Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1019: Still no way to reconcile

Seeing a flat mountain in front, the eyes turned, and the face immediately sallowed, and the phoenix body began to tremble. Then there was a sigh of sorrow, the two claws were loose, and the flying clouds were falling over the mountains. While the phoenix body is in the body of Xiao Hua, the town Yunyin and Tengyi scissors have disappeared!

What makes everyone most worried is that Xiao Hua’s figure is swaying, and plain white is falling from the air!

"Xiao Shidi! Xiao Hua!!" Ming Hao and Ling Ling shouted at the same time, first flew down from the flying clouds, and rushed to Xiaohua.

Alum is naturally a bit faster, and I will hold Xiao Hua!

"Grandma's!" Xiao Hua opened in the air. "Su Qing, Qiu Yu, these two things, you have saved you since the younger brother, seeing the devil's mana exhausted, even the flying boat is not down, but let Two women have been repaired. Xiaoye still wants to faint for a while, now it’s alright, where is it!”

As a result, Xiao Hua opened his eyes slightly, and his body broke free from the arms of Ming, and barely stood in the semi-airway. "Thank you for your help! Xiaomou is fine!"

"It doesn't matter, Xiao Shidi!" Alum was extremely concerned. "If you can't fly, let you fly with you!"

"Well, there is still a whole body!" Ling Ling arrived at this time, and his face snarled, "Xiao Hua! You... you are too brave! It is too much to expect!" You are really... my wife is happy!"

"Don't be so much too much!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and looked at the flowing clouds on the mountain. He said, "Let the Minghui brothers quickly clarify the flying boat!"

"Well, I am waiting to go!" Nod. "If it doesn't work, fly first!"

Wait until Xiao Hua swayed before flying to the boat. Under the control of Zhen Minghui, the flying cloud boat slowly flew up.

"Xiao Shidi, come up!" Zhen Minghui was very intimate and shouted, "It’s all stupid for the brothers, until this time you can control the flying boat!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua did not say much, and with the Ling and Ming dynasty on the flying boat, the flying boat crossed the beautiful arc in the air, with everyone flying toward the north. The more flying, the more stable!

Above the flying boat, Xiao Hua just sat down, and the dream was to come over and smiled and said: "Xiao Shidi, if there is still mana, unravel the shackles of Hongjun! I just tried it and it has no effect!"

Xiao Hua saw Cui Hongjun lying down on the flying boat. His face is very ugly, shaking his head: "Good teaching and learning, I know, there is no mana in the younger brother's meridians! This imprisoned younger brother is difficult to open at this time, or grievous Cui Daoyou for a while!"

"It’s still Cui Daoyou!" I didn’t say anything to my dreams, but I was shaking my head, though. Since Cui Hongyi and Xiao Hua are at the most critical juncture, they are able to stand up and give up their lives to protect each other. No matter what the reason is, it is the enthusiasm of Master and Master, and it is the embarrassment of the brothers and teachers. It also shows the affection of the Wan Lei Gu brothers! Compared with those who have a slap in the face, the Xiao wall of the same wall is not as good as the door. So there is nothing to be nervous about the nightmare!

In her heart, she is actually vaguely thinking. Xiao Hua may not be intentional at this time!

"Xiao Shidi, this is Kui Pudan, you have to take it quickly!" Su Qing hurriedly handed over a medicinal drug, and he apologized. "I just had a slap in front of my brother, and I didn't have time to fly for my brother!" ”

"Oh, nothing!" Xiao Hua smiled and took the medicinal herbs. He said that he took it, and he sat down next to his work!

He usually takes Qingling Dan, which is really less powerful, and it is simply not good! Anyway, he is also a masterpiece. He has a slap in the way of tea. He opened his eyes and saw other people sitting next to each other. His eyes were fixed on his eyes. He really wanted to see himself from the inside out. !

"I don't have anything to look at?" Xiao Hua looked down and asked.

Seeing Xiao Hua stunned, everyone was stunned and busy: "No, nothing!"

Xiao Hua got up and walked to the side of Cui Hongyi, reaching out and grasping the void, just like condensing heavy objects!

Cui Hongyi suddenly felt that the whole body was light, just as the feeling of pressing the heavy objects was swept away, and he stood up from the flying boat.

"Hongjun~" hurriedly walked over to the nightmare, and stretched his hand, holding his hand very sweetly.

"The nightmare!" Cui Hongyi is also a tender feeling, holding the soft dreams against the nightmare, the two are four eyes, although they have nothing to say, can be worth a thousand words, after the test of love and death, can be better than Jin Jian!

"Xiao Hua, I can't think of you being so profound!" Cui Hongyi's hand was held against a dream, how could he not know the beauty of the woman? After thinking about it, I said, "In the face of hundreds of bright swords, the monks can escape freely!"

"What's more!" Xiao Hua grinned, "Xiao Mou also killed several swords!"

