Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1061: Fierce bird repair

I saw that these three swordsmen are extremely thin, dry and abnormal! And the face that looks like a cockroach is extremely prominent. The nose and mouth are forward, like a bird, and the scorpion in the eyes is yellow. The gaze is very sharp and full of fierce!

"Avian repair!!!" Cui Hongyi and others will understand that this is the bird repair that they have been warned several times in the Royal Leizong resident of the Sky City.

"Call~" That was the bird repair of the monk who attacked the early stage of the building. When he took both hands, Cui Hongyi saw the hands in the robe and slender, and it gave off a sharp cold, some yellow feathers between the faint The color is emitted from the robes! With the wave of the bird's hands and hands, a powerful air wave spurred, the body shape of the bird repaired and flew out, and crossed an arc in the air to rush into the defense of Cui Hongjun!

"Going" to Cui Hongjun's Leizhu has long been sacrificed. With the mana urging of Cui Hongyi, it is to strike in front of the bird repair! However, where is Raymond more flexible than bird repair? One of the Leizhu just flew to the front of the bird repair, the bird repair only slightly waved his left hand, the whole body is like a flying bat, Lei Zhu slides down the back of the bird repair, and the bird repair hand has already found the forehead of Cui Hongjun prior to!

"Silk ~" Cui Hongyi This is the second time I saw such a fast flight. I was shocked. When I took a breath of cold, the hair of the whole body was upside down! The hands are naturally waved in succession, almost a reaction to the general defense spell!

However, how can this rushed law smash the bird attack? Heaven and Earth Aura has not yet condensed, it was crushed by poultry repair!

Cui Hongyi can almost perceive the sound of the wind blowing the birds between the claws. The sharp cold light is still reflected in Cui Hongjun's eyes, the situation is too urgent!

Naturally, the early monks who had been entangled in the poultry were also rushing to push the cyan ring-shaped implement to the back of the bird. However, it is obvious that the bird repair does not care about this green ring, and does not add defense at all, preferring Cui Hongyi who is injured and injured.

The weird thing appeared. When Cui Hongyi was eager to send the other two Leizhu, the poultry repaired and screamed, and the whole body’s robes were straight, like the feathers under the robes. It seems like it. The two claws couldn't hurt Cui Hongjun, but turned back to protect their brains, among the orange eyes, flashing panic!

"Hit!" Cui Hongyi saw, the other two Leizhu flying out, the opportunity to collide with each other, a thunder light instantly gave birth, the thumb-sized lightning is hitting the bird repair!

"Zi La La" Blue Yingying's Lei Guang will completely cover the poultry repair!

At the same time, the Taiqing dynasty monk that Qinghuan is also hit!

A blunt sound of "噗". The khaki brilliance appeared on the back of the poultry repair, and the poultry repair was knocked down by a few more! but. The bird's face is just a flash of light yellow, the wings are on display, and it is going to fly!

"This bird repair... is too powerful?" Cui Hongyi was very surprised. He couldn't catch a blow from Qinghuan, let alone the thunder of Leizhu!

"Hit!" Until this time, the same stage of the foundation of the foundation of the Qiu, only to sacrifice their own device Lei Net. However, the timing of the thunder's thunder net was just right, and it fell on the bird repair when the bird repaired its wings. I will trap the whole bird at once!

"Good!" The monks of the Qing dynasty almost touched the palm of their hand, hurriedly urging the whole body of mana. The blue ring flashed intensely, and the magnificent light was magnified, giving birth to a strong force of imprisonment to cover the bird, and then it was from the top. The next bird cover was repaired, and then it was rapidly reduced. Tightly fix the bird tightly and firmly!

"Chong Ling ~" Cui Hongyi was overjoyed, hurriedly greeted the hands of Lei Yin, and wanted her to attack with Lei.

However, a few feet away, Ling Ling is the instrument that urges Lei Yin to hit the water blue brilliance. Where can I help them?

"Look at Xiaomou!" At this time, Xiaohua’s voice sounded, and Cui Hongyi looked back. Xiaohua slowly flew in the direction they had just flew, and the town’s Yunyin, which had not appeared for a long time, had been sacrificed by him. In the middle of the air.

"Ah? Xiao... Xiao Hua??" The monk who was too Qing dynasty saw the color of the surprise, and even named Xiao Hua!

"Oh, He Daoyou, I have to meet again!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, this monk is not a monk, it is the source of the foundation that Xiao Hua forced to build on the Yuxian Conference!

"Xiao Shidi came to help me!" Seeing Xiaohua's town Yunyin actually had three feet in size, and its khaki brilliance overflowed. The earth's aura was also formed, and He Fangyuan was a big celebrity.

"Go!" Xiao Hua repudiated the mantra and pointed his hand, but seeing the deafening sound of the town's cloud-printing "banging up" toward the bird repair is to smash the past!

