Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 969: Fall (1)

"Yue Cong~" Xiao Xianrui flashed a trace of disgust in his eyes, sneer, "The poor road is the mother of Jiang Fan, but also the scorpion of Jiang Yan! You can call the poor road scorpion, you can also call a friend! This 'sister 'One name is still irrelevant!'

"Hey, sister Xiao, isn't the sister a sister? Why should my sister know what to ask?" Yue Cong's eyes showed a slutty smile, and a pair of thick palms screamed, it seemed to be something soft! I saw Xiao Xianrui a cold!

"The poor road is here! You should hand it over to the poor road!" Xiao Xianrui asked with some helplessness.

"Hey, my sister, you don't think, Xiaosheng will call you, just want to see you, say a few words to you? Call you a few sisters?" Yue Cong smiled in his eyes, but it was a serious face. It seems to be saying something different!

"You..." Xiao Xianrui had a faint blush on his face. "What do you want to do?"

"Is it still used?" Yue Cong reached out and seemed to be a kind of embrace. He shrugged. "What do men want, can't they become sisters? Don't you know that your sister and Jiang Fan haven't done it? It's hard to be this river." Children from other people's home?"

"Yue Cong!" Xiao Xianrui's face is redder, but his eyes are like a fire. "You have been harassing the poor roads three times and five times. You are the poor husband of Jiang Yan, and you have to endure it again and again. But you... why? Is the thief not dead? Jiang Yan is a hundred times more beautiful than the poor. Why do you have her husband as your double companion? Why do you not know how to satisfy yourself? Today, I have made a lot of anger and anger, and my family is robbed! If this matter is known by my family, I will be Jiang Liuer’s grandfather knows. You...do you still have a way to live?”

"Sister! How do you not know? Since Xiaosheng saw you, I was confused by you! Every day when you are with Jiang Yan, you are in your eyes and under your body! Moreover, although Jiang Yan is beautiful, you can have time. Who is not bored for a long time? You face Jiang Fan every night, you have no tired thoughts? You don't want to change people to try?" Yue Cong's face is innocent, "This man is in front of you, you only disappear You can take him in your arms and taste another taste in a few steps. Don’t you want to?"

"Hey!" Xiao Xianrui was angry. He took a sigh of relief. "The poor road is not such a shameless female repair. You have miscalculated the abacus!"

"Hey, is it? Xiao sister, it seems that you are not putting Jiang Liuer in your heart!" Yue Cong said, then he took two steps back and pointed her hand to her. "It’s not your baby. Do you have thrown Jiang Fan on the sick bed behind you?"

"You...what do you want to...how? My family is flowing??" Xiao Xianrui bite.

Yue Cong shook his head slightly, bitterly said: "If you just come to hug me. I will not say the last word! And, Xiaosheng is a person who pity the jade. It is not a kind person... This moment, the little life is not satisfied, the life of the river..."

"Good!" Xiao Xianrui is also biting his teeth. "You...just hold the poor road?"

Yue Cong once again shook his head and stepped back half a step. He said: "Xiaosheng is not so simple. However, Xiaosheng still wants her sister to be willing. If her sister is willing to undress at this time, Xiaosheng is willing!"

"You can't think about it!!!" Xiao Xianrui categorically refused!

"Sister can refuse. But look at the green shirt in your hand!" Yue Cong said coldly. "If you don't want to let Jiang Liuer die, you must listen to Xiaosheng!"

Later, Yue Cong embraced his chest with both hands: "Are you still not coming over?"

"Good!" Xiao Xianrui's eyes were round and round, and his face was helpless. He had to walk slowly to Yue Cong in one step and hesitated to extend his arms. It seems that it is necessary to hug Yue Cong's general... But just just halfway out, Xiao Xianrui waved his hands, and a ban was hitting Yue Cong. In contrast, Yue Cong... there was no resistance. . Instead, there was a hint of yin in the eyes!

"Hey, why is this?" Xiao Xianrui also never thought that he was so easy to succeed, several later designs are simply useless!

"Quickly say, where is the river flow!!!" Xiao Xianrui's first hand is to hold the throat of Yue Cong, coldly asked.

"Help! Help..." Yue Cong suddenly screamed...

Seeing that Yue Cong actually called, Xiao Xianrui gnashed his teeth and said: "Yue Cong, you absolutely can't think of it today! If you call out the poor child, you are poor..."

However, Xiao Xianrui, who is still waiting for the temper and ruin, is still a bit chaotic, but sees dozens of ice thorns born from the edge of the cave, and the mute ban that was previously placed on Yue Cong is to fight!

"哗啦啦" is like a raindrop banana-like sound, a burst of brilliance, the prohibition in the cave is disappearing! Just where the ice thorns were born, the shape of Jiang Yan’s eyes to be fire-breathing gradually emerged! However, it is faster than Jiang Yan's figure, but Jiang Yan's voice of drinking: "Oh! The old lady knows! You have a heart for my family Lang Jun! Just you still lie to the aging mother, saying that it is going A glimpse of the city, I want to avoid the eyes of the old lady! Who knows... you are here to meet him!"

"Women... oh!" Yue Cong's voice sounded. "When are you coming? Didn't you see it? For the husband is forced by her, how can I give you a go to meet others?"

"You are still very embarrassed to say!" Jiang Yan's body shape has already flown, and Xiao Xianrui and Yue Cong's side are screaming. "You just sneaked, do you think that the aging mother knows nothing? The old lady looks at you. Knowing that you have something to see and do, you have been secretly coming over!"

"Hey~" Jiang Yan said, turning his hand, a slap is a fan to Xiao Xianrui's face!

Jiang Yan is also building a foundation at this time, but she is still not the enemy of Xiao Xianrui, Xiao Xianrui is holding his hand to block! Xiao Xianrui is also extremely red-faced, and eagerly said: "Sister and listen to you to explain to you!"

"Hey, what's the explanation?" Jiang Yan will take a shot, and a few yellow characters will be taken out. Under the mana urging, it is necessary to lay down. "You are carrying my brother here to steal people, and What face to explain to me? If you want to explain, explain it to my brother! The old lady will now take your unscrupulous monk and say it!"

Immediately, the yellow character in the hands of Jiang Yan was played, and one brain was directed to Xiao Xianrui and Yue Cong.

Xiao Xianrui bite his teeth, his left hand slams Yue Cong and hurries back, his right hand wave, a brilliance flashes, the circular shield shape is blocked before the yellow, the ice thorn and the fireball are all on the glory, gradually Annihilation!

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