Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1015: Kill (3)

The first thousand and fifteen chapters are strangled (3)

Seeing that Cui Hongyi did not want to go, it seems that he still remembered the gambling with Qi Qiaomen Han Bing. Xiao Hua coldly attacked his self-confidence: "You look at the mountain in front of Jiming Mountain, how many jimingshan Disciples are alive? Don't forget, this is just a sword repair. If the other three swords are repaired, I will not have a chance!"

"Not bad!" Cui Hongyi was a spirit in his heart, and he waved his hand. "Go, I wait and fight and retreat!"

That is, while Cui Hongjun’s resolution is to escape, Han Bing and Zhan Xin have made a decision. They have already made it clear that the sword revision is for the congenital mother, and they will never let them escape. They naturally want to return. Jimingshan, and then the second step of the plan, will have a proper arrangement for the innate mother, and then escape!

Zhan Xin and Han Bing Shen swept away and saw the imperial disciples of Yu Leizong slowly moving to the outside. They all showed smirk on their faces. Zhan Xin took the opportunity to wave his hand and it was a red light that rushed into the air. The signal of all disciples retracing!

The disciples of Jimingshan only left, leaving the disciples of Yu Leizong. Do they still have a way to live?

Seeing the red fire flying in the air, a group of Jimingshan disciples relieved, they are trying to escape from the battle group, it is necessary to fly toward the ban of Jimingshan!

But at this time, the sound of the earth-shattering swordsman sounded from the north side of Jiming Mountain. It was still far away, and the moment came to the front!


"Dangdang!!!" above the battlefield, all the flying swords are taken out from the swordsman's hands, flying straight in the air, countless swords fly, countless swordsmanship with the huge swordsman The sound is actually a kind of posture of Wan Jian Chao Zong! ! !

"Ah!!!!" Han Bing, Zhan Xin, Cui Hongyi and others are all shocked! Unclear so look at the distant horizon!

But when you see the sky, an extremely beautiful iridescent crosses the sky, a huge incomparable fly flashes in the air, and an unparalleled sword will cover the entire Jiming Mountain!

"Yuan Ying strength!!!" No one knows more about this sword than Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua shrinks his neck and quietly sends back the magic weapon that just took out the space, suppressing the mana to the early stage of the foundation. It looks like a sly person standing on the spot like a crowd, it is a kind of silly that is controlled by the sword!

"See the swordsman predecessors!!" A group of swordsmen are standing in the air, Qi Qi is a gift, the flying flying sword is also Qi Ming, slightly shaking, seems to be seeing this giant sword!

The giant sword stands in the air and gradually transforms the appearance of an old man. The old man’s red face is stunned, his eyes are like a sword, his eyes are slightly turned, and the entire Jiming Mountain is seen. Xiao Hua’s body is also involuntarily raised. For a while, the goose bumps are upside down, and the nightmare inside the Buddha's fire is also struggling. It seems that we must compete with this giant sword!

"My little lord, you don't want to live!" Xiaohua's **** in the flying sword felt the dissatisfaction of Feijian, and his heart was in a hurry. He almost wanted to speak. "At this time, don't argue for what length, you Just staying alone, waiting for one day, Laozi will also turn the sword, and will take you out of the prestige!"

It seems that I heard Xiao Hua’s voice, and the nightmare was honestly falling into the infinite fire.

"Useless things!" A burst of sound like a sword strikes, "I almost broke the old man's big thing! Jimingshan is so many monks, but also around the Jiming Mountain? Killed together That is!"

Saying, but seeing the old man disappeared again, the giant sword appeared again in the air, and the giant sword slowly waved, it seems that there is an invisible hand manipulation! The aura of heaven and earth around the Jiming Mountain is scrolling, all falling on the blow of the giant sword. Xiao Hua feels that his eyes are spent, and the giant sword seems to be moving and moving, almost in the blink of an eye. The giant sword is flying again, and the old man's figure is appearing again!

At this time, the shaking of the "mountain rumbling" of the mountain was only seen, but the whole Jiming Mountain was shaken. The former arsenal of the Jiming Mountain was attacked by thousands of swordsmen. Breaking through the ban, at this time under the attack of Laozi Huajian, it was actually opened, even the sword of the giant sword has not disappeared, and deeply broke into the Jiming Mountain, revealing a huge gap of several feet!

"Hey! This is the strength of the sword! The younger brother is worse than it!" Xiao Hua shrinks his neck again, without saying no words!

The banned smashed Jiming Mountain is like a woman whose clothes have been cut off. It reveals all kinds of secrets. It is really bare and there is no shadow!

Look at the veteran of the sword, the brilliance of the hand, a sword is to hit the Jiming Mountain, which happened to be the cave where Xiao Hua sneaked into yesterday!

"嗡~~~~" is another violent sound, like the sea, the sunset island emerges from the bottom of the sea, and a huge sword shadow slowly explores from the Jiming Mountain!

