Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 898: Both brothers are killing

Revisiting the rumored 898_Rehabilitation of the sacred texts for free reading _ VIII VIII chapters of the two brothers are killing

"At this time, you are actually disguising the identity of this sect! Do you think that this sect will let this **** escape? Hey, let this sect look at it, your magic weapon has actually been repaired, more powerful than before! However, At this time, this magic weapon does not protect your body, but to protect some of the poor people who are not as good as pigs and dogs! You are... really bad people!" Zhang Qingxiao said disdainfully.

"The lord ???" Bai Min listened, and did not feel awkward, he really couldn't think of Zhang Qingxiao who is the sect of which party.

Xiao Hua ignored the irony of Zhang Qingxiao and looked at the fishermen who were self-helping next to the town cloud. He smiled and said: "It is a great honor for the lord to remember Xiaomou. As for Xiao, how is it, that is Xiaomou. Things, nothing to do with your demon!"

"The demon sect? You are the demon sect!" Bai Min suddenly awakened, pointing his finger at Zhang Qingxiao's finger, "I have never been to the overseas islands with your demon, you... why design harms me, etc. ?"

I don’t know, Zhang Qingxiao did not care about Bai Min. He still looked at Xiao Hua thoughtfully and shook his head. "I have thought about this for a long time, and I can’t guess what Xiao Daoyou’s actions are?"

"Since you can't guess, you can't guess it! The difference is not the same!" Xiao Hua cold and cold.

"Yes, this is a wonderful story! The difference is not the same!" Zhang Qingxiao smiled and said: "You are the Tao, this is a demon! Naturally different!"

Immediately, Zhang Qingxiao seems to be somewhat awakened, pointing to his nose and saying: "You and I are also old knowledge, but this is forgotten to tell you. This is the name of Zhang!"

"Well~" Xiao Hualu waited for a moment, but Zhang Qingxiao continued to say that he had to do it. "It turned out to be Zhang Zongzhu! I just don't know that there is a surname. Why don't you listen to the name? The Tibetan head is not the husband!" ”

"Ha ha ha, big husband? Zhang never boasted as a big man!" Zhang Qing Xiao Yan sleeved, "Zhang must do, not the husband's actions. As for Zhang's name? Wait for you to win this These five men will not be late!"

"Go, kill Xiaohua!" Zhang Qingxiao said that turning his face turned his face and immediately ordered five mid-term monks!

"Yes. Sovereign!" The five people did not hesitate to hesitate. They glanced at each other, their hands twitched, and each had a blue-blue brilliance, and rushed into the five black holes. "Calling" a dull sound seemed to be horrified. The ice dragon woke up, and five crystal clear icicles within the five black holes rushed out. Going to Xiao Hua is going to go!

Bai Min is in Xiaohua's close, seeing the ice dragon as a real dragon, with a horrible power, and the ice dragon is everywhere, the ice is inside the ice, a giant force is coming over. I will be the same as Xiao Hua’s left and full!

Bai Min did not dare to neglect, hurriedly flew toward the side, and the ice dragon did not care about Bai Min at all, completely shutting down Xiao Hua all around!

"Ha ha ha ~ relying on such things alone, I am afraid that it is difficult to avoid Xiaomou!" Xiao Hua laughed. The same is also the hands of the move, a few blue-red brilliance flying out, just like the five small snake-like fire of the three fires. That fire is now in the hands of Xiao Hua, there is a snake head and a snake body, but the eyebrows are not clear!

"Go!" Xiao Hua will raise his arms, and five fire snakes screaming and rushing to the five ice dragons!

I will be together in a moment!

"Silk ~" Bai Min is not far away. I don’t feel a cold breath, but when I see the fire snake and the ice dragon hit, there is not much momentum. The weird thing is that the thin fire snake is not annihilated because of the huge size of the ice dragon. Immediately ignite the ice dragon and burn it toward the ice dragon quickly along the ice dragon!

Except for the three-way fire, this ice-free spell is not afraid. More importantly, Bai Min has already seen that the mana contained in this fire snake is far from being comparable to the ice dragon! In other words, Xiao Hua's mana far exceeds the opponent! No, it is far more than the opponent and the squad!

Bai Min can understand, how can Zhang Qingxiao and others not understand?

"Hey, it's getting more and more interesting!" Zhang Qingxiao's face is more intense, and the hatred in laughter is also flashing. "The younger brother, now there is a repair in the late stage." I don't see it! If you don't get any benefit in my life, can you cultivate so fast? If it is not related to my smashing the door, how can you improve?"

"Stupid!" Zhang Qing Xiao Liguang flashed, big sleeves waved, five Guanghua flew out, it was hit at the root of the ice dragon, cut off the ice dragon, blocking the fire snake to continue burning, "except for the ice war, Can't you have anything?"

The five monks listened and immediately flew from the original place. They each took a shot, and three pieces of crafts and two pieces of magic weapons were sacrificed in the air.

"Ha ha, since the ancient fire can be ice, how to try it today?" Xiao Hua once again waved his hand, dozens of fireballs, and fireballs are all played, hit the range of hundreds of feet around!

"Hey!" Zhang Qingxiao sneered, "There have been evils since ancient times! This is a must for the Lord, who can laugh at the end!"

