Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 962: Financing, anxiety, squabbles


"Xiao Shidi..." Xiangyang still wants to give a bite to her heart. Xiaohua is looking up again. "Master has already gone back. The master is also rushing back! See what Master has to explain! The younger brother is also troubled at this time. I want to be quiet!"

"Oh, okay!" Xiangyang looked at himself as a well-behaved little teacher in front of him. He didn't know why he mentioned that Cui Hongyi was not well-behaved. He sighed and placed two jade on the jade. Go down with your head down!

"Big..." Xiao Hua raised his hand to call the sun, but look at the frowning of the sun, or shrink the hand back, watching the back of the sun gradually disappear, his own brow is also wrinkled!

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua is still a sleeve, and the two jade are in the space! The two communication symbols were sent out. However, the two communication symbols just flew out, and a message was flying again!

Xiao Hua took the message and looked at it. It was just awkward. He asked if he was selected and sent to fight with Jian Jian!

In the eyes of Xiao Hua, there was a slight hesitation, and I thought about it honestly, and another message was sent out!

However, half ri, 巽纾 and dry Di Heng are coming over at the end of the head. Dry Di Heng sees Xiao Hua as he yells: "Xiao Shidi o, really unreasonable, you are only three disciples , why did you choose it? Then you are just building a base o!"

"Hey, what about Xiaoye!" Xiao Hua sneered, "Cui Hongjun was also selected!"

"nǎinǎi!" Dry Di Heng smiled, and took a forehead, "I am afraid that there is a plan to calculate your Thunder Valley!"

"Well, that's it!" Xiao Hua nodded. "Fortunately, the master has not been chosen, it is fortunate!"

"It is impossible to be chosen by the brothers!" said Dry Diheng, shaking his head. "I heard that the son of the brother is very qualified, and he will never send out to the brother-in-law."

"You have not been selected for the two entries?" Xiao Huaqi said.

"Hey, let Xiao Xiaodi know!" sighed. "A disciple under Master's door has not been picked! Xue Shimei is retreating, but it is not! You can rest assured!"

"It's unfair!" Xiao Hua shook his head again.

"Fair?" Dry Di Heng sneered, "Where is the fairness of the world? If there is fairness, the things that are not smoked should have been out of the limelight!"

"Oh, no!" He is also a sneer. "Wan Leigu is just three disciples. At this time, there are two disciples who have just built a foundation. Is there fairness?"

"Xiao Shidi o Ah!" said Dry Diheng, who is very eloquent. "I told you to go to my dry thunder palace in the past. Now it is good! I want to stop you from being able to do it! It is said that Thunder has already entered Closed the palace, no one can see! You can't help but go to o!"

"It’s not that the Thunder really enters O, the palaces of the palaces are all closed, and even the lords are not showing up!" He smiled bitterly. "It seems that all of you have a hard time!"

"There is nothing for the brother to send!" Gan Diheng took a storage bag to Xiao Hua. "These are the first to hold, there are still half a year left, for the brother to help you look again... there is nothing else! ”

“Half-year?” Xiao Hua Wei Wei, “How is there still half a year?”

"Well, now I only choose my disciples. I still have half a year from the departure to the border with Laos. Nowadays, my Dao Zong and Shu Guojian have already opened up, but Mongolia, Laos and other countries are also participating! There is also a martial art in the north of Xiguo that has sent a disciple to go. I will go to the battle after half a year!" He explained that he also handed over a storage bag and lost his smile. These are also the usual accumulations, and the younger brothers will accept it! In the next six months, it is also these!"

Xiao Hua was hesitant to take it. This is awkward intentions. I can’t push it anyway! Xiao Hua is also looking at the dry Di Heng did not take it, but said, "You still help me find those medicines! This storage bag thing, it is estimated that the younger brother may not look at the eyes!"

"You..." Dry Diheng's eyes turned, some horror, but then just shut up with interest, nodded, "I understand for my brother! For the brother, I will raise it!"

"Well, there are still half a year left and right, I will give you some more things by then!" Xiao Hua nodded.

"Good!" Dry Diheng did not hesitate to turn around.

Hearing two words and saying that he couldn’t understand it, it didn’t seem to be annoyed. A pair of eyes only looked at Xiao Hua, and when Di Heng went away, he said in a thin voice: "Xiao Hua, actually some Words... You shouldn’t say it in your body! But... if you don’t say it, you’re afraid there’s no chance to say it again...”

Xiao Hua did not seem to hear it, but also said: "Right, Yan Shizhen, Xue Xue retreat when?"

Hearing, the heart secretly sighed, knowing that Xiao Hua did not give himself a chance to open his mouth, had to interface: "At least one year, more than four years!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded, one word at a time, "Xiao did not give her any message, but please tell her, Xiaomou will come back safely!"

Suddenly, nodded: "Well, Xiao Shidi is so trustworthy, but dare not?"

