Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1100: Mother of Taiyi Qingguang

Everyone looked at it, it was Xiao Hua who had been sitting behind them and closed their eyes and quietly. "Looking at the meaning of Jian Xiu, it may be something of 觊觎 鸣 山 ! !! tomorrow I will go out and fight, see how things are, really If you can't, you will run away immediately. I am not a disciple of Jimingshan. Sword repair may not care! And, they only want this thing from Jimingshan, and they don't care if others are fleeing!"

"Xiao Hua, the problem now is that I have to wait for the sword to repair!" Ling is very serious, she has always been regardless of Xiao Hua called Shi Shu, and Xiao Hua to deal with Cui Hongyi.

"I have to run but I have to run. I haven't come to buy a life for Jiming Mountain!" Xiao Hua sneaked his nose. "At the moment, Jimingshan doesn't confess with me. Who knows what secrets they have?"

"Yes! I also feel that there must be a big secret among them!" The nightmare is also a reconciliation. "Otherwise, it is impossible for Jianxiu to withdraw after the previous withdrawal. Now gather here!"

"If a chicken-Mingshan disciple went to the Sky City to tell me that the Emperor Leizong's disciple could not be saved, would he escape?" Mingba said, and asked.

"Yes! This is the most difficult thing! It is Cui who is worried!" Cui Hongyi sighed, "I can't lose the face of Yu Leizong!"

"Cut!" Xiao Hua sneered. "They have to escape!"

"Xiao Shidi, they can't escape, can I escape?" Qiu Yan also sighed. "I can escape if they can escape."

"Yeah!" Cui Hongyi nodded. "Cui Mou thought, how to fight tomorrow, can save me and the lives of a group of people! I only hope that Jian Xiu is not a cockroach, and that the siege is not allowed for a few days. The team retreated!"

"I have to wait for the disciples of the thundering palace to have a kind of attack!" Zhenhuo suggested, "However, it is necessary to talk about cooperation, and more practice!"

"Yes, I have this kind of combination with the Lei Gong female repair!" Nodded to the nightmare.

So everyone said a word to me, and made the two spells together clear. Cui Hongjun and Zhen Minghui nodded and glanced at each other. Cui Hongyi said: "There are many disciples in the earthquake, or use the combination of the thunder and thunder palaces. Ok, I don’t want to wait, I wait..."

"Don't count me!" One is an untimely sound.

"What are you doing? Xiao Hua, you don't want to live?" Cui Hongyi stood up and angered.

"Hongjun~" hurriedly grabbed Cui Hongjun against the nightmare and smiled. "It’s just a night's time. I won't be able to even get cooked. There is no difference between Xiaohua and Xiaohua. If he doesn't want to practice, Don't practice it!"

"You..." Cui Hongqi was so angry that he sat down. Stop talking.

"Xiao Shidi, if you don't want to practice, go to retreat!" He laughed with a nightmare. "You will be behind me tomorrow, there will be nothing!"

Xiao Hua looked at everyone, and everyone’s eyes were not the same, and some were puzzled. Some are disdainful, but okay, and there is no gloating.

"Oh, the younger brother thinks that it is useless to do what is going on at this time. I will wait for the back to rest on the back tomorrow. The group will form a circle and be consistent with the outside world. There will be no danger." Xiao Hua smiled. "That's the sniper's technique, wait until the crisis is over here!"

When everyone heard it, it was all bright, but Cui Hongyi was sneer again: "Do you think that you are smart? Cui and others can't think of it? I can wait until even in a circle, don't worry about the back, but don't forget Now, I am waiting for Jiming Mountain. How can I have a sword repair? Even if I wait in a circle, a sword with a bright sword and five swords fly, I can wait for someone to resist?"

"Well, Xiaomou is suggesting, you should wait for practice!" Xiaohua said, turned and walked out of the quiet room, entered a quiet room nearby, and opened the ban, actually closed the door and rebuilt.

"This obstacle!" Cui Hongjun was so angry. "I am waiting to talk about how to fight, how to save my life, but he is ridiculous, and he has a net idea. How do you say Cui is not angry?"

Everyone is silent, Xiao Hua was a bit weird before, everyone will endure it, but today it is to let everyone do not understand!

"Hey, Captain Cui, everyone has aspirations!" Zhen Minghui looked at the helplessness of the nightmare, and lost his smile. "Xiao Hua may have his own ideas, and perhaps have his own life-saving method!"

"Hey, can he save his life? The monkey will laugh!" Cui Hong snorted, "Light builds..."

Having said that, Cui Hongyi has a slight meal. After all, there are still three refining disciples who have not built a foundation for a long time. How can he say this?

"Oh, I am still waiting for the technique of continuous attack!" said the screaming hurriedly. "After all, one skill will save one point!"

Not to mention that the martial arts disciples are practicing the skills of the attack, Xiao Hua is sitting in the quiet room, but it is calm, and the ten people are surrounded by a circle. It is within the scope of his help, even if it is nine people at the same time, He may also rescue them!

"Oh, no way!" Xiaohua sighed. "The higher the station, the farther it is. How do other people know that what you said is the most correct?"

