Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 961: entrust?

"You still don't hurry to send a message?" Cui Hongjun said coldly. "If you can stay, Master's mood may be better!"

"Why did Xiaomou send a message?" Xiao Hua is also cold and cold. "Xiao is not a cartilage head. I am afraid to see Jian Xiu! Xiaomou wants Master to know that Wan Leigu is not afraid of being counted by others!" The Wan Leigu disciple can live well under the calculations of others!"

Even if Xiao Hua had previously had the idea of ​​sending a message, now that he sees helplessness, this message will never be sent out!

"Oh, you will get Master to be angry!" Cui Hongqi yelled, "What else can you do? What is the cartilage head? If the cartilage head master can..."

At this time, another messenger flew in, it was in the hands of Cui Hongjun!

Cui Hongyi's face changed greatly, and after reading the communication symbol, the face is like a death test!

"How? Cui Shidi!" Yan Qing hurriedly said, "Is it a nightmare?"

"Well~" Cui Hongyu sullenly said, "The nightmare she... was also sent out! Four of their sisters were chosen!"

"唉~" 阎 涟 涟 涟 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 心 心

"Then your double repairs?"

"The nightmare has been said in the jade slip. Since today, all the disciples selected by the Thunder Palace can't be closed, and can't do other things with nothing to do!" Cui Hongyu's mouth is extremely bitter, "double repair ceremony, naturally can not be held !"

"At least the next banquet should be?" Xiangyang suggested.

"Hey, Master! At this time, I would like to talk about what kind of dowry, wait for a life to come back and say it!" Cui Hongyi took a shot and took out two jade to hand to Xiangyang Road. "This Leidan master is still taking it! I Waiting for this to go out, I am afraid that it will be a life of nine deaths, and this thing remains in Wanlei Valley safely!"

Immediately, the gaze was to look at Xiao Hua, obviously also let Xiao Hua take Lei Dan out.

Xiao Hua is not blind to him, his eyes are looking beyond the hole!

Xiangyang is also looking at Xiao Hua. Seeing Xiao Hua didn't have any action, and hurriedly blocked his hand: "Cui Shidi, this is your thing, you still take it on your body! What if you can take Nedan during this period? The cost?"

"How is it possible?" Cui Hongyi shook his head. "The younger brother is self-aware. Not with some people! The younger brother has just built the foundation. In a short time, he can't step into the middle of the foundation. Even if he is in the middle of the foundation, he can't take it. Such a strong inner Dan, this thing is placed here with the younger brother is cheaper sword repair. It is better to leave a descendant of Wanlei Valley!"

Seeing Cui Hongyi's attitude is extremely determined, Xiangyang is also helpless, and then he smiled and said: "This... for the brothers to hold, or wait for Master to return to the old man!"

"Well~ The younger brother will not take it!" Cui Hongyi sighed and walked out of the cave house.

See no one inside the cave. Xiangyang looked at the 阎 涟 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Master is this?" Xiao Hua is releasing the Buddha's knowledge, quietly watching the distance and sitting helplessly sitting on a mountain pine, extremely helpless looking at the distant clouds, while Zhuo Minghui is like a bird I stayed with him by the side of my body and leaned my head on the helpless shoulder! Seeing Xiangyang so. I don’t know how to be.

"Xiao Shidi! Now, for the brothers, I have to ask you!" Xiangyang whispered, "You have to tell your brother honestly, you... your cultivation is... What is the extent of now? You don't tell Master, you can always tell your brother! You can rest assured. Brother will never give you a leak! Even if Master asks, he will not say it for the brother!"

"Ha ha ~" Xiao Hua smiled, put his hand in one, and the sleeves were released. It is extremely easy to break the mute ban, and also walk out of Dongfu. "Is this heavy?"

"Xiao Shidi, slow down!" Xiangyang hurried to catch up with Xiaohua and shouted, "This is of course important!"

"The younger brother didn't think it!" When Xiao Hua spoke, the figure had already been out of the house, and he did not intend to look back! How does he think about Xiangyang? Since it is the two disciples of Wanlei Valley to go out together, it is definitely necessary to have one to protect the other, not to mention, Xiangyang is to let him protect Cui Hongjun! Xiao Hua looked at Cui Hongyi is not pleasing to the eye, where to think about answering this matter!

"Fu Jun!" 阎 涟 涟 涟 涟 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽 拽

"Why!" Xiangyang was a little anxious. "Xiao Hua is too ignorant of things. At this time, I will not tell my own details and me!"

"Hey, husband! You are really anxious!" 阎 涟 伸 伸 伸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"How can I be a husband..." Xiangyang frowned and blamed, but then he was awake, "Yangzi, what do you mean..."

"Crap--" 阎 清涟 has a feeling of hating iron and not forming steel, which lowers the voice. "Fei Jun, Xiao Shidi was able to fight three monks in the early days of building the foundation when he was not building a foundation, killing one of them! After building the foundation Even more powerful, even the **** seal of the beast is broken! How is his strength, you and I can not know? Why do you not let him admit? Moreover, he met Yuan Yingxiu in the Bohai Sea, even the family Xue Xuedu If you are not worried, it is natural to have confidence in Xiaohua’s strength! How do you say Xiaohua’s strength now?”

"No... no!" The suspicion that Xiangyang had never dared to say at this time was said to be exporting. "Is Xiaohua not going to be a comparable Yuanying baby?"

"Oh, that's impossible!" 阎 涟 涟 涟 , , , , “ “ “ “ “ “ 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧The repair is done. At this time, I went to Xiaohua’s Dongfu, and I will tell you about Cui Shidi’s affairs! You can rest assured that although Xiaohua is reconciling with Cui Shidi, if it is really the point of life and death, Xiao Huatiao will not stand by!"

"That said, do not have to go to Fulian?" Xiangyang white eyes.

"You are a master brother, you have to flatten a bowl of water, then you still have to say, things still have to be done!" Yan Qing said with a smile.

"Okay!" Xiangyang nodded helplessly. "You have opened the ban! It is not Xiaofu who can open this ban at will?"

"噗嗤" 阎 阎 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟

After listening to Xiangyang’s persuasion, Xiao Hua did not take it. He said: “When the younger brother built the foundation, he was already called his predecessor! His life and death are not with the younger brother!”

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