Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1020: hide

Think again about Xiao Hua’s unpredictable means, the phoenix body of more than 30 feet, the wind thunder above the body, the thunder and lightning controlled between the chicken feet, the thunderous body of the thunder, and the swordsman’s defense Off, a gun that will kill a gun, um, and a golden light flash, even the shape of the magic weapon has not seen, it has already taken the magic weapon of human life! These are any magical powers that make them want to break their heads!

Can they not bitter? When you think about taking the blue crab, can you not slack off? That thing is simply not into the eyes of others! What did Xiao Hua do? It is definitely going to find the place where the blue crab is. I am still excited about the big Taiqing Qingguang, and people are looking for the reason for Taiyi Qingguang. This gap... is not in the air!

Unfortunately, they are still too small Xiaohua, not to mention that Xiaohua’s strength is only less than 50%. Even if they know that Xiaohua has received the innate gold mother, they will not be able to meditate for a few days. Of course, the premise is that they know what a congenital mother.

Xiao Hua thought it was different. He thought while practicing.

He has some Nahan, how can the old swordsman take a flying sword from the hills of Jiming Mountain? This flying sword is tempered with the innate gold mother? Or is it to absorb Taiyi Qingguang under the congenital mother?

"Maybe it is the same!" Xiao Hua thought of the blue crab. If there is a flying sword that absorbs Taiyi Qingguang under the Jiming Mountain, how can the Taiyi Qingguang leak out and be obtained by the blue crab?

"Grandma's, I know that there are such powerful flying swords under the innate gold mother. Why don't the younger look down? The flying sword is better than the innate mother!" The prestige when flying the sword. Xiao Hua is almost drooling! "Small master took the flying sword, can you kill hundreds of swordsmen without a sword?"

"In addition, the swordsman of this country is really long-term, and actually smelts Feijian in my country. If the younger brother does not come here occasionally, this congenital mother is afraid to be taken away by the sword of Shuguo!" The voice of Xiaoye is really not covered!"

But think about this congenital mother-in-law, but hundreds of monks in Jimingshan have changed. Xiaohua’s heart is a bit stunned. This sword-repair war has just begun, and hundreds of monks have died in front of themselves. Even in his own hands, he has harvested the lives of dozens of swordsmen.

"The cruelty of the war!" Xiao Hua thought involuntarily, and at the same time thought of Zhang Yutong and Zhang Yuhe who met at the Yuxian Conference. The two female swords seemed to be excellent!

"Cui Captain~" Zhen Minghui of the boat suddenly thought of one thing and hurriedly said, "I will wait until I see the shocking brother, how to report it? Is it necessary to come out of this situation?"

"Oh, yes," Cui Hongyi is also awkward. Jimingshan has gathered thousands of sword repairs. Needless to say, their movements must be told by Yu Leizong. If they do not report, they may have to bear the crime of not reporting. But what if you are obituary? The only thing to say is. It is the repair of Xiao Hua! But Xiao Hua’s cultivation is that Master is helpless and he is hiding. How can he let them speak out? Although Xiao Hua did not warn them, and did not let them make any vows, Cui Hongyi knows. Xiao Hua definitely does not want them to say it!

And there is one more crucial thing, just fortunate! Xiao Hua is here. They have hopes of life, Xiao Hua is not here, they may be overwhelmed by the wave of sword repair at any time, no big waves, just a small wave of Jimingshan will sink the boat! If Cui Hongyi puts Xiaohua's strength on the ground, he doesn't have to think about it. He will guess with Cui Hongyi's heel. Xiao Hua will definitely be drawn from his first team of Yu Leizong!

At this time, Cui Hongjun really knew that the things that Yan Xiangshan Ze said by Yang Xiang were not fabricated, and everything was done by Xiao Hua! He is the same door of Wanlei Valley, the real baby!

"Ming Hui brothers think that Cui should respond?" Cui Hongzhen thought before thinking, but he still had some ideas, but still can not decide, the voice asked.

Zhen Minghui looked around, the voice of the thief's eyebrows said: "Is that still used to say? Your brother is so powerful, isn't it the bodyguard I am waiting for? How can I let him run?"

"Ming Hui’s brother means..." Cui Hongyi’s eyes lit up and smiled. "I will only say the result, not the process?"

"That is of course!" Cui Hongyu said, "and this result should be said early! You don't forget, there is no disciple in Jimingshan to escape. How can we not have things to say? They won't be able to go. Check out the sword repair!"

"Well, indeed!" Cui Hongyi is not a person who is arrogant to Xiangyang. His brain is a smile. "And Cui Mou’s token of Jimingshan is in his hands. It is impossible for Zhanwang to die after giving death to Cui. ”

"Ha ha ha, that's it!" Zhen Minghui listened, and did not laugh out loud!

