Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 914: Big flag reef (2)

"Xie sister..." At this time, the exaggeration is very helpless at the top of Xue Xue’s head. "I waited for the initial stage of building the foundation, and I was only able to push the water to get here! This is not the five elements."遁法, in the Bohai Sea can not freely come to the beauty of the abyss!"

"Oh, this way!" Xue Xue thought about the release of God, but unfortunately, she could see Xiao Hua and Kua Ming, but could not see the beautiful sea beast in the mouth.

Xue Xue was disappointed. She was envious of Xiao Hua’s dive, and she herself was playing in the coral group with her exaggeration!

Besides Xiao Hua, like Xue Xue, it is very curious to enjoy the game. It is not exaggerated to be clever, nor has it explained to Xiao Hua, only to sneak into the head! The display of the water is not the same as that of the bandits. Until a certain degree, the power is immediately produced. Xiao Hua did not notice it. With the deepening of the Japanese, the Japanese will stop and Xiaohua will read. Sweeping and laughing: "Do you think you are not here?"

"Well, Tiger Pan is still below!" Kwazhin will point his hand to the place about a few feet below, saying, "Khao a repair can only dive here, if you want to capture the tiger spot and still use the device!"

Say, Kwazhin will take a shot, one foot in size, like the anchor of the anchor flying out of the storage bag, slowly sinking, and wait until it sinks into a black and white hole of a few feet in size. .

"Oh, it turned out to be awaiting the rabbit!" Xiao Hua smiled, it was when I was talking, my heart moved, I really wanted to release the thoughts.

"Xiao's predecessor..." Kwazhin said, "Don't let go of the gods, that tiger cheeks are very sensitive to God and mana..."

"Well!~" Xiao Hua nodded slightly, only looking at the dark square hole! And his black iron needle is quietly released along the Buddha!

After half a column of incense, but see the water in the hole slightly swaying, a square head big ears, like a pig head, the sea beast peeped out. However, this sea beast just shook his head and immediately shrank back. It seemed to be shocked. So many times and four times, the sea beast came out of the square hole.

"Hey! This strange sea beast!" And the tiger squid came out completely, Xiao Hua was awkward, but seeing the tiger stalks and yellowing all over the body, it was a bit of a tabby, the pig's head of the square, connecting several **** like a ball. The body, and finally the tail of a triangle, under the ball-like body, there are several small claws like a baby!

The kurori's implements did not completely stop at the entrance of the hole, but it was a little worse, about half a foot.

Tiger spotted crab swims out of the hole, while the body does not move, the entire head is rotated a few times, as if the head and body are separated. Immediately, the tiger's squirrel is shaking the tail, and several rounds of **** are swaying one after another, moving toward the coral above the reef, and the kojiming's implement is in this direction!

Seeing that the tiger squash is close to the ceremonial device, the boasting of the sun is on the brow. In the tens of days, this tiger squash has never been close to the instrument!

However, he had just spurred the implement, and there was just a hint of mana surging on the implement. The whole body of the tiger's eagle did not turn in the direction, but saw a water-like aura of water and water sprayed onto the implement. The body shape is slightly stagnation, the real element is also stopped, and the tiger spot is the whole body, then retreats, and rushes into the black hole faster than the flying sword.

At this time, suddenly, a black light was in front of the black hole with lightning speed, it was the black iron needle that Xiao Hua had previously released! The tiger spotted a sneak peek, like a candied fruit, was pierced by a black iron needle! Half of the entire body rushed into the black hole before it stopped.

"Silk~" Kwazhin took a breath of cold, and he knew in his heart that this tiger-spotted look looks awkward, but it is actually very clever, and the four-headed head is very hard, and its own instruments can't put its head. Knock open. And Xiao Hua, this black iron needle is actually a stab, on the one hand, the tiger spot is too fast, and on the other hand, the black iron needle is really sharp!

Xiao Hua saw the Xuan Tie needle's meritorious deeds, and his body shape dipped a few feet down, and easily came to the side of the black hole. He took a hand and the tiger spotted into his hands. Sure enough, the tiger's skin is particularly hard, and it is cold and cold, far from being soft.

"This will be for you!" Xiao Hua handed Tiger Panhu to Kwazhin and said, "There is Xiaomou behind!"

"Thank you for Xiao's predecessors!" Kwain sees that Xiao Hua is easy to dive, and he knows that Xiao Huaxiu is deeper than himself. This "predecessor" is a real name.

When he praised the tiger's spotted scent, he said, "That's what you just did. The younger generation put the rituals on the hooks, and the predecessors use them to kill!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded, still standing between the corals.

After a while, no more tigers came out, Xiao Hua asked: "Zhaodao friends, Xiaomou has something to ask!"

