Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1030: There is no trace in the sky, and the wind and snow return to the night.

"Ha ha ha!" Xiao Hua was happy. He immediately thought of Di Diheng. This is a dude. In these respects, there will be some exquisiteness. If you put it together with this night, you can talk about it at the time. Is a laity, where is there such an idea?

Xiao Hua said with apologetic apology: "Good teachers believe that the night Taoist friends know that Xiaomou does not like the mellowness of spirit wine, prefers spirit tea. In fact, it is a kind of preference. It doesn't mean anything. I am Xiaoyu on the mainland. There are so many different kinds of spiritual teas that have their own unique features. Xiaomou also likes them! Although the friends of Daoyou are different, the aura inside Lingcha is not good for cultivation, but they can win in the fragrance. That is a kind of scent that is almost deep into the soul! Other words, Xiaomou can't tell!"

Xiao Hua Ming Ming feels that it is a vernacular, listening to the ears of the night, but also a bright light, thumbs up: "Da Yin Xi, elephant invisible! Xiao Daoyou, really word beads, Xiaosheng admire!"

"Grandma's, how did Xiaoye never think?" Xiao Hua touched his nose. If he was only a foundation monk, he would really feel that this night's flattery is ulterior motive! Moreover, I think that I am uncomfortable in front of the family of Cui Hongyi, who is so respected in the face of the extraordinary children of the night, and some small tails are uplifted.

"Come, Xiao Daoyou, drink another cup." Midnight is a refreshing teapot, "However, this cup of Xiaodaoyou can taste it!"

"Don't ~" Xiao Hua's eyes turned, blocking the teapot.


Xiao Hua sighed: "Two cups are enough! Let Xiao have a thought! If you drink again, Xiao is afraid that he will not drink other teas in the future!"

"Haha. Nothing!" Smiled in the middle of the night, turning back to the strong man. "Fulu, you took some Lingchao and sent it to Xiaodaoyou!"

"Yes, young master!" The strong man clenched his fist and turned to go out.

"Don't be!" Xiao Hua still shakes his head. "It is the spirit tea that is finished after all! Xiaomou..."

"This way!" Midnight whispered.

"Young Master!" The brawny whispered, "This fragrant man..."

"Nothing" midnight seems to have a decision, will take a shot. No mana fluctuations, just take a small bag from his arms and hand it to Xiao Huadao. "This is the tea of ​​the fragrant people, and the jade that was planted, Xiao Daoyou please accept it!"

"Oh? Midnight friends really know my heart!" Xiao Hua was unceremonious and reached out and smiled. "Since then Xiao is not missing Lingcha!"

"Young Master!" The brave man who called Fu Lu saw Xiao Hua so uncourtesy, some annoyed, reminded.

After seeing Xiao Hua in the middle of the night, he took the bag away. He did not even say thank you. First, he was a big man, and he immediately rejoiced. Turning his head to Fu Ludao: "You don't have to say it. Xiao Daoyou is so arrogant, it is a rare monk, there will be nothing!"

"Yes!" Fulu had no choice but to look at the bag that Xiao Hua had taken away. It seems to be a sigh and bow down.

The brave man is so cautious. Xiao Hua is still upset! He is a spiritual tea that likes this fragrant man, but he has never reached the point where he said it. It is purely a natural reaction of a small family. Whatever things you like are in your hands, especially spirit grass. At this time, I saw the reaction of others. I already know that this spiritual tea is definitely a small one, or it is rare that I don’t know.

Xiao Hua hesitated, and the bag did not have any room for income.

Midnight is very keenly aware, laughing, and waving: "This spiritual tea is rare, the whole Xiaoyu mainland is afraid that only my family has it! And the ordinary land will not grow, this is within the jade. Record! So the servant is a little worried, but since Xiaosheng can meet Xiao Daoyou, and also benefit a lot, this little tea is nothing, of course, if Xiao Daoyou has the heart, this thing is passed away!"

In the face of the midnight night, Xiao Hua suddenly felt a light heart, and reached out: "A word is fixed!"

"Oh?" Seeing Xiao Hua’s outstretched palm, he hesitated again and again, and then reached out and hit him on the palm of his hand, laughing. “A word is fixed!”

Midnight's hand is very cold, like ice, but Xiao Hua is also confused, scratching his head and thinking, "Midnight friends... What kind of grass or medicine do you need? Maybe Xiao can help. !"

"No, no!" Smiled in the middle of the night, "Don't say that Xiaosheng doesn't need any elixir, even if it is used, it can't be needed at this time! Otherwise, isn't Xiaosheng not going to take the opportunity to swear? That's boring!"

"Hey!" Xiao Hua smiled and took the small bag. He took out a message. "This is Xiao’s message. If you have a good night, you can contact Xiao!"

However, looking at Xiaohua’s message in the middle of the night, he did not reach out and asked, “Is it a good time to say goodbye to Xiao Daoyou?”