"Ah! Flying sword!" The huge sword shadow has not been fully revealed, the cold and incomparable, sharp and sharp is full of the whole Jiming Mountain, it is exactly when Xiao Hua received the congenital golden mother last night, suddenly appeared Sword meaning! Xiao Hua suddenly wakes up! This Jiming Mountain is not only the place where Qi Qiaomen tempered Feijian, but it is still where the sword is buried! Moreover, looking at the huge flying sword that slowly flew out, and the strong Taiyi Qingguang above the flying sword, Xiao Hua knew in his heart that this flying sword is afraid to come!

When the old man of the sword is ready to explore, the flying sword falls in his hands like a spring, and the old man flashes a hint of joy, only to see the old man's casual wave!

A flash of green light flashed out, it was silent, and a hill in Jiming Mountain was cut down!

"Ha ha ha! Taiyi Qingguang sword, really worthy of the name!" The old sword of the sword looked up and shouted, but when he was immersed in the Jimingshan here, it was cold, and pointed his hand, " Jiming Mountain is a crowd, it is a bad thing for the old man! Kill it all!"

After that, it was the whole body-shaped sword, and it flew up, and it was self-invested, and the north went!

After the old swordsman left, the battlefield of the whole Jimingshan immediately changed greatly!

The swordsman who had previously guarded the three sides of the Jiming Mountain had no scruples. They were screaming, and the flying swords at the foot flickered. They crossed the already-unknown Jimingshan to the side of Zhanxin and Han Bing!

Han Bing was sent a signal to return to the mountain. All the disciples of Jimingshan were evacuated from the battle group, and the battle has been scattered. No one dared to move under the sword of the veterans of the sword. At this time, I heard that I had to kill them all in full. I had already been confused, my eyes or my thoughts were swept away. Like scattered flies, I flew between the gaps where swords had never been closed!

"Building, assembling!!" Where does Xingxin know, this chaos, in addition to being killed one by one, there is no second ending, in the loud greeting, but also sent a signal in the air! Obviously, this signal has not been explained beforehand! A group of Jimingshan disciples saw some, some stopped, watching the sky signal, and speculating on the meaning of the exhibition Xin; and some disciples simply ignored, the body shape stopped, and quickly crossed the crowd!

Seeing some disciples flying away, the disciples who stopped are also emulating, and they are urging mana to continue to escape!

Seeing the chaos of the whole scene, only a small number of core disciples stopped and gathered around themselves. This exhibition Xin sighed, knowing that the general trend had gone, and greeted everyone: "In a formation, I will wait for a quick kill!"

Watching the disciples quickly line up, Zhan Xin turned his head to look at Han Bing, and wanted to greet the seven Qiaomen disciples to break through, but he saw Han Bing's actions in a blink of an eye, and almost his nose was discouraged. !

Needless to say, Han Bing is faster than him, and he will have come out of the boat, and the remaining nine Qiqiaomen disciples have already been on the flying boat. Under the auspices of Han Bing, the flying boat I have already flew out a dozen feet, and I saw that I rushed to the edge of the sword repair!

"Go!" A kind of tree bleak and bleak from the exhibition Xin Xin was born, but Zhan Xin did not have time to experience this sentiment, and hurriedly ordered his disciples to form a formation, and the instruments and other objects were sacrificed into triangles. Flying in the direction of the number of swordsmanship is flying!

Besides, Cui Hongjun and others are no different from the disciples of Jimingshan. When the old swordsmen appeared, they were all pale, and the real elements in the body could not flow at all. They barely kept flying in the air, waiting for the swordsman. Fly away, immediately relieved, instinct to fly away from the direction of Jimingshan!

Seeing Cui Hongjun is also the escape of Cangjie. Xiaohua is a contemptuous man, and secretly, "Cultivating the true family disciples, but this is where is it better than me to be scattered?"

However, he can't help but remind him, screaming at one channel; "No hurry! Line up in a queue, otherwise it's all dead!"

This voice is very loud, and does not bring any mana, no need to be thought-provoking, not to let people fall from the air, but also listen to everyone's ears, everyone is a glimpse! Hurry and turn back to look back!

Fortunately, Yu Leizong is also a ten disciple, no more, except Xiao Hua is still slow to fly, fell a few feet, Cui Hongyi and the dreams rushed in the same direction, the other six disciples are Break through, but the direction is scattered!

The crisis is the best experience to test people's hearts!

Cui Hongyi once again raised his eyes and looked at the swordsmen who came in like a flood!

Long sigh: "The disciples, I am the first squad of Yu Leizong, now even in the face of death, you have to die, you can not lose the face of my Royal Leizong! Let people look at the sword of the country I laughed! Just now Cui’s Cang Cang, but it was wrong, since today. Cui will not leave the step of the younger brother!"

"Not bad!" Zhen Minghui also shouted. "Even if it is dead, I will wait for the ten disciples of Yu Leizong to die together!"

"Hahaha, come here! The little swordsman of Laos, taste the power of your old lady!" Yingling is also a big laugh, and he is so free and easy, he will shoot his hand, and the lightning in the storage bag is Flying out, the glamorous swordsman who has been forced to a pregnant sword that has been forced to a dozen feet!

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