Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1031: This silly hat

"Haha, I am sick!" smiled in the middle of the night, "the world is sober, and Yu and Xiaodaoyou are sick!"

"Ha ha! It is exactly!" Xiao Hua hand-in-hand cold hand, still stepping on the snow, step forward.

Behind them, there was a trace of anxiety on the face of Fulu, followed by a sneak peek.

"Is this easy to collect?" Seeing the front ten dozen feet, the crowds are like weaving, the huge arches of Guanghua overflowing, Xiao Hua is very curious, this lively situation is completely different from the cold streets that have passed before!

"It's not easy to say, this must be an easy collection!" The night's mouth showed a hint of ridicule. "The world is full of good fortune, and the world is good for the future! Even if it is a Kendo war, the profit-seeking people are still there!"

"Khan!" Xiao Hua secretly wiped himself, isn't he the profit-seeker?

The collection is naturally different from the street, and there is a huge prohibition on it. Not only is the vision clear, but even the snow is separated from the ban!

After paying a lot of expensive Lingshi, Xiao Hua and the middle of the night entered the easy set, within the set of restrictions to limit the mind, can not be very far, Xiao Hua caused by the eyes, but the Yi Yi set is afraid of a few miles, vertical and horizontal The corridor forms a grid of the same size, some of which are empty. Some lattices are filled with monks, and various kinds of spirit grass, medicinal herbs, etc. are placed in front of them, waiting for the inquiry of others!

"What do you want to find in the middle of the night?" Xiao Hua glanced and smiled.

Shake his head in the middle of the night; "There is nothing to gain, just walk around and see!"

"Well, Xiaomou is also such an idea!" Xiao Hua nodded, pointing his hand at random. "I will wait here!"

"But listening to Xiao Daoyou's instructions!" Midnight was restored to modesty and courteous.

The collection of the Sky City is similar to that of Jingbo City, and the rules are the same. But if anyone can see the things in the grid, they can go up and negotiate with the owner of the grid to see if they can change what they want with the price or thing they feel is right!

However, Xiao Hua at this time is not Xiao Hua of Jingbo City. How can he see the ordinary things in his eyes?

However, on the wrong side, Xiao Hua is watching with relish, a lattice and then a lattice look. Or you have to stop and talk to the owner of the grid.

However, what surprised the Midnight was that he had gone for nearly a meal, and the two did not go far, and Xiaohua did not change anything! Midnight does not feel a little impatient.

"Oh? Midnight friends, do you want to go somewhere else?" Xiao Hua was aware. I asked back.

"It's not true!" Midnight is very honest. "Xiaosheng feels that since he doesn't have what he needs, he can leave, wait until he finds what he wants, and then stop the inquiry is not too late! Xiao Daoyou does this. Let Xiaosheng be puzzled!"

"Haha, midnight friends, Xiaomou is a laity, I want to see what is cheap here!" Xiao Hua said with a low smile, "especially. Some people think that there is no use, Xiao is extremely cheap. I got it. I am very happy!"

"The niche is puzzled! The useful things should be matched with the spirits of the people! The useless things don't want the stone!"

"Isn't that the joy of coming to the collection?" Xiao Hua certainly did not understand the idea of ​​the night.

"Let's do it," said the night and said to the front. "After two hours, there is a bidding meeting on the front central auction platform. Xiaosheng is waiting for Xiao Daoyou in the southwest corner!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua is also a smile, nodded, and he still looked down to see the West.

"Young Master! This is obviously a low-level foundation monk in Yu Leizong. If you look at his cheap, it is not an elegant person! Why do you personally go downstairs, personally serve tea, and make such a relationship "Going far, Folu whispered.

"Hey, Fulu, where do you know, don't say that Xiao Hua is a monk who built the foundation. Even if it is a loose repair, even if it is a common man, he can have the spirit of snow, and the sadness of snow, that is... My companion! Companion! Do you understand?" The corner of the night has a trace of strangeness. "I didn't expect that I could meet the companion in this city. If this is not Xiaohua, I really only know the meaning of the companion, I don't understand. The taste of the companion!"

"But, less... young master! He is just..." Flow still has to say.

However, I put my hand in the middle of the night and stopped him. I said coldly: "I don't know much about Xiao Hua. However, I think that this is above the mainland, I am afraid that only he can be my friend! I have to live this life. This companion is enough! You can wait until you know this! If you leak it out, be careful of your dog life!"

The calmness and decisiveness of Midnight, where is the pedantic in Xiaohua’s image?

"Yes, I don't dare!" Fulu's face changed slightly and he said.

"Let's go, and go to the front to see, there is nothing good in this collection of the Sky City!" said the night, but in my mind, it is the appearance of Xiao Hua and the owner of the booth, but do not buy it. A smile.

