Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1006: Jiming Mountain

"Big good!" Everyone has a happy look on his face! Know that this must be Taiyi Qingguang! This is a good thing, even if everyone is divided into some, it is not bad, let alone this thing is even white!

Then, Cui Hongyi will collect the Taiyi Qingguang into the jade and put it on the storage bag.

"Well, everyone, I am waiting for the rest, now it is time to do something right!" Cui Hongyi smiled and said, "There must be more good things waiting for us!"

"Good!" Everyone is happy, they are all scattered, ready to mobilize the mana, but they can rush to the eye and scream: "Cui Captain, wait a moment, Xiao Hua seems to have not adjusted the interest!"

Cui Hongyi, who smiled and smiled, turned his head and looked at it. Sure enough, Xiao Hua was still a calm look, and did not hear the order of Cui Hongjun.

"Oh, Xiao Daoyou really worked hard, and this time must be used. If his cultivation is not profitable, it is really unreasonable!" Alum is also a solution, "Don't I wait for a while?"

"Whether it is!" Cui Hongyi nodded, "I will wait..."

However, waiting for him to finish, Xiao Hua jumped up and said faintly: "Let's go, Xiaomou has already adjusted the interest!"

The smile next to the dream of the dream, almost to laugh out loud! As an outsider, she can see clearly. Xiao Hua is doing the right thing with Cui Hongjun everywhere, that is, to make Cui Hongjun angry! If there is no such thing as Xiao Hua’s take out of Yu Jian, there is still some doubt about Xiao Hua’s thoughts on the nightmare. Now she is... I am not worried about my own lover! If Xiao Hua has any bad thoughts, there is no need to take out the jade slips of Taiyi Qingguang. Even if it is given to Lingling.

"You..." Cui Hongjun was a little angry, cold and cold. "You don't think that you have come up with jade. It's a good thing! This thing, such as Cui, got the Sky City, and the master of my Royal Leizong must know, you just let me wait in advance..."

After waiting for Cui Hongjun to finish, Xiao Hua also said faintly: "Xiao Mou did not give you any jade Jane! You still can't go?"

"Go, go..." Zhen Minghui hurriedly yelled, "I will wait now!"

Said, a Lachong Hongjun's robe, the first to fly into the air.

"Let's go. Xiao Hua, you are still with the body behind the temple!" Ming Hao and Ling Ling waiting for others to fly away, but also cover their mouths and smile and hand in hand to fly up.

"Hey!" Xiao Hua screamed, his heart was extremely unhappy, and what was the use of Taiyi Qingguang. These nine people definitely didn't know much about him. He definitely wanted Taiyi Qingguang more than the other nine people. Naturally, he has to get more than just a little bit of blue light! It is a pity that he has just been to the glaciers, and he has been searching for it all over the place. There is no clue at all! The underground is cold except cold, there is no more beast, and I don’t know where the blue crab came from! If the blue crab can live back. I am afraid that I can find more blue crabs with Xiao Hua!

"Forget it!" In the end, Xiao Huafei was still sluggish, only thinking for a moment was throwing aside, only nine swords were repaired, and the other eight were still unable to build merit. Presumably, the trauma of the nine-star transit day is not light. If there is Taiyi Qingguang, it may be possible to repair these swords early. If not, Xiao Hua is not too anxious, and slowly repair it! So Xiao Hua squinted at these eyes, flying slowly, but he put his mind on the exercises!

It was a big flight for a long time. When I saw a mountain, I was in front of me. Cui Hongyu stopped and looked at Yujian again. He nodded. "This is the Jiming Mountain! Waiting for Cui to send a message."

Speaking of the hand, a thunderbolt will be sent out, but for a moment, only a few people have turned from the mountains, the first is the old man who built the foundation, dressed in linen, followed by several refining Disciple.

The old man is the old man who is the archer: "Jimingshan Blue has seen Cui Daoyou and the Royal Lei Zongdao friends!"

"Don't dare, I have seen the blue and blue Taoist friends in the next Cui Hongyi!" Cui Hongyi did not dare to neglect, hurriedly returning to the ceremony, but also pointed his hand to the Minghui Huidao. "This is my Royal Lei Zong Zhen Minghui, it is Cui Mou. Deputy!"

"I have seen the shock friend!" Blue turned and gave a gift, smiled and said, "Listen to the name of the surname of the earthquake, is the disciple of the descendants of the Royal Lei Zong Zhen Lei Palace, really respectable!"

"Don't dare!" Zhen Minghui also smiled and said, "The earthquake may start higher, but it is hard to be as diligent as the blue road friend."

"Oh, this is the chance!" Blue smiled. "The roads of each person are different! If the earthquake is a friend, I may be more advanced than Lan in my Jimingshan!"

"Where!" Zhen Minghui's face did not change, but the heart was indeed Nahan, and all of them met, but also boring chills. Is there anything that has not been invited to Jinmingshan?

Cui Hongyi is also puzzled. He will take a shot and take out the first squad token of Yu Leizong. "Cui Mou was detained by Emperor Lei Zong, and it was the communication of Jimingshan. He came to Jimingshan to rescue. This is my Royal Thundering token, which is recognized by the three countries of the Comprehension. Please check with the Blue Dao!"

