Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1017: Laozi gives you dreams

"Hey..." Cui Hongyi seems to want to say something, but seeing the green and red swords are close at hand, the fierce swordsman will sweep his black hair in front of him, knowing that he can't be the enemy of these swords. So I hurriedly stopped, pointing my hand, four red beads interlaced, flashing lightning to meet the blue sword light, and against the nightmare is also rushing to promote the mine bottle, very tacitly greeted the red sword light!

"Captain..." Zhen Minghui and others are all in tears, and their hearts are really mixed, I don't know what to say.

At this time, an unparalleled pressure emerged from behind them, and with the pressure, it was a kind of slanting world, and the pressure and the momentum continued to soar, rising straight!

A crazy hurricane was born from the center of the momentum. The speed of the sweeping range of dozens of feet, the swordsmen in the chest, whether high or low, are standing in the air!

Not waiting for Yu Leizong’s disciples to understand what the situation is, but seeing a golden light born from behind them, they only feel that their eyes are bright, and they hear the sound of “咔嚓咔嚓”, which is screaming, Easy Han Bing killed, at this time it is a few swords that want to kill Cui Hongjun and the red-browed swords that have been killed by the nightmare in this golden light! Not only that, but the green and red swords actually cut off the tip of the sword in the golden light!

"Hey! This is what Lao Tzu wants to say, how have you been robbed? If you are waiting to die here, there is still no face on Laozi?" But listening to the sound of Yu Leizong familiar with the sound, but It used to be lazy, but now it is irritating!

"You want to have a dream, then Laozi will give you the opportunity to realize this dream!"

"The chapter update is the fastest" and everyone waited to turn around, but see Xiao Huawei's wind flying high. Both hands are the law of incitement. On top of his head, a phoenix law floats out of the air, and the scarlet phoenix body is unfolding with more than 30 feet of wings. The wings are flashing between the wings, and there is a sound of wind and thunder, while under the phoenix body, sharp Double-claw, blue Yingying's thunder "Lightning"!

That imposing, that pressure, will be released from the body of this phoenix!

"Xiao... Xiaohua..." Yu Leizong disciples are stupid!

Cui Hongjun and the nightmare are also stupid. But then, in the eyes of Cui Hongjun, there is a flash of Ming Wu, and finally understand that everything that the master brother Xiang Yang said is not empty! Behind this realization, there is a burst of fear, and the horror of the heart! Cui Hongjun’s heart. I immediately met Xiaohua when I was building a base on the Leifeng Peak, and all the things I had with Xiaohua came out one by one!

Until then, Cui Hongjun realized how much Xiaohua was tolerant to himself, or how superficial he was. He claimed to be a brother in front of a brother who was much higher than himself, and he was also a brother. Such disrespect, such a contempt and depreciation! Although Xiao Hua did not shoot at this time. Cui Hongyi can clearly understand that, at any time, Xiaohua knows how to stretch his hand and his life is not guaranteed! I am really ignorant and fearless!

"But... what's wrong with Cui, then?" Waiting for remorse and horror. Cui Hongyi is proud to think, "Xiao Hua is just a mess, but it is a step more than Cui Mou! If Cui Mou is an afterburner, he may not be able to lose to him!"

Not to mention that Cui Hongjun’s mind has turned sharply. Look at Xiao Hua again, "Go~""" Xiaohua, like the demon god, will shake, and the phoenix body "song" will sing a clear sound, flashing its wings, and rushing to Cui Hongyi before, the two claws wave, count The huge thunderbolt is thrown at the swords that are going to fly to the clouds and clouds!

The swords of these two swords and three products tried to resist this thunder and lightning. One body was black and black, and the force stood firm in the air, while the other one fell directly on the onion!

"But it's just a body!" A whispering swordsman in the distance said, "Come around them! I can kill him with a sword and a sword!"

After listening to the reminder of this swordsman, a group of swordsmen who were stunned by Xiao Hua suddenly realized that they were coming up from around!

Xiao Hua’s phoenix law body will catch the clouds and fly, and the wings will fly back! At the same time of spreading the wings, countless small lightnings are struck from the tip of the wing, and the flying swords that the monks flew are flying!

"Fast on the flying boat!" Xiao Hua will give a hand, Tengqiu shears once again across the sky, but also cut several flying swords, and rushed to command Zhen Minghui and others under the protection of Yunyun.

Zhen Minghui and others just woke up like a dream at this time, and flew to the clouds and clouds!

When Zhen Minghui fell on the flying clouds, he immediately untied Han Bing's storage bag, and found the jade slip from it. He hurriedly immersed himself in the search for the control method of the flying clouds!

"Cui Hongwei, can't you wait?" Xiao Hua stunned Cui Hongjun, who was still standing in the air.

"Why should Cui be on?" Cui Hongjun said coldly. "You hide in the past, is it necessary to give Cui an embarrassment at this time? Just want to see Cui's joke??"

"Shenzhen rumored the first thousand and seventy-seven chapters of Laozi to give you a dream" "Cut ~ who is patient to see your joke?" Xiao Hua retorted his lips, "Every time you rob Xiaomou, Xiaomou wants to say it is too late!" ”

"Cui Moening died do not want to be blessed by you!" Cui Hongyi said reluctantly.

