Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 968: Deaf, Minghua

“Founding...over?” Xie Tao said that he didn’t care, and couldn’t help but wonder. “With the power of meditation, this sect is actually creating ‘over’?”

"Yes, indeed, this martial art has been destroyed!" Dongshan Yi nodded, "It is a very small martial art, and few people on Xiaoyu have heard of it!"

"Yeah~" Xie Xiao nodded slightly.

“嘿嘿~” Dongshan Yi laughed. “The love of the Monza demon king in the Wanxuan world has been walking in Xiaoyu for decades. It is actually looking for Minghua. This is to say that people want to laugh at the big teeth!”

Xie Tao did not answer.

"You don't want to know the name of the martial art?" Dongshan Yi laughed.

"I don't want to!" Xie Zhen shook his head. "That has nothing to do with this palace!"

"Well, this news is to be delivered!" Dongshan Yi is laughing again. "That sect is called 殇华冥!!! Hey, it’s a weird name. I haven’t figured it out for a long time! !!"

"Ha ha ha ~" Xie Xiao smiled happily, and the smooth wings trembled sharply.

"What are you laughing at?" Looking at Xie Wei’s very happy, Dongshan Yiyi.

"This palace laughs at you! You don't have the news of Minghua at all, but it is only a matter of destroying the name of the martial art!" Xie Zhen said.

"哼~~" Dongshan Yisi was unmoved, cold and cold, "If you want to find out the whereabouts of Minghua, but you have a small seat! Forget it, don't tell you this, this seat said I want to let you know that what you have in your seat and what you want to do is not something you can stop!"

"Well, this palace knows, let's talk about it!" Xie Tao's mouth rarely showed a smile.

Dongshan Yibi looked at it and said, "You know where you are now?"

"I just didn't know this palace. It is obvious that you have imposed a forbidden technique. It has been vaguely known. Is this what it is?" Xie Yu’s mouth is awkward and smiles.

"Yes! It really is the wind saint, the love of Mossa demon!" Dongshan Yishou. "You can know this ancient method!"

"Looking up!" Xie Xiaomi smiled. "It’s a pity that it’s late, otherwise...”

"You don't have to say anything else!" Dongshan Yiyi waved his hand. "This seat knows the secrets of your style, and it has long been banned!"

Said. Put your hand a little. Under the distant hills, there is a khaki-colored bead in the green halo!

"Oh ~ no wonder! You actually got the fixed mountain of the giant mountain! It is no wonder that the wind of the palace can not be fully displayed!" Xie Yi a pair of stunned, "It seems that you have been planning for a long time!"

"Not bad!" Dongshan Yi cold laughed, "This seat tells you this. Just want to tell you, this means is not limited to this, this eight-year-old defiance... is far from what you think of the Eight Destruction, but... ... 乾坤换灵阵!"

“What about the change of the Qiankun?” Xie Tao is somewhat inexplicable. “What is the difference?”

"Ha ha ha ~ ha ha ha ~" Dongshan Yi laughed. The figure is trembling, and the weird big mouth is exceptionally different under the moon.

"Weird~" Xie Wei shook his head slightly.

"Thank you! You think, if there is a dirty **** in your holy body, a sly god! A man who is a woman, you think about it... your white body is being The dirty Xiaoyu is trampled by the mainland people! What do you think?" Dongshan Yi’s eyes are full of thoughtful deceit, and the conspiracy is smug!

"Ah...you..." Xie Zhen did not expect that Dongshan Yi actually had such a dark idea, and was really shocked! The face also showed a panic that never happened!

"How? Think about it, a body that makes the Mossa demon king greedy, actually let the people of the dusty people smash! A lip that makes the meditation lost. It is actually tasted by a monk! What a ridiculous thing!"

"If such a thing is known to the Moss demon king, do you think... your situation will be worse than he knows that you have leaked his treasure chest in order to preserve his loyalty to him?"

"If you force this seat to do so, if you can return to the Moss demon king in the future, do you...have your face living in the world?"

"If this is the case... you might as well give the imaginary water to your seat..." Dongshan Yi’s voice became more and more illusory, and it seemed that some faint green brilliance flew out!

"Ha ha ha!" Until this time. Xie Tao was a big laugh, the holy Guanghua was born out of her flesh, and it was swiftly out of the body, and the thunder of the thunderstorm began!

With the sound of wind and thunder. That Guanghua turned into a line of light, and it quickly wrapped up Xie Tao...

"忻茧???" Dongshan Yi was shocked. "Mossa demon king actually gave this to you? You...you don't even pay the price? You don't want to live..."

"...Dependently and swearing. In the past, I refused to marry the spring breeze. I was wronged by the autumn wind..." A muttering voice screamed out of the mouth, her holy wings slowly recovered, wrapped around her body. Then, with the income of the light, Xie Tao’s eyes are with a dead eye and a little attachment! The golden color of her eyes gradually faded, but it also covered up the long-lost scene.