Xiao Hua didn't feel that he was a friend of the night. He just thought that the night was very frank. He was originally a spoiled person. It was normal to be stingy!

"Oh, how can there be some small bones in this lattice?" Xiao Hua looked a bit, a little surprised, took a few steps and smiled. "This friend, the poor road is somewhat puzzled!"

"Oh, it was the Taoist friend of Royal Leizong, please tell me!" The owner of the plaid replied with a smile on his face.

"These bones... Is there any use? Someone will either?" Xiao Hua pointed his hand.

The monk was stunned and looked up at Xiao Huadao: "Yu Leizong just came to the Sky City, and the Taoist friends are afraid that they have not yet gone out of town to fight?"

"Yes, this is the case. How is it?" Xiao Hua Wei Wei.

"Good teaching friends know that this bone should be a million monds. I wait for the disciples to kill Jian Jian. In addition to their medicinal herbs and Lingshi, there are naturally millions of storage bags. Something from Mengshan!"

"Haha, indeed! The poor road really did not expect!" Xiao Hua stunned, and then thought of the many storage bags that he had seized. This way, time is tight, and Ling and others are also by his side. He really does not have time to sort out those storage bags. Moreover, the owners of these storage bags are just bright swords, which is far less than Li Xiubai, so Xiao Hua also lacked the enthusiasm for search. At this time, I heard the party know that there may be some good things in Jian’s storage bag!

"Daoyou, how do these bones cost?" Xiao Hua asked unceremoniously.

"Since it is the Taoist friend of the Royal Leizong, it can be considered as a side-by-side battle. This white bone is a Snapdragon!" The monk at the beginning of the building was very "generous".

After listening to this, Xiao Hua said nothing, turned around and left!

"Hey, this Taoist friend, what? This is gone? If it feels expensive, then two bones and one bur Bodan!" Seeing the bones that no one has ever asked, suddenly asked, how can the monk Let go of Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua turned back and screamed at the white teeth: "Daoyou can really lie to the next! This thing is not used by the sword repair, my Taoist monk is even less used, even half a stone is not worthy, you Actually, the lion has a big mouth, which makes it open to the next?"

"嘿嘿~" The monk Xiaohua turned back and knew that there was still a play, and lost his smile. "How to say this thing is also the slogan of killing the sword repair, can not be sent white!"

"Well," Xiao Hua heard the word "white delivery". It was natural to stop and walk back. "These bones give you two pieces of spiritual stone!"

"Ah? Just two!" The monk listened and shook his head. "Daoyou, you still go ahead, this thing is poor and you keep it to commemorate!"

Xiao Hua slammed his mouth and smiled. "What do you mean by keeping yourself? It is better to let the next look at the eyes! This way, a Kududan, this is the bottom line. If you don't agree, you are in the bottom." Going away!"

Kui Bodan is of course more useful than Lingshi. Although the monk is somewhat reluctant, it can be seen that Xiao Hua really has no hesitation. He just nodded and said with a hand: "But it depends on the Taoist friend!"

"Well, don't be so reluctant!" Xiao Hua threw a Kuipan Dan out. "If you haven't been fighting with the sword, you haven't seen these bones. Otherwise, this one will not give your!"

Said, Xiao Hua will wave his hand, many white bones are income storage bags, turned and left!

"This silly hat!" The monk was really laughing in the heart, and he was happy to put Kuopan into the storage bag!

"This silly hat!" Xiao Hua, who turned around, smiled. "You don't understand this thing. Xiaoye knows it, and he can't say that there is a practice of soul repair!"

Oh, it’s all stupid, who is it? ? ?

Just after a moment, in a grid, Xiao Hua saw a few white bones, and even a dilapidated slap in the palm of his hand. The white scorpion’s shackles are stunned, not to mention, this is again Millions of whith things!

"Grandma's, it's hard to be above this easy set, how much is this ruin?" Xiao Hua thought it was going up, and the "stupid hat" that continued with the "stupid hat"!

Sure enough, it was really suspected by Xiao Hua that there are so many white bones on the top of the collection, which are all taken from the swordsmen by the monks, and the monks do not understand this, which is almost a year. The squad is placed here, no one will be exchanged with medicinal herbs or Lingshi, that is, Xiao Hua is interested in viewing! However, Xiaohua is also a lot of medicinal herbs, Lingcao and Lingshi. It’s easy to change it, and the price is slowly lower! He had just handed the stone to the monk of the first grid, and then the monk with the bones or millions of Mengshan in the grid immediately greeted, and the price given was of course low!

"Grandma's! This is not!" Seeing the monks along the way looked at him, Xiao Hua scratched his head. "This way collecting millions of Mengshan things will definitely attract the attention of others, or use it!"

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