Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1016: I have a dream

"Chong Ling! Formed into a formation!" Cui Hongyi thought more, and he swept away, knowing the crisis of the whole scene, rushing to drink the impulse to stop the fight, and greet everyone still lined up in a back-to-back formation, and he followed The dream is still in the forefront.

"Grandma's, this is what Xiaoye wants to say!" Xiaohua was mad at him. This is a word he just had a hard time thinking about. He just shouted a word, and the words behind it were completely cui Hongyi and Zhen Minghui. Waiting for someone to grab it!

Only at this time, who still manages him? They are full of sorrow, and the mana of the whole body is motivated. The various instruments and magic weapons are sacrificed, not only to cover themselves, but also to protect the disciples who are close to me!

"Cut ~~~" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, the dark road, "Is there such an impulse? Is there such a dead eye? The old immortalized sword is gone, this is not the world of Xiaoye? As long as you wait for nine People don't run around, how can Xiao Ye protect you!"

Even though he thought so, Xiao Hua still took a shot. The town Yunyun, which had not been sacrificed, just flew out of the space. Once the town’s Yunyin was sacrificed, it immediately sounded a "beep" sound, and all kinds of hustle and bustle, rapid Absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and send out the brilliance of bronze color, and protect ten people in one place!

Of course, this brilliance is thin and tight, and it seems that as long as Jian Jian’s flying sword is stabbed, it will be broken!

"Xiao Hua, don't want to protect me, etc., you know that you are protecting yourself!" Cui Hongyi saw it, and his heart was slightly delighted. However, when he saw the brilliance of the magic weapon, he thought that Xiao Hua’s mana was not enough, and immediately he did not forget to warn, " Your mana is low, don't do anything high!"

"Do you manage it? I am happy!" Xiao Hua unceremoniously returned to this disciple who was born into a family of comprehension, and did not appreciate it.

"You love not to accept!" Cui Hongyi knows that he can't talk to Xiao Hua in one sentence. Because there are a few words waiting to fight back to him!

"Go!" Moreover, Cui Hongyi did not have time to swear with Xiao Hua again. A few sword repairs in the front have already approached, and the bright flying sword is either like a divergence, or like a fine needle, or like a torrent of water, and at the same time it hits Cui Hongyu, apparently preparing to make these Yu Leizong disciples all kill!

"咔嚓嚓" four thunderballs collided with each other, and a few blue and thunderous lightnings were born, and they all stabbed the flying sword that was attacked!

The dream is against Cui Hongjun. She knows Cui Hongjun's cultivation, knowing that these flying swords are definitely not something he can resist, but when she will sacrifice the bottle and want to help Cui Hongyi, the swords of the same number of flying swords are no less than attacking Cui Hongjun. The power of her attacked her!

I wondered if she should not fight if she was not going to fight. The alum next to him is also affected by Xiao Hua and others who are behind him! Helpless, she bite the silver teeth, trying to push the mine bottle, a few thunder nets flew out from the mouth of the bottle, greet Feijian!

Others did not say that they all had flying swords. Have to fully meet the enemy! Only Xiao Hua, the left and right hands kept waving, different yellow characters repeatedly waved out, fireballs, water polo, imprisonment and other yellow characters bursting one after another, and the students were blocked by a few feet. And Jian Xiu stabbed his flying swords and was also blocked by the town's defensive brilliance!

"噗" Just when Xiao Hua thought about how to escape with nine people, a white sword light passed through Guanghua. Pierce the town's cloud-printed defense!

"Looking for death!" Xiao Hua secretly said that the soul thorns came out again.

"Ah!!!!!!!" The sword repair suddenly fell from the air, and the flying sword disappeared!

"Haha, that's great!" Ling was next to Xiao Hua, seeing Jian Xiu fall, and his heart widened. At this time, there is also a fire that rushes into the town of Yunyin. In the face of the battle, there is no accident, and the sword repair using the fire sword falls again from the air!

"Hey, what's the matter!" Xiao Hua asked with amazement. "They...have they grown up in their heads?"

"Hey, who knows?" Xiaoling said with a smile, "It is estimated that God wants to be surrounded by Fanghua, and he can't bear to let him fall here. He will kill the swordsman! Xiaohua, you can follow me." !"

"Thank you!" Xiao Hua screamed, very replied with a meaningful meaning.

This way, you can be surprised!

Although Xiaohua’s Zhenyunyin seems to be only the magic weapon used in the early stage of building the foundation, Guanghua is very thin, but the ordinary flying sword is not easy to penetrate. When the flying sword is stabbed in, the swordsman who uses the flying sword will Will be inexplicable fall! For a long time, can the swordsmen not be aware of it? While trying to fight, they sent disciples to find a swordsman who was high!

Seeing the ten disciples of Yu Leizong flying side by side, they have already flown hundreds of feet, gradually separated from the front of Jiming Mountain, and came to the remote place, although hundreds of swordsmen have been surrounded for a long time. But if Xiao Hua spreads his magical powers and opens a passage, Yu Leizong disciples should be able to escape from birth, just when Xiao Hua thought about his shot, but he shouted: "Yu Lei Zongdao friends help me!"

