Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1062: Working together

Seeing that the repairs were so powerful, I was tempted by the dreams, and once again urging the mana, but this time it changed the law, "sucking" but listening to the nightmare, and it was a thunder net, that Leiguang overflowed in the thunder net, the thunder bottle and then the thunder net gave birth to a powerful attraction. The fire of the flamingo was swayed and slowly put into the mine bottle!

The fireball is repaired slightly, and at this time his whole body fire column has been gradually extinguished, leaving only the orange-red light and fire connected to the firebird. The suction inside the mine bottle is quite large, and the fire between the repairing and the firebird is There are signs of being provoked!

"嘎~" The fireball repaired again and screamed, and there was a whirlwind around the body, which seemed to be stimulating the aura of heaven and earth. At this time, the four Leizhu descended from the sky, and they fell in front of him, which is the four Leizhu of Cui Hongjun!

The four thunderballs were swept in the front and rear of the repairs, and the rapid impacts were struck together. The two thunders were born at the same time in the face and back of the instrument!

The fireball repair is obviously not careless. A hand that flashed with fire was lifted slightly, blocking his face, as for the thunder behind his head... I just ignored it!

The thunder of the front door of the "咔嚓嚓" face was blocked by the device, but the repair of the device was obviously miscalculated by the lightning of the double-click of the Thunderball. This thunder is much stronger than the thunder in the bottle of Menglei. This thunder light actually passed through the fingers of the repaired fingers, hitting the front of the face repairing door! This thunder alone can only hurt one hand of the device, and it is hard to hurt the vitality of others. At this time, the thunder of the brain after repairing the brain is also hit! Just between these two lightnings, it is a faint, lavender thunder! This thunder is extremely small, like a hair, but the power of this thunder is extremely strong, and the brain of the repairing device is broken! A crack that is not visible to the naked eye is born from the eyebrow of the instrument!

"唧唧~" The flamingo at this time is also a scream, and the same crack appears in the forehead of the firebird!

"Big good!" In the heart of a dream, a joy, a sudden force to force the mana, the suction is stronger three points! The Firebird finally couldn’t support it, and the screams fell into the mine bottle!

Seeing the flamingo falling into the mine bottle, the dream was immediately hesitated without hesitation, and the mine bottle was to fly back to her hand! At this time, the mine bottle suddenly rose again, and some red light was born! In the mouth of the Lei bottle, the splendid flame is born, it is the brilliance of the firebird and the repairing institute. The mine bottle is actually moving in the direction of the animal repair!

"Hit!" Cui Hongyi was once again screaming, four Leizhu in the air across four strange arcs, and two or two came together! Two thunders were born again, and the slamming, tandem, and smashing of the body has been extinguished, revealing the repair of the ordinary body!

"吼~" is a big repair, where can you let Leiguang hit yourself again? The figure flew toward the dream, and in the mouth, it was a spurt of three smoldering fires... "Receive!" Seeing the dreams on the other hand, on the one hand, the flying evasive device was repaired, on the other hand, it was tried hard. Move the mana, take a shot, simply ignore the changes in the mine bottle, and repair the thunder bottle with the device repair, you must put it into the storage bag!

Leizhu is extremely fast, and when it collids, Leiguang collapses! The repairer had no choice but to turn a head, and the three fires spurted into one of the thunder, which drowned the thunder!

That is to take advantage of this opportunity, against the dream of a sudden reminder of the real yuan, the mine bottle disappeared in her hands, income came to the storage bag!

Look at the fireball repair, with the income of the firebird, the brilliance of the body, the eyes are also showing panic!

The light behind the "咔嚓嚓" repair hit the repair.

"Ah?" The device screamed and fell, and a thumb-sized wound appeared behind his back!

"Big good!" Cui Hongyi saw it, and his heart was overjoyed. After knowing that the instrument was repaired, the power of defense was greatly reduced. Although this Ray-Leads could not be as big as the fist in the imagination, it is effective. ! Then it was to urge Leizhu... The disciples of the Qing dynasty can naturally see it, and resist the damage of the instrument, and also urge the hook to help Cui Hongjun!

"Grandma's, this Cui Hongyi actually knows the truth of the yin and yang!" Xiao Hua in the "protection" of the town Yunyin, will see Cui Hongjun's work clearly, his phoenix law inside the male and female two beasts Dan is relying on the two yin and yang dynasties, giving birth to thunder and using the technique of mine-leading. Of course, it is very sensitive to the two lightnings of Cui Hongjun. "The two beasts of this scorpion are still in the lord's In the space! He is afraid that he doesn't know? But, look at him like this, Xiaoye is still unhappy, and I will have a chance to talk about it later!"

"The master used the Raider Nei Dan to give birth to the ceremony. Who will give birth to this dream? Now it is the kendo war, but what kind of moth!" Xiao Hua looked thoughtfully, Look at Cui Hongyi and look at the nightmare, quite... intriguing!

The remaining battle groups don't have to elaborate, with the help of Yu Leizong's disciples, especially with Xiao Hua's Zhen Yun Yin, the endings of these repairs and animal repairs have long been decided! However, half an hour, six repairs and three animal repairs were killed by the Taiqing and Yu Leizong disciples together!

Tai Qingzong is a well-known martial art in Mongolia. Its status is higher than that of Yu Leizong. However, at this time, the disciples of the two factions have been suffering together, and there are scars left by the opponents. Have the blood of the enemy!

Not to mention that the Royal Leizong disciple came to save the Taiqing sects, and the captain of the Taiqing squad was old with the disciples of Yu Leizong at the beginning of the building. Seeing the remaining seven disciples under his hand Tai Qingzong's medicinal herbs were handed to the Royal Leizong disciple intimately. He Fangyuan sighed and flew to Cui Hongyi. He said: "The poor road is too Qingzong He Fangyuan, thank you for your help." It was the old knowledge of Xiao Hua that year, and I haven’t asked Dao’s name to be famous!”

After He Fangyuan escaped from danger, he talked with Xiao Hua a few words, but at that time, Cui Hongyi had already assisted in the nightmare. Xiao Hua avoided talking about Cui Hongjun's affairs. Until then, He Fangyuan did not know Cui Hongjun's name.

Although Cui Hongjun’s heart is somewhat dissatisfied, Xiao Hua’s strength can be placed here. If it is not Xiao Hua... To be honest, he may not dare to fight. At this time, he listened to He Fangyuan’s politeness, and people’s peaks in the early stage of foundation building. Where can you dare to neglect? He hurriedly said: "The poor road Cui Hongyi, with Xiao Hua is a disciple of Wan Leigu. Cui Mou is the captain of the first team of my Royal Leizong. This is also a coincidence, just passing through this place, but it is related to He Daoyou. !"

(To be continued)

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