Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1070: There is a test between life and death

But when these monks turned around, they were urging their respective instruments to besiege the birds, but they heard a voice: "Jiang brother, younger brother... the younger brother is really sorry..."

With the sound of this sound, a young disciple with a strong body and dressed in the South Mingzong robes, his body shape emerged from a group of monks, rushed through the gap between the two birds, and flew away in the distance!

"Zheng Shuo~you..." A Southern Ming dynasty disciple in the middle of the foundation was screaming, but it was to be scolded, but at this time, the same wave of instruments had to be merged with the disciples of Yu Leizong. A few other disciples suddenly flew out, and rushed straight through the gap between the poultry repairs. They didn’t even say hello, even Zheng Shuo was worse!

"You wait... you wait..." Cui Hongjun was shocked. He really didn't expect to wait for someone to come to the rescue. These disciples actually threw them down and fled!

These disciples did not escape when they fled, and they suddenly provoked the last heart of the monks. Even the most solid monk in the heart was moved. Anyone, in this life and death, must Faced with a test, whether it is for yourself or your own conscience.

Xiao Hua looked coldly, and looked at the poultry repairs that were not attacked. I already understood that this is the intention of the poultry repair. In the past, He Fangyuan said that the beast repair and the instrument repaired the brainless guessing moment. It is not broken.

"Stand up!!" The captains of several factions led the team to be furious and hurriedly shouted.

Unfortunately, they did not shout okay, this voice was called out, and more monks took the opportunity to escape!

Just a moment. Between the gaps surrounded by poultry repairs, there have been dozens of nearly twenty monks fleeing! It is also taking advantage of this opportunity, and the poultry repairs are surrounded by the remaining forty people!

That is to say, Yu Leizong and Tai Qingzong disciples came to replace the positions of these monks, and those monks replaced the chances of Yu Leizong and Tai Qingzong disciples... escaped!

At this time, a Taiqing disciple is really unable to bear it. He took a look at Xiao Hua and looked at it with resentment. The same is not even a greeting, it is the opposite of Xiaohua, a place that looks like a gap, flying will pass!

However, just as he just flew out of the gap, Xiao Hua was anxious: "Come back!"

"The fool just returned!" The disciple's body shape crossed the poultry repair, and the heart was full of joy, but there was spare time, and he replied with a sneer!

unfortunately. Just as he said something, he saw the bird's repair of the four ears on his left. Suddenly it was a flashing figure, it was like a black lightning, rushing to his vest!

"Ah~" The flight speed of the poultry repair is too fast, and the distance from the Taiqing disciple is not far away. The Taiqing disciple is vigilant to the extreme, but he still waits for the bird to be a few feet beside him. The distance is scared to discover!

The sound of the "brush" sounded, and the wings of the bird repaired suddenly swept out. Like a hard and incomparable implement, it was swept toward the neck of the Taiqing disciple!

The instruments in the hands of the Qing dynasty disciples have long been urging, and at this time they did not hesitate to play!

"嗡~" sounds. It is just like the shape of plum blossom! The blossoming petals spread out from the rituals, and the cover is directed to the bird repair that will come over!

That bird repair is simply not hiding, "Ziz" is a muffled sound, the petals burst in the body of the poultry repair, the whole bird repair is covered!

That is a flash of joy in the eyes of the Qing dynasty disciple, it is to force the mana to fly again!

A scream of "嘎", a bird repair that was originally played by the petals. Suddenly opened his mouth, the body is more strangely shaking, immediately broke through the attack of the instrument, and instantly approached the Taiqing sect. At the same time, the prominence is like a bird's mouth suddenly slamming, it is chiseled on the shoulders of the Taiqing sects!

"Ah~" a scream, the mouth of the bird repair actually broke the defense of the Qing dynasty disciple Huang Fu, a large piece of flesh and blood on the shoulders will be torn down, revealing the white bones inside!

Since the Taiqing sect was injured, his body shape has been skewed, slowly falling from the air, and the force is stabilized in midair!

At this time, all the monks who looked at this disciple showed a trace of pity in their eyes, and there was a kind of unbearable meaning!

"Peng!" A loud noise, the place where the Qing Dynasty disciple fell, a huge mace is a sizzling sound of "呜呜", appearing behind him! The ancestral brilliance of the Taiqing sects who had been bitten by the poultry had just been annihilated immediately after touching the mace, and the mace almost hit the head of the Taiqing sect with almost no resistance!

Just like watermelon is smashed, red and white, the **** blood that should be disgusting is collapsed! ! !

All of this happened only in a few breaths. Xiao Hua had time to give a warning, and He Fangyuan simply did not even send out the angry voice. That is too Qing disciple is dead! The broken corpse fell to the ground and was mixed with the former disciples who were degraded!

"Silk!" Taiqing and Yu Leizong all sucked a sigh of relief, finally knowing why there are so many monks surrounded, but no one dares to escape at will!

