Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1018: Which dare to die?

"Going" Xiao Hua seems to have infinite mana, and will wave his hand, and the smashing scissors will fly out again, and the claws of the Phoenix body will still be caught!

"哼" two old people have some disdain, but when Tengyi cut through the eyes of the old man holding the Taiyi Qingguang flying sword, suddenly it was accelerated, flying toward another old man, at the same time, Phoenix The claws of the body are also crossed over to the old man by another old man!

These two changes are too fast, and the distance between the two sword repairs is not too far away. In a blink of an eye, Tengjiao shears and Leiguang are hitting two people!

The monks who watched the battle were all shocked!

"Ha ha ha!" The two monks were not in a hurry, actually laughed, the two incited the inexplicable sword, the same blue flying sword in the hand actually swayed, "咔嚓" Tengqi cut in the seemingly wood The blue flying sword of the sword can be spattered by Mars. There is no damage at all. The two old men actually exchanged the blue flying sword in their hands with the secret technique!

Sure enough, the lightning of the phoenix law hit another flying sword, the same as the sinking sea, and did not see any power!

"Great!" The swordsmanship was almost amazed from the bottom of my heart.

However, their praise is too late to be sent out from the bottom of my heart, and the situation in the field is greatly changed! The swordsman only looked at the blue flying sword that swayed in the hands of the old man. Xiao Hua was moving at this time. He did not use any royal thunder. He only urged the thunder, and in the blink of an eye, he flew away from himself. Before the recent old man!

At this time, the Tengqiu cut just hit Feijian!

"The chapter is the fastest update" "Oh? Is this monk broken?" The swordsmen’s eyes were removed from the flying swords. Naturally, Xiao Hua’s unconsciously close to the old man was not surprised. After all, the Taoist monk's body is weak, and Xiao Hua does not seem to be a physical repair. The body of Jian Xiu is much stronger than the Taoist monk. The close fight is the last killing of Jian Xiu!

"Hey?" The old man naturally jumped, but then the mouth of his mouth was scorned, and the blue flying sword in his hand shook a little, actually to Xiaohua.

"Go to hell!" Xiao Hua was sneer, screaming, and there was a dark rifle in his hand, and he was rushing to the chest of the old man who was close at hand!

"Ah? The magic device?" The old man is naturally also aware of the goods, at first glance is to see the extraordinary silver, but he is too late to wake up, how much Xiaohua strength. How fast is the speed, the old man only feels a powerful enough suffocating wind to blow his face, his flying sword has just swayed a trace, the magic gun is piercing his chest!

"Ah~" The old man screamed and his figure had not fallen. Xiao Hua did not stop at all. One turned and Ming Lei smashed out and quickly rushed to another old man. When Xiao Hua turned around, he still remembered to take the old man’s storage bag and the blue flying sword into the space!

"Ah!" With the fall of the old man, his twin brothers are also stinging! Seeing Xiao Hua's rapid rush, his eyes were red, and the flying sword in his hand crossed a blue light. Sprinkling all over Xiaohua, it seems that Xiaohua will be cut into pieces!

"Pit pit ~ ~" a light and light whistle, flying swords are cut on the silver plaque!

Although Feijian did not make meritorious deeds, "" After all, it will block Xiaohua’s plan of deceiving himself.

"Ah!" Just when the old man spurred Jian Yuan and wanted to make magical powers again. The exclamation of Jian Xiu was heard around!

The old man is slightly stunned, but then the golden light is in front of him. Tengyi cuts through the golden light in the air, and the old man is split into two halves!

Xiao Hua is mainly based on Tengjiao. With the help of 虬 虬 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Ha ha ha, who is the enemy in the bright sword!!! Which dare to die!" Xiao Hua laughed, and took the storage bag and the blue flying sword, and shouted loudly!

"Don't ignore him!" A majestic voice sounded. "This monk is delaying the time, let me wait for him to kill him, so that the monks on the flying boat can escape! I don't have to worry about it alone. My order is divided into two formations, an overall attack, a monk attacking the flying boat, and an attack!"

"Grandma's, finally came out to understand!" Xiao Hua was shocked, he unfolded the phoenix law body wings, blocking the swordsman outside the 30 feet, and it was a mana cost, killing Li Wei is exactly like the swordsman I want to protect everyone on the clouds and clouds!

What he fears most at this time is that these swordsmen are lined up!

Of course, Xiao Hua is not afraid of himself, but he is afraid of hurting everyone on the flying boat! Moreover, until this time, it did not fully reveal the strength, and he did not want to be fully revealed so early!

Seeing that with the commander of the swordsman, hundreds of swordsmen began to line up outside the dozens of feet, Xiao "repaired the gods of the thousandth and eighteenth chapters who dare to die to die" Huashen is to lock the swordsman However, I know that even if the swordsman is killed, it will not help, and it is better to think about how to escape!

"Starting" Xiao Hua roared, the phoenix body flew again, the wings of more than 30 feet were opened, and the two claws were suddenly caught in the bow of the flying clouds, a few dozen flying instruments Just like a small wooden boat!

