Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1005: See also Taiyi Qingguang

"Where, it is the merit of Captain Cui. If the captain finds this strange weakness, I am afraid that it will let it escape!" Zhen Minghui took the thunder brick and took a hand. The huge green crab corpse flew into the air. Floating in front of the crowd, said, "The blue light of this blue crab is very weird, really powerful!"

"啪啪啪啪" a loud clap of the air rang, Xiao Hua some slightly ironic praise came over, "It's really powerful, Xiaomou admire the tight! A refining strength of the spirit of the beast, actually so much Hands-on! It’s amazing o!”

"You shut up!" Cui Hong said with a roar. "I didn't see the danger of being smashed. I still ask for help. You don't do it? Are you still a man?"

"I am not a male, you don't know!" Xiao Hua sneered, "Isn't a refining beast a good chance for her to practice? You will kill it, she will see the beast next time. What can I do to help her? Besides, I know that the blue light of this blue crab is different. Why do you want to kill it? If you find the place of the blue crab, you can't get more blue light?"

"This..." Xiao Hua suddenly said that Cui Hongyu was embarrassed, and Xiao Hua said it was extremely reasonable.

"Hey, are you guaranteed not to be hurt?" Zhen Minghui is also helping. "Moreover, a blue crab is so difficult, there must be a lot under the ice? How do I get myself? Even if I want to Follow the blue crab to find this blue light, do you think you can go deep into the glaciers? Everything is delusion, but empty talk!"

"Oh, no!" Cui Hongyi also laughed when he heard it. He didn't realize that Master had no choice but to evaluate Xiaohua's frivolity!

"But, Xiao Hua, you think is very good, but ... I am limited to repair, can not let the injured, I try not to take risks, there are such difficulties in the future, you can not hesitate!" I waved my hand and looked at the blue crab. "What is this blue light? If you can get it, when it is useful!"

"I have never seen it before, and I have never heard of such sharp blue light. I can actually cut the instrument, um, even the thunder! It is even more impossible to know how to extract!" Zhen Minghui’s face is also revealed. Hey, look at Qiu. Bi Jingqiu is a disciple of the Gonggong Pavilion, and perhaps some insights.

"Two brothers, the younger brother does not know!" Qiu Xiao smiled.

Cui Hongjun’s eyes swept through the nightmare, and everyone shook his head.

"But, Minghui brothers have temporarily collected this thing, and then go to the patrol city to see the division commander!" Cui Hongyi handed a hand to tell.

"This... or Captain Cui will take it!" Zhen Minghui slightly hesitated and waved his hand, and the blue crab flew to Cui Hongyi.

"Oh, the blue light of the blue crab is very powerful, the crab shell and the crab claw are also strong exceptions, and they are all good materials for the refiner!" Cui Hongyi said with a smile and smiled.

"Yes, Captain Cui said it very much!" After seeing Cui Hongjun's implements, the shock also knew that Cui Hongyi was not weak. He had an admirable heart and quickly replied, "The crab shell is extremely hard and the crab claws are extremely sharp. It is a rare refining device to be placed in the Bailian Temple."

"I will definitely encounter a lot of such strange materials in the future. I don't have to divide it at this time. I will share it with you in the patrol city!" Cui Hongyi put his hand on the road. "Ming Hui’s brother temporarily took it, I waited. Remember, you can't take it if you want to take it yourself!"

"Okay!" Zhen Minghui knew that Cui Hongyi was going to avoid the suspicion. He thought that he nodded his head and shook his hand and he was in the storage bag.

"Well, I will wait for a break!" Cui Hongyi looked at him for a moment, knowing that there was no danger, and he told him.

Not waiting for the flight to wait for the flight, Xiao Hua said: "Cui Daoyou, Xiao Mou has something to do, you wait a moment, Xiaomou go and come!"

After that, I didn’t wait for Cui Hongyi to open the answer, and turned back and flew back.

"You..." Cui Hongyi was very angry in his heart. He couldn't figure out what Xiaohua was going to do. If he had to escape, how many thousands? Now fleeing in front of the crowd? But if you don't run away, what else is not easy to say?

"Hey, Captain Cui, your little teacher is not a small temper!" Zhen Minghui seems to have a heartfelt say, "I don't respect the captain at all!"

"Oh, can't!" Cui Hongyi is sighing again. "Just a younger brother who just built a foundation, Cui also got the master's embarrassment, Cui is also impossible!"

"Well, there is such a small younger brother in Zhenmou. I have been pampered by the teacher since I was a child. I am more arrogant. As a result, I still have 11 layers of refining. This time I was sent out!" Zhen Minghui laughed. "You are a good teacher, you have built a foundation! It looks like some insight!"

"Well..." Cui Hongyi looked at the direction in which Xiao Hua disappeared. "Cui Mou can certainly do it. Exceeding Cui’s ability range, Cui is also unable! Everything is good!"

Then the crowd flew into the depression, taking the medicinal herbs, and Ling was looking at the direction of Xiao Hua's disappearance. After waiting for a meal, Xiao Hua came back.

