Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1063: Mysterious "Changbai Zong" seniors

"Really, indeed!" He Fangyuan glanced at Xiao Hua, who stood next to him, and smiled. "He was very close to Xiaohua Xiaodaoyou at the Yuxian Conference. I couldn’t think of the martial arts battle in the Sky City. The disciple rescues, this captain is also the younger brother of Xiao Daoyou..."

"It is a brother!" Cui Hongyu whispered.

"Senior brother? Oh..." He Fangyuan was a little bit stunned. He took a look at Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua was actually a girl who didn’t hear it at all. He was a little surprised. He obviously felt that Xiao Hua’s mana exceeded Cui Hongjun, and if Cui Hongyi is the brother of Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua should introduce Cui Hongyi just now. Since Xiao Hua did not introduce it, he certainly thought that Cui Hongyi was the younger brother of Xiao Hua!

However, He Fangyuan also turned around and smiled: "In short, He Mou really has a relationship with Yu Lei Zong!"

"Unfortunately, Cui is still coming late!" Cui Hongjun saw a few Taiqing sects to clean up a few corpses on the ground, knowing that it was a disciple of the Qing Dynasty, and comforted.

"Hey, if Cui Daoyou doesn't come, I am too Qing...you can ruin the whole army!" He Fangyuan smiled, then he looked up and looked at the distance, frowning. "Actually... if there is a strange confused monk Even if Cui Daoyou and others come to help each other, I am afraid..."

"Oh, how do you say this?" Zhen Minghui and others took the medicinal herbs, and they all came forward to see him with He Fangyuan. After Cui Hongyi and his party ended, Zhen Minghui asked very strangely. Of course. When he asked, his eyes swept through Xiaohua inadvertently.

"It's weird to say it!" He Fangyuan is still confused. "Before Cui Daoyou and others came. About a tea time, came a confused monk! Well, shock the friends to see the two The corpse of the repairer? Is there a sword mark worn by the forehead?"

Said, He Fangyuan will point his hand to the distance, it is the two tall and tall, than the Cui Hongyi they dealt with the device to repair a high body!

Zhen Minghui’s thoughts were swept away, and his eyes flashed with horror. He nodded: “Yes, it’s! The skin of this device is hard and hard, even the magic weapon is hard to make merit. This sword mark? It’s not the sword repair. ?"

“Sword repair? How is it possible?” He Fangyuan laughed. “If there is a sword repair here, where will there be life like me? Jian Xiu can’t kill it! This is the place where Changbai Zong’s predecessors Why?"

"What predecessors, what the **** is going on? Please let me know!"

"These two devices are the most powerful of these dozens of repairs!" He Fangyuan said on the face of the embers, "He's clavicle ring hits them, just like playing on the magic weapon." They can't hurt others at all, and their magic weapon is even more powerful. They should have the attacking power of the mid-term peak of the building. He and others just played against them, and three disciples were injured in the hands of these two devices!"

"He did not dare to let them fight against other disciples. Only he is facing the battle. And Hemou just wants to sacrifice the clavicle ring, the magic weapon of the repair will suddenly hit He's clavicle ring, watching Hemou will be killed there. In the hands of the repairer. A green and red sword light appeared in front of the repair! Hemou can see clearly, the repair is only insisting on two rounds, not the fast and sharp Feijian opponent, the first In the three rounds, Fei Jiandong wore an eyebrow and fell into the air!"

"Until then, the body shape of the confused predecessors appeared outside the ten feet!" He Fangyuan said this, the mouth is full of envy. "Then, the green and red flying swords didn't stop at all, but they flew to another extremely powerful instrument. The repair was more powerful than the previous one. It was covered with blue light, with him. The magic weapon is as hard as it is. Moreover, the speed of this aircraft is also very fast. Well, I am afraid that it is faster than the speed of the Royal Leizong! The instrument of He Mou’s own is almost a man’s hair! However, This device is even more powerful. It is not the enemy of Changbaizong's predecessors. It is only five round trips. Really, that is, five or six round trips. The flying red and blue flying swords are actually very strange. Into the!!! And the magic weapon of the instrument did not touch the predecessor!"

"But, the predecessor is also weird, only repairing these two devices, not waiting for any thank you, but I dare not wait for my life and death, and immediately flew away in another direction!" He Fangyuan laughed, " He was still confused before, but now He knows that the predecessors must have seen the friends of Yu Leizong come over, knowing that I will be able to kill and repair the beast, which will kill the first evil. The other swordsmen left me waiting!"

"Flying red and green flying swords?" Cui Hongyi and other people are showing horror on their faces, all in the heart of the dark road, "is it not a golden brilliance?"

"How? Several friends... Have you seen this Changbai ancestor?" He Fangyuan observed the words and wonders.

"No, I can't wait for that blessing! How can I see this Changbai Zong's predecessor?" Cui Hongyi bite the word "Changbai Zong".