"Hey, Xiaoye can go and see, what is the love of Qiqiaomen and Jimingshanmeimei! If it is that thing, Xiaoye can't be alone!"

Between the words, Xiao Hua’s figure gradually disappeared, like the fading of ink painting.

It is the magical power that Zhang Qingxiao gave to Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua flew out of the quiet room, and immediately came to the valley of Jiming Mountain. The Buddha’s knowledge was released. After watching it, Zhan Xin was not on the top of the mountain. Only the other monk in the early stage of the building of the Jiming Mountain was in charge of the flag. When, outside the Jiming Mountain, the attack of many sword repairs remained the same, there was no stop at all, the splendid sword light, the various kinds of flying swords attacked the mask one after another, which was even more gorgeous than the day!

"Hey, I’m still here, I’m just going to stay here. I’m just going for a while, and I’m leaving. If there’s nothing tricky, who’s convinced?” Xiao Hua snorted and looked up at the chicken ring valley. More rigorous places.

These places are all above the stone walls, and there are no steps and passages. They can only fly over. Every hole in the stone wall has two disciples guarded by Jimingshan.

However, how can this survive Xiaohua?

Xiao Hua fell to the ground, and his body shape slammed into the ground and flew straight toward the stone wall!

"Oh? This is the squad of the Jiming Mountain!" Xiaohua fell to the ground, but for a long time it was a layer of ban, which was the same as the tactics outside the mountain. Xiao Hua naturally understood that it was the big man. Array.

Immediately, Xiao Hua followed the ban on the stone wall, and then saw a thin layer of ban, Xiao Huaxiao, this must be a ban on the stone wall! He did not dare to care about it. He was afraid of destroying the entire big battle. He found that he had turned around in the left and found that the prohibition on the stone wall was not connected with the big array. It was also a warning circle, not a defense law. Array.

Choosing a place that looks ordinary, Xiao Hua took a handful, took out a few charms, and then hit it on the ban, and the charm was immediately incorporated into the ban!

"From!" Xiao Hua is very confident, and will grasp the hand, a few magical characters flashing a different kind of brilliance, then a one-person size gap is born from the ban! At the same time, a harsh sound and unusual mana fluctuations are issued!

"Hey!~" Xiao Hua is not surprised, the figure is flying into the gap, and then grabbed the hand, several charms fell in his hands, the figure disappeared!

But for a moment, the two bodies are flying at speed, it is Han Bing and Zhan Xin!

"It is here!" Zhan Xin will give a hand, very nervous to see where Xiao Hua entered.

"Is not right!" Han Bingshen swept away and frowned. "The ban is intact! There is no trace of destruction!"

"Yes!" Zhan Xin is also puzzled, and God swept and swept, strangely said.

"Haha! I am afraid that the owner of the exhibition valley is too nervous!" Han Bing laughed, and he opened the mind and looked forward.

Zhan Xin scratched his head and smiled and said: "No, now thousands of swordsmen outside the Jiming Mountain are attacking. Can you be nervous?"

"It’s strange again!" Han Bing had some narratives. "How can Jianxiu know that there is a mother of Taiyi Qingguang in Jimingshan? Is it missing the news?"

"Zhan is also a Nahan!" Zhan Xin smiled and said, "My Jiming Mountain has been assisted by Qi Qiaomen and discovered the mother of Taiyi Qingguang. It has always been very low-key, and all the monks in the Xi State are unknown. How did Jianjian know?"

"It’s rare that I am suspicious?" Han Bing was puzzled.

"Hope is that we made a mistake!" Zhan Xin smiled. "If it is discovered by Jian Jian, there is a mother of Taiyi Qingguang, they are afraid to go out of the nest!"

"Oh, it is!" Han Bing laughed. "This is too much for the sword to repair the sword. Their flying swords have been tempered by Taiyi Qingguang. I don't know how much better than now!" ”

"Unfortunately, this mother of too Bingguang is too small, only two of the flying swords can be tempered every time!" Zhan Xin said regretfully, "and, somehow, this is the mother of the mother of the blue It is weaker than a year! It is said that the mother of Taiyi Qingguang is the mother of innate gold, and can extract a small amount of innate gold from the heaven and earth aura!

"Haha, this is not a pity! Unfortunately, my Qiqiao door can't move the mother of Taiyi Qingguang to Lianyunhai, otherwise the owner of the exhibition valley does not have to live here. I am scared every day!" Han Bing laughed. "I am afraid that no one knows about Xiaoyu on the mainland. The disciple of Jimingshan has long belonged to Qiqiaomen!"

"Oh, Brother Han, this can not be heard by the disciples of Yu Leizong!" Zhan Xin laughed. "Otherwise, the first team of the royal family Lei Zongzong is going to be laughed at by the big teeth, actually for the Qiqiao door. ...and fallen!"

"Hey, they will fall to the hands of Jian Xiu tomorrow, how can they know this?" Han Bing sneered. "On the early days of these foundations, I want to come to Jiming Mountain? I really don't know how high! Yes, Zhangu Lord, the next time you send a communication disciple, you must pay attention, and you must not make any difference!"

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