Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 912: Kwazhin

"Get ~~" Xiao Hua listened, but it was a bit big, and he didn't want to let Xuehui Island make himself in the Royal Leizong.

"So!" Xiao Hua glanced at Xue Xue and said, "Xiao Mou believes you once!"

"Ah? What?" Some people who don't believe in their ears.

"Xiao is always compassionate, and the practice of this sleeve in the sleeves has been told that it has been copied by Xiaomou. I have already left one in the Royal Leizong Wanlei Valley!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Xiao is also willing to That jade is changing something! But..."

"But what?" The exaggerated child said nervously, "Predecessors let the younger generation do anything!"

"Hey!" Xiaohua's mouth hangs yin and laughs.

Quaring for a while, the skin is cold, slightly embracing his hands with his towering chest!

"As long as you praise your friend and promise that you don't take the initiative to say it, and you want to help Xiaomou ask about the location of a Bohai Island, Xiao will find a safe place before leaving Xuehui Island. To Xuehui Island!" Xiao Hua's eyes are slightly stunned, but it is a very strange question to say and think.

"Of course!" The exaggerated child long export gas, patted the chest and said, "The younger generation swears that they will never take the initiative to tell the island owner! Well, it is said that the seniors are invited to compete in the juniors!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua did not ask what it meant to be invited to the competition, nodded.

"In addition, what is the island that Xiao’s predecessors are looking for..." The exaggerated child asked, "Can this younger know in advance?"

"Of course!" Xiao Hua nodded. "Xiao is looking for an island called Sunset Island!"

"Sunset Island???" is really a foggy water, thinking for a long time, shaking his head. "The younger generation really don't know that I have such an island in the Bohai Sea. It seems that I have to go back to Xuehui Island to ask my island owner. !"

Xiao Hua is not surprised by the words of the exaggerated child. If it is exaggerated, I can know where the sunset island is. Maybe Xiao Hua will shoot her dead!

Seeing that Xiao Hua was risking to go to Xuehui Island, Xue Xue was a little strange. He whispered in a low voice: "Wu Jun, you took the secret technique of others, how can you send it to the door? The farther away from the **** island, the better. It’s serious!”

"The lady is relieved," Xiao Hua smiled. "But it is the Jindan monk! The bell of the Zhong family is not afraid of the husband. Can you still be afraid of an overseas field? Besides, there are still some things to be left in this. On the body!"

"Okay!" Xue Xue naturally had an understanding of Xiao Hua's cultivation, and knew that Xiao Hua would not force others to practice for his own cultivation, and nodded his consent.

"Xiao's predecessors are still waiting!" When they saw things and negotiated, they were happy, and then they lost their smiles. "The younger generation should take the remedy, slightly adjust the interest!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded.

Waiting for the exaggeration to take out a medicinal herb, I am going to take it. Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Zhaodaoyou, what kind of medicinal medicine are you? Can you let Xiaomou see?"

"Oh, this is the ridge of Dan of my blood island, but it is made with the sea beast inside Dan! It is not the same as the medicinal medicine of Xiguo!" Dan Dan gave Xiao Huadao "This Dan gave to the predecessors!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua took it and put it on the nose, a slight scent of scent, accompanied by the scent of medicine!

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly, knowing that the Bohai Sea Island is not as rainy as the mainland, but there are many sea beasts. The sea beasts of Condensed Dan have inner dan, which is also the agglomeration of heaven and earth, refining medicinal herbs even more than The effect of Lingcao must be good!

"Just, it is too luxurious to use the inner medicine of the five-product sea beast to refine the medicinal herbs for the foundation-based monks..." Xiao Hua said with emotion.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua is a bit shameful. The jade he got in Yanlinshanze is much more realistic. Later, in the black forest of Mohlin, he got more jade! He clearly knows some of these things, but he can only look at it briefly to see if it is useful for his cultivation. There are many refining exercises and some secret recipes. He didn't look at it carefully! Even, does the exaggeration not say it? With the other things in the sleeves, there are other ways of Xuehui Island, and Xiao Hua has no impression at all!

However, this does not blame Xiao Hua, this time out of Lei Zonglai, accompanied by Xue Xue experience, his accumulation is really amazing, in just a few years, even less than ten years of work, he still has to cultivate, where Have time to go to each other's enlightenment?

"Perhaps... Waiting for the sword and the seed to succeed, the young master will also split a god, and realize the jade simple!" Xiao Hua slightly raised his lips. "The nightmare has been bred for several years." Why are you still not moving?"

Of course, Xiao Hua’s split **** is extremely subtle with his main god. How could he not know the budding changes? It’s just that, for a few years now, I haven’t even found out the sword spirit, which really makes him anxious! During this time, I also lost the weapon to cut it, otherwise many times he will suffer!

After half an hour, the exaggeration was completed, and Xiao Hua and Xue Xue went straight to the place where the sun rose!