However, before these people disappeared, there was a weird thing happening!

Opposite the Taiqing sect of the Taizong disciples, another Yu Leizong disciple also rushed to the gap between the two poultry repairs!

"This disciple... is it sick?" The monks are all awkward. After all, the flight speed of the Royal Leizong disciple is fast, but it is just half a quicker than the Taiqing disciple. It is not enough. Beyond the speed of bird repair flight speed!

However, Yu Leizong’s disciple met, and his face flashed doubts!

Yes, it is doubtful, not horror, nor grief and other expressions!

Because this person is not someone else, it is Xiao Hua! ! !

But seeing Xiao Hua's body shape flying, rushing between the gaps between the two birds, the position is very good, it is the middle of the two!

The two birds were naturally staring at the front. When they saw Xiao Hua flying, they all followed the move, but they just flew a little. It was just half a foot and they stopped. Because they saw each other. Moved!

Of course, they stopped at the same time, and they saw that the other party stopped and flew at the same time! However, after flying a foot at the same time, it seems that there is a sense of conscience, and it will stop at the same time! Waiting for the opponent to attack, surrounded by guards!

"Grandma's, is this... is it a play?" If Xiaohua is a monk who is replaced by a fake, the monks in the encirclement will be suspicious that Xiaohua is old with these two birds!

"Hey! Hey!!" At this time, the two poultry repairs are also angry. They seem to be blaming each other. At the same time, the two don't hesitate any more. They all agitate their wings and slap Xiao Hua in the left and right of Xiao Hua!

“哎哟~” Xiao Hua seems to be as scared as the Taiqing sects. In the face of the sudden abduction of the birds, it is very fearful. Even the implements are not sacrificed. One hand, dozens of fireballs are played out!

"The rumbling" burst of loud noise, this fireball is actually the best, set off the heat wave! The instruments of the Taiqing sects are very powerful! Unfortunately, Xiao Hua is faced with poultry repair, a bird repair known for his body skills. This superb fireball symbol is just a few pieces of the feathers of two poultry repairs, not only can not kill two people, but also provoke Moved the anger of two people!

"嘎嘎~" Two angry voices of the birds, two birds repaired from the fire, lightning-like squatting to Xiaohua's shoulders!

Look at Xiao Hua, his body is falling, he wants to avoid the attack of two poultry repairs, and under him, a giant also lifted a mace, ready to hit Xiao Hua to his ass! ! !

"Live it!" This is the idea of ​​all the monks except the Royal Leizong disciple and He Fangyuan. Even the other disciples in the Qing Dynasty have a hint of refreshment!

In their eyes, Xiao Hua, who was in the early days of building a foundation, is already a dead person. In the face of two poultry repairs and a giant, it is in such a passive situation. Even if the late monks in the foundation are afraid to escape, why not escape?

Just as everyone's mind was alive again, and the eyes were taken away from Xiao Hua, and when Xiao Hua was next to the gap that was vacated by the two birds, the golden light flashed in front of everyone! Then I heard Xiaohua yelling: "Grandma's, dare to play the old man's ass! I have to look at it, it is your strength, or the strength of Laozi!"

Then, in the eyes of everyone, Xiao Hua suddenly slammed a two-foot-long, ordinary stick with a thick bowl of mouth, and in his hands, he took a very fancy stick flower in his hand, and then he faced the huge wolf. The stick hits the drums!

"呜~~" This is the giant's big, like the waist of an adult's waist, dancing the mace! The sound of this whistling sound is so great that it will cover up the rest of the world, even if the giants sway on the ground above the earth!

The sound of the wind above the natural Xiaohua stick is also concealed, or there is no wind on the stick of Xiao Hua.

When a group of monks heard the wind and looked at Xiaohua again, they couldn’t understand why the two bird repairs suddenly fell from the air. Although there seems to be no damage, two birds can be seen in the mind. Nothing is alive!

"What is going on here!" When they were in Nahan, He Fangyuan’s eyes showed a splendid color. He did not have confidence in Xiao Hua. Just like now, Xiao Hua wants to compete with the giants. He firmly believes in Xiao Hua. Will not fall to the bottom! But just fighting with two poultry repairs, um, or wanting to escape from two poultry repairs, he does not have any confidence in Xiao Hua! Naturally, He Fangyuan has been staring at Xiao Hua. He has a kind of involuntary conviction in his heart. He firmly believes that Xiao Hua is not the kind of monk who fled without fighting!

Sure enough, when He Fangyuan’s eyelids were slightly stunned, the golden light was thrown out of Xiao Hua’s hands, and he did not see where the golden light came from! It seems that...just a silhouette of a dragon, just a flash of gold, passed between the necks of the two incomparable birds, and then the sound of the two birds did not shine. Falling in the air!

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