An aura of the wind, like a jade, standing on the ground, looks far and wide, and the wings are like a frightened person! The little man was flushed like a ray of sunshine, and the low voice came: "The whole body...the little name is the nephew...only the parents who have passed away know that...you...the only thing in the world... ”

Xie Tao screamed at Dongshan Yi, saying that it was only the fabrication of Dongshan Yi, but her heart was full of sweetness. It seemed that the breath, the holy brilliance revealed the thoughts of the man. !

"Want to die... It's so easy!" Dongshan Yi sneered, and the mouth of the green whispered again, the entire squad began to tremble, flashing the green light of the brilliance of the light, born in the Xie 爰 body surface Among them, block the brilliance of that glory!

However, at this time, Dongshan Yi’s body trembled fiercely, and the darker green fog overflowed from the flesh. “吼~” Unbeatable suffering, the unbearable suffering of the soul was born from the depths of Dongshan Yi, Dongshanyi Can not help but raise his head and shout, the sound of the wolverine will be the space of the circle is torn!

Just looking at this gap, the rapid contraction, wrapped Xie Wei into a large light, and the luster of the light gradually converges, gradually colorless! However, the green light is looming in it, and it looks so strange!

Straight through the middle of the night, the full moon has fallen, and an extremely bright star in the sky flashes in the morning.

Dongshan Yi has restored the look of the original cloak!

Looking at the light on the ground, Dongshan Yi’s eyes narrowed and coldly said: “Xie Wei, do you think that you can close yourself with you? You can’t stop this seat!”

With Dongshan Yi’s hand pointing, the green light is just like alive, and the flow is slow, and it is actually composed of green scorpions that are as fine as ants!

"呜~" In the void, the green network that disappeared long ago was born again, and the layers of the light fell on the top of the light. The surrounding light columns were also dumped, and they were also on the green net! The light gradually retracted into the ground, but for a long time, there were no traces of fierce battles last night, and even a strange wave of fluctuations! Even if Xie Tao passed through here again, I still couldn’t detect the embarrassment!

"Xiaoyu mainland! It is still not the demon world!" Dongshanyi sighed, "No wonder the demon can not pass through the space crack, the aura here is very thin!"

Saying, the figure gradually disappears, like water splashing!

Dongshan Yi naturally does not know whether Huanhua is founded by Minghua, just as Xie Tao thinks! Is the idea of ​​thank you a delusion? Or does she have the same business as Dongshan Yi? I am afraid that Xie Zhen can’t say it clearly!

And the two Huanmeng circles are surrounded by the sorrowful sects of the sacred sects of the sacred sects of the sacred sects of the sacred sects of the sacred sects of the sacred martial arts!

However, Huang Hualing is still there, and the legend about the gods is still there! That charming white fog is still there! !

Only today, under the hot sun at noon, a blast of wind in the forest where the white fog is located, a passage in the white mist that is not scattered all year round, a beautiful middle-aged woman repairs appearing from the white mist. If the woman’s face is graceful and her brow is locked, it’s definitely a sly fairy!

This person is not a neighbor, it is Xiao Xianrui at the beginning of the foundation!

Xiao Xianrui came out of Huanghualing, and God read it out. After watching it for a while, it was a message from the storage bag and a jade slip. The **** read it again, and then it flew up and turned to Huanghualing. Flying in the direction of the mountain, it is where Xiao Hua first hid when he escaped from Huanghualing!

In the other direction of Huanghualing, a message is also secretly issued...

Like Xiao Hua, Xiao Xianrui fell into the mountains! However, Xiao Xianrui did not look for it, but the gods sprinkled it all the time. Waiting for a moment, Xiao Xianrui’s eyes were bright, and it was floating and flying, and went to a cliff! But seeing this cliff is very steep, there is a huge stone outside the prominent cliff, and a small green shirt is pressed on top of the huge stone!

Xiao Xianrui flew over the boulder, and stretched his hand. The green shirt was in his hand, but his eyes were slightly hesitant looking at the dark cave in front! Then I bite my teeth and slowly walked in!

The cave is quite large, and there are a few people who are narrow and wide. When you walk for a while, it is suddenly clear, and a space with the cave house is revealed! The traces of the chiseling in this cave house are very obvious, and it should be just opened up!

"Yue Cong, the poor road is coming, you can show up!" Xiao Xianrui walked slowly to the center of Dongfu, looking around, cold and awake, but her voice was only floating within the three feet of Dongfu. I will never pass it out! Xiao Xianrui seems to be a little confused, not noticed at all.

"Ha ha ha ~ Xiao sister, you finally came, let Xiaosheng wait so hard!" A five-three-three thick, straight like a farmer's monk suddenly revealed from a corner, Xiao Xianrui actually did not find what magic he used!

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