Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 911: The sleeves of Xuehui Island

Xiao Hua took over the magic device, and it was very heavy. However, compared to Xiao Hua’s magic gun tip, it was obviously too much, and there was no cold and **** tentacles.

"Hey?" Seeing Xiao Hua's weightlifting and picking up the magic gun tip, the exaggeration is also a slight sigh, and I don't feel that I am looking up and down again.

Xiao Hua didn't care about the gaze of her, and gave her the gun tip. She wondered: "This is a clever way to seal the road of the magic weapon. I only say that I only have one magic weapon. How can Xiao make her spit? ?"

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua handed over the tentacles of the cockroach and smiled: "The tentacle is here, obviously it is what the Taoist friends want, but what can the Taoist friends exchange?"

"This..." The exaggerated child frowned slightly. Immediately, he took a hand and took the storage bag from his waist and handed it to Xiao Huadao. "Prede to see what can be seen in this storage bag." If you look up, you can take it!"

"Oh, you are generous!" Xiao Hua smiled and took over the storage bag, and the momentum also handed the hand to the exaggeration.

Quaring to see the tentacle so easy to get to the hand, has long been happy with the eyebrows, she is just the initial cultivation of the foundation, seeing Xiao Hua easily capture the sly tentacles, long ago know that Xiao Hua is definitely not their own enemy What is the difference between this storage bag and myself?

"Oh ~" Xiao Hua looked at the storage bag, and sure enough, he didn't have the magic gun he wanted, so his brow was slightly wrinkled.

"The predecessors didn't see anything?" said the exaggerated child. "There are not many things in the younger generation, but the wreckage of the sea beasts is also something that I have in the Bohai Sea!"

"Well, what is inside this jade?" Xiao Hua shook his head slightly and asked casually. "Isn't it the secret of your blood island?"

"No!" Seeing Xiao Hua mentioning jade, the eyes of the jokes are bright, she is unable to mention the secret law of Xuehui Island. Xiaohua’s words are simply sent the ladder. "This is Some of the materials of the devil's text collected by the younger generation... Well, talking about the secrets of my **** island, the predecessors... Where did you learn from this sleeve?

"Oh! Devil's text!!!" Xiao Hua did not care about the exaggeration of the question, a bright light in front of her eyes, "That is the jade Jane Xiaomou!"

"No problem!" Like Xiaohua, the exaggeration is a bit absent-minded, nodding. "Predecessors can make a copy. But... the predecessors can tell you the secrets of your sleeves. What?"

"Well~" Xiao Hua took out Yu Jian and used it to copy and read with his voice. "Xiao Mou got a piece of jade in Yanlin Mountain, and there is a secret in this sleeve!"

"Ah? It really is Yanlin Shanze!!!" The exaggeration exclaimed, and asked urgently, "That... other things with Yudan... Are you still there?"

Xiao Hua did not answer her question at this time, and concentrated on copying jade!

Quaring is also a bit awkward standing there!

Maybe it’s because I’ve been fighting the sea beasts together, or I’m not kidding Xue Xue’s beautiful. Xue Xue’s arrogant child is still right. At this time, she smiled and said: “Come on the friend’s moment, my family will be a while. Tell you in detail!"

"Xue Daoyou, Mo is called a friend, called a clever child!" The eyebrows turned and smiled.

"Oh, Daoyou has been repaired as a deeper than the body, and has just been built into the foundation! Where can I just call it?" Xue Xue also laughed.

"Ah? No!" The eyes of the exaggerated children were round and surprised. "School Xue’s mana is deeper than the clever ones. How could it just be built into the foundation? Believe!"

"Hehe" Xue Xue helplessly can not explain more, so he exaggerated to Xue Xue said casually, but for a long time, Xue Xue understood the reason.

It turned out that thousands of years ago, the island owner of Xuehui Island went to the Yanlinshanze of the Xi State with the island owners of several other islands for some reason. It seems to be hunting for what monsters, or what to look for. Things, in short, several monks in the early days of Jindan went together! I thought it was a simple matter, but who knows that a few people are not coming back!

After receiving it, several other islands were ruined because of the inheritance, and even many people died. The inheritance of each island is divided into several branches, and some even die. The Su family in Haicheng seems to be the branch of one of the islands of the year! Xuehui Island is lucky, because the island owner at the time had a twin brother, although there was no Jindan, but it was also the late stage! Under the comfort of this brother, Xuehui Island did not fall into the road of decline! However, because the missing island owner carried some of the spell cheats of the blood island, resulting in such famous spells as the **** island of the sleeves, only the primary practice, and then the deep part is missing!

"Zhaodaoyou!" Xue Xue smiled and shook his head. "I have a collection of books in every Leigong of Leifang. These exercises are all treasured in the bookstore, and will never be lost because of the accident of the martial art." You will not have this arrangement without your door?"

It’s a bitter smile, “Oh, I’m also hiding, but it’s also a coincidence. Maybe the predecessor is learning these exercises, and the jade of these exercises is taken away! The Lord carefully inquired, and I am afraid that I will not believe that such things will happen."

"Other exercises Xiao Xiao did not know." At this time, Xiao Hua also copied the jade slip, handed over the storage bag, and smiled. "But the jade in the sleeves, Xiaomou can guarantee that it is recorded. All are complete!"

"So very good!" The exaggeration was overjoyed. "As long as you find this method back, it is a great achievement!"

“When did Xiaomou promise to return this jade to Xuehui Island?” Xiao Huaqi said, “Even if you are in the sleeves of Xuehui Island, you can now get Xiaomian in Yanlinshanze, basically with your blood. Huidao has nothing to do!"

"Yes, this younger generation knows naturally!" The exaggerated child laughed and laughed. "Now that jade is already Xiao’s predecessor, and... It can be said that the sleeves are also the supernatural powers of Xiao’s predecessors. Naturally, there is nothing to do with my **** island. However, my blood island also has sleeves in the aftermath. The younger generation believes that while the predecessors themselves... and their disciples can inherit this magical power, if you copy this spell to my blood island, you will be thankful!"

“嘿嘿~” Xiao Hua sneered. “The island owner of Guidao is Jin Dan’s repair. Do you think Xiao will go?”

"This ~~~" is exaggerated, it is so! How can someone Xiaohua vote for himself?

"唉" exaggerated and sighed and sighed. "No matter what, the younger generation can get the whereabouts of the magical spells in the sleeves. It is also good for my **** island. When the younger generation returns to the island, they will know the island owner, please the island owner. Go to the royal family of Yu Leizong to meet the predecessors!"

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