Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 897: Zhang Qingxiao doubts again

Rehearsal rumor 897_ Xiu Shen Biography full text free reading _ 879th chapter Zhang Qingxiao again suspected from

"Good!" Xiao Hua couldn't think about it, and took Yu Jian to Xue Xue. He flew himself in the air and flew toward the sea boat!

"Where is the Taoist friend? Is it rare to see the Xianlepai disciple here?" Xiaohua’s previous thoughts have already caught the attention of the five mid-level monks, and Xiaohua actually flew over. Even flying to Bai Min, the tall and thin monk, stood up and asked coldly. When he asked, the law was not full, and in midair, countless broken ice smashes quickly, it is to block the whereabouts of Xiao Hua!

"Roll!" Xiao Hua had already seen dozens of fishermen in critical situations. Seeing that the monk was blocking the road, he had already been furious. He waved his hand and gave birth to a fire wall of three real fires. It looked wonderful and in the monks. The ice palace that seems unbreakable in the eyes, like the snow in the face of a fire, is extremely easy to be burned out a great passage! Moreover, this ice layer is still burning in the three real fires!

"Three 昧 昧 !!" The monk was shocked ~ hurriedly waved his hand, the remaining three monks were solemnly standing up, each person is in the hands of inciting the law, ready to attack Xiaohua!

"Slow..." A voice with joy, doubts, and even hatred came!

"Yes, the lord!" The four men heard it, and the face was shocked. Then they all sang in the direction of the sound, but when they saw it in the air, one person revealed his figure, but this person It’s the foundation of the building, but it’s so handsome, and the eyes are twinkling like a enchanting monk. It seems that it’s not a human monk at all!

This person is Zhang Qingxiao!

"This is... isn't it dead in the ink black forest? He... how can I live out!" Zhang Qingxiao looked at Xiaohua in a complicated way, and the heart was really unspoken. "His cultivation is now... It seems to be comparable to the mid-term! He... If it is dead, Laozi certainly knows that he has nothing to do with Master's death! However, he is not only dead, but his mana is leaping forward, almost only weaker than Laozi. He has a previous dissertation, even if he has entered the Royal Leizong, can he compare with Laozi? So, this will not be related to Master’s death!"

When I heard Xiaohua’s death, Zhang Qingxiao was still very sad and cried Xiaohua! but. Now seeing Xiao Hua is not dead, even the strength is comparable to the mid-term foundation, Zhang Qingxiao suspected Xiaohua! ! !

Look at Xiao Hua again. I didn’t even look at the four monks. Between the swaying bodies, I have already flown over the sea boat!

"Go!" Xiao Hua took a shot on his forehead, and the town cloud printed "Rumble" flying out. A layer of bronze brilliance descended from the sky, covering the entire wreck of a sea boat and another sea boat! Moreover, there is a faint overflow of the tiny flame of red cyan in the bronze brilliance!

Under the brilliance of the town's cloud printing, the flame on the ship was instantly extinguished, and the ice under the ship gradually melted! Even the raging waves quickly subsided under this brilliance. The waves like the lake are not shocked!

The panicked fishermen felt the warmth and the calmness of the sea. Where did you know that someone helped? These fishermen are overjoyed, hurriedly swimming in the sea, and some struggle to get on the boat. Some are busy helping others! Their water quality is excellent, and now it is calm, for them, there is not much difference with the flat! Although all the people can't get on the boat at one time, it is a matter of time to be rescued.

Xiao Hua released the mind. Knowing that all the fishermen, including those who had previously frozen into the sea, are moving up the sea, this is safe, and have time to observe everyone else!

When he looked around, when he saw Zhang Qingxiao, he didn't feel his eyes shrinking, and his heart jumped: "Heaven and Zongzong Lord? He... He is here!"

However, he thought of it, Zhang Qingxiao is not there at all!

"How is it another Tianzong? Was the monk not talking about Xianlepai?" Xiao Hua was only slightly surprised to understand, presumably this is the name of the Tianqu Emperor's fake folks here.

"This mana, magical power, seems to be stronger than the last time I saw it! Xiaoye actually can't see his cultivation! It seems that this is bigger than the progress of Xiaoye!" Xiaohua thought, "The last time there was a magical sect, this was laid out for a long time, and he also had five mid-level monks to help, this matter...some trouble!"

Just as Xiao Hua changed his mind, Bai Min, who had escaped earlier, noticed the movements here. He saw the sound of Xiaohua’s cloud printing, and he himself was forced by the monk, and he had to turn back and turn back. Road: "This friend helped me!"

The monk who chased Bai Min saw it, his face changed dramatically, and the speed of flight slowed down slightly. He did not secretly look at Zhang Qingxiao!

"Hey, what do you do with your friends?" Xiao Hua looked at Bai Min and said, "If you leave, you will leave. At this time, you will not only drag down the poor road, but your life will be gone!"

Bai Min arched: "Poor road Kai Min Island Bai Min ... ah ..."

Obviously, Bai Min also saw Zhang Qingxiao at this time, and at the same time, he also found the weirdness that he could not see! I don’t feel the same face as the monk who chased him. It’s incredibly white!

Yes, Xiao Hua is just a person. Seeing the appearance is only a monk in the early days of building a foundation. Although this magic weapon is powerful, can he compare with a monk who can't see it and can't sense the spell? Isn't this a long-term illness?

Besides, there is something in Xiao Hua's words. Although Bai Min is arrogant, it is also mixed in the middle of the building in the Bohai Sea. How can you not hear the meaning of Xiao Hua? He immediately understood that his escape was the deliberate intention of these monks, but it was a part of their plan. He was so stupid to see Xiaohua as a "straw". He actually cast his own net, and people wanted to put it. I can't let it go! Bai Min regrets and wants to slap himself.

"You are very smart, but you can see the flaws at a glance!" Zhang Qing Xiao Wensheng said, it seems to be pointing to the next generation.

"Where, the Taoist friends have always been forward-looking and strategizing. Since Xiao has seen the Taoist side and taught the way of teaching friends, how can I not know?" Xiao Hua did not dare to look around and carefully answer.

"Daoyou? Hahaha..." Zhang Qing Xiao Yang laughed and said, "Xiao Hua, this time I saw you for the first time. You seem to be helping the same door, let them run away first, you yourself." It is the most escaped, but it falls to the end. If it is not for the purpose of letting you, you are afraid that it is not easy to escape? Today, you... still have such kindness and soft heart!"

Rehabilitation 897_ Xiu Shen Biography full text free reading _ 879th chapter Zhang Qingxiao once again suspected that the update is complete!

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