Xiao Hua and others read it, but see the Qiyunmen’s flying cloud boat flying from the front of Jiming Mountain. There is only one Han Han, and behind him, dozens of swords with four swords The sergeant, the footsteps of the flying sword, the momentum of the chasing up!

"This is damn!" Seeing Han Bing will lead the high-ranking swordsman, how does Xiao Hua not know what he thinks? Dozens of swordsmen with five swords and swords, but there are dozens of monks in the middle of the foundation. The attack power is comparable to that of the late base. How can the ten disciples of Yu Leizong be able to cope? Presumably, Han Bing has no way to go, and seeing that Yu Leizong can actually escape steadily, this is the most troublesome thing!

Although Xiao Hua is not afraid of these dozens of sword repairs, he does not dare to fight with all his strength. I am afraid that all the disciples of Yu Leizong will be damaged. This is not only the loss of the face of Yu Leizong, but also the loss of Xiao Hua’s own people!

However, Xiao Hua is only slightly angry, and God is falling on the clouds and clouds!

"Grandma's, Qiqiaomen disciple is really good, it is more generous than Yu Leizong! Know that Xiaoye needs flying instruments, this will send the Yunyun flying boat!" Xiaohua has a new decision in his heart. "Look at the face of the flying clouds, Xiaoye will save you too!"

Xiaohua just thought about it. From the place where Han Bing is flying to the place where Yu Leizong is located, how many hundreds of feet? This time, I just fled with the Qiqiaomen disciple, which is different from the direction of Jimingshan and Yuleizong, and the flying boat is extremely fast, almost to be escaped by him! Unfortunately, he is too eye-catching, not only in the middle of the foundation, but also has flying instruments. The sword repair from the other three sides of the Jiming Mountain naturally regards him as the first target of killing, just in his breakthrough. At the moment when the sword repaired the line of defense, it was cut off by several swordsmen of the four swords!

Since it is left, the ending is not to be said. The eight disciples of Qi Qiaomen are depraved, and Han Bing is also injured. The most terrible thing is that the swordsmen of the four-five swords of the sword seem to be staring at the flying clouds. Flying in the direction of Han Bing, in order to kill this!

Therefore, Han Bing wants to fly from his side, it will take some time. It is just that he has just flew near the scope of Yu Leizong, but the two swords, one green and one red, like the twin dragons intertwined with each other. Behind the ice, only on the top of his head, Cangjie is like a funeral dog. There is no real yuan in the meridian to promote the mana of Han, no more power under this sword, the brilliance of the defense only flashes slightly. Action is annihilation! The skull fell on the fly boat, and the figure was also falling!

Only the flying boat is still in the direction of the Royal Leizong disciple!

Seeing that Han Bing was killed by the blue and red swords, many of the sharply chasing swords also slowed down the speed of the flight, knowing that this flying cloud boat already has a master!

However, their flight direction has not changed, still rushing to the ten disciples of Yu Leizong!

At this time, the hundred swordsmen who besieged Yu Leizong also stopped, waiting for the arrival of these high-level swords!

Royal Lei Zongzi face is earthy!

But see, Cui Hongqi flew up half a foot, turned back to the nightmare, and said: "The nightmare, I had a dream before, I hope that I can become a famous monk in Xiaoyu mainland! Then, I can scream for nine days, ordering the public For this dream, I left the spring and crossed the Cui family and worshipped Yu Leizong! My dream is still in Yu Leizong, but there is a dream in this dream. This dream is to marry you to my Thunder Valley. With your hands and hands, the reputation of Wanlei Valley will be revived, and then the cold eyes and cold words of others will not be allowed! However, now, my dream has not yet begun, this dream will wake up, I have not only failed to push you into Wan Lei Gu, is to bring you to the enemy! If you do not have me, you must still be in the Sky City, will not fall so early!"

"Fei Jun!" The dream will fly up, come to Cui Hongyi, reach out and hold his hand, sweet smile. "Some people have doubled, but their hearts may not be together; you and I have not double repaired, But your heart has melted into one heart! You can't be your lady in this life, you are a ghost and a ghost bride. You will have to repair with you in the coming world!"

"Good!" Cui Hongyi said tightly on his hand. "Yangzi. The husband is doing something, and it is not right. Today is the time to pray for the husband. For the husband to be the captain of this first team, it is necessary. There is a captain’s consciousness that he will die before the death of the husband! Before the death, you can get the maiden’s accompaniment. There is no regret in this life!”

Subsequently, Cui Hongyi swept the crowd and said: "Cui Mou is not talented, will lead you into the road, you will not blame Cui! Cui is now to resist those high-level sword repair, you wait Escape from the opposite direction, perhaps there is still a trace of vitality! In addition, Minghui brother, Cui, this unscrupulous teacher asked you to take care of it!"

Then I glanced at the green and red swords that had already flown to the front, not waiting for everyone to say anything, but also cold and cold to Xiao Huadao: "Xiao Hua, Cui Mou knows that you see Cui is not pleasing to the eye, to tell the truth, Cui and you The same. However, since Cui Mou got the master and the teacher's entrustment, you are the brother of Cui Mou's same door. Even if Cui is fighting for his life, it must be protecting you! Now Cui has gone, you take care of yourself. Own, sometimes you have to be too capricious!"

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