohai Sea is also led by their instruments, condensing Become a water column, and smash the disciples!

"Starting up" but after seeing a few of the founding monks in the scattered body, I saw that the attackers were so powerful that they hurriedly stopped and looked at each other. They all nodded secretly, and then waved their hands at the same time. There is actually a spoon-like implement, and several people simultaneously spur the implement. But when the mana is everywhere, the spoon disappears and turns into a few paint-like black holes. A huge suction is born from the black hole. Not only the brilliance of Bai Min and others disappeared into the black hole, but it was attracted by the people. The water column also falls in it! Even the sea has set off huge waves, which are sucked in by black holes! ! !

"Ah?? What is this instrument??" Zhao Qinglian was slightly shocked, and God swept.

"Why can this be a distraction?" Bai Min snorted and slammed his hand, urging mana and angering. "This is the right one to be against my overseas islands! I will see you, you." What is the power of this instrument!"

As Bai Min urged the mana, the waves of the sky were flying above the sea that was no longer calm, and the overwhelming rushed toward the crowd.

"Yes, I want to see if I have this instrument in the hands of a few kid-in-chiefs." Ding Xuwen is also a big bang, actually abandoned the law of the hand, and the general sensation with Bai Min. The waves, the black holes that are poured into it!

"Good. Lao Niang also wants to see!" Zhao Qinglian is also laughing! All overseas monks, other spells do not understand it is normal, who can not understand this water-washing technique? Who is worse than anyone?

On time, more than a dozen water dragons were born above the water surface and put into the black hole!

The strategy of overseas island monks has to be said to be powerful! However, between the fingers, that is, other monks Huang Fu just made a call, but listened to the loud bang of the "rumbling", the top of the left-handed monk's head was ringing, and the monk's face was red, "噗" A spit out of the heart. The whole person fell into the air with a sluggish fall, falling like a leaf on the surface of the sea, and was instantly overwhelmed by the surging waves!

Under the position of the building of the monk, a black and white brilliance flashed, the space was formed, and a stream of water slammed out like a waterfall.

While the water is leaking, the faces of several other foundation-based monks are slightly changed!

"Useless things!" a whisper sounded. See also in the space of about ten feet from the crowd, a burst of brilliance, the shape of a mid-term monk gradually revealed, this monk has already appeared, immediately inciting strange law in the hands, a glory of glory Over. Pounced on the sea, the sound of "嘎吱嘎吱", a lot of pouring seawater actually solidified, with the black and white brilliance, these ice cubes actually fell into the black hole again!

"Who is the Taoist friend?" Ding Xuwen saw it. His face was slightly shocked, and he said, "Is it difficult to be with these scattered repairs?"

This "discrete" word Ding Xuwen bite heavily.

It is a pity that the monk simply ignored him, but only urged the mana to maintain the black hole instrument!

At this time, how did Ding Xuwen and others know that this is awesome?

There is no need to talk about it at all. Bai Min waved his hand, and the big axe was swung out. This time there was no illusion. A huge axe broke the water wave and attacked the waist of the monk. It was so fierce that everyone did not doubt, as long as it was The axe is in the middle. Do not say what is the brilliance of the body, even if there is any spiritual armor, this monk must be seriously injured!

Seeing the eyes of the monks on the overseas islands are all looking at the axe, seeing whether the monk is to avoid or maintain the magic weapon. Suddenly, in the oblique thorn, a thin flying sword is like a dexterous flying snake, in the already undulating waves. Among them, quietly silent to Bai Min!

"Where is the shameless person who came from grandma!" The flying sword came to be sinister. Bai Min did not dare to put his life in the hands of Ding Xuwen and others. He had no choice but to return to the axe and barely sneak a shadow. And the flying sword is not afraid of Bai Min's great power, and will raise the head, it is to stab Baimin's wrist!

"When" sound, Bai Min's virtual shadow is slightly skewed, it is on the flying sword, the flying sword is slightly swept away, and Bai Min's axe has turned, with Bai Min eyes staring at the front space One place, the mana urging place, the axe brings up the waves of the sky, every drop of sea water contains a strong force, and it is hitting the empty space!

"嘿嘿" gave a chuckle, and the invisible character of the mid-term monk who was not tall was also attacked by Bai Min’s attack. With the imperialism of the monk’s hands, Feijian flew back to save himself, and the rainbow was a big axe. !

"Some problems!" At this time, the second mid-term monk appeared, and Zhao Qinglian and others were different from the previous ones, and they felt worse!

At this moment, in addition to the fight of the foundation-based monks, between the refining disciples, Huang Fu you come to me, there have been many disciples broken!

The overcast clouds above the sea surface, the disturbance of the heavens and the earth is disturbed, the waves are smashing!

The monks naturally didn't care. They all flew in the air. The two ships had stopped and even anchored down. Everyone was pale and looked up at the people fighting not far away. The whole hull is bumping in the waves! The ship that looked like a big ship was almost a toy at this time!

Looking at the women and children on the beach, everyone said that there was a twilight on the face, and many people fell to the ground and sobbed silently!

The fishermen are innocent, but the city gates are in flames and pond fish. They just pass by here, how can they escape?

Xue Xue had already seen it, but she was a refining monk, she could not intervene at all, and Xiao Hua, at this time, was enlightened and causal. The hand only kept grabbing the sand, then poured it over and over again, repeating it again and again. repeat……

Xue Xue’s face gradually became anxious!

Because at this time, there were already five monks in the middle of the foundation, and they showed the five black hole-like instruments in their hands, blocking them in front of Wen Qing and others.

"You are friends...this...what is this?" Toward Wen Qing’s eyes, he turned his hand and said, "Is this a misunderstanding?"

"Hahaha, my Xianlepai disciple is just coming here for a trip to the sea. You are waiting for it. Do you always want to know what I am waiting for? The poor road tells you now!" Laughing.

"Xianlepai disciple?" frowned to Wenqing, and immediately exchanged glances with Zhao Qinglian and others. Everyone was puzzled. How can Xianlepai disciples see these small fish and shrimp?

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