"Ha ha ha!" Xiao Hua is also laughing. "If you don't have a master and a master, if you are my disciple, then I don't want to take care of your life and death! Just... you are thinking about being free from Laozi. The favor is not too late??"

"You..." Cui Hongyi suddenly thought that the opponents of the Royal Leizong disciples had fallen from the air inexplicably, and it was inevitable that it would be Xiaohua’s means!

"Ha ha ha, is it too late??" Xiao Hua is very comfortable at this time, will cover the big sleeves, Cui Hongyi has no resistance, and is immediately made by the sleeves!

"You go up!" Xiao Hua originally wanted to throw Cui Hongjun into the dreams of the dream, but he could turn it around and swallow the big sleeves, which was to throw Cui Hongyi on the flying clouds.

"Thank you Xiao Shidi!" He escaped from the nightmare and smirked and laughed. Then he followed Cui Hongyu on the flying boat!

"Go!" Xiao Hua will give a hand, the town cloud prints a big light, fly to the top of the clouds, and protect the flying boat tightly!

"Which doesn't want to fight, you have to fight with Xiao!" Xiao Hua saw the matter properly, and waved his hand. The smashing and smashing was suspended in the air. The huge phoenix body was also awkward, turning to face dozens of bright swords and five products. The swordsman on the left and right roared.

A group of swordsmen saw the arrogance of Xiao Hua, and did not feel a slight stagnation.

"Shenzhen rumor" "I am going to kill you!" A tall man, like a tower of a strong man, holding a flying sword like a long stick, flying away from afar.

"Oh, but it is the five swords of the bright sword, actually dare to challenge Xiaomou!" Xiao Hua snorted, and his arm smashed, and the huge phoenix body volleyed!

"Glyphs and small tricks!" The strong man danced the long sword, the long sword was like a wind wheel, and the hurricane was born from the long sword. It was just like the phoenix of the phoenix body!

"Hit!" Xiao Hua sneered, scorned, but saw the phoenix volley of the phoenix body is caught, a thick thunder is born from the chicken feet, straight hit the brawny!

"噗" but see the brawny is not nervous, will be a mouth, a blue Ying Ying projectile will fly out, long winds, and instantly become the size of the fist, then Lei Guang is hit this thing!

The huge thunder of "Zi La La" actually wraps around the beads, and is slowly absorbed by the beads!

"Sleepy Thunder Pearl? Grandma's, this is actually the magic weapon of my Royal Leizong!" Xiao Hua was furious, this is a strike of Li Wei, actually was broken by this, how to not let him angry!

"Kill!" Xiao Hua did not hesitate, urging mana, that Tengqiu scissors flashed again, this time the golden light is more successful, almost like a golden dragon flying like a strong man!

The brawny sneer, will take a hand, regardless of Xiaohua's phoenix body, actually holding a long sword, horizontal is to cut to Tengjiao!

The "silk" sounded softly, and the thick long sword was wiped with the golden light!

Jinguang not only crossed the long "" sword, but also crossed the body of the strong man!

The brawny looked incredulously at the sword that had been cut into two paragraphs. The look on his face was very dark. It was obvious that the gods were heavy, but then the brawny looked down on their own waist, but saw that place. The red line gradually flows out, and the moment is like a **** waterfall!

Then, the strong man's lower body fell off, and the strong man himself fell into the air.

"Oh, death is dead, things can't be wasted!" Xiao Hua's voice was ringing again, but the long sword and the strong man's storage bag that was broken into two sections were held in his hands.

"Silk!" A group of swordsmen took a breath, and the figure retreated again!

At this point, the disciples of Jimingshan have basically been wiped out, the sword repairs a lot of damage, and the rest are gathered together, actually nearly a hundred!

"I am going to fight you!" Not waiting for Xiaohua to challenge, the old man of a six-sword sword is flying out, cold and cold, "but it is the beginning of the foundation, with the help of the bloodline!"

"Ha ha ha ~" Xiao Hua laughed, will hand a little, "The sword went, this is Xiaomou! You are a sword swordsman, but it is dead!"

"Go!" Xiao Hua did not say much, the phoenix law body flew up, the smashing shears also passed through the air, and attacked the old man!

"Hit" but see the old man waved his hand, a blue light flew out, the sharp sword gas immediately filled with dozens of feet, like the autumn cool moon!

"Taiyi Qingguang?" Xiao Hua wakes up and suddenly knows why the old man is not afraid of cutting!

"Old mortal to pick up your phoenix body!" Xiaohua's phoenix body has just flew up, a swordsman who is very similar to the old man's looks is also flying out, waving his hand, the same blue sword fly out!

"Double Swordsman? Wood Sword!!!" Xiao Hua is a dumbfounded!

"Banglong" really, the lightning of the phoenix body was blocked by the wooden sword, and can not build merit, and the smashing cut with the Taiyi blue light quenched Feifei sword hit in one place, are unscathed!

"It's really deceiving too much!" Xiao Hua was speechless. Two swordsmen with six swords and swords were dealing with oneself, and they should be shameless!

Ps: There will be a second more immediately (to be continued.)


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