Xiao Hua touched his nose with another hand, and smiled bitterly. He didn't have time to drink tea with this family. He didn't want to find the sensor of the cause and effect. It was better to go back to Ruizong's resident cultivation!

Seeing Xiao Hua's bitter smile, the night's eyes flashed a trace of disappointment, but shook his head: "Life is like a long river, turbulent, people who meet every day do not know how much, this day can meet Xiao Daoyou, that is A fate! The wave of this fate is splendid in this place. If it is strong to stay in tomorrow, it may not be the taste of this. It is not as good as the encounter, Xiao Daoyou... If I have a fate, I will definitely see each other in the future!"

"Ha ha ha, it is!" Xiao Hua listened to the night when he was similar to the words he had just said, but his heart was also laughing. He shrank his hand, and the message was received. He got up and said, "That Xiao Xiao was disturbed, Xiaomou said goodbye." !"

"Xiao Daoyou is not polite, I don't know where Xiao Daoyou is going?" asked him up late.

"When I go to the snow, I will make a snowman, and I will search the sky without a trace. The wind and snow will return to the night!" Xiao Hua said, and walked away!

Midnight listened to the eyes and showed up, it seems that this is very cast his mind, and that Fu Fu eyes are full of swords, only Xiao Hua as a liar to fool the tea to go!

Just as Xiao Hua stepped out of the grass, the night suddenly said: "Xiao Daoyou, Xiaosheng wants to go to the easy collection of the Sky City, do you have any friends?"

"Easy Set???" Xiao Hua listened, hesitated, he is a fun and easy to set, but with a person next to him, afraid that it is not appropriate!

Immediately, Xiao Hua thought of the ups and downs of the night, turned his head and smiled: "The midnight friends have a request, how can you dare not?"

"Good!" A smile appeared on the face of the night, and told Phlo, "You wait for me to clean up and wait for me in front of the collection!"

"Young master! Small..." Fulu naturally did not worry about going to the night.

"It doesn't matter, there is Xiao Daoyou!" Waving wave of the night, impatient.

It is a pity that it is Xiao Hua who is not at ease. It is necessary to talk in a hurry.

"Take him!" Xiao Hua smiled. "There are more bids for the sons of the night, and some people help to get things!"

"Oh, okay!" One night, I immediately understood Xiao Hua’s remarks, and a smile appeared on her face.

Out of the tea house, the face is endless snow, Xiao Hua smiled: "I have to wait for the snow?"

"Nature!" The midnight stalked, "Xiaosheng is going to realize the thoughts of Taoist friends!"

"Hey~ It’s a spoiled family!" Xiao Hua secretly shook his head, and immediately thought of Cui Hongyi. "Unfortunately, Cui Wei has no such thing as midnight. He has only a stupid scream!"

Just as Xiao Hua secretly compares himself, but seeing the night, he will raise his head and look around. Then he will be a pair of hands, and gradually become a rhythm. Then, along with this rhythm, there is a very sad and heroic lyrics. From the midnight mouth, "the cold wind is bleak, the snow is drifting, the long road is long, and the song is going on. Looking back at the stars, the past is like a cloud, and when you remember to leave, you will stay in the snow!"

"Hey!" Xiao Hua heard the blood spurting, seems to see the midnight in the snow to leave the beautiful couple, alone in the snowy loneliness! "No wonder this is a lot of sadness when you see the poor road in the snow. It turns out that this is also a sad person! However, he must be noble and have any sadness? Oh, maybe not, everyone has everyone. The troubles, everyone has their own sorrow!"

Unconsciously, Xiao Hua also thought of Hongxia fairy who had not seen for a long time, and Xue Xue who had not retired.

Unconsciously, Xiao Hua is also a slap in the face: "A good snow in the middle! Wait for the poor road to meet you in the snow!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua also began to clap, the rhythm is similar to the midnight: "Snow in love, snow in love, snow in the dream is not awake, infatuation for a lifetime of tears! Snow in the line, snow in the line, I am alone in the snow, how many heroes You can't dream of your dreams, only you can walk with your dreams!"

"Good, good, good!!!" After listening to the night, people wouldn't like the brows, their faces rose red, and they reached out and grabbed the hand of Xiao Hua's high-handed grip. "A good snow, a snowy, The only one who can walk with you can pursue the dream!"

"Boom!", Xiaohua's mind is hot, "Dream! Dream!! Dream!!"

He seems to think of something...

"I really let Xiaosheng feel!" Midnight still feels Xiaohua's abnormality, saying to himself, "The lyrics of Xiaosheng are occasionally obtained, and I have never thought of the appropriate next section. Xiao Daoyou not only came up with the next section, but also made a wonderful surprise. The snow in the middle of the snow and the snow! Xiaosheng, this Sky City is really a line... Xiao Daoyou, Xiao Daoyou..."

"Oh, nothing!" Xiao Hua heard the call of the night, only to wake up from the chaos, he did not recall anything.

"There is a disease!!!" At this time, a few monks in the early days of the foundations flew past them. When they saw the two people singing so much, they did not feel the words and then flew away...

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