Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1009: defense

Everyone in Jimingshan saw the brief fight between Qiqiaomen and Jianxiu in the eyes. When Han Bing and others turned, no one asked. Waiting for Han Bingfei to face Zhan Xin, he glanced at Cui Hongyi and ignored it. He whispered to the exhibition Xindao: "Showing the Valley Lord, today this sword repair is imposing, how is your defensive array of Jimingshan? Can you? Resist the living?"

"Well, it should be no problem!" Zhan Xin compensated and said, "Jimingshan is not good to say, but the single statement is pleasedly arranged by the teacher, you should be able to get the sword attack!"

"Good!" Han Bing raised his hand. "I will wait for a while, wait until the sword repair is exhausted, and go out and kill!"

"Well, the old age is also like this!" Zhan Xin laughed. "As long as you can persist for a few days and nights, the sword will see the attack hopeless, it will retreat!"

Immediately, Zhan Xin told many reliable disciples to go down and defend the different places of the law.

In addition to the array of views, thousands of swords have been surrounded by the Jiming Mountain. Until then, the scale of the thousand people can be seen. It is really dense, and it will block the air!

"Offensive!" A loud sound rang, and thousands of swordsmen also spurred the flying swords at the same time, each showing the original face of the flying sword, not shaping, the defense against the Jimingshan is the thorn will come over!

But see a layer of faint brilliance flashing on the Jiming Mountain at this time. Like the reticle, the entire Jiming Mountain is covered. Thousands of flying swords stabbed in the hood, all emitting a little bit of fire, the whole chicken. Mingshan is like a nighttime fireworks, splendid exception!

"Some weird!" Although Xiao Hua was sitting in the welcome hall, the Buddha’s knowledge was always released. Seeing everything clearly, I saw that the defense of Jimingshan was so strict and uncomfortable. "The size of this Jiming Mountain seems to be better than that of Zhongling Mountain Villa. Even the Misty Mountain is slightly stronger than him. But why is the defensive law array so profitable? Is there something unusual in this Jiming Mountain?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua’s heart moved, and said: “Is it... is that thing?”

Seeing the flying sword attack of Jian Xiu, Cui Hongjun’s face was whitish, and Han Bing’s mid-term repair was forced to retreat by two swordsmen. Their Royal Leizong disciples are at most the initial cultivation of the foundation, how is it a rival? This is thousands of people! Not a few hundred people, not dozens of people, the first team of Yu Leizong, ten people, will be drowned by people spit!

There are a few loud bangs in the rumbling of the rumbling, that is, the two swordsmen on the sixth floor of the sword show the flying sword and smear the hood, and the brilliance of the hood is somewhat dark. Fortunately, the two swordsmen stabbed several times. It seems to be exhausted, and it stops, and the brilliance of the mask is gradually recovering!

Zhan Xin is not too scared, only to release the mind, pay attention to the state of the entire defense, wait for two hours. Zhan Xin is also waving his hand, a silver-gray flag is in his hand, waving from time to time, the road Guanghua flies out, seems to be repairing the normal!

The monk of Jiming Mountain. The disciples of Qi Qiaomen and Yu Leizong are also waiting in a row, only waiting for the order of Xingxin.

Especially Cui Hongjun. For the first time as the captain of the squad, I still don't quite understand how to direct the disciples to fight, and I want to see how Xing Xin presided over.

Seeing the night is coming, this is the enthusiasm of the bird homing, but now it has become the noise of the sword repairing the claws, and seeing a dozen swords dressed in the same costume stopped the attack and arranged in a straight line in one year. Under the command of the long swordsman, the Feijian was motivated to attack the top of the Jiming Mountain! The blossoming sword flower is in the same position!

"Fast!" Cui Hongyi was a little anxious, and he said with a hand, "Showing the Valley Lord, there are more than a dozen swordsmen attacking the same place, so let them break the battle!"

"Hehe" Zhan Xin looked at the smile, "not afraid! Ordinary law, if attacked in the same place, will take out the prohibition. This is also the usual way to break the line, but I am Jimingshan The legal array is not afraid. After the attack, the ban will automatically heal and will not collapse because of continuous attacks on the same place!"

Sure enough, after the blossoming swords and flowers, the brilliance of the phalanx did not weaken, and even the mana fluctuations on it were more violent.

Seeing this situation, the dozens of swordsmen also gave up. After a little rest, they arranged the formations and attacked the masks. The masks once again brilliance.

"These swords are also obsessed! I know that I can't break it, but I don't stop respecting it!" Cui Hongyi frowned slightly.

"Well, some awkward!" Zhan Xin nodded. "If it is an ordinary record, these sword repairs know that it is very difficult to deal with here. It is time to go!"

Zhan Xin has said this for the second time. Obviously he also does not understand it very much.

“How long can the squad of Jiming Mountain last?” Han Bing indulged for a moment and whispered.

"Good teaching Han Daoyou knows that if these swords do not sleep, the attack can be resisted for ten days!" Zhan Xin looked at the night sky and explained, "Of course, as long as they take a break, this law can naturally Absorbing the aura of the heavens and the earth, repairing it yourself, can delay the time!"

