Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1008: Approach

"Please!" Han Bing stood up coldly and took his hand and gestured to show that Xin Xin first went, and the Qi Qiaomen disciple also stood up.

Waiting for the seven Qiaomen disciples to go out of the welcome hall with Han Bing, Zhen Minghui whispered: "Cui Captain, how can I cope?"

"How can I cope? I can only meet the enemy!" Cui Hongyi sighed and put his hand in the air. "The sword is close, I will go see it!"

"Yes!" Answered to the nightmare, and as Cui Hongyi walked out of the welcome hall.

However, Xiao Hua is sitting there and does not move.

"Don't you go see?" Cui Hongyi frowned and said, "Do you really want to hide behind the disciple of Qiqiaomen?"

"Yeah! Why not?" Xiao Hua turned his eyes and said, "I am shallow, and of course I want to hide behind them!"

"Yeah!" Cui Hongyi saw that Xiao Hua was so skinless and didn't say anything. He walked out of the welcome hall, and when he walked in the end, he gave a thumb to Xiao Hua, apparently admiring his face in the middle of the foundation. The monk's calm!

"Cut~ I still laugh now. When you see thousands of sword repairs, you can't laugh!" Xiao Hua didn't look good at Ling, and closed his eyes to quench the power of Qing Ling Dan. He released the Buddha's knowledge and saw the sword repairs dozens of miles away. Do you still use it? Besides, the swordsman who is the most cultivated by the sword is not the dish of Xiao Hua at all. Even if it is thousands, it is impossible to stop Xiao Hua! ! !

Cui Hongyi and others went out to welcome the guesthouse. As soon as the disciples of Jimingshan greeted them, they followed them to Zhanxin and others who had already flown to the peak of Jimingshan.

The peak of Jiming Mountain is also deep in snow, although it is not too high. It is enough to see all the circles around!

Cui Hongjun gradually flew high and released the mind. I can't see any traces of sword repair. The distant sky is also a little bit faint, and I can't see it clearly.

“Showing friends, what is the situation?” Cui Hongjun whispered.

Zhan Xin’s brows were wrinkled and shook his head slightly: “The old age is not clear. The disciples in front of the police did not send any more communication messages! I’m afraid that I’m already...body. Now the old gods can’t see the traces of Jianxiu. ""

"Oh," Cui Hongyi said in his heart, "Since Jian Xiu has not seen the trace. I am not waiting..."

Next, Cui Hongyi did not say, and Zhan Xin obviously knew the meaning of Cui Hongjun. He smiled bitterly: "There were hundreds of people in the previous sword repair. My cockering mountain went out to save the disciples and barely escaped from their encirclement. Now thousands When people come over, they must have thought that they have already saved a shot!"

I heard that Cui Hongjun is even more puzzled. I also asked: "Since Jian Xiu has attacked Jiming Mountain, why don't the valley owner ask for help? Can they still have their second attack?"

"Hey, Cui Daoyou doesn't know!" Zhan Xin still smiles. "Now it is the swordsmanship and the pressure is everywhere. Every place is dangerous. Where are the extra people to help? Then again. According to the previous Guzhong records, Jian Xiu It doesn't harass too much of my comprehension family, even if it is an attack, it can be done once, and it becomes a reality. If it is not, it will be a retreat! They are also experienced low-level swordsmen. Seeking a breakthrough, there is no need to wait for me to fight. of!"

"A bit awkward today!" Cui Hongyi nodded.

"Yes!" Zhan Xin replied. "The previous sword repaired my Jiming Mountain. After Han Daoyou came, although it was only ten people, but with the old and my elders of Jimingshan teamed up to be defeated by the highest number of swordsmen, they immediately withdrew. As recorded in the classics, who knows how they are back?"

"Guigu disciple geometry?" Cui Hongyi asked again.

"About four hundred people!" Zhan Xin understood the meaning of Cui Hongyu and replied, "The former swordsman was just three hundred people, but there are several swordsmen with three swords, and I am afraid that I can't cope with it. I will send my disciples out for help!"

"Show friends, in this case, so many sword repairs, knowing that it is not good, it is better to break through now, if they wait for them, I am afraid there is no chance!" Cui Hongyi advised, "wait Isn’t it the same after the sword repairs and retreats?”

“Hey!” Zhan Xin laughed. “Cui Daoyou said it is easy. I don’t want to say that Jian Xiu has been around now. I’m too late to go! I’m going to say that Cui Daoyou’s not being a master is not easy to get married. It’s hard!”

After the show smiles, it seems that there is a bit of hardship. I don’t want to confuse Jiming Mountain with people!

"Nature, if Cui Daoyou wants to go, at this time, the breakout will depend on your luck!" Zhan Xin said with a smile, and then looked at the sky!

At this point, Jian Xiu has already flown close, and the naked eye and the gods can see it!

Although I heard the disciples telling me that there are thousands of sword repairs, but these thousands of people are distributed around the Jiming Mountain, it is not too dense, not too horrible.

