Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1064: Variation of animal repair and instrument repair

Xiao Hua said nothing at all, but the heart really screamed and was alert. Although this is not a special secret of him, if it falls in the eyes of those who are in love, especially in the eyes of the sects of the sects of the Qing Dynasty, it is absolutely more terrible than the secrets of Buddhism and martial arts!

"Oh, don't thank you!" He Fangyuan vowed, "I hope to go to Quanji Mountain with Xiao Shidi, and it will be able to turn around and turn around safely."

"I must be able to!" Xiao Hua secretly thought, and replied casually. "This repair and sword repair is nothing like this. He is so good luck, and of course he will be innocent!"

"Hey, don't mention any repairs and beasts!" Hearing here, He Fangyuan smiled bitterly. "Before coming to the Sky City, Hemou had a few books for his heart, and he did not find the classics of Zongmen. The weakness of the beast repair. However, the weakness was not found, but here he also found that the sword repair is better, this repair and animal repair is actually different from the records recorded in the Zongnei classics!"

“Oh? What is different?” Xiao Huaqi said that he didn’t have time to check the royal books of Yu Leizong. Of course, I don’t know what He Fangyuan said?

"Isn't Xiao Shidi found it?" He Fangyuan looked up and down Xiao Hua. "What is the weirdness of the beast?"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly and spread his hand: "Xiao will be killed by a certain son, but I really didn't pay attention!"

"Xiao Shidi, you... you are really worried!" He Fangyuan really has nothing to say. "You never saw the animal repairs actually... Have you sacrificed the spirits to the flesh?" ?"

"Yes? Is there anything weird? Isn't the beast repair like this?" Xiao Huaqi said.

"Ignorance is fearless!" He Fangyuan sighed and thought about it. "Do you know the spirit of the Xi State?"

"Know!" Xiao Hua nodded. "They raise the spirit beast and fight with it. Xiaomou certainly knows!"

"Well, that's good!" He Fangyuan nodded. "In fact, in my record of the Qing Dynasty, this beast is similar to the Lingzong, but the strength of the beast is more powerful. The order is higher! Moreover, the beast repair is the same as the sword repair, you can send the gods to the spirit beast, you can control the beast more flexibly!"

"Ah??" Until this time, Xiao Hua understood what He Fangyuan said, and he was also amazed and shouted, "Can you? The beast repair you see today... The body is the human body, but the head is the head of the beast!" ”

"This is exactly the case!" He Fangyuan solemnly nodded. "The beast repair actually sacrificed the spirit beast to his own body. This is the symbiosis with the spirit beast. Not only the strength of the monk, but also the natural difference of the beast." Bing. This is far from my Taoist monk!"

"That instrument repair... okay?" Xiao Hua tried.

"Not necessarily!" He Fangyuan shook his head again. "The original repair is also the same as the sword repair. Some people have a sword-in-one cultivation approach! But that's got the realm of the chemical, that is, the same strength as my Tao Zongyuan infant." It’s ok! Just a few repairs, obviously only the strength of the foundation in the middle of the building, can actually connect their flesh with the magic weapon, only one step can be the weapon. This... is simply incredible! What He is puzzled is that they...they seem to have problems in their brains!"

"How do you say?" Xiao Hua asked again.

"The former Changbai Zong's predecessors did not say it. It is normal to kill two devices. It is normal for these repairs and animal repairs to escape!" He Fangyuan explained, "You can wait until Xiao Daoyou and other Royal Leizong." When the disciples came over, they obviously were invincible. According to the statement, they must have escaped. But they simply did not run, and they kept fighting until they finally let us kill them one by one! You said that this is not a strange tight?"

"Well. It's really true!" Xiao Hua really didn't think so much, until He Fangyuan talked about it, this is awakening, these are indeed some inexplicable details!

"Maybe... do they have a mission? Don't dare to leave?" Xiao Hua whispered.

"What can be the task of this remote place?" He Fangyuan shook his head slightly. "Even if you have a task, you must first escape and say it!"

"Maybe they just want to intercept me waiting?" Xiao Hua said casually.

"This, is it impossible?" He Fangyuan said with a smile. "I have been sent from the Sky City. It has been very secretive. I quickly flew to Quanshan Mountain. Even if the tasks of our two teams are the same, they don't know each other. How could they know?"

"Well, He brother said that it makes sense." Xiao Hua nodded and looked at the front. "This should be said to Cui Daoyou, you are the captain of the two teams!"

"Cui Daoyou?" He Fangyuan said, "You... don't call him a brother?"

"This is my family affairs in Wanlei Valley, and there are so many friends!" Xiao Hua waved.

"Okay, okay!" He Fangyuan said with a smile. "No matter what, He is pointing to Xiao Shidi, you can rest assured!"