“Only ten days?” Han Bing’s face changed slightly, and he hurriedly said, “Is there a shortage of Lingshi’s Lingshi?”

Zhan Xin's face smiles, look at the near left, whispered: "My Jiming Mountain is not above the spiritual pulse. Because there is something in it, this is the foundation. This law can't rely on that thing, only It can be supported by Lingshi. Han Daoyou sees that this array of martial arts is to protect the entire Jiming Mountain. The consumption of the Lingshi is extremely amazing. Although Jimingshan is still rich, it can’t stop thousands. Sword repair ten days and ten nights offensive!"

"Hey, thousands of swords repair... It’s really what Han did not think of!" Han Bing sighed. "Is it something that those swords have got?"

"If it is from the current situation, it is indeed a bit strange!" Zhan Xin smiled bitterly. "However, my Jiming Mountain in the Xiguo Xiuzhen world is simply unknown. They seem impossible to know what Jianjian?"

"I hope so!" Han Bing was thoughtful, and for a moment, asked, "When will I attack?"

"Tomorrow at noon!" Zhan Xin swayed the flag and replied with a moment of observation. "At that time, the squad consumed 30%. I waited to go out to face the sword repair, let the squad absorb the heavens and the earth to recover some!"

"Good!" Han Bingyi waved. "I will wait for the time to go back to rest, and I will inform you at the noon tomorrow!"

When Han Bing left, Cui Hongyi stood for a while and asked: "Cui is somewhat puzzled. Why don't you go out to fight now, but wait until noon tomorrow? Please also invite the bishop of Zhangu!"

"Oh, actually it's very simple!" Zhan Xin didn't want to answer, but watching Cui Hongyi is also the help of Yu Leizong. This is a slight smile. "This sword repair is coming today, it is just a drum, and if it is today, fight with them. Fighting, the nature of loss is my monk!"

"This Cui knows naturally!" Cui Hongyi laughed. "Does the poor road think there are other reasons?"

“Ha ha ha~” Zhan Xin smiled. “Cui Daoyou is really interested! I don’t know Cui Daoyou. At noon tomorrow, my power of the Jimingshan Faction is only 70% of the weekdays. I can’t stop the full blow of the Yuan Ying monk. , so it is necessary to let it recover!"

"Ah?" Cui Hongyi was shocked. "The law of Jimingshan is so strong? Can you block the Yuanying monk?"

"Oh, nothing!" Zhan Xin laughed. "Isn't the ruling of Yu Leizong not even broken in the late Yuan Ying? When I was a senior of Jimingshan, I spent a lot of effort to lay down this circle. Repairing harassment! Moreover, the previous sword repair attack was also retired because the attack could not break the law!"

"Well!" Cui Hongyi was really surprised at the foundation of Jimingshan. At the same time, he thought of some words that Han Bing and Zhan Xin had just said.

"Cui Daoyou, you will also go to rest, the old disciples will arrange a quiet room for you!" Zhan Xin urged, "The seven Qiaomen disciples have already played once, and tomorrow, should your Royal Lei Zong also be with me?"

"Oh, it should be!" Cui Hongyi arched his hand and followed the chicken Mingshan disciple to fly down the mountain.

Waiting for the disciples of Jimingshan to arrange the quiet room to Cui Hongjun and others, who can still calm down? After all, tomorrow, it is really necessary to kill with the sword, especially... seeing the attack of thousands of swords, and Han Bing, such as the mid-term monk in the sword repairing the hands, the Royal Leizong disciple is even more worried.

"Cui Captain ~ tomorrow is bound to have a battle!" Zhen Minghui looked at everyone, whispered, "depending on what the subordinates think, since the tokens of Jimingshan have already arrived, I will not have to fight tomorrow. As long as we have found an opportunity, let us flee early, how does the captain think?"

Cui Hongyi looked at Zhen Minghui and smiled bitterly: "Ming Hui brother, do you think that Cui Mou did not want to take away with your younger brother? You didn't look at the sword to repair the posture? There is no plan to let the people of Jimingshan escape! I don't have a flying instrument, even if I am escaping... I can't wait for it! The seven-door disciple is afraid that it is much faster than me!"

"That Qiqiao door seems to be what it is like with Jimingshan!" The slammed whispered. "If you look at their eyebrows, there must be something ulterior moan!"

"Ha ha ha ~ shock brother, eyebrow teasing is not so useful!" Ling Xiao laughed, said a handful of shock, "How can Han Bing seniors with the eyes of the predecessors of the show Xin??"

"Ha ha ha ~" Everyone listened to laughter, and the tension in the quiet room was half gone.

"Well, Qiqiaomen is a refining sect, and Jimingshan is afraid to be a comprehension sect of the Qiqiaomen! It is not strange on the Xiaoyu continent!" Cui Hongyi nodded. "This is theirs." The things between me and my Royal Leizong are not doing anything, I will wait for tomorrow..."

"Actually, not necessarily so nervous," a lazy voice sounded,

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