"You..." With the nightmare and other people sitting cross-legged, it is not cultivation, but to calm down the heart, carefully remember the dangers just now! Suddenly I heard that Zhen Minghui smiled and didn't feel open.

"Well, you are waiting to come over!" Cui Hongyi waved and said with a smile.

Of course, this beckoning also includes Xiao Hua's, but Cui Hongyi knows that Xiao Hua will not blink.

Sure enough, except for Xiao Hua, the other eight people gathered together. Cui Hongyi said something about the discussion with Zhen Minghui. Finally, he said: "Cui is ready to tell the shocking brother that he had been before the swordsman attack. I’m leaving from Jiming Mountain, I don’t know how you think about it?”

"Of course!" The first hand raised the ball, "Xiao Hua is Xiao Hua of our first team, I don't want him to go!"

"Well, Captain Cui said it very much!" The nightmare is also a reconciliation. "The war has just begun. I have to wait for my own future. Since I have explained the situation of Jimingshan, I have reached this. The purpose of coming to Jiming Mountain! Not even not completing the task! I agree with it!"

All the people had no objections, and Cui Hongyi took a look at the hand. He took Han Bing’s storage bag from the top of the boat and didn’t look at it. He handed it over to the dream. “The nightmare, this is the family’s Xiao. Hua, you give it to him! Don’t let him remember when he cultivates!”

"Yes, I know all about it!" I looked at Cui Hongyi with a smile and turned to Xiaohua.

This stream of clouds and boats said that it is not big, saying that small is absolutely not small, although there is no quiet room to rest, but there are ten feet long, ten people are very relaxed.

Xiao Hua was sitting at the stern of the stern. When he heard the dream come over, he opened his eyes and smiled. "Is there anything wrong with the teacher?"

Of course, I don’t think Xiaohua doesn’t know what happened just now, but I still smiled and handed over the storage bag. He smiled and said: “This is Han Bing’s storage bag. Hongjun let me bring it to you! In addition, about The thing about Jimingshan, he has already said, definitely not talking to others!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua took over the storage bag, and the same thing was to look at it or not to look into the income, and it seemed to be careless. "It’s good, everyone doesn’t have to swear.”

"Sure enough!" In the heart of the dream, Xiao Hua did not intend to reveal it. Cui Hongyi did it right.

"Thanks to the teacher, this place is far from what the Sky City is!" Xiao Huadao, "We don't have to hurry, just like the speed of the previous flight, otherwise it is not easy to explain! In addition, the younger brother has to retreat. If there is nothing important, don't bother!"

"Okay, I know all the time!" He nodded with a nightmare, and turned back.

"Well, let the clerk take the storage bag and take it with you. It is obviously the same as you have taken it. This is obviously a compromise, but it still has a strong face. Really!" Xiao Hua closed his eyes again. He laughed and said, "How does Xiao Ye say that you are also your brother? Since you have this meaning, Xiaoye understands it!"

On the nightmare, Xiaohua’s words were relayed to Cui Hongjun. Cui Hongyi nodded and gestured to understand. Then he sat down with his knees and controlled the flying clouds with Zhen Minghui!

Jiming Mountain is not too far from the Sky City. At the speed of the Thunder Boat, that is, more than half a month, the flying clouds can't match the Thunder Boat, but it only takes 20 days to fly. However, Cui Hongyi was not in a hurry. He flew for thirty days before he came to the left of the Sky City!

Seeing the city of the snowy area like the pillar of the sky in the far distance, Cui Hongjun and Zhen Minghui descended the boat and shouted: "The younger brothers, the front is the Sky City, I have to abandon the boat." ”

"Yes" should be a cry, all the disciples are coming down from the clouds and clouds, Xiao Hua is unceremoniously hand in hand, and the clouds fly into the space!

"Go!" Cui Hongyi put his hand in the air and did not stop here.

"Oh, thirty days later, I will pass in a blink of an eye. Xiaoye’s cultivation is limited by growth!" Xiaohua thinks that it is different from everyone else. He has to face Yuan Ying’s monk, and there is no pressure. of! Seeing that the Sky City is just around the corner, it is really possible to meet a quiet person, he has to feel, "If it can be closed for more than a decade, how wonderful!"

"Stand up! What kind of disciple are you waiting for?" The snow scene near the Sky City is naturally different from that of the Jiming Mountain. Cui Hongyi and others are flying and talking about the Yushu Qiongzhi, the snow and the snow cover, suddenly it is from the sky. There was a scream, and a dozen monks in armor showed their stature.

Cui Hongyi looked at the younger middle-aged monk in the front, his brow furrowed, stopped, and said, "Who are you waiting for?"

"I am waiting for the city of Tiancheng, in Song Jiejie!" There is nothing unpleasant about the building of the city, and watching the robe of everyone is a smile. "Do you are a disciple of Yu Leizong? Do you know... ..."

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