"Yeah!" Cui Hongyi nodded, "Cui Mou... thank you for your help!"

Said, Cui Hongyi actually released the hand of the nightmare, ready to marry!

It’s a pity that Xiao Hua only raised his hand slightly. Cui Hongjun’s hand can’t be worshipped anyway, just like the sun in the past!

"No need! Xiao Mou said, if you are a disciple of Wan Leigu, if you are a disciple of Yu Leizong, Xiao Mou does not care so much!" Xiao Hua is restoring the former lazy, even with Cui Hongjun is somewhat opposed to the dry tone.

"Okay! The big left is not to thank you! If you don't worship, don't worship!" Cui Hongjun was not polite, straight up and said.

"Well, this is a cool person!" Xiao Hua nodded, "It is a little Xiao's style!"

Cui Hongyi was blown away by the wind, and he did not hear it at all. He tried to ask: "You obviously have such a powerful cultivation, almost... almost the same as the master! You... why? Don't reveal something in front of Master? At least, his old man can be happy!"

"What is this about you?" Xiao Hua glanced again and asked, "Since I want you to say this, Xiao Mou repair is so high, then you can call Xiao Yisheng brother. ?"

“Impossible?” Cui Hongjun said coldly. “Cui Mou is the first step to build a foundation. It is naturally your brother! If you want Cui to call you a brother, you can make a step in Cui to Jin Dan!”

"This is what you said!" Xiao Hua said with no anger, "Xiao must look at it, who will reach Jindan first!"

"Hey!" Cui Hongyi smiled again and stunned Xiao Hua. "According to the cultivation of Xiao Daoyou, it will certainly be a step closer to Jin Dan than Cui Mou! But... Xiao Daoyou can't forget, when you were Refining, Cui Mou built the foundation, how do you call Cui Mou!"

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The people in the thunder palace, as well as the Ming and Hee Ling until they heard this, really understand, where is the contradiction between Xiao Hua and Cui Hongjun!

These two people actually went to the name of a brother, almost no one to live and die, if not forced to do with sword repair today, the two may even become the family of the world!

"As for what?" This is everyone's idea!

Yes, as for?

Perhaps it is the anger of the two young people, perhaps the opposition between the family and the scattered, perhaps a misunderstanding that gradually deepens. Who knows the specific reasons?

"But, you love not to call!" Xiao Hua waved his sleeves, and sat on the side, a few green Ling Dan into the mouth, closed eyes to practice. He is not afraid of thousands of swords, but what about the old man of the sword? He took the innate gold mother, and the veteran of the sword obviously knew that there was a congenital golden mother in Jimingshan! If you are looking for Xiao Hua? ?

"Ming Hui brother, I will take the jade of the boat to the younger brother!" Cui Hongyi ignored Xiaohua and walked to the side of Zhenminghui. "The younger brother also came to help you control the flying boat!"

"Oh, yes, Han Bing's storage bag is Xiaomou, and the jade slip of this boat is also copied to Xiaomou!" Xiao Hua, who was quietly repairing, suddenly opened his eyes and whispered...

"It's stingy!" It's not just Cui Hong's heart, but all the disciples of Yu Leizong are born with the same thought.

"And... this is a cloud-flying boat, waiting until the Sky City is near, Xiaomou is also going to collect it!" Xiao Hua did not care about what they thought, and the words were not surprisingly endless, "Let the Seven Secrets disciples look Come, or let our teachers see, where are we still?"

"Okay!" Cui Hongyi nodded. "This is a flying boat. It is Xiao Daoyou who grabbed it. I don't have any other ideas. When I get to the place, I will go on immediately!"

"Hey, you are all the first squad of Yu Leizong. You can ride at any time after the flight of the clouds. Xiao will definitely not accept your Lingshi!" Xiao Hua explained the matter, and his heart was finally settled. Closed eyes began to practice.

Cui Hongyi and Zhen Minghui looked at each other with a look of gratitude and bitterness.

Needless to say, today can escape from Jimingshan, all relying on Xiao Hua, without Xiao Hua's shot, the Royal Leizon these nine people have no vitality, look at the seven people of Qiqiaomen, you can know The end of the royal Leizong disciple! Moreover, with Xiao Hua here, it is said that today, even in the future, in the battle between Daozong and Jian Xiu, they have no doubt, but also a little more life-saving opportunities! ! However, just like Cui Hongyi’s previous horror, Zhen Minghui’s heart is also very doubtful! Xiao Hua’s performance just now is not a simple performance of the mid-term strength of the foundation. He can kill the swordsmen of the six swords of the sword, and scare hundreds of swordsmen to chase. If there is no Jin Dan’s strength, It is absolutely impossible to do it! Jindan strength! Cui Hongyi dreamed of dreaming, but I didn’t expect it to appear in Xiao Hua, who had always looked down on him!

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