"Predecessors..." Kwazhin lost his smile. "The younger generation has said that this tiger squash is very alert. Their old nests are not known where the younger generations. The younger generations only know that they often come out of this hole. Just after this tiger stalk disappeared, I am afraid that after another half hour, there will be another tiger spotted!"

"Oh, Xiaomou is not asking this!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "Listen to the exaggeration, said that the tiger inside the tiger is a must for refining the spine?"

"Yes!" Kwazhin nodded. "Danfang's younger generation of the ridges don't know, but the younger generation knows that the ridges are made from the inner beasts of several sea beasts. But without its inner dan, this ridge can not be refining success!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua nodded, but still can't understand "Since this tiger spot has a inner Dan, it is at least a five-product sea beast? Why... its strength is so bad?"

"Five products sea beast?" A glimpse of the sun, the strange road "Tiger spot is not a five-product sea beast! It ... is barely a second sea beast!"

"No!" Xiao Hua Daxie "How does the second product sea beast have inner Dan?"

"How can the second product sea beast have no inner Dan?" Kwain is even more strange. "Even if it is a sea beast, they also have the inner Dane? Or, what alchemy do I take in the islands of the Bohai Sea?"

"Zhaodao friends, you mean... all sea beasts have inner Dan?" Xiao Hua patted his head and realized.

"Yeah!" Kwain nodded. "In addition to the ordinary fish and shrimp, the ordinary sea beast has no inner Dan. I have the inner beasts that the monks hunted! I will wait to kill them?"

"Oh, Xiaomou understands!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Xiao Mou thought that the sea beast and the monsters above the rainy continent are generally only after five products, there is a demon, in order to have the strength of the Jindan monk!"

"Yes? The monsters on the land are so strange!" Kua Mingming is also a bit strange. "The younger generations rarely go to the land. This time, along with the sisters, they went to Mingcheng, and they are still in Mingming City. There are a lot of Lingshi on the auction, so I don’t quite understand the situation on land!"

"Hey? What is going on here?" Xiao Hua yelled.

Waiting for the praise of the Japanese to say things, Xiao Hua was dumbfounded, and sure enough, he was not separated from the ten, the original jade of the devil's text is the exaggeration of their own bidding, it is to let yourself hook, Or let yourself take more Lingshi, so that you can export bad luck. I know that Xiao Hua suddenly stopped, and he bids himself to bid for his own jade. You can bid for it, no matter who is bidding, although it is your own thing, you must give this certain proportion of taps! The exaggeration is self-defeating, but it has lost a lot of Lingshi!

"Ha ha ha ~" Xiao Hua laughed, but it was a brow wrinkled. "Right, why don't you take these inner alchemes to bid?"

"Hey, Xiao’s predecessors thought that I would wait for it!" Kua Mingming smiled. "It’s a pity that the medicinal herbs in Xiaoyu’s mainland seem to be different from my overseas islands, and the monks on the mainland of Xiaoyu are mostly earthy. My sea beasts in the Bohai Sea are mostly water-based inner Dan. Who wants more? Besides, the Danfang of my Bohai Islands is scarce, and the islands are precious, never leaked, Xiaoyu How can there be such a Dan on the mainland? Then... who will have Nedan?"

"I'm afraid not only that!" Xiao Hua smiled, as if thinking of something.

"Well, in addition, the medicinal herbs refined by this sea beast is very tyrannical. Only the disciples of my overseas islands are tough and solid, and can be taken. The ordinary monks on the rainy continent can not use it, or use the grass to refine The medicinal herbs are suitable for them to take!" Kwain said a little embarrassed. "My overseas island disciples also want to take the kind of remedy, which is not only effective but also has no impurities. Unlike this ridge, it is also used. The work method tempers its impurities! Oh, unfortunately, the medicinal herbs refining the medicinal herbs are too expensive. Every medicinal herb is a lot of Lingshi, I can't afford it!"

"Oh, huh..." Seeing that Kwazhin began to complain, Xiao Hua laughed and said nothing.

"Actually, the inner beast of the sea beast may be different from the golden dragon of my monk!" Kwazhin said, "As far as the younger generation knows, there are all the spirits in the sea beast. This inner Dan is born, they are all in Nedan. Absorbing the essence of the heavens and the earth, sometimes, at the sea, on the full moon night, many sea beasts that are repaired to the deep will release Nei Dan, absorb the moon, and the inner power of Nedan can flood the whole sea! So, 嶈The sea beasts of the Bohai Sea are the same as the grasses above the rainy continent! The more you cultivate, the longer you are, the more you have, the more you and other monks are useful!"

"嘘~" Xiao Hua looked at the move, and extended the food instructions to boast the sound of the day!

"Impossible?" Kwazhin was a little bit sloppy. He didn't dare to release his thoughts. But by eye, the two said for a moment, far less than half an hour, how could Tiger Panhu appear?

However, when he looked at the hole with some conviction, there was a bigger square head and he came out...


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