Said, Zhang Qingxiao waved his hand, and the **** red flag was taken out, slightly shaking, this time is even more powerful, a few faint blood is almost infamous, flying to the air, giving birth to a The network of bloodshot blood, that blood, such as the network is straight, is to cover the fireballs that Xiao Hua uses the mana to produce one by one! Xiao Hua's fireball is doped with three real fires, and others can't do anything about it. It can fall within this blood network, and it is silent and completely extinguished!

When Xiao Hua saw it, it was not unexpected. The Mozong tactics have always been unexpected. The last three real fires seem to have no effect! However, seeing Zhang Qingxiao so easily extinguished the three fires, Xiao Hua still shrinks his eyes! Apparently Zhang Qingxiao’s cultivation is also beyond his expectations!

"Go ~" Xiao Hua left a point of attention in Zhang Qingxiao. The attack on the five mid-level monks was not very concerned. He took a hand and smashed it out, a beautiful golden light. Within a hundred feet, there were several sounds of "stinging thorns", three pieces of dazzling brilliance, and the instruments that had just gathered the water-based heaven and earth aura were cut by the Tengyi cut, and the other two magic weapons were also hit. To the air, the five groups of Guanghua, which have just condensed, are instantly broken!

"Miao Wei!" The five mid-level monks were shocked and thought about how to deal with them, but they listened to Zhang Qingxiao’s smile. "Xiao Hua, this is really a small look at you! I thought you could have a late foundation." The repair is not bad, I can't think of you going straight to the peak of the late stage! And, you can control two magic weapons at the same time! It is wonderful!"

Said, Zhang Qingxiao will take a shot, Jing Mingzhong flew out of the storage bag!

This Jingming Zhong is obviously different from Xiao Hua’s first encounter. It is actually a golden brilliance, and Guanghua is like a golden lotus!

But when Jin Jin came out of the storage bag, he immediately had a great suction, and the aura of the near heaven and the earth was swarming, and the small whirlwind that picked up for a while!

"Silk ~" Xiao Hua saw the situation, sucking a cold breath, this Jingming Zhong's magic weapon is obviously more powerful than the town cloud print, and that Guanghua has actually formed, the integrity of the magic weapon is also higher than the town cloud seal. Although his own Tengqiu scissors are powerful, they are also crippled. I don't know if I can get it?

"Then let Xiaomou teach Zhang Zongzhu's means!" Xiao Hua said nothing, the mana will be motivated, and the smashing of the golden light will fly toward Jingming Zhong!

When the sound of "When" sounded, it seemed that the hail in the air was shaking. When Xiao Hua was on the scene, he felt that he was in front of him, and the golden light of the smashing stagnation immediately stopped!

"Disease" Xiao Hua was shocked and shook his head slightly, feeling that his head was as heavy as a thousand! I didn’t dare to neglect at all, and immediately urged the soul stab!

"Ah~~" Zhang Qingxiao is also like a cone thorn in the mud pill palace, unable to help hold his head, his body shape also wants to fall a little!

At this time, the Tengjiao shears are flying in the past. The "brush" sounds like the sound of a koi split, the golden brilliance of Jing Mingzhong, the brilliance of the brilliance is like the lotus luster. half!

"Disease!" Zhang Qing Xiao Qiang resisted the pain of the mud pill palace, and pointed his hand, Jing Ming Zhong Guanghua Dasheng, swarming Guanghua blocked the Tengjiao cut, the golden light was a faint lotus lotus will Zhang Qing Xiao group live!

The two brothers and sisters of the past... I met each other when I met!

I saw that Lin Hegang would surround Zhang Qingxiao. Zhang Qingxiao was waving his hand. The flag in the previous income sleeve was once again waved. The blood of the flirtat was born again. It turned out to be a dense fog like a Dapeng bird. To Xiao Hua.

"***, how much your secret technique is! I will let you see what is the secret of the magic sect!" Zhang Qingxiao said without hate, "You don't understand... the secret law? I want to see who I want." Great!"

Seeing the **** Dapeng bird, Xiao Hua is hesitant, not to mention, this is definitely the magic sect. If you have a strong King Kong body, you can break it. But now his own Buddhism is gone, only one phoenix body is left, and it is not useful.

Can Zhang Qingxiao give him time to think?

Although the Dapeng bird has no power, but a strong blood and chill, has already covered Xiaohua!

"From ~~" Xiao Hua will be shaken, the sound of Feng Ming of "嘎" sounded, and the Phoenix body rushed out, and the power of the world was scattered!

"Ah?" Zhang Qingxiao was completely stunned!

However, in an instant Zhang Qingxiao is the face of the dew, from the real killing, sneer: "Xiao Hua, which is the son of the martial art? Is there actually Phoenix blood?"

"Little Master is a disciple of Yu Leizong, not a comprehension genre!" Xiao Hua is somewhat inexplicable. "Little Master has told you! How do you be so interested in the origin of Xiaoye?"

In an instant, Xiao Hua is also a faceless face, his eyes are slightly stunned, and the dark road: "Is it not like this... related to the seal of my monk???"

On time, Xiao Hua’s killing is also awakening! He still has no strength to break the seal, and absolutely can't let Zhang Qingxiao expose his strength!

The rehearsal of the rumored 898_Rehabilitation of the literary essays free reading _ VIII VIII chapters of the two brothers are killing the heart to update!

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