"Go ~" Xiao Hua's body shape flies, and the thunder and thunder show up, not far away, a group of about twenty people just formed the formation is to rush, that Tengjiao scissors is turned into a golden light Xiao Hua’s head!

But see the phoenix law body wings flashing, bursts of wind and thunder above the ears, the road lightning thundered around, the two claws cling to the flow of clouds, followed by the body of Xiao Hua, rushed to the front!

"Fast!" That sword repair can not think of Xiao Hua actually rushed to himself, rather than the gap, immediately swayed the sword and urged Feijian to hit Xiaohua!

"Go!" Xiao Hua’s face was dull, while driving the smashing shears, slashing across the sky, sweeping straight into the front of the swords, and driving the town’s clouds to fly in front of them to block the attack. !

"Ah~ ah ah~~~" The swordsman repaired again and again, and I didn't expect that Xiao Hua was not wearing a flying sword to cut his own flying sword, but wearing it from the gap of Feijian, directly killing himself, etc. Understand it, and where is it too fast to cut, a few screams, several swords in the middle were cut into two paragraphs! Moreover, the Tengxiu scissors only crossed an arc in the middle of the air, and actually came over again from the bottom up, and several swords were repaired and prevented from being split into two sections!

Then look at the flying sword that attacked Xiao Hua, which was blocked by the town cloud printing. With the fall of the "Shenzhen rumored" multi-sword repair, several flying swords were taken away by Xiao Hua!

"Escape~" Seeing such a heart-wrenching killing of God, Xiaohua has only one word in the sword of the rest of his life!

"Hey!" The phoenix body screamed and screamed like a meteor, grabbing the clouds and flying the boat, followed by Xiao Hua from the gaps of these escaped swords!

"Fast, block them!" With the majestic voice sounding, Xiao Hua was in front of a group of thirty-something swordsmen who kept the formation coming over.

"Ha ha ha! Kill!" Xiao Hua has already touched the method of killing Jian Xiu. He did not hesitate to cut the smashing and flying out. Just like the same, two golden light passes, and there are more than a dozen lives. And Xiao Hua has received a dozen dozen flying swords!

"Grandma's, unfortunately, there are not many storage bags!" Xiao Hua is still a little far from Jian Xiu, although he has received a few, but more is still falling!

Waiting for Xiao Hua to rush out of this team, the eyes suddenly open, and no swords in front of the team are in front of him. Only a dozen swordsmen saw him appear, and immediately swarmed back, fearing that Xiao Hua’s smashing shears Fly to them!

"Catch!" Let Xiaohua hate the sound again, Xiao Hua coldly turned back, but see the calm red sword, the square-faced middle-aged swordsman is commanding two teams of swordsmen to chase themselves, Xiao Hua did not hesitate, his body shape turned back, and his hands swayed and shook his brilliance, and rushed to the swordsman!

"Ah!!" The middle-aged swordsman couldn't think of Xiao Hua actually turning around. When he was horrified, he hurried to a team of swordsmen to escape. The swordsman was also frightened by Xiao Hua. When he saw Jin Guangfei, he immediately fled. """ What is the formation of the team is just behind the head!

"Ha ha ha!" Xiao Hua laughed, his body sank in the air, his hands waving, and the dozens of storage bags that fell fell in his hands, and then turned around again, urging the phoenix body that was parked in the air. Fly to the distance again!

"Ha ha ha ~" Xiao Hua's unscrupulous laughter fluttering in the air, a group of swords repaired to hundreds of people, but no one dares to catch up, even if you say more than one word are not dare! It seems that I am afraid that Xiaohua will turn again!

Silent and silent, only the wind of hunting is still the same.

After a long while, I don’t know which sword repaired the voice, and muttered: "This is not... it seems that it is not a disciple of Jimingshan. Look at the Lei Xiu’s spell... It should be a disciple of Yu Leizong! I wait... I wait. Not counting the orders of the seniors of the sword!"

This sentence is like a spring breeze, all the frozen swords are blown up, and the faces are ready to be alive. "Yes, this is really too high!"

"Don't listen to him? Under the sword, there is no rival. I just wait for the sword to be repaired. How can I live?"

"Well, Yu Lei Zong is no better than Jiming Mountain, the famous big school, they actually sent disciples comparable to the magic sword in the first stage, it is not what I can imagine!"

"But it!" The middle-aged sword repaired in red-red swords also appeared at this time. He put his hand on the road. "Go and clean up the mess! Kill the chickens in the mouth and kill them all! The storage is also taken away! The Royal Leizong disciple is gone, but how long will there be a Taoist disciple coming over, I can't make mistakes again!"

"Yes!" A group of swordsmen did not dare to neglect, hurriedly acted, or destroyed the dead, or searched for the stone, but it was arranged early and orderly.

Not to mention that Jian Xiu attempted to make Jimingshan a success. He said that Xiao Hua drove the phoenix law with a stream of clouds and flew for a dozen miles. Xiao Hua’s Buddhist knowledge did not leave Jiming Mountain at all. When he saw that Jian Xiu did not catch up, his heart was also put down...

Ps: The third is still the evening (to be continued.)


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