"Well, in this case, Xiaomou himself has to prepare for it..." Xiao Hua got up and said.

I know that Xiao Hua wants to send a guest, but also smiles: "Go back and go back, when you leave the Royal Leizong, come back and send it!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded with a smile.

After a ri, but helplessly called Xiao Hua and Cui Hongqi to Dongfu, they handed two storage bags to them, and smiled and said: "This is for the teacher to give you! You are collecting The reward of the Thunder Palace is that it will be sent when you are fighting!"

"Thank you Master!" At this time, Cui Hongyi seems to want to open, and he took it with ease.

Xiao Hua took the storage bag and looked at it at the waist. He asked: "Master, there is still more than half a year to go to Laos. Can I leave Yu Leizong?"

"What do you want to do?" Frustrated.

"The disciple knows that this is going to be dangerous. I want to go to other places before going to Royal Leizong to do something else! Also make some preparations, go to the auction to find some medicines!" Xiao Hua said without concealing.

"You are trying to use this as an excuse to escape!" Cui Hongyi did not retain his contempt, said coldly, "Distraction is really a mess!"

"Cui Shidi!" Xiangyang was shocked. He waited for helplessly and immediately scolded him. "Xiao Hua is your brother. How can you say this?"

"Oh, knowing that all the selected disciples must be banned at this time, even the retreat will not work. He has to leave Yu Leizong. Isn't it necessary to run the road?" Cui Hongyi wondered why Xiangyang suddenly scolded himself and defended himself. .

"You shut up!" Xiangyang hurriedly said, "How does Xiaohua enter, how can he know if he is a brother? If he says that he is going out, there must be something!"

"Yes~" Cui Hongyi was so angry when he saw Xiangyang. Although he was disdainful in his heart, he could not talk back in the face of helplessness and whispered.

"Well~" I can't help but talk about the two words, staring at Xiao Hua for a long time, word by word, "Xiao Hua, you tell the teacher, where are you going, what to do!"

Xiao Hua looked up and looked at her eyes. It seemed that she was not timid. She also said the same sentence: "This is a secret disciple, it is not convenient to tell Master!"

"O A ???" Cui Hongyi saw, almost jumped to the feet, but look at the face of the sunny side staring at him, biting his teeth, smashing the gangs up, and finally resisted not speaking!

Helpless to look at Xiao Hua's gaze, seems to be distinguishing the true and false that Xiao Hua said, but from the perspective of Xiao Hua, he simply can't see anything!

Zhuo is also beside him, I don’t know how to tell.

"But it!" Suddenly, there seems to be a decision on helplessness. It seems to be a few years old. He will take a hand and give it a letter to Xiaohua. He said, "Xiao Hua! You are under the door of the old man, and the old man has almost no guidance. What are you! The only practice is that you are taught by your master brother! You have always been so high, and you may not be able to look at the things that your masters have taught! You are indeed aggrieved under the old man’s door! The disciples who have chosen to fight, you have just reported to the Yuxi Temple, according to the convention, you will not be selected! This is also the old man who is tired of you, the old man should bear this responsibility! This is the old man’s token, you can use this to enter and leave the royal family. Lei Zong! Go and go!"

"Master!" Cui Hongyu was anxious and shouted. "The disciples have already heard the nightmare. All the disciples who have been selected cannot enter and exit the Royal Leizong. If there are special circumstances, they cannot go out. The disciple must rely on the teacher's token. Go out, and the teacher who gave him the token will bear the responsibility. If the disciple does not, after half a year, all the disciples will enter, that is... when the disciple’s commander is killed!

"This..." Hearing that there are such rules, even Xiang Yang and Yan Qing, who have great confidence in Xiao Hua, are shocked and both look to Xiao Hua.

"Go!" Helplessly did not hear Cui Hongjun's words, whispered to Xiao Huadao, "If you have something to do, go quickly, go back early!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Xiao Hua was also polite, took over the helpless tokens, turned out to be out of the Dongfu, and even his own Dongfu did not return, went straight to Lei Feng!

"Master..." Cui Hongyi saw that Xiao Hua didn't even return to his own house. He was even more angry and cried. "Xiao Hua Ming Ming is a retired heart, you are old..."

"Hey, it’s going to rain, mother wants to marry... with him!" Xiao Hua sat on the jade chair, his eyes looked at Xiaohua’s disappearing place, and sighed.

"Hey ~" Cui Hong's feet, holding a storage bag in his hand also went out, his face angered.

Xiangyang and Yan Qingyi want to say something, but I don’t know where to start, but I have no choice but to wave my hand: "Let’s go back, think quietly for the teacher!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Xiangyang and Yan Qingyi retired, just after a few steps, followed by a helpless voice, "Xiangyang o, you have to remember, only the fist is hard is the truth! You and Qing dynasty still has to practice ah o! You must also be a good rite, you must be as you said, I must have a distracted monk in Wanlei Valley!"

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