"What are you doing?" Cui Hongyi asked with a lack of enthusiasm. "You are a member of my team. Even if Cui Mou's younger brother, I will definitely explain why I will go out later, otherwise Cui will not be able to convince the public!"

"Know it!" Xiao Hua did not respond with a good sigh, and did not say that she had gone to thousands!

"Xiao Hua, you come over!" When I saw Cui Hongyi, I had to drink it again, and cried for the nightmare.

"Well~" Xiao Hua should have a voice, flying to the side of the nightmare and against the Ling, Cui Hongyi look at other entries, a slight smile on his face.

Looking at the lazy Xiaohua, he whispered: "Xiao Hua, the teacher said that you are a word, now how Cui Hongyi is already the captain of our team, you as his brother, can not be dismantled, even in my heart Some complaints can't be revealed on the face, Bi Jing, he has to wait for me to wait for the plan! You just want to wait for my life, and your own Xing life must endure!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua muttered without a voice.

"And... just now, Cui Hongyi is right. Even if you want to practice the battle, you must first ensure her safety. How dangerous it was just now? If I have to wait for it, I will not practice it, and the life of Lingling has long since disappeared. !"

"Cut ~ as for?" Xiao Hua was dissatisfied with his heart. How could he make the blue crab hurt?

However, he did not speak, whispering in accordance with 1ri.

"That is, Xiao Hua, how can I say that I will also recruit you to Royal Leizong, your heart is so embarrassing o!" On the face of the resentment, whispered.

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Hua took a shot and took out a jade Jane. "Xiao Mou repair is shallow, even if it is shot, I am afraid I can't save you, so I have no choice but to be so unhappy. This jade will be a sin of Xiaomou!"

“Jade Jane? What?” It’s very strange, but it’s also taken over. I’m immersed in the faint thoughts that I gave birth to, “Taiyi Qingguang? How to charge?”

Immediately, the lingering was to accept the gods, and handed the jade to Xiao Hua. He smiled and said: "You know that if you get it wrong, you will apologize for it. You still have to accept it!"

"Chong Ling!" This is a shock on the face of the fire, anxiously, "Let me show the jade Jane!"

"Hey? Thousands of things for you?" I was not happy with Ling, and looked up at Xiao Hua.

"Look at me thousands? It's all yours! Xiaomou never gives in things, and the things that are given are not recovered!" Xiao Hua said faintly.

"You never give in something? Didn't you give the red Xia fairy something?" asked Ling Xiaoxiao.

"Thousands tell you?" Xiao Hua flew to the side, sat down on the knees, wiped his hand on his mouth, and Qing Ling Dan sent it to the entrance, no longer paying attention to them.

"O A? Taiyi Qingguang??" Until this time, Zhen Minghui was also awake, followed by the earthquake and flew to the side of the exchange, but Cui Hongyi still did not understand.

I remembered that Cui Hongjun’s incomprehension and rushing to hear the sounds seemed to be telling Cui Hongjun about the Taiyi Qingguang.

Cui Hongyi listened, and looked even more surprised at Xiao Hua, who was eager to see the five hearts.

It was natural to take the jade slip to the earthquake. The shock fire was turned over to Zhen Minghui for a while. After the shock Minghui finished reading, the face showed surprise, and with the shock, he looked up and looked at Cui Hong: "Cui Captain I am really lucky! If it is not unexpected, the blue light in this blue crab is too sapphire! It is a kind of suffocating gold! In the refining, only use a little bit, the instrument is sharp and sharp at once. Especially on the instruments such as Feijian, many of the teachers of my Royal Leizong are looking for this thing!"

"Well, Minghui brother, you will try to extract this too Bingguangguang!" Cui Hongyi's heart is full of mischief, but then he is happy and has the upper hand. They just sent out, they have not encountered Jianjian. The harvest is really beyond his expectations.

Zhen Minghui glanced at Xiao Hua, who ignored them in the distance, and smiled: "Cui Captain, although the blue crab is waiting for me, but I have no eyes on it. If it is not the jade of your younger brother, this is too Bingguang. Can be cheaper to enter. If so, then please pick up Captain Cui, these rare things are still placed in the captain!"

Cui Hongyi looked at the crowd and thought a little. He nodded. "Well, Cui is awkward!"

Said, Cui Hongyi took over Yu Jian from the hands of Zhen Minghui, and he immersed himself for a long time, flew to the place where he had rested before, and sat down and closed his eyes. After a meal, Cui Hongyi opened his eyes and looked at Zhen Minghui. Zhen Minghui immediately awakened and took a shot. The huge green crab fell in front of Cui Hongyi’s eyes. Cui Hongyi’s hands were instigated and beaten in the green. On the crab body, but seeing the blue light that had been annihilated before, it gradually appeared with the influx of the law, and it became more and more intense. After a sip of tea, I saw that Cui Hongjun’s hand was tight, with his gesture The catching, a little more than the mung bean still small green sè Guanghua condensed together, gradually rising from the green crab body!

It’s just a little too blue!

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