"Well, just rushing to what Daoyou said, this person Xiao Xiao remember!" Xiao Hua nodded with a smile, and he sent He Fangyuan to the front.

"This is troublesome!" Although Xiao Hua doesn't care about her face, she is embarrassed in her heart. How can he not care about the "care" of Master Tai Qing? That is a more powerful martial art than Yu Leizong. It is estimated that it is because Taiqing is in Mongolia, and Royal Leizong is in Xiguo. Xiaohua has been a ghost in these years. Taiqing’s disciples have not received Xiaohua’s. The news, this did not directly find Xiao Hua. This war of kendo is really bad!

"Hey, low-key, low-key!" Xiao Hua depressed, "Little Master is thinking of a quiet cultivation, all the credits to the seniors of Changbai Zong, but also want to let the young man back?"

"However, what He Fangyuan said... is really weird. If there is any task for the repair of the instrument and the animal repair, then they may be affected by the instrument or the beast, and lose the vigilance and thoughts of the monk!"

Not to mention whether Xiao Hua’s guessing and animal repair have any tasks, far in the west of the Xi country, where the border with the country, the cold wind of Ling Xiao, an emerald green sword is passing over the sky, then Above the Jianguang is a footstep, dressed in a green robe, the swordsman's horns are white, the cheekbones are bulging, and the pale yellow skin does not show any wrinkles. And as the sword light flashes, the swordsman's figure will also sway slightly, the sword will pierce into the air, the wind will be pierced in general, not to mention the faint snow that begins to float, it is difficult to get close A few feet! Between the swordsman's figure and the swaying of the Jianguang from time to time, a blue sword appeared on the sword light!

This swordsman is actually a magic sword!

Just as the Sword Swordsman passed a towering cliff, the sword intended to break the baby's fist-sized icicle above the cliff, and the icicle fell on the cliff. For a long time, I didn't hear any movement, from the front of the swordsman. A flaming red is the brilliance that chased up from behind!

"Hey? Who's flying swords to pass the book?" The swordsman's brows were slightly wrinkled, and his figure was parked in the air. The phantom of the blue sword immediately plunged into his body, and he took a trick, a long-pointed flying sword. Fall in his hands.

Waiting for the swordsman to read the contents of the flying sword, his face changed greatly, almost the sound is very strong: "Stupid! Bad my big thing! Hundreds of deaths are not enough!!!"

Said, the sword light in the hand, the flying sword was actually torn by the sword light in the hands of the swordsman, like a piece of white paper, turned into inch-inch debris, falling from the air!

"This...this can make this sword..." The swordsman bit his teeth and hesitated, seemingly wanting to turn. However, the swordsman stood in the air for a long time, after all, he flew up again and flew forward, but at this time, there was no previous sword light, only the blue figure!

The swordsman flew for a long time and came to a towering ice peak.

But see the ice peak is extremely high, straight into the gloomy sky, it seems to puncture the sky in general, this ice peak is extremely wide, stretching for ten years!

Before the swordsman flew to the ice peak, he did not stop, but flew a meal around the ice peak. In the ice layer, there was a gap of several feet wide!

The swordsman figure hesitated slightly and rushed into the gap. The gap is between the ice peaks, and a great whirlwind is born between the gaps. It seems that the sword can be blown away at once. However, the swordsman's body is shining with the sword, and a blue sword is illusioned. "嗡嗡~" A burst of sound, Jianguang squats, the whirlwind will open, and there will be a moment of silence! And with this moment of silence, Jianguang flashed, the swordsman Yu Jian rushed into the gap!

Out of the gap, the swordsman’s eyes lit up, and a huge lake reflected the eyes of the swordsman! The lake is extremely large and extremely green. The ice peaks surround the huge lake and block the cold winds around! Even a few pale white sunlight emerged from the clouds above the sky, like a huge lightsaber, piercing the lake's surface! The lake is in the sun, not only the greener, but also the sound of the wind. There is no such thing as a huge gem.

The swordsman was not shocked by the wonders in front of him. It seemed to be used to it. He flew straight across the corner of Green Lake and landed on one of the raised walls of the stone wall, standing quietly!

In the vicinity of the stone wall where he stood, not only the rare spirit grass was born, but also the bottom of the stone wall, close to the place where the green lake is located, and each of them is like a fist-sized, similar to the lotus flower, is also full of vitality. The lotus-like spirits exude a burst of fragrance, even if the swordsman stands tall, it can be faintly smelled.

However, the swordsman is absent-minded and does not care at all!

Look at the surrounding of Green Lake, there are dozens of such bulges above the stone wall, and at this time, most of these bulges have stood different swordsmen! Most of these monks are similar to the swordsmen that have just come. They stand quietly and close their eyes. The whole human form is a sly, and each one looks like a sword. The sword is hidden. These swordsmen turned out to be magic swords!

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