The town Yunyin flies to the height of the bird's head, and the strong force of the imprisonment will cover the bird repair! It is difficult for the poultry revision to break away from the Qinghuan and the Thunderbolt. At this time, it is even more motionless. The whole body of the whole body has been smashed down and looks like a flat shape!

"Boom" town cloud printing will fall down, no suspense to repair the poultry into the ground, waiting for the town Yunyin once again slowly pulled out, the concave will go down the ground, two groups of flesh and blood blur revealed! The small group on it has a lot of feathers, colorful and colorful, it is the body of the poultry, and the next is the ordinary humanoid corpse!

"Big good!" He Fangyuan was amazed. "I don't think that the magic weapon that Xiao Shidi got in the past is such a powerful power. He really envied He!"

"He Daoyou smiled." Xiao Hua pointed his hand, and Zhen Yunyin flew in the air, slightly shrinking, and protected himself. He laughed. "This thing is good, but the speed is too slow. It was trapped by He Daoyou, Xiaomou was afraid that he could not use the town cloud to kill it!"

"Oh, there is a disadvantage that there must be a disadvantage! Why should Xiao Shidi be too perfect for pursuing perfection?" He Fangyuan read the other disciples and knew that with the support of Yu Leizong’s disciples, he had completely moved back the previous situation and stopped. When I came down, I smiled at Xiao Huadao. "And, this magic weapon seems to have been repaired by Xiao Shidi. The power is also getting worse! Xiao Shidi is not satisfied with it?"

Speaking of this, He Fangyuan thinks like it, and blinks his eyes: "However, according to He knows, Changbai Zong seems to have a more famous Haiyin than the town Yunyin, which is more powerful than this. Even, and the speed of flying is faster, it is in line with what Xiao brother thinks!"

“Oh? Over the sea?” Xiao Hua shook his head. “Xiao seems to have never heard of it!”

"Well, that thing hasn't been seen for a long time! I heard that it was lost, but Changbaizong does not admit it! However, I am a sect of Mongolia, how can I not know? Even He knows how others know." Changbaizong is just deceiving himself!" He Fangyuan explained, but then he felt that it was inappropriate and hurriedly said, "Hey, Xiao Shidi, Hemou can not irony what you mean, you should know!"

"Ha ha ha! Nothing!" Xiao Hua waved hand, "He brother is still looking at other disciples, the situation is still not in the chest!"

"Yes, Hemou knows!" He Fangyuan vowed, "Please ask Xiao Shidi to help me again! This repair and poultry repair are a bit weird, quite different from the records of the sects, if there is no town cloud seal and... Thunder and other magic weapons, I am afraid that it is not good to kill!"

"Xiao knows!" Xiao Hua glanced at himself long ago, and joined other battle groups, Cui Hongjun, nodded.

The opposite of the nightmare is an instrumental repair, the body of the repaired body is full of orange-red light, connected with a big fireball in midair. The brilliance of the fireball is extremely splendid, and there is more than a foot of fire burning outside the brilliance.

This original repairing enemy is a disciple of Tai Qingzong who is wielding sharp hooks in the hands of the Qing Dynasty. Although the sharp hooks are also extremely fierce instruments, under the attack of the fireballs, some red flames are faintly burned. On top of it, the hooks are somewhat distorted, and even the Taiqing disciple has an inexplicable anxiety!

In the dream of the thunder bottle, the purple buckle of the inverted buckle is like a rain shower, and the fireball is pressed down. The flame is not only concentrated in the orange brilliance. The light that repairs the whole body is also dimmed by more than 40%! The whole body of the repairer is actually one with the instrument!

"嘎嘎~" The fireball repairs the eyes differently from the previous bird repairs. The red beat is like a fire pillar in the air, and the sneer in the mouth has a stiff feeling that the instrument rubs. With the sneer of the fireball repair, but see him will be a vertical, a fire column born from him, "嗡" is the fire ball rushing to the air!

"呜呜~~" The fireball creaked in the pillar of fire, and the color gradually changed from orange to red, and it turned out to be blue! What makes the monks and Taizong disciples feel worse is that with the change of the color of the fireball, the shape of the fireball is also changing, and it gradually begins to expand, and then it is blurred!

"Hit ~" Do not hesitate to succumb to the nightmare, but also to force the mana, a thunder drop, cover the fireball!

Similarly, the disciples of the Taiqing dynasty urged the mana, and the sharp hooks crossed a snow in the air, directly falling within the pillar of fire!

"唧唧~" A shrill scream came out of the fireball. Among the thunder, the pillar of fire evolved into a flamingo, and the wings were extremely vivid. More than a dozen rockets were born from the wings of the firebird. Thunder strikes the riddled hole! Moreover, while the flamingo is waving its wings, the cyan cockroach is swiftly smashed out, just on the hook!

"Ah!" a scream, the face of the Qing dynasty disciple has been whitish, the law in his hand is moved, the hook flies back from the fire bird's mouth, and a small thumb-sized round hole appears at the hook. It is the bird of the flamingo that is penetrated!

Ps: The monthly ticket is enough, today's three more ~

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