"Well, too! If any predecessor doesn't want me to know his identity, I will not know it naturally!" He Fangyuan nodded and squatted in another direction. "The younger generation, He Fangyuan, just a senior. Come and go in a hurry, never thank you, now the younger generation thanked the predecessors for their help!"

Cui Hongyi and other people looked strange on the face, looking at He Fangyuan Shi Li, they are increasingly unable to understand Xiao Hua at this time.

After waiting for the source, the disciples of the Taiqing dynasty will also pack up the disciples of the disciples, and the storage bags for the repairs and the beasts will also be used!

"Cui Daoyou, you are waiting to help, this ... storage bag or you have to accept it?" He Fangyuan slightly hesitated, very generous hand-waving.

Cui Hongjun smiled and waved: "I waited for help, but the Taiqing dynasty daoyou was out of great strength, and it was a loss of friends. How can I get it? Or is it evenly divided?"

Speaking of this, Cui Hongyi looked away and smiled: "How come there are only seven or eight storage bags? It seems that there are two fewer?"

"Oh, those two storage bags were taken away by the seniors of Changbaizong!" He Fangyuan said with a smile. "If he does not take the old man, He will be more uneasy!"

"Oh, that's good!" Cui Hongjun also laughed. "This way, I will wait for peace!"

Immediately, the Taiqing sects divided the contents of the storage bag evenly and handed them to Zhen Minghui, who also gave it to everyone!

After the completion of the matter, Cui Hongyi vowed: "He Daoyou, I wait... I am afraid to separate, Cui is here to say goodbye!"

"Yeah!" He Fangyuan is also an archer. Look at Xiao Hua. "When the mission is completed, Hemou goes to the residence of Yu Leizong to find Cui Daoyou and Xiao Shidi!"

"Good!" Taiqing sects and Yu Leizong disciples each smiled and flew.

However, just flying a few feet is strange, the original two teams flying in the same direction?

Cui Hongjun looked at He Fangyuan. Both of them had a bitter smile on their faces. After thinking about it, Cui Hongjun smiled and said: "Why do you go to Quanshan Mountain?"

"Ha ha ha, exactly, it is!" He Fangyuan is also laughing. "It’s just a coincidence! I will go there!"

The two disciples were also happy, and they all lined up in a row.

He Fangyuan had a slight chat with Cui Hongjun in the front, and saw Xiao Hua flying in the end, he stopped his body and waited for Xiao Hua to fly.

"Xiao Shidi! I haven't seen you for a long time, you have repaired it... It is also unexpected to He!" He Fangyuan laughed. "He knows that Xiao Shidi will be able to build a foundation smoothly and repair it far beyond He!"

"Oh, nothing!" Xiao Hua smiled. "As long as it is painstaking, God will naturally care!"

"Exactly, exactly!" He Fangyuan lost his smile. "He seems to be really lucky. Every time I meet Xiao Shidi, there will be good things! Last time..."

"Hey, He brother, Xiaomou has already said at the Yuxian Conference. Everything is your own hard work..." Xiao Hua naturally knows what He Fangyuan wants to say and hurries to stop the Tao.

"Yes, yes!" He Fangyuan nodded again and again, but thought about it, and his face showed hesitation, then immediately said, "Xiao Shidi, actually there is something, Hemou wants to talk to the younger brother!"

"Well, let's talk!" Xiao Hua saw his voice, knowing that it was a small one, nodded.

"This matter... it is related to the younger brother, and it is also related to He’s teacher. If he does not participate in this kendo war, He may not be able to explain to Xiao Shidi, but since He has met Xiao Shidi, Xiao Shidi once again helped me, Hemou. I think it should be explained with Xiao Shidi!"

"Ah? What's wrong? Is it the thing of the Yuxian Conference?" Xiao Hua asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Not bad!" He Fangyuan nodded, look at the Taiqing sects in front, still the voice, "Xiao Shidi should know that the magic array of the Yuxian Conference can record images, Hemou built the base within the illusion ... the teacher knows, and... the teacher will summon the past and ask for the details!"

"Is it?" Xiao Hua frowned, not arguing.

"And, Hemou heard that... The teacher also looked for a few disciples who had great strength and tried it... but they didn't succeed!" He Fangyuan couldn't say too straightforwardly and faintly.

"Oh, thank you!" Xiao Hua nodded. "This is what you are, and you have nothing to do with Xiao..."

"Well... there seems to be a disciple who has also built a foundation when fighting with Xiao Shidi?" He Fangyuan said for a moment.

"Yeah!" Xiaohua’s smile on his face, shouting like a real thing, "In fact, it was originally the peak of the 12th layer of refining. Is it still normal for several foundations?" Being repaired to be shallow, can only rely on strength to bully people, the commander of Guimen must be so far-fetched, Xiaomou is also impossible! However, things have been going on for so long, Xiaomou has not encountered anything, presumably the teacher of your door I want to understand too? Of course, Xiao is still thanking He brother."

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