Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 913: Big flag reef (1)

When I heard the exaggeration, Qiu Mingming was embarrassed and scratched her head. "I don't know how, this tiger cheek is particularly alert this time. I have been guarding for a few dozen days for my brother. I have seen a few, but... Not waiting for the brothers to shoot, they immediately fled, as if they knew that the brother is here!"

"Hey, Ming Ge, you have gambled with the little girl!" The exaggerated child said, "The younger sister has already gotten it, how do you say it?"

"Well, I am willing to gamble and lose!" Kwain nodded. "What is it to say!"

"Okay, okay!" The exaggeration was a bit of a slap in the face. "Every time, it’s obvious that you lost. It’s like you won. Even if you win, I still have the final say. What do you mean?"

"Qiaoer..." Kwazhin is two steps low, and the ninth and thirteenth chapter of the banner reef (1), "Xiao's predecessors and Xue Daoyou are here, don't let people laugh!"

The exaggeration is slightly tilted to the head, avoiding the praise of the sun, slightly rushing Xue Xue slaps his eyes, but can still face the glory of the face of the praise of the sun!

Xue Xue looked at Xiao Hua, and his stomach smiled. He knew that he was playing with a small temper. He also looked down at the turquoise sea. He was very concentrated and seemed to have the most attractive tricks there!

"Qiaoer..." When I saw the exaggeration, I didn't forgive myself because of my own words. I praised the Japanese and laughed. "You said what it is, you must listen to you for your brother!"

"You listen to me? This is what you said!" Biao Qiaoer brows, shouted.

"Well, um, I must listen to you for my brother!" Kwazhin hurriedly said, "For the brother, I will accompany you back to the island. This tiger can’t catch it!"

"No!" Quoting is not pleasing to the eye. "You go back with me. Your own task can't be finished. Isn't it going to suffer in competition?"

"Then wait a moment!" Kwain was turned around by the exaggeration, and hurriedly said, "For the brother, go on, and immediately catch the tiger spot and leave!"

"You think that the tiger stagfather is your family!" When he said this, he seemed to think of something interesting. He actually "snapped" and smiled. Although he said that the ninth and thirteenth chapters of the flag reef (a) It’s not as beautiful as Xue Xue’s white, but it’s also beautiful and beautiful, and it’s beautiful.

"That's it!" The exaggerated thought said, "The younger sister wanted to accompany Xiao's predecessors here, but you have kept it for dozens of days. This tiger spot should have been surrounded by several people. If the younger sister is not enough, it is better to ask Xiao’s predecessors to help. It is enough for us to refine the ridges. Only a small amount of tiger fangs, you only need to capture one! What else is it for Xiao’s predecessors?”

"Oh~" Xiao Hua only understood this time. The original exaggeration was said for so long. I wanted to help myself to help praise the Japanese, but I was afraid that it would not be happy. This is what it is. It is really a waste of thought. !

Sure enough, when I heard it, I was upset in my heart, and my face was slightly unhappy. It’s just that he just said that everything is listening to the exaggeration, and he’s embarrassed to say more, but he doesn’t talk.

"Xiao's predecessors, tiger spotted amber is the necessity of refining the ridged scorpion, which is the most vulnerable place for tiger squash. If you want to refine the ridge, or exchange the ridge with the overseas islands, This tiger spot is the best sea beast!" At this time, the exaggerated child laughed and laughed at Xiao Huadao. "My family's cultivation may not be as good as Xiao's predecessor. I can have some talents in searching for tiger spot. It is much easier to help you!"

"Well~" The exaggeration is so painstaking, how can Xiao Hua not be perfect? Besides, he also needs the sea beast of Tiger Spotted Hu, and he nodded without hesitation.

Look at the praise of the Japanese, and listen to the exaggeration to call him "my family Mingge" that is not too happy to have melted most of the time, arched: "Xiao seniors, please come down with the younger generation!"

"Good~" Xiao Hua raised his hand, "Zhaodaoyou first!"

Seeing Xiao Hua is very easy to use the water to enter the seabed, but also to Xue Xuedao: "Sister Xue, I will continue! This big flag reef looks very sinister, but the bottom of the sea is beautiful. Small My sister has been with Mingge several times, and every time I am intoxicated!"

"Oh? Is it? It's going to be awkward!" Xue Xue thought that he was worried about boasting the Japanese, and he said.

I don’t know, Xue Xue is also diving into the sea, and this is how surprised and wide-eyed, incredible looking at a world he has never seen before!

But seeing that I have just sneaked into the sea, there is still sunshine, and the sunlight is filtered by the turquoise water. It turns into several colors, and all the waters that are supposed to be dyed are dyed. Some tiny, almost invisible tiny things are in the waves. Shaking in, there are floating algae and the like!

Further deep, the sun has weakened, but the fish are more, there are slender, thick, dark, colored, some in groups, some in a single child, and even a long The sea snake is like a belt and swims in the distance!

This is not the key to Xue Xue’s surprise. I saw many reefs seen in the Bohai Sea. It has become a huge stone pillar in the sea. This stone pillar is a pattern of rolling hills. The stone pillar is extremely high. Sweeped, actually did not see the bottom of the sea! The formation of these reefs is above the stone pillars, covered with a thin layer of protrusions that are the size of the fingernails. These raised layers are colorful and extremely smashed. Although the sun is very light, the water ripples in the middle of the road. Direct sunlight!

"This...what is this?" Xue Xueyu's eyes widened and he looked around and looked at the colorful stone pillars on his body. "How beautiful!"

"Good to teach Xue sister to know!" Quartin said with some pride, "This is a coral, it is the special life of the Bohai Sea, it can not be seen at the side! And, this coral of the big flag reef is more It is special, other places are either red or pink, it is single. Only the coral here is a colorful color! Or because of the colorful bar, the tiger spot is the most easy to appear!"

"It's really magnificent!" Xue Xue dive all the way, all the way to see, this is really a wonder she has never seen before!

“More beautiful in the depths!” The exaggerated child pointed his hand. “There is no sunshine in the depths of the big flag reef, but there is no lack of light. There are all kinds of sea animals and fish in the abyss. I shine and reflect each other, it is more beautiful than the sunshine! Sister Xue, you don’t know, there is a kind of light-colored, flat-eyed sea beast, and its body is lined with rows of lights and lights. Desperate!"

"Where, where..." Xue Xue was even more excited and dive to the bottom!

However, she has just gone down a few dozen feet, a huge force blocked them, no matter how Xue Xue is urging, they can't dive half! ! ! !

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