This flight is a few days, so Xiaohua is ashamed that people can be different from him. They don’t have to come up with Sinan. Where to go, how to avoid it, it’s really well known, it’s like this sea and yourself. The back garden of the home is average!

On this day, it was noon, and came to a messy reef. There were countless reefs that stretched over the sea, and large seaweeds swayed between the rocks. The water droplets of white flowers also floated between the seaweeds.

The exaggerated child stopped in the air, whispered: "Xiao's predecessor, Xue sister, please wait a moment, there is a brother who is here to experience, waiting for him to call him!"

When I talked about my brother, I was a little unnatural on my face!

“Oh?” Xiao Hua’s heart moved, and immediately thought of the tall monk who was like a cow, and Xue Xue smiled like a flower. “If you are willing, it’s good, of course, my sister has nothing to worry about!”

"Thank you sister!" The singer took a hand and took a message in his hand. He whispered a few words and shook it in the sea. The light blue light of the message disappeared into the water and disappeared.

Sure enough, but for a moment, a burst of bubbles violently produced, immediately is the sound of loud water, in the gap between the reefs, a middle-aged monk with a large waist and a round, barely squeezed out from inside! This monk's body is very huge, and it is somewhat different from Xiao Hua's previous vigorous King Kong law body!

It is the male repair that Xiao Hua saw!

"Qiaoer!" The male repaired the Shanghai face, took a look at Xiao Hua and Xue Xue, flashed a trace of strange color, and immediately fell on the reef, whispered "What's the matter?"

When he saw the male repair, he flashed a trace of warmth in his eyes and pointed his hand: "This is the Xiaohua Xiao predecessor of Yu Leizong. This is Xue Xuexue Daoyou!"

"Oh ~" men repaired their eyes and looked at Xiao Hua, and they said, "Huang Hui Island has seen Xiao predecessors and met Xue Daoyou!"

"Hey? Is this a Japanese man?" Xiao Hua was awkward. He was not particularly good at this exaggeration and praise of the Japanese, only because he thought that he would like to combine himself with the Japanese. ! But now I can see that Kwaferin listened to the introduction of the exaggeration, and called himself a predecessor without any defense. This is absolutely not commensurate with the mid-term repair of his foundation!

However, after the praise of Xiaohua and Xue Xue, the praise of the Japanese and the Xuexue said: "Qiaoer, the monks on the rainy continent are all thinking! You are in Yuming City. It’s not that there’s not a lot of people being deceived. Why don’t you leave more eyes at this time? Xiao Daoyou is obviously the cultivation of the initial stage of building the foundation. Why do you want me to call my predecessors?”

After listening to this, Xiao Hua’s face was hot, but was he taking the magic gun tail at the bidding meeting in Yuming City?

"Oh, Ming Ge! This Xiao predecessor is no better than other monks!" The exaggerated child grinned. "Before, Xiao predecessors rescued me from the tentacles!"

"Ah?? You...what do you really find?" Kwon-Zhao was shocked, and then disregarded anything. Turning around was a deep sigh. "It’s really a thank-you for the predecessor. They have persuaded her several times, but she still can't think of her. If she is not a younger generation, she doesn't know..."

Seeing the praises of Kwazhin several times, all of them put the safety of the exaggeration in front, completely different from the bells of Zhongling Mountain Villa. Xiao Hua’s heart is happy and the hand is raised; “You are welcome, praise the friends, directly call the channel. Friends are, the predecessors can't be afraid!"

"Xiao's predecessors, Qiaoer called praised a certain name, boasting how to dare to change.?" Kua Mingming shook his head. "The situation and Xiao predecessors also saved a clever life, this predecessor praised a certain word!"

"Hey, Ming Ge, what do you think of me here?" The exaggerated child immediately took out the tentacles of the embarrassment like the treasure.

"You really got it!" Kwa’s face showed a smile, and reached out and held the hand of the exaggerated smile. "The title of this competition is not yours!"

"Hey, it's all the credit of Xiao's predecessors!" He said with a smile. "I also asked Xiao's predecessors to do my help. Xiao's predecessors also agreed!"

Kwazhin listened, and immediately turned around, but also to be a gift, Xiao Hua was a headache, and immediately lifted his hand: "You don't have to thank you!"

"No!" Where is the praise of Kwazhin, still want to worship.

However, Xiao Hua’s arm is like a copper cast iron, he seems to be unable to worship!

"Hey?" The praise of the Japanese is awkward, it is time to move again, but listen to the exaggeration and say, "Xiao's predecessors don't want to worship, you have to worship a few times, I can see my eyes." !"

"Good!" Kua Mingming was very obedient, and immediately stopped getting up and said.

"Right, Ming Ge, is your tiger spotted?" The exaggerated child took the tentacles of the beggar and asked with concern.


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