"Oh, don't have to!" Blue glanced at him and smiled. "Yu Leizong disciples are all arrogant generations. Is that the comparison of Jian Xiu? It is different to know!"

"Blue should have invited all of your friends to enter the valley, but now it is the time of the war, my crisis in Jimingshan has been solved, and the Sky City must have more opportunities for friends to show their grace... Also, please ask Cui Daoyou to take the Royal Lei Zongdao friends and quickly revolve around the Sky City!"

"Ah?" Cui Hongzhen, look around, Qidao, "Jimingshan encountered a sword repair? What is the crisis? How can it be solved so quickly?"

"This..." Blue hesitated and smiled. "There is nothing! It was a small sword repair that surrounded me with Jiming Mountain. It seems that I want to destroy my cockerel! Under the leadership, I will wait for the sword repairs to be driven away! After that, there will be no swords to repair and harass, it should not come again!"

"Jingmingshan sent me the message of Yu Leizong... It is necessary to fly over the disciples who are flying fast. There is nothing else..." Cui Hongyi was disappointed in his heart. It was so eager to come. It was so gone, it was very empty.

Blue looked at his eyes and turned to look at a few disciples behind him. It seemed that there were some bad openings.

"Blue Daoyou, the disciple of Qiqiaomen has already arrived?" Zhen Minghui laughed. "Isn't it the solution for them?"

"Oh, the original Taoist friends have already seen the seven Qiaomen disciples!" Blue smiled aloud. "In this case, Lanmou will not hide anything! Seven days before the seven Qiaomen disciples arrived, will Sword repairs are killing, the crisis of Jimingshan is solved early, and Blue is afraid of damaging the face of Yu Leizong. This is embarrassing to say it!"

“Nothing,” Cui Hongjun waved his hand and smiled. “As long as there is nothing wrong with Jimingshan, isn’t it stronger than anything? Can Blue Daoyou take the token of Jimingshan to Cui’s, Cui’s as this? Credentials, explain to the teacher's door?"

"This..." Blue is a little embarrassed, shaking his head. "It’s not that Blue didn’t give it. Now it’s the battle between Jian Xiu and my Taoist dynasty. This token is very important. It’s all in the hands of the Guzhu. His old man is now I talked with the disciple of Qiqiaomen, I am afraid I can’t give it to Cui Daoyou!"

"得得" Cui Hongyi is sitting on the wax! Is it going or not?

Let's go, there is no believer, who knows that you haven't come to Jimingshan!

If you don't go, it's the seven-handedness of the family, and you don't have to do it with yourself. After a while, you will see the owner of the Jiming Mountain. You will also encounter the seven-door disciple, and there will be cynicism!

"Hey, this so-called captain... It’s really in trouble!" Cui Hongjun is almost decadent!

Thinking for a moment, Cui Hongjun smiled and said: "In this case, Cui is still waiting, after all, Cui is a teacher, no evidence is not easy to explain!"

"That's all right!" Blue thought about it for a moment. He gestured and said, "Cui Daoyou, please come with Lan!"

Said, the blue leaves first to the mountain, Cui Hongyi and others flew behind, the disciples of Jimingshan are accompanied by the side!

Jiming Mountain is a mountainous mountain. It is several hundred feet taller than the surrounding snowfields. The mountain is undulating. It looks like a rooster from a high altitude. It is the name of Jiming Mountain.

Cui Hongyi flew into the mountains with the blue sky, and after a faint fog color ban, it was the back of the "cock". It was a valley in a few miles, and the roots of the Jimingshan disciple were in the valley.

Above the stone walls of the valley, there are buildings that look like grandeur. Cui Hongyi walked into the hall with one of the “welcome guest rooms” with blue!

"Please take a seat, please enjoy some Lingguo and Lingcha, and Blue will ask the owner to come over!" Blue said with a smile.

"Yes! There are Laolan Daoyou!" Cui Hongyi bowed his hand and thanked him. He immediately sat on a chair and made a color for Zhen Minghui!

Zhen Minghui will know what to do, and walked to the blue and whispered: "Blue Daoyou, Zhenmou and others came in a hurry, the teacher did not have time to explain, and took the opportunity to ask the name of the Gu Gu, in case it was rude!" ”

"Oh, nothing!" Blue shook his head slightly and smiled. "I am a chicken in the north of the country, and it is a small family of comprehension. How could it cause the attention of Yu Leizong? This time I can send my disciples. My Jiming Mountain has been grateful! Good teacher Zhendao knows that my chicken singer is the owner of Zhanxin Exhibition Valley!"

“Thank you for the blue Daoyou!” Zhen Minghui lost his smile. “Jimingshan can cause the sword to be repaired. It must be famous. My Master Lei Leizong must also know, but I have experienced less of the younger disciples, and some are ignorant. !"

"Oh, shock brothers please sit!" Blue smiled, greeting the disciples to the spirits and spiritual tea, and went straight!

"Oh, it really is a shame!" Xiao Hua saw Cui Hongyi's slightly red face, and his heart was very cool. "Which even the singer of the singer of the singer’s family rushed to run, can't you lose it? This is good, when It’s ugly!”

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