However, Cui Hongyi understands that as soon as he passes the Royal Leizong disciple, he will immediately attract the attention of Jian Xiu, and many swords will gather to attack himself. The first squad of Yu Leizong was repaired in this thousands of swords. Well, even the eyes of hundreds of swords are just a piece of cake, there is nothing to fight back!

"How? Fear!" Han Bing's face was white, but still sneer, "Han has already told you, don't let you wait, now... know regret it!"

"Hey!" Cui Hongyu sneered, "What is Cui Mou afraid? Cui is still waiting to see how Qi Qiaomen fights with swords!"

"Reassured! There is no weak inside of Qiqiaomen. Even if there are tigers in the mountains, there will be Hushanxing! Since Han said it will definitely do it!" Han Bing stared at the distance and responded unceremoniously.

"Cui Mou wants to see how you deal with it!" Cui Hongyi's tone is exactly the same as Xiao Hua.

"Go! I will go out and have a look." Han Bing put his hand and said to the disciple of Qi Qiaomen.

"Han Daoyou!" Zhan Xinji Road, "The sword is fierce, according to what you see, or rely on the defense of Jimingshan to resist a while, waiting for the sword repair attack is invalid, then retreat after the retreat!"

"Ha ha ha, if Han did not go out to fight, can't be seen by others?" Han Bing laughed and flew out with nine disciples of Qi Qiaomen, and rushed out from the prohibition opened by Zhanxin.

Seeing that there were monks flying out of the Jiming Mountain, there were dozens of swords gathered together and greeted them! And other sword repairs still maintain the formation, steadily approaching the Jiming Mountain.

These dozens of swords are dressed in similar styles, very concise, and they are all flying swords. When the first person's face is red and red, the three layers of the sword are repaired, and the flying sword at the foot is like a panel. The flame is rolling and the end is arrogant.

"You wait and wait." Han Bing shouted and told everyone to scream, and the figure flew forward, and at the same time, he took a hand and took a purple-red bamboo knot. Under the mana, a red one Guanghua flew out, and Guanghua did not enter the air and immediately turned into layers of bamboo shadows. While absorbing the surrounding aura of the heavens and the earth, he rolled to the sword that was the face of the red face!

"Ha ha ha!" The sword repaired and laughed, handcuffed the sword, and pointed his hand, "Go!"

But seeing the swordsman’s foot flying sword immediately accelerated to fly out, actually turned into a group of fire dragons rushed to Han Bing's implement!

In the sound of "Rumble", there is still a movement of "咔嚓嚓", the redness of the sky!

The purple-red brilliance was broken by the fire, and a solitary bamboo knot flew up in the air, and a deep shard fell on it!

"Silk!" Han Bing saw it, couldn't help but **** a cold breath, and his heart was secretly crying. His implement is a wooden attribute. The swordsman is not only powerful, but also has fire attributes. It is his nemesis. Therefore, although the swordsman is inferior to him, he is also a cheaper player in the attack!

"Hot" Han Bing still has some love, and his hands are moving, and a dozen blue-colored light groups fly out, hitting the face and fighting.

Jian Xiu sneer, will be a mouth, a small flying sword is also flying out, like the fish is generally flexible, quickly pierced the dozens of light groups, watching the light group into a little bit of fluorescence scattered in the air! Han Bing has not shouted the "broken", and the law in his hand is also stagnant!

This flying sword is too fast, this flying sword is too sharp! Han Bing's spell... has not been finished! !

"Stab!" At this time, on the left side of the red-faced swordsman, a tall and thin swordsman screamed coldly, and a fine sword was also flying out. In the air, it was immediately turned into three. Quickly stab the face and chest of Han Bing!

"Grandma's!" Han Bing snorted, his bamboo sticks moved, and before the bamboo shadow blocked the flying sword, he quickly retreated.

"Shameless sword repair!" With a roar, Qiu Qiaomen, a monk in the early stage of building a foundation, took a shot, and a slap-sized khaki shield was held in his hand. The mana in his hand was motivated, and the shield was turned into a few feet, flickering. Gwanghua flies behind Han Bing!

Sure enough, the two of the three swords were shot down by Han Bing's bamboo festival. The top sword shadow was taken out of the bamboo shadow and stabbed straight to the shield!

Cui Hongyi and others are releasing the gods at this time and looking at it!

The sound of "噗" sounded, the sword shadow penetrated into the shield, the brilliance above the shield was extremely bright and dark, and the sword light was flashing! During a few breaths, Jianguang finally disappeared, and the brilliance of the shield was stable. The craftsmanship of Qiqiaomen is finally blocking the flying sword!

"Good!" A Jimingshan disciple next to Cui Hongyi couldn't help but scream, but wait for his good character to land. The fire sword of the red swordsman screamed and rushed over!

The sound of "Boom" was loud, and the shield that saw a few feet was like the glass that was crushed, and it shrank rapidly, turning into a piece of palm-sized debris floating in the air!

The skill of Qiqiaomen was actually broken by the sword!

"Go!" Han Bing saw this, no longer dare to stay, big sleeves waved, Qiqiaomen disciples hurriedly flew back to the defense of Jimingshan, and the red-faced swordsman did not catch up, received the flying sword, still greeted Other sword repairs are